Dota 2 - Valve if the immortals are not tradeable till sep 01 2018, let us keep the chat wheel sounds at least till that time

Valve if the immortals are not tradeable till sep 01 2018, let us keep the chat wheel sounds at least till that time

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 10:26 PM PDT

What the title says. We paid for the hats that we can't trade as we wish, at least let us keep the Chat wheel sounds till next TI or better forever. Thanks

Edit: First front page post. Volvo pls make it happen, seems a very reasonable request considering all the shitstorm that has been caused recently.

submitted by /u/Mr-Invincible-
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Legion 7.07 patch notes leak

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 06:03 AM PDT

OG VS TNC! Well Played Raven

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 05:14 AM PDT

Valve gave us something for surpassing last year's prize pool

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 12:24 AM PDT

...or you just don't buy next Battlepass

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 02:02 AM PDT

When next TI prize pool is 5 million, I'm sure they will do something to please us then, this way, you can't whine about things never promised to you.

submitted by /u/Bo5ke
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2GD Talking about TI4 and other stuff

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 04:33 AM PDT

Hero Clones (AW/Meepo) sometimes may not grant Gold/EXP to their respective main Heroes [Game breaking Bug]

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 01:25 AM PDT

Meepo and Arc Warden share a bug where their respective Hero Clones won't grant them any Gold or Experience, if those clones were summoned by a team mate (while the Meepo/AW picker is disconnected from the game).

The Meepo bug was recently on the front page, but it lacked certain details and it affecting AW as well was also missing.

The bug execution works basically the same for AW & Meepo:

  • Pick Meepo or Arc Warden.
  • Reach the necessary level for your ultimate ability (Meepo lvl 3, AW lvl 6).
  • Dont skill your ult as Meepo! | Dont summon your Tempest as Arc Warden!
  • Disconnect from the game.
  • A team mate should now summon your clone (spend the skill point for Meepo; summon the Tempest Double for the very first time for AW).
  • The newly summoned Hero Clone should now be bugged.

The bugged Hero Clone may now be unable to gain any Gold/EXP for the main Hero, depending on the circumstances.

  • For Meepo the Hero Clone won't grant any passively gained gold/EXP to the main Meepo (e.g. killing a jungle creep).
  • For Arc Warden the Tempest Double won't grant its Midas gold to the main Warden (Midas EXP is still granted).

  • Hero kills done by the Hero Clones will be credited to "the Dire" (I assuming this is simply the opposite team) and no (global) EXP will be granted to Meepo/AW (unless they were in the experience AoE range).

  • The gold will only be partially granted (50%), sometimes even nothing at all (0%).

Current behaviour: Clones that were summoned by team mates won't be eligible for earning Gold/EXP for their respective main Hero.

Intended behaviour: The Clones should always be able to earn Gold/EXP for their respective main Hero, regardless of who summoned them.

Dev forum thread:

submitted by /u/TheZett
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Could we take a moment to appreciate Valve's ethical free to play model

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 05:11 AM PDT

As the title says, it is free to play done right.

Microtransactions are a part of the game, but only in that they exist. There's no paywall. You never have to pay for anything you don't have to.

The experience of microtransactions is also enjoyable in nature. The feeling of first equipping the cosmetic.

Nothing is gambling. The treasure system is one where you're purchasing something from a list essentially. If you don't like valve not making it so that you can choose which item is in the treasure, then that's your problem. Valve even helps you get a wider variety of items from the treasures.

This system is enjoyable for the players and profitable for valve. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/Cygnaeon
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Why can't we just have the cards like this when recycling, so that we can compare them easily

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 01:44 AM PDT

I can't stand the treasure 3 complaints anymore

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 11:41 AM PDT

Please give it a rest. You aren't going to start a boycott, reddit complained about the drop rates from last years immortals also, this isn't new.

To all the people comparing their drops this year to previous years... 30-50 spins is not even close to a sufficient sample size! The fact you didn't get what you wanted doesn't mean escalating odds are broken, the odds don't magically turn into 100% after your 30 spins. Also there's no rule that valve can't change their odds, there are F2P/P2W games out there that have far worse odds and absolutely no information for drop rates. These are skins/outfits, they give no advantage or disadvantage in game by owning them and it seems extremely reasonable for a F2P game.

I buy the battle pass because the whole package makes the game more fun for me and makes TI more enjoyable, skins are cool but I'm certainly not buying this just for the cool sword sven has. Does everyone else buy their battle pass strictly for these immortal treasures? Most of these posts lately sound like they're coming from 13 year olds who just lost money at a casino asking for a refund because they didn't know the odds and didn't win what they expected.

submitted by /u/torgy514
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Dota 2 says it's out of date, but no update available?

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 01:51 PM PDT

I keep getting a notice saying my game client is out of date. We know how this usually works: close game, restart game, download update, re-enter game.

Except there's no update, so I just end up restarting the game normally.

Is anyone else running into this issue?

submitted by /u/determinedSkeleton
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Huskar kills a good person

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 11:28 PM PDT

Playing league for a couple of years now thinking of switching to dota

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 01:09 AM PDT

Pros and Cons with DotA?

submitted by /u/Isak0311
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7.06 hero builds do not show up. Anyone else?

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 03:56 AM PDT

Disney invests in Team Liquid

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 08:19 AM PDT

SumaiL has a happy little accident

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 05:25 PM PDT

Cute play by Vega.ALOHADANCE

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 04:07 AM PDT

1k Visage.

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 06:19 AM PDT

Do we know of anybody getting the 'Mystery Item' from the Rarities of the Benefactor 2017 Treasure?

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 04:26 AM PDT

As a 1k BattlePass Owner, I don't want to pour oil on this shitstorm but all I ask is transparency.

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 04:28 PM PDT

Transparency on the escalating odd mechanic. Transparency and communication regarding these issues. As a person who hasn't received Sven/or Slark, I don't know if there was a bug pertaining to the escalating odd during the Treasure III immortals but I'm just asking for Valve themselves to address it since people are spending money on these treasures not just as a means to support the game but also feel like they actually had a solid chance but got unlucky. That's it. As of right now, there has been players retroactivity receiving items which seems to be a minor pool. There is enough evidence that something is wrong.


submitted by /u/TheQookieMonster
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And who said Steam Support was bad?

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 12:20 PM PDT

To all the people requesting valve to remove market restrictions, show escalating odds and etc...

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 06:04 AM PDT

All of this is your own fault.

How many threads have been posted WARNING you about all of the future issues of this battle pass before you buy it? How many posts were on front page ASKING you not to buy this battle pass looking at how strict and shady it is?

By buying the product you prove that the retailer doesn't have to change anything about it due to it's consistency, or even can get greedier about it

Here is the lesson for the future: You want escalated odds to be shown to you? You want no trade restrictions? You want better quality of immortals/items to be given? IF SO, THEN DO NOT BUY NEXT BATTLE PASS, OR BETTER DO NOT BUY ANYTHING RELATED TO THIS GAME UNTIL VALVE AGREES TO BE TRANSPARENT.

TL:DR IF you want quality of battle pass, items, and valve communication regarding escalating odds to improve, DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM VALVE REGARDING DOTA 2.

submitted by /u/MrTwister69
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