Fallout - Fallout Vault Birthday Cake

Fallout Vault Birthday Cake

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 02:09 AM PDT

Went on vacation to Vegas, then drove to LA, something about this looked familar...

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 12:55 PM PDT

Fallout 2 Shenanigans (nsfw)

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 01:46 PM PDT

Vrisa (my named Chosen One) the tribal has-

  •  Pissed off and then slaughtered 20 slavers, 
  •  Had sex with an old man for a key, 
  •  Killed a rat god, 
  •  Pissed off an entire city [and had to reload otherwise would have annihilated one quest central city], 
  •  Met a big ass 12-foot mutant, 
  •  HAD A SHOTGUN WEDDING BECAUSE Vrisa liked a guy and they had sex but was caught by the dad and so we had a shotgun wedding and now he WON'T LEAVE her ALONE AND CALLS her 'SEX PISTOL', 
  •  REUNITED a trader with his daughter, 
  •  Pissed off a crime family, was then forgiven, 
  •  Pissed off some ghouls, 
  •  Covered a town in yucky mess, 
  •  Did I mention Vrisa also extorted someone for the fake promise of drugs, 
  •  And also… Somehow managed to be taken prisoner by Slags (underground people) 
submitted by /u/redking76
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Tale of Two Wastelands is amazing.

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 06:36 AM PDT

I grabbed Fallout 3 and New Vegas during the last sale as I only had them on console before that. I installed TTW and I was blown away. It's amazing being able to play through both games and even use mods. Bravo to the dev team, they did amazing work.

submitted by /u/j2k3k
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TiL RadAway is (sort of) real

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 02:59 PM PDT

It's called "Prussian Blue" and is used as an antidote for some forms of radiation poisoning.

Obviously there's also the much more commonly known Iodine Tablets which are similar to Rad-X. Just thought it was cool to share this small thing I found on the internet with fellow Fallout fans.

submitted by /u/Trini_Gamer10
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I basically spent $30 on a laser rifle replica.

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 05:44 PM PDT

This months loot crate was advertised to have this http://i.imgur.com/ZcHAAcn.jpg and o couldn't pass it up. Worth it.

submitted by /u/bang_Noir
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How would you feel about fallout 1/2 remakes in the style of modern fallouts?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 03:30 AM PDT

I know the chances that this ever happens are slim to none, but I find the idea of playing them in 3rd/1st person appealing (especially driving the Highwayman lol). What are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/ManInBlack707
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Guy attempts to retell New Vegas's story from memory after not having played through the story in years

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 06:05 PM PDT


Saw this live on stream and thought it would be fun to post to this subreddit once it was on YouTube. He mentioned on stream he hadn't played through the story of New Vegas in about 4 years and I feel it shows hilariously in his story.

submitted by /u/fingered_
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What if the Next Fallout was in Hawaii?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 02:34 PM PDT

