Guild Wars 2 - Idea: Time stamps on Maps

Idea: Time stamps on Maps

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 10:40 AM PDT

A point of discussion to some has been recently how the Living Story is used to progress time in the GW2 Universe, and by opening maps in the "future" this has allowed for immersion of such.

I would add a great way to make this clear to newer players, and just to add some flavour which I doubt would take a lot of time:

  • Add the date to each map as it's taking place. It can range from the month to the year, and although years in the GW2 universe are different, they still following an upward progression.

For example, in the Maps where the personal story begins you could have "Queensdale 1325 AE" on the map when you hover over it AND on the loading screen or any other area the name appears. Then if you had "Lake Doric 1330 AE", it would clearly indicate to players who might start the personal story then run into Lake Doric for whatever reason, that it's been 5 years. This would also help indicate certain things in Kessex Hills (before and after) and the time stamps could carry over to instances to provide perspective.

It's such a simple touch that could do a lot for understanding of the events in a timeline for those that missed it, and it would have other benefits:

  • Such as when you pick up in game lore text, and it has a date, you no longer go "Wow that sounds old." and go "Ohhh thats like 10 years before now!"

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/De_Baros
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[Short Parody] Let me buff you...

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:28 AM PDT

Five Portal Bombs in WvW

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:13 AM PDT

Working as intended

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 02:26 PM PDT

A Bunch of Cowards Play Courtyard

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:22 PM PDT

I used to brush aside complaints about legendary armour, but then crafted light leggings myself and was left disappointed :(

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:55 AM PDT


  • The "flash" on combat stance is always white, so you gonna have a hard time if you want to mix and match. And even if you don't mix and match but go another non-white colour scheme, it will still look messy. BTW, there is no such animation in the preview window, so hope you checked the YouTube videos beforehand.
  • The shovel tail, indeed, makes no sense neither visually nor thematically. It's "Envoy" armour, so why that tail? It doesn't even match the spikey crystals which are a big part of the theme.
  • The crystals and shiny parts, indeed, are barely dyeable. You need very vibrant (expensive) dyes, and you still get that white shine bleed which breaks the look when mixing with other skins.
  • Only 3 dye slots - even outfits have 4. Want that extra colour accent to match, say, the backpack or the weapon? No luck.
  • Low resolution textures on the skirt part, and it's not even on charr. My really old backpack looks crisper than it, and I always disliked how dated that book's model looks (despite spellbooks looking awesome on casters).
  • If you do not wear the chestpiece (and I really dislike how the light female chestpiece looks), then no pretty back effect on combat stance for you.
  • If you want to avoid the flash and the tail, you can't use the lower tiers because they have some weird "rubber" material.


  • This is always problematic for shipped skins, but... rework the tail. Seriously, even something like this would've been better than cosplaying a shiny shovel knight.
  • And/or let us have 2 more independent skins: permanent "combat" mode, permanent "idle" mode.
  • Rework how the crystals get dyed (IIRC it's being looked into already).
  • Add another dye slot. I'm conflicted between dyeing that white flash (and not sure if other items have free slots for it) and more complex dye patterns on the skin.
  • Increase texture resolution on the skirt part.
  • Convert the back effect which is tied to the chestpiece into an infusion.
submitted by /u/Lishtenbird
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new tree-dwelling moa species discovered!

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:55 PM PDT

The new GuildMag Issue 19 - Very interesting read!

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 10:09 AM PDT

Hey Guild Wars 2 fans,

I figured it would be cool to post this here since I really love the new Guild Mag that has been released today. It has a little bit of everything: some lore, some story speculation (very interesting!), super cool fashion wars tips, a mighty interesting interview with that_shaman and last but not least features really awesome community art. So pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee and head over to

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Cheers :)

submitted by /u/lance2355
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We need fewer outrageous outfits and more plain clothes

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 07:45 PM PDT

Look at that amazing giant frost covered spiky armor of doom with the flames and sparks coming off it! How cool is that!? And the one kinda like it but different right next to it is so cool too! And hey that guy next to him has one that's similar. It's cool. And...that other ones cool too I guess. Oh another one...

