Destiny - Daily Reset Thread [2017-07-16]

Daily Reset Thread [2017-07-16]

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 02:03 AM PDT

Vanguard Bounties

Name Description
Quick Drops Get 30 precision kills.
Hand of Thunder Get 30 Arc weapon kills.
Call Lightning Get 30 kills with Arc Abilities.
Aim For the Juicebox Defeat 50 Vex.
Heavy Duty Models Defeat 10 Vex Majors or Ultras.
Cosmodrome Reconnaissance Collect resource nodes, open chests and kill enemies in the Cosmodrome.

Vanguard Elite Bounties

Name Description
Perpetual Light Generate orbs of Light to earn Cycle of Light Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Pugilist Kill enemies with melee attacks to earn Takedown Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Tandem Fire Get 30 rapid enemy kills with your Fireteam to earn Fireteam Streak Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Vanguard Elite Complete Strikes in the SIVA Crisis Playlist to earn points.
Look, No Ghost Complete a Strike in the SIVA Crisis Playlist without dying to earn an Indestructible Medal.
Weapons Expert Get 3 rapid kills with any weapon type to earn Primary Streak, Special Streak, or Heavy Streak Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.

Crucible Bounties

Name Description
Stand Alone Finish in the top 3 players in 6v6 or Free-For-All mode for three matches.
Lightbringer Defeat 7 Guardians using any ability (melee, grenade, super).
Settle the Score Take down the Guardian who last defeated you.
Diligent Win 3 matches in one day.
Specialist Defeat 3 opposing Guardians with Special Weapons.
Healthy Balance Complete a match with at least 10 kills and no more than 7 deaths.

Queen's Wrath Bounties

Name Description
Take the Wanted WANTED: Irxori, Lost to Oryx. Cosmodrome. Fireteam recommended.
Take Them Out: Cosmodrome Kill Taken Lieutenants in the Cosmodrome.
Take Them All Kill 100 Taken.
Queen's Sovereignty Defeat 50 Fallen in any strike playlist.
Queen's Treasure Open the Queen's Treasure Chest in the Level 41 Prison of Elders.
Queen's Eye Kill 30 Taken with precision shots.

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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How I imagine Bungie feels about me right now.

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 10:56 PM PDT

Imgur sweet mother of the traveler front page?! hi mom!

submitted by /u/Falconmcfalconface
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Hoping in D2 all the green and blue gun/armor models have purple equivalents...

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 09:41 AM PDT

There are so many great green and blue models for guns and armor in the game that we just never get to use. I would love to wear certain armor pieces that are blue but that stats just don't allow. I hope there is a way to either transform blues and greens into purples or if there are just purple equivalent of all the blues and greens.
Anyone have any thoughts on if this is a possibility? Or do you think we are just going to continue having this cool looking stuff we will never use haha

submitted by /u/Commandeer_Keen
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I'm new to Destiny

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 11:16 AM PDT

It's been 3 weeks that I've been playing this game. I don't have the full collection of the game as I just want to practice and learn before Destiny 2 and I must say I'm loving it! It's slowly becoming my favorite game on PS4. I found this community on Reddit and I just want to thank every Guardian that has been helpful so far. I hope to make some new friends here and to play together. Cheers!

submitted by /u/X7Robino
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Destiny: A Crota Tribute | 40+ Unique Ways A Single Player Has Soloed Crota

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 11:13 AM PDT

Video Link:

As Destiny 2 creeps its way into our lives, it's going to be bitter-sweet to see Destiny 1 go away. So many grand memories will live on, many of which come from the four amazing raids Bungie provided us.

As a solo PvE challenge player, raid bosses provided lots of opportunities for myself and the rest of the PvE challenge community. And if you've ever soloed Atheon, Crota, Oryx, or Aksis, you know that Crota is infamous for many different reasons. He provides you with more creative opportunities than any other boss solos by far, however, there's a caveat; you must put up with some serious bullshit haha.

Personally, my relationship with Crota has come a loooooong way. From my very first solo, to the Rock Band drums, to the feet solo... it sure has been a journey. There are so many people that deserve so much recognition and that have my full respect. The first person that comes to my mind is YOU!!! I cannot thank the community enough for all of the support that YOU give the PvE solo challenge community. It's part of what keeps us going :)

I'd also like to give a huge personal shoutout to my friend, genius, and the kindest soul: Underdog. He is fully responsible for all of the Rock Band, voice commands, etc. His programming creativity made those dreams a reality. Thanks buddy!!!

And finally, thanks to Bungie for the recognition that they've given to many of us!

