Learn Dota 2 - I climbed from 2k mmr to 2.6k in ~3 weeks and now I've hit a plateau.

I climbed from 2k mmr to 2.6k in ~3 weeks and now I've hit a plateau.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:11 PM PDT


I stopped playing ranked as soon as I reached 2k in fear that I would drop back to 1k, and after I regained some courage I started spamming Storm and got to 2.6k very quickly, before hitting a plateau. I stopped spamming Storm, and thankfully I find that I haven't forgotten how to play other heroes. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I'm just doing what I did until now and it suddenly stopped working, so I was hoping you guys could help me out to find my mistakes. I've also noticed that this bracket is a lot more toxic, I've maintained PMA all the way to the mmr I'm currently at and this bracket is making even me rage (I've snapped and flamed my teammates maybe once or twice during my whole climb from 600 mmr to 2.5k, and now I'm snapping almost every game due to the multiple arguments in-between my teammates every game.) Also, looking at my last 5 losses it really feels like it was purely my team's fault for losing (even though I know I'm not better than them, I just can't help having these thoughts,) like the TA game where Sven and Lc argued all game and tilted and died while I tried to keep PMA for the whole team, or the Void game where I had a 4-13 mid, a 6-16 offlane Sven and a "support" Jakiro who kept stealing my jungle camps and placed 3 wards total. I was hoping someone could tell me how much I suck to help me get over this Dunning Kruger effect.

submitted by /u/StfuAndPlayDota
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When to buy Heart or Satanic?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 01:57 PM PDT

What type of heroes would prefer heart or satanic, and what situations would you buy them under?

submitted by /u/Narwhalbaconguy
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Getting back into DoTA2

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 10:04 AM PDT

Hi, I stopped playing dota probably 2 years ago. My ending MMR was ~3k. How should I go about re-entering the game? I don't want to play against normal people since I don't wanna drag my team down. I've played some mobas recently but it's mostly been hots.

submitted by /u/padimus
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3.8k and above Zeus spammers, can you tell me the reasoning behind starting items?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 07:41 AM PDT

Played a lot of Zeus games over the weekend and honestly need some guidance on starting items.
Please comment on my thoughts and guide me in the right direction. Please explain why, if you can.

  • Bottle is way too expensive and does not provide that much mana. Rune control feels weak as well (other mid heroes have more impact with runes). Is it better to just buy other items? If so, what?
  • Clarities are good but take way too long and can be cancelled by unexpected roamers/supports.
  • Loving mangoes at the moment but it costs too much.
  • Null talisman at the start feels underwhelming. Do you agree or is it a must?
  • Teardrops yay or nay?

tl;dr = please tell me what items to buy early game
for context I like to build Veil first to contribute the most in a fight.

submitted by /u/PM_ME_YR_PUFFYNIPS
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What the...?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:27 PM PDT

Can someone analyze my replay please?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 11:46 AM PDT


I played the omniknight in the game.

the only reason i was stomping early game was because of the riki and slark's stupidity of thinking they can kill me. the only reason we won was because in the final moments we really pushed as a team which i think we were lacking the whole time while people on both sides kept feeding each other like crazy in the mid game.

Can please someone tell me what went wrong in the mid game i really don't understand as to why when we were stomping so hard early, we kept throwing so many kills in the mid game

Also, pardon for my reeeealy low skill bracket.

thanks in advance

submitted by /u/chainImail
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How to play the Rubicks Cube?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:49 AM PDT

I've started to spam the Rubicon a lot next to my trusty fire bird. But I'm unsure of a stable way to play him. I started with the Torte De Lini guide for starting items and the skills and itemization were just on me. However, the guide suggests wind lace when I almost never buy Euls early. So I have started picking up boots if wards are gone, if not I pick up some GG branches. As for itemization, I typically go force staff first then glimmer or blink based on the situation. Sometimes I get blink first if it's a stomp. I do get Euls in some cases, but not always. How can I perfect my Rubicon.

submitted by /u/Blizzy_the_Pleb
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critique my invoker

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:31 PM PDT

Ok so here we go typically I go wex exort as qw seems to be out of the meta, usually go midas. But sometimes i feel its better to skip it if I lost the lane? Aghs is always my second big item. I'm seem to be fairly decent landing combos when I have aghs, and am decent at using all of my spells, but sometimes I will get lost in farming that aghs and get criticized for not fighting. So maybe i am missing the balance. I try to watch a lot of pro games, ana sumail miracle invokers, and other than just being better than me seems to come down to being at the right place with the right supports and then beating them down. also I have a massively hard time with invoker coming back after losing my lane. game 1 3318614065 game 2 3318552548 game 3 3318506264

submitted by /u/DoctorDickie13
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Cold Streaks

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 01:57 PM PDT

I've dropped from 4.4k to 4k these past few weeks. The highest I've reached was 4.8k and that was about 3 months ago. How tf do I get out of this cold streak? Do I just take a break? I normally play the mid lane and I would say I perform consistently well but like every player, I do have a shit game. Any tips someone could give me?
Thanks so much!

submitted by /u/peachyjuice
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Are there folks roaming around who *enjoy* coaching?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:02 AM PDT

I mean people who main the POS6 support or at least do it a good portion of their time without being paid? Just curious if there's a discord they congregate in for summoning or something like that. I've been watching the Day9/Purge videos lately and thinking "hot damn, I could play like a madman if someone was just sitting there telling me what to do!"

I also don't want to waste someone's time or go around begging for favors, so it would ideally be someone who gets enjoyment out of the process.