It could take place around Honolulu and Pearl Harbor. This would provide Urban areas and Tropical regions for gameplay. Parts of the city could have been flooded over the years. Imagine navigating across makeshift buildings and debris between destroyed skyscrapers and skeletal steel frames, climbing up huge towers, jumping between rooftops while fighting raiders, or navigating a maze of bridges, collapsed beams, and raider forts hundreds of feet above deadly waters. What if the waters were infested with things similar to Gatorclaws, giant mutated snapping turtles, and Radsharks. The atmosphere would feel hot and humid, navigating through tropical jungles under a blazing sun. Speaking of Creatures, a giant snapping turtle would be awesome. Imagine it's shell literally being invincible, with bullets bouncing off and lasers reflecting into random directions. It could maybe become invincible for a few seconds by hiding in its shell. It would be a slow moving, high health, heavy hitting tank of a creature. Radsharks and other fish would add danger to going in the waters. I think something like a Gatorclaw that has to stay on all fours would be a great enemy, too. The people in this game could be interesting. Their could be civilized groups who have rebuilt a town in a part of Honolulu, to be the "Diamond City" of the game. There could be tiki style tribals deep in the jungles, who use bows and spears and believe in crazy rituals. Paramilitary groups formed due to the amount of military tech in the area, the list could go on. The Factions could also be a very interesting point in the game.The Brotherhood could show up halfway through the game like in Fallout 4 on a rebuilt and modified battle ship. They would actually have a reason to go to Hawaii because there may be loads of Pre-War military tech, as the US would probably use the islands to watch for a Chinese invasion by the sea. The old US may have turned Pearl Harbor back into an actual military base for this reason, meaning the Brother Hood would have a prime spot to set up. Or Enclave remnants could have used the area as a base in the aftermath of Fallout 2, starting to recruit locals and becoming a real powerhouse group in the area. One thing I'd like is the chance to be evil. I want evil factions, maybe a group of well equipped slavers/raiders could be a joinable faction to end the game with. If Brotherhood and Enclave forces are their, I'd like to be able to join them too. It would also be nice to have factions that you don't have to go all the way with. Similar to the guilds in Skyrim. I'd also love to join Tribals, because I just like tribals. I imagine the start of the game to be like this: You wake up on a bed in the under part of a boat. You go over to a mirror and design your character. You hear a knock on the cabin door, walk over and open the door. Their is an old man standing there who asks you to confirm some information. At this point you can enter your name, special stats, and traits. He thanks you for your confirmation and for coming on the expedition. Then, you hear a large bang and the boat shakes. You rush up the stairs and see your ship has been caught in a huge storm. A large beam from the ship falls and you blackout as it hits you. You wake up in the wreck of your ship, all other survivors are dead. Next to you their is a small and slightly smashed crate. You reach in, pull out a pip-boy, and start your adventure. The shipwreck would have some supplies, such as some early game weapons, stimpaks, and radaway. (Obviously with some junk too) I want a perk and skill system in this game. Skills would be like repair, Automatics, Pistols, Shotguns, Explosives, heavy weapons, thrown weapons, survival, sneak, non automatic rifles, speech, barter, and other things. Perks would be like Cannibal, bloody mess, intimidation, animal friend, wasteland whisperer, night person, solar powered, ghoulish, and things that add a new element to gameplay.

But do you like my ideas? What would you add to this?

submitted by /u/BedHeadMarker
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Who's your favorite robot in the series?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 07:03 AM PDT

I was originally going for Drinking Buddy ("A blind man walks into a bar...and a chair...and a table...") but ED-E is too adorable.

submitted by /u/NukeTheCola
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What are your thoughts on the changes of the power armor made by Bethesda?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 03:59 PM PDT

I know that the power armor is suppose to be the best armor in the Fallout universe. But I'm glad they went out of their way to change it (it's not that great but it's a start). If the power armor would've went by the lore (The armor's fussion core would've been unlimited) then the power armor would've been the armor everyone will be wearing throughout the game. Do you like what Bethesda has done to the power armor, do you hate what they've done it, the power armor should've stayed where it was before or change it?

submitted by /u/yoamloco
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My Fallout 4 is fucked up ples help

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 11:37 AM PDT

A friend of mine let me family share FO4 to try it out, and I liked it enough to buy it during a sale. As soon as I did this the entire game went to shit and 99% of textures in my game turned purple. I already tried uninstalling all my mods, verifying game integrity, fresh reinstall, updating drivers. Literally nothing worked, what the hell do I do?


submitted by /u/DedricPrice
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How do you get to New Vegas from Goodsprings?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 06:30 AM PDT

I want to know how some people did this, or do this if you make multiple games. Most people I would assume might try going through the deathclaws at the start to no prevail then just followed the games directions but I was wondering if anyone had another way to get there. My favourite way is to sneak in between the valley of deathclaws and black mountain then through hidden valley, after that it's a strait shot to the strip with at most a few raiders for enemies. I usually do the goodsprings Ringo quest or just go before that so I'm usually level 1 or 2 when I get there. Do the kings quest and it boosts me to level 6 then I'm in New Vegas.