I decided to create this video as a tribute to the almighty Crota, son of Oryx. It's a compilation of almost 50 unique ways that Crota has been soloed by yours truly. I mixed and mashed in some of my favorite Bassnectar tunes to go along with the intense mood.

I hope everyone enjoys this video. More importantly, I hope everyone enjoys the smooth transition over to Destiny 2! Maybe Crota will make an appearance!

Much love all!

Gladd, A.K.A. GladHeAteHer182, A.K.A. Shadowfax182 ;)

submitted by /u/GladHeAteHer182
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"We reduced Dominus Ghaul's health by a third..."

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 05:19 AM PDT

Funny if it happens, back to the days of the Valus Health nerfs.

Cannot wait to mow him down in a raid or boss fight!

submitted by /u/lewislewis70
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Congratulations to our Beta Code Giveaway Winners!!!

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 11:47 AM PDT

After a long week of challenges and hundreds of submissions to go through, we finally have the winners for our Beta Code Giveaway challenges!

A big thank you to Bungie and /u/Cozmo23 for providing the codes, and an even bigger thank you to everyone who participated!

Winners, your beta keys have been PM'd to you. Get downloading!

Challenge # Winner
1 greg-escapes
1 cookiedough320
1 Brocksampsonsknife
1 alongcoldwinter
1 Radmansparkz
-- --
2 dan945
2 SiameseDiaries
2 TheFatalHum
2 vgi185
2 StarfishTheStrangler
-- --
3 Doggieman47
3 DudeOnTheDestiny
3 D_Ashido
3 KittensAreEvil
-- --
4 Fro99ywo99y1
4 AllThePlayers
4 AWastrel
4 Zeamaphobick
-- --
5 Sangheilioz
5 theBuddha7
5 Phozix
5 darkhunter1027
5 dis_is_amazin
-- --
6 smile_dog_jpg
6 UltraPlayGaming
6 Trevsauce88
6 761mph
6 tlr
-- --
7 PurpleDaenerys
7 Insane_Rob
7 TheWolfXCIX
7 cacarpenter89
7 Lespaul470
-- --
8 boojiboo
8 Iron_Gunna
8 Javijandro
8 _Comic_
8 FLLN97
-- --
9 Mblim771_Kyle
9 Aquakinesis
9 ST4TIC457
9 Iron-Rham
9 shade4561
-- --
10 Easton_west
10 Tmoney6996
10 toakongu834
10 Szeth_Vallano
10 FinalForerunner

While mods don't get codes, let's face it, /u/D0cR3d is the real winner of Challenge 2...

Challenge 1 - Deadline: July 11th 9:00PM PST
Challenge 2 - Deadline: July 11th 9:00PM PST
Challenge 3 - Deadline: July 12th 9:00PM PST
Challenge 4 - Deadline: July 12th 9:00PM PST
Challenge 5 - Deadline: July 13th 9:00PM PST
Challenge 6 - Deadline: July 13th 9:00PM PST
Challenge 7 - Deadline: July 14th 9:00PM PST
Challenge 8 - Deadline: July 14th 9:00PM PST
Challenge 9 - Deadline: July 15th 9:00PM PST
Challenge 10 - Deadline: July 15th 9:00PM PST

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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[Spoiler] Ghaul appears to be directly taking our light in a new post uploaded to instagram.

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 08:28 PM PDT

I saw this ad earlier on instagram and wasn't sure what to think. It's only for a split second but it looks like Ghaul is reaching out and our character's body kind of "splits." It looks like a spirit coming out of the body which I'm assuming represents our light but I could be wrong.

EDIT: Just before this Ghost can be seen next to the character.

submitted by /u/EthanGrievous
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All returning players for Destiny two will start out with one thing in their inventory

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 08:58 PM PDT

A salt packet consumable

submitted by /u/Jjhillmann
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Sometimes you just have to take the shot

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 07:40 AM PDT

It would be cool if D2 had a gear upgrade system.

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 10:13 AM PDT

Give me the ability to upgrade a piece of common gear to rare, or rare to legendary. That would open up tons of interesting possibilities.

submitted by /u/GenericUsername004
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How much of an overhaul will the Bungle Companion App get?

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 09:05 AM PDT

Hi Folks, long time lurker, third time poster. we all know that third party apps will adapt and update. We've had a great communication from u/therealdesignker and I'm sure DIM is getting ready to update.

But have we heard anything on the Official Bungle App front? I'm sure they will update the bare minimum to accommodate Destiny 2. But this would be a prime occasion for them to add some quality of life features we've been asking for years. Such as access to the post master, being able to decrypt engrams and even being able to purchase from vendors.