Now don't get me wrong, I love the look of...well...MOST armors(even the 80 trenchcoat skins) but...

How many trench coats/spike armor/shiny effects can you have before the novelty/creativity runs dry?

Can we get some more "plain" in game merch? Where's the arenanet t-shirt? The ripped jeans? Ok maybe no ripped jeans. But the baseball cap I got at launch is still my favourite piece of clothing after all this time. Yes I've seen the hats and glasses but I think there's way more potential for things some call "plain".

I don't think I'd spend 1500 gems on an outfit but I'd definitely spend 1500 total on a few smaller items 100, 200 etc each. I'm sure others are in the same boat.

FYI: I still have my IRL guild wars t-shirt and if we ever get one of those in game I promise I'll delete the thousands of hooves in my bank/mules.

submitted by /u/brobrobro00
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Complete Living World Season 2 Cinematic Recap

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:32 PM PDT

A few months ago I was inspired by the living world season 1 movie that was posted a while back and saw that there was nothing I could find similar to it for season 2. So, I decided to make it myself and today I finished the series.

If you want to check it out you can find the playlist here.

Feedback would be great as well as I also did this project to teach myself Davinci Resolve, and I am planning on making a season 3 recap and possibly a HoT recap at some point.

submitted by /u/Smokey42356
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Dragon Stand vs 30 Raid Zerg

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:30 AM PDT

Its called META for a reason! 6 Raid Meta subgroups in Dragon Stand? What could go wrong?

Group DPS was 680K for those who are interested

submitted by /u/Jaffas_Reddit
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Livia: Kingslayer

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:31 PM PDT

Lonely in Tyria

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:13 PM PDT

I rly loved to play guild wars and I rly enjoyed gw2, but after 5 years all of my friends quitted the game... The guilds I joined weren't that great, more like big a gathering of players and everyone just uses them for their own advantage... I used to play in a small family like guilds, though this seems to be kind of difficult in gw2...

So is anyone out there with the same kind of problem...? '

submitted by /u/egon1337
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NA can't play with EU friends?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 07:13 PM PDT

I tried searching, but all the topics about this were over a year old. I'm in the US, have a friend who's on the EU server, and we just want to play together. Is this still not possible? :( Not sure if there has been any progress made towards this, or if it's not really seen as an issue due to the constraints and etc.

submitted by /u/JaffGiraffe
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Deimos Kiting Optimized - Chronomancer

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 01:40 AM PDT

After trying to optimize the Ventari Revenant hand kiting role, I've realized that giving alacrity to the group with the tablet while starving myself of sustain could be done better on the Chronomancer. PoV:

Why Chrono? You can summon three shield phantasms to give alacrity to your team which will give around 20% more alacrity to your team than a Rev who purposefully gives a large portion of his sustain in alacrity with the tablet to others. Compare the alacrity uptime of the DPS in these logs of two Rev kiters and the first couple times I play Chrono. Also the excess alacrity you give to Saul will increase the amount of times he uses the 200% damage debuff on the boss.

Rev: Chrono:

Ok well now you may be asking how does Chronomancer even kite? It is pretty easy to do it with the minstrels chaos/inspiration build which heals you every time you cast a mantra, and just using the healing mantra and mantra of pain. However you gain 600 toughness while casting mantras so you will need to have very low base toughness to not pull aggro from the tank. Getting around 1400 toughness with a mix of minstrels and magis gear should be enough considering mantra of pain's low cooldown will give you plenty of sustain.

The build would look like this

You can give the alacrity well to your team, and use precognition on yourself paired with blurred frenzy to ensure you keep the aegis for Deimos' global nuke. Start the fight by continuum splitting your shield phantasm and then blocking the first smash so you have three shield phantasms out, then you just spam mantra of pain for a whopping 500 dps. Make sure you use precognition to save any people who might miss out on the bubble and then block yourself with shield. Use time warp and precog on your team in the last 10% to maintain their DPS.