submitted by /u/DJSmells
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wow please tell me im not the only one that didnt realize they were infected with the mole rat disease

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 05:14 PM PDT

i feel like such a dumbass lol. the game tells you "hey these molerats are diseased and theres only one cure" but it didnt occur to me whether id been infected or not and i wasnt careful fighting them and gave the cure to the boy without a thought. to be fair it was 4am and i was just thinking of getting curie and then going to bed. -10 hp permenently isnt a huge deal but the constant pill icon being on the screen is annoying. im sure you can just spawn a second cure with console commands but im on ps4. not the end of the world or anything but still. w h y

submitted by /u/vidoxi
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[Fo4] Can you recommend any mods that allows for a non-linear path through the game, without any concern to the main quest?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 07:15 AM PDT

For example, this Skyrim mod allows you to choose your own starting location, your starting gear, and if you want to follow the main quest line or not.

Does similar mods exist for Fo4? If so, which do you recommend?

submitted by /u/munch-ing
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I want to get the vault boy tattooed onto me but im not sure which perk of him I want. Suggestions?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 11:58 AM PDT

Animations not working

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 01:41 PM PDT

So recently I uninstalled the pip pad mod, and after that I went into the console and equipped the pip boy. Later on, I was trying to get into vault 88, but the animation to plug the pip boy into the door controls did not play. My character would just stand there and nothing happens for a few seconds.

I also just realized that I cant exit my power armor for the same reason. My character will just stand in the armor for a few seconds and nothing happens.

Any ideas on what's going on?

Here is what the bug looks like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ardiTJLu4Ak

I have now tried to uninstall the game, reinstall, and verify game integrity and the bug is still present.

submitted by /u/Morbidus_Angel
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[FO4] The General's Quarters - Vanilla Settlement Home ( Full albums in comments )

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 04:41 AM PDT

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

This home has been built purely within the settlement building interface and without tampering with the Creation Kit or using any mods except for Settlements Expanded, which made it pretty challenging.

As some of you know, the elevators from the Contraptions Workshop DLC are not compatible with concrete structure snapping ( Or anything save for Warehouse form what I've heard ), so I've had to design it uniquely revolving around the snapped floors to the elevators, which resulted in some interesting developments, such as it's general shape and the 5th rooftop floor. The second challenge was routing electricity everywhere as least conspicuously as possible, and I couldn't resort to any walling tricks since I had limited space to work with in my chosen square plot.

That was accomplished through two small, sealed rooms at ground floor currently housing a huge amount of Small Generators since that was the most space/power efficient ( And I'm actually not high level enough to get the Fusion Core Generator ), with two pass-through-wall conduits to the main ground floor - one of which connects directly to the elevator and therefore it's always on, and another one which connects to a switch, which then connects to a floor conduit system running along the edges of the whole room in a square, with outlets connected to a walled power conduit ( Placed very low, right next to the floor and the lines themselves ) at an interval of every 2 walls, to provide total power coverage for lighting and other appliances. For the upper floors, a pass-though-wall ( only used here because of it's shape ) is placed right at the brim of the elevator to the right, and then elevator's outlet is connected through the gap in the shaft, so that the conduit receives a link to the generators from the elevator ( Thus powered ) and from there a small outlet is attached to it, which connects to a switch, beginning the process all over again. Each floor is similarly powered through wires in the elevator's shaft off to the side in that way. Notably the 4th floor which contains the rooftop elevator on the opposite side has one outlet connected to the switch and one to the rooftop elevator directly from the shaft conduit, so that the elevator always remains functional independent of the lightning. Likewise a not too different arrangement powers some stuff in the rooftop.

Alright, so now that I've bored you with enough technical details for the sake of those who care about it, let's overview the features:

Floor 1

That's basically the Work Space, with most of the crafting benches, as well as weapon and armor racks and the bobblehead stand.


As you can see, there is a panoramic view outside while you ascend.