On vacation while Xur is selling G-horn 3.0? Got extra strange coins burning your pockets? I'll take three please.

I know its all hands on deck for Destiny 2 launch. But if you really want to hook new players you have to really offer those great app features that third party apps can't touch.


Edit: front page! must be a slow weekend!

Also as mentioned by u/jhairehmyah. a good point was made that due to security risks, Bungle would not allow their app or other apps to have enough access to the system to allow engram decryption or vendor purchases. This is because it would open the door to hacking and security risks. So we probably won't see the features I hoped for. which is a shame.

submitted by /u/mf_harrison
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Farewell, Destiny - A tribute to 3 fantastic years

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 01:29 PM PDT

A video 3 months in the making, finally complete.

Inspired by a thread from /u/ph0enix1211 Thread:

I want to give thanks to my friends for helping me out on this video, as well as you, the Destiny community, and Bungie for making a fantastic game.

I'll see all of you in Destiny 2!

submitted by /u/Tekkle
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There was a blooper video of shaxx using fist of havoc in the trailer instead of bubble. Does anyone have a link?

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 10:16 AM PDT

T-shirt sizes AoT (again)

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 06:17 AM PDT

So we're getting a bit confused. People say they are small, big and just perfect.

Could someone that HAS one of these just lay it flat and measure the width of the thing below the armpit? I find this is the quickest way to compare with existing tees.

We're actually looking at both S, M and L sizes for men, so any help would be appreciated.

(Please note if you have washed it or know that it has shrunk a bit too as I hear these may shrink a little...)

As a foreigner who usually find US sizes larger (but not always doh!) this would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks in advance to anyone helping us out.

submitted by /u/gojensen
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What do i have to know about Destiny before jumping in Destiny 2?

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 01:47 AM PDT

Hey guys,

with the start of the Beta in 2 Days and even a PC Version on the Horizon, is there anything a Player who has never played Destiny needs to know about Destiny to get the best out of Destiny 2? I know many thinks will be different but many thinks will also be the same. So what are your Tips?

submitted by /u/QuickSpike
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How Scrubs 1v3 in Trials

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 12:39 AM PDT

I suck horribly at Trials, but even the Traveler shines on a Guardian's ass once in a while.

submitted by /u/GrafSk8r12
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Primal armor set concepts I designed.

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 08:53 PM PDT

Primal armor set

So I had this idea. Thought they all ended up looking pretty sick. And the more I thought of the armor itself I thought it'd be cool if we had armor set bonuses. Like if you were wearing every piece of set you'd get a special perk. Could be anything really, and should be different from the other sets. Could even be RNG. You know how much Bungie loves their RNG.

submitted by /u/Atalloneder
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What arguments would you present for your case on why your class is the master race?

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 03:01 AM PDT

(Try to get into character, have some fun) What do you bring to the table as a class and what is it about the other classes that make them inferior to yours. Let's try to make this a lore friendly spirited debate where we can all be respectful and friendly to one another, have fun and remember NBSP

submitted by /u/LippyTitan
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After countless failed attempts, I managed to land a sort of cross map Nova Bomb in ToO!

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 12:37 PM PDT

And old clip that I forgot about: it was on banner fall. I used to try this every week in trials until I finally got one.

submitted by /u/Sno_Jon
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Is it confirmation bias, or are the rolls much better over all than they used to be?

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 08:23 AM PDT

I'm getting so many more guns now that, even if they aren't god rolls, I kinda wanna try out because of interesting/cool perk setups. It's great because, hell yeah guns. But it kinda sucks because I have a vault full of "hell yeah" guns, y'know?

submitted by /u/aSavvySavage
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Noob Questions

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 08:33 PM PDT

Hi everyone, I just started playing Destiny (the Collection - with all DLC I believe). I think I'm Level 7, and just beat The Last Array (super newb, I know lol). I have a couple basic questions:

  1. Is it advisable to leave the DLC for the end (i.e. after I beat the vanilla game)?

  2. If so, how do I make sure to avoid playing the DLC missions/questions (i.e. how do I select the DLC to begin with)?

  3. How do I join a raid or a strike? Should I wait to do these until I beat the vanilla game?

  4. If I wanted to beat the vanilla game with someone, how would I do that?


submitted by /u/musteatbrainz
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Some incomplete 'work-in-progress' shots from a Destiny 1 modeler that includes unused female awoken hairstyles

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 04:42 PM PDT

My best plays are never planned

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 12:57 PM PDT

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