Here is my PoV again showing those mechanics:

Revenant kiter is still usable of course, especially in pugs because of the ease in which you can survive with it and simply do your job, but a truly optimized kiter will be giving as much support to their team as possible while doing their job.

submitted by /u/b2therye
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What do servers think of each other?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:53 PM PDT

Been playing a lot of wvw lately and a thought has come to mind.. what do servers think of each other? By this i mean what server is considered a meme and what is considered a housing of the gods.

Leave your server after your post so people can shit talk. Mine is "henge of denravi" gogogogogogogo

submitted by /u/sweatygarbage
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CPU Bottleneck?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:00 PM PDT

Hi! Im running a i7-4770k (not overclocked)with a GTX 1070 16GB RAM and getting 20-30fps in LA. Is this game that CPU intensive or am I being bottle necked?

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/SamSnoozer
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Teleport to Friend - LS3 Maps?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 07:37 PM PDT

So yesterday I used a teleport to friend who was in Lake Doric and it put me in Lion's Arch. Strange, since it worked when I used it on another friend in Bitterfrost Frontier, but I don't own either of those LS chapters. Is it meant to be like that? Is Bitterfrost Frontier the only map I can get into without unlocking the story?

submitted by /u/ideas_are_like_cream
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[Question] Guild mission sPvp top stats won't give award.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:41 PM PDT

I had 4 people from my guild who were currently repping in the game (normal conquest, not ranked) and we got a total of 6 top stats.

I'm 100% sure I started the mission before the que popped :3

Edit: I'll try this as a guild team tomorrow night and it'll probably work, sounds promising. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Digital-Arts
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I've convinced my uncle to try Guild Wars 2, and assuming I'll only have an hour or two to convince him to keep playing, what stuff should I show him?

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 09:24 PM PDT

Title pretty much. He played WoW for a long time and loved it. I want to show him that Guild Wars 2 is the perfect game for him because it can be played casually (he has a lot less time to play than before).

submitted by /u/BitofaCrit
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I'm really envious of new players

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 10:12 PM PDT

I was going through the whole level up thing for my final 80, been playing since launch and i go through slow because i like to explore everything. Everything was routine, in and out in no time just cus i've done it 8 times before, and have shown numerous friends the routes and take and watch them go through everything the first time.

My final character made it seem really special though. I was going through queensdale, and saw all the new players seeing everything for the first time. Just remembering what it was like for me, and thinking that they were the same way. I loved everything i saw and experienced. Now that i've been through the whole map numerous times, i can't experience things the way they do. Sure there's things that i can still see for the first time that i hadn't noticed before. But it's not as frequent as before. I really miss that feeling. Just figured i should share, i hope others feel the same.

submitted by /u/Feety96
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Is there a way to see what recipes all the pack supply agents have each day?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:18 PM PDT

Most Efficient AR Progression?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:59 PM PDT

I am at about 40 AR right now. Just starting T2 and will move through T3 and T4 as quickly as I can, adding some missing ascended as I go.

My question is: what's the most efficient way to increase my AR? Should I buy just the infusions I need as I go for the fractals I am doing? Should I increase each trinket/armor/item AR to its max one at a time? Should I use the fractal tool to extract infusions and use them as I go doing upgrades?

What's the most efficient and cost effective, or does it really matter?

submitted by /u/ksuvalk
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Returning player: Some direction needed

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:59 PM PDT

Hi all, started playing GW2 since pre-start and stop playing it like 2 years ago because of connection quality, now i'm back on track having my usual cable connection :). Anyways, already checked sidebar guides and dulfy site too, but there's so much content added to the game since then that i feel lost. Need some pointers to what i should focus first. I only have base game, is it worth buying HoT now or is there another expansion planned ahead? Thanks in advance

Edit: EU client, from Portugal just in case there's any PT player here it even better a PT guild :)

submitted by /u/Kedo_
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