About me: I've been playing about 3 years with a little less than 600 games with humans and the rest with bots (mostly) or special game modes. I put off ranked for a long time and calibrated at about 2k to see where I stood, put it off for longer, and have managed to go up a couple hundred points this battle pass season. I started off playing mostly supports, but when I read that climbing is easier when carrying your team as a core, I tried that and it seems to be working. Still play supports when needed. My playstyle pentagon is maxed out on versatility, so perhaps I should focus on getting better with a few heroes.

I'm actually still climbing slowly, but I just got so envious of Day9 and not having my own Navi warning me of impending ganks.

I know I suck pretty bad and make glaring errors in judgment or clicking almost every game. It's hard to pin down one specific game to ask questions on. I think I need help getting my internal flow-charts developed so I can start playing more situations and heroes by instinct instead of doing things late/wrong/not-at-all and getting flamed. Here's the dotabuff!


submitted by /u/kniq86
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Need help about safe lane

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:24 AM PDT

So i play safelane carry these past few weeks, im 2k mmr player and i have problem in laning phase. I need advice or any kind of suggestions with this kind of situations: i play lets say luna/am/spectre/jugg on safelane vs lets put these two bristleback and sand king, and i try to farm my lane creeps but it is hard to do so early vs those heroes. usually when support who comes with me on lane go away after 2 min because they cant do anything, i guess they just give up and leave me alone vs those two heroes. what do i need to do to farm in this kind of situation. tldr: carry vs 2 offlane, without supports, how to farm?

submitted by /u/gregor1950
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What are some mechanics that I shouldn't focus?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 07:07 AM PDT

Just like the title says,as a 3.5k player what are some things that happen during the game that i shouldnt "study" or give much importance?Things like attack animation or collision size.Of course, eventually i will have to learn those things but im asking for mechanics that dont make much difference in the 3k bracket.

submitted by /u/tiago1500
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Attack Speed/Movement speed Monkey King

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:36 AM PDT

So now that Monkey King seems more viable as a core, could basing him around attack speed work, to allow him easy stacks of jingu? Going like windlace, phase, drums, echo, S+Y, Butterfly, and then Skadi/abyssal? Would this even be viable or is it better to just get the damage items like deso on him? Would the attack speed work with his ultimate? I just really like the idea of carry Monkey King, and would like a new way to play him apart from desolator.

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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Questions on Skywrath

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:57 AM PDT

Played my first game as Skywrath recently in single draft, and I did awful.


There are a million things I did wrong, mostly positioning errors, didn't pull and stack as much as I should have etc. I was also really tired and wasn't taking the game very seriously. Started the game at 2 am, and it ended up going for nearly 90 minutes. Probably shouldn't have queued for this game in the first place lol. Most of the errors I made I can identify myself so I'm not looking for a review of this game specifically. This game has definitely piqued my curiosity on the hero though.

My question is more on the theory of playing him and his combos. I'm mostly interested in supporting, but would like to try him mid as well at some point. Zoning in lane I understand. His Q is extremely spammable and does high damage. After the laning phase though, what do you do?

Obviously you want to get an atos, and stay in the back lines spamming your spells, but what's the proper order? Is it always the same order, or would you change the order depending on the situation? How to you increase the likelihood of hitting your ult? Atos worked all right, but I feel like i'm missing something or thinking about it the wrong way to make it really work.

submitted by /u/Snortallthethings
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What to do when I dont know what to do

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:04 AM PDT

More often than not it happens that everyone on my team is on a different part of the map and everyone wants to do different things or everyone just wants to farm and is afraid to take action. How to deal with such situations?

submitted by /u/Maiev_Shadowsong
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After a long time of not playing, I decided to give it another try.

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 10:55 PM PDT

Stopped playing around the time Winter Wyvern was ported to Dota 2, and even back then I was pretty shit (1.5k MMR shit). Despite this, I kinda kept up with the game, reading patch notes and all that.

Recently I decided to give it yet another try. Any massive changes to meta and other things that I should know about?

Also, I have serious trouble farming. I usually get lost midway through the match, get my items way too late, and by the time the match ends, I'm like 10 levels behind everyone else.

Besides that, any general tips will do.

Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/38892174

submitted by /u/JohnySkarr
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Naga roaming

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:11 AM PDT

So i ended up in a game that was carry heavy despite me 2nd picking naga, so i said F*** it and just roamed on her and well it was amazing.

Since that particular game i've been experimenting with pos 4 naga and its been so much fun. The idea is you max ensnare and just make midlane hell for the opponent, rotating to get bounty runes then ganking the saflane, back mid rinse and repeat.

I generally go Helm of Dominator into greaves then aghs, late game you can add solar crest/halberd or scythe. Try it out sometime.

submitted by /u/saffagaymer
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Is Visage a good midlaner in 1k mmr?

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 08:33 PM PDT

I am currently in 1k MMR, and i love playing as midlane Visage, but people mostly argue with me because they say "how can the support be mid?", but i do not play Visage as a support, i play him as a Semi-Carry.

And when they let me go mid, when i am against heroes like Invoker, Pudge and Shadow Fiend, most of the times i win the lane (and if my team isn't feeding all the time, i win the game).

I am aware of Visage's counters, so i do not pick him (most of the time) against heroes like Axe, Bristleback, Ursa, etc...

Here are my matches if you want to see... https://www.dotabuff.com/players/410286217/matches?hero=visage

Is Visage a good midlaner?

submitted by /u/MagnetFlux
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