Floor 2

The lounge and kitchen

Floor 3

Bedroom, Toilet, Display Cases and Mounted Creatures

Floor 4

The Entertainment Room which is probably my favorite. Illuminates with groovy red and green lights at night and a mini-disco dance floor with flashing strobe lights and a mirror ball. There's also the small shooting range to the left corner which actually has a powered speaker connected behind it, which blips every time you hit it. Album Part 3 shows all the rooms illuminated at night, including that.


There was actually never meant to be one, nor do I think it would be feasible with the standard concrete set, but somehow the weird elevator alignment methods I had to use changed the wall heights so it came out that way, you actually can't put a rooftop anywhere there because it's above the height limit. As it stands though, it turned out very well and has the great rooftop bar and tables overlooking the commonwealth, two junk mortar launchers, the minutemen flagpole surrounded by fireworks launchers, and a few storage shelves and boxes.

By the way, following construction, a couple of my settlers have apparently decided to "Storm the Bastille" so to speak upon seeing my lavish residence in comparison to theirs, and are currently squatting in ever single floor, occupying all of my furniture and other things. Anyway, that's all, I hope you like it.

submitted by /u/Orwellze
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Never played Fallout. Should I start with Fallout 4?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 01:12 PM PDT

Hi all,

Just curious about what the community thinks about where to start with the Fallout series. I have actually played the mobile game and now I'm interested in the PC series. I've been wanting to get Fallout 4 on sale, but I did not see it over the summer sale (did I miss it?!)

Anyways, what do you think? I hear New Vegas and 3 are good, but I'm inclined to start with Fallout 4. Hopefully it will go on sale soon again?

submitted by /u/eadesenf
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How Fallout 3 should've begun

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 04:32 PM PDT

and that TIL; you're not a boy, but a new gender of "run"


credits to agrmonster for making this masterpiece though <3

submitted by /u/Marcxyy
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New Vegas dlc problems on Xbox one

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 10:27 AM PDT

Hey guys, I am having dlc problems on the Xbox one. I own new Vegas standard edition digitally, and I have access to the ultimate edition with all dlc on disc. I can play new Vegas fine, but the Xbox refuses to download the new Vegas dlc from the disc. I know this works, because fallout 3 digitally works with the disc downloaded dlc. Has anyone gotten the new Vegas dlc to work without the disc?

submitted by /u/351Clevelandsteamer
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I found this outside of the Nevada Highway Patrol Post, what do you think is the story behind this?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 03:42 PM PDT

20 stacks of prewar money and some jet stored in two suitcases. Police corruption, confiscated materials? http://i.imgur.com/1xfkbaq.jpg Sorry for ant-sized pic.

submitted by /u/latenightresearch
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[Fo4]Sunset over Megaton : The Capital Wasteland Mod

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 05:38 PM PDT


Testing out new Weathers for Fallout 4 : The Capital Wasteland.

submitted by /u/nafnaf95
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We should talk on what we want the perks to be like next game, and traits.

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 02:31 PM PDT

I got the idea after some talking with Reddit use Sigourn on their ideas for the next game, and thought to myself "What is everyone's opinions on perks?".

From what I have seen, people prefer the old system better, though haven't agreed on a distribution number per level, but depending on what direction Bethesda takes the game, a different approach may work better.

And when it comes to traits I think everyone who likes some older RPG elements wants them back more in depth.

I personally would like Wild Wasteland back. It give the developer the ability to do some random and wacky things with little restraint, or just blow off some steam by creating a funny encounter.

I'd also like a perk tree that comes with it, kind of like how More Perk for NV added Destiny Gambler, accept maybe toned down a bit as to make it less explosively random.

There is also the perk which, every once in a while, allows you to find something great, which I think actually added Caesar's armor in a bin for me, which is just wacky enough I think something like that would be interesting in the next game, having a chance to find something super rare but is makes little sense.

I also need a rubbery ducky or something to do with it.

.............................. Psst, you guys should totally also post stuff here on what you want and think.

submitted by /u/Danted8d
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