Diablo - What Blizzard is experiencing with the hotfix |
- What Blizzard is experiencing with the hotfix
- Diablo 2 sequel
- Please refrain from using the Aura of Frailty + Grim Reaper exploit or equipping Krysbin's Sentence on non-Necro characters this weekend as Blizzard is considering taking further action after the hotfixes go live on Monday!
- Blizzard: "We are looking into various options to take further action after the hotfixes are live. In the meantime, we encourage you to avoid this exploit."
- Fluff's Necromancer Speedfarm Compendium!
- Necromancer Fanart I made
- LoN 125%+ Movement Speed Corpse Build - T13/Speed GRs
- In 6 hours from this post Diablo 2 will be Speed Run live at SGDQ 2017 by MrLlamaSC
- Alright, Inarius is getting nerfed, whats the next best Necro build?
- Console D3 and Nephalem Glory: Why The Hell?
- For those that want a quick video preview of the proc rate change to Mirinae, short clip showing before/after when the hotfix went live for a few minutes before encountering 'technical difficulties' on 7-6.
- No one uses Army of the Dead with Rathmas. Here is a proposed fix to make it relevant.
- Fastest Paragon Leveling?
- Weird freezing glitch with Blood Rush & Dying.
- Season 11- Duo class with WD?
- [Lore] Question- The Balance and the Raising of the Dead
- I'm out of the loop. What are these exploits, hotfixes, and possible rollbacks about?
- This game surprises me with how fun it gets
- Can we get something to show remaining time on simulacrum?
- Are corpsewhisper pauldrons actually dropping? None today on Kadala or Cube
- Where can you get that red sword? What is its name?
- Wall of Death doesnt stack
- What happens if I redeem a Collector's Edition key when I already own the regular edition game?
- Diablo Animated Series?
- Help with Progression on my DH
What Blizzard is experiencing with the hotfix Posted: 08 Jul 2017 03:14 PM PDT This is from an unrelated source, but it fits so well with what's going on with the hotfix right now! [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:42 AM PDT
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Posted: 08 Jul 2017 08:30 AM PDT | ||
Posted: 08 Jul 2017 05:18 AM PDT Many people only read Reddit titles, not all the comments. I think posting clickbait titles for Karma fishing is not the right thing to do in this situation. If Blizzard decides that one action is a rollback or any other form of sanction (one can still hope), many people will be fooled by the misleading title and continue using this exploit even after Blizzard issued a clear warning. Source for quote (can't post this as link because it's already been posted with said clickbait title): https://us.battle.net/forums/en/d3/topic/20757496472?page=11#post-212 [link] [comments] | ||
Fluff's Necromancer Speedfarm Compendium! Posted: 08 Jul 2017 09:24 AM PDT CorseMancer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50EF4axQFek or http://www.diablofans.com/builds/91330-corpsemancer-txiii-speedfarm Blood Mage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a48dfXZhyRs or http://www.diablofans.com/builds/91826-bloodmage-txiii-speedfarm Army of the Dead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3Jfw6lc-Fk or http://www.diablofans.com/builds/91994-army-of-the-dead-txiii-speedfarm BloodMancer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrWbsFCIWHw or http://www.diablofans.com/builds/91192-bloodmancer-txiii-speedfarm BoneMancer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAeHH4adtIw or http://www.diablofans.com/builds/91093-bonemancer-txiii-speedfarm [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 08 Jul 2017 12:11 AM PDT | ||
LoN 125%+ Movement Speed Corpse Build - T13/Speed GRs Posted: 08 Jul 2017 07:52 PM PDT Hey guys, if anyone is looking for an extremely fast LoN build that can be used to farm keys, do bounties, or level up gems with try this. Guide:http://www.diablofans.com/builds/91737-lon-125-move-speed-cold-corpse-lance-explosion T13 rift (No Intel from Paragon used): https://youtu.be/TQGwhKTwths [link] [comments] | ||
In 6 hours from this post Diablo 2 will be Speed Run live at SGDQ 2017 by MrLlamaSC Posted: 08 Jul 2017 03:33 AM PDT As the title says in about 6 hours Diablo 2 will be speed run at Summer Games Done Quick (SGDQ) 2017. It is slotted to be run at 9:22am Pacific / 12:22pm Eastern. MrLlamaSC will be speed running Any% Normal Assassin. For those who don't know what SGDQ/AGDQ are they are week long speed running marathons that raise A LOT of money for charity to be specific AGDQ 2017 raised 2.2 million dollars for the prevent cancer foundation. SGDQ 2017 is benefiting Doctors Without Borders and they have raised 1.1 million dollars so far. So if you love Diablo 2 or Diablo in general make sure to go show him some love during his run. Games Done Quick Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick Games Done Quick main website: https://gamesdonequick.com/ Diablo 2 Speed Run Leader Boards: https://www.speedrun.com/d2lod#Any MrLlamaSC's Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mrllamasc EDIT: Run is live right now! EDIT 2: Run is done! Here is a twitch clip of his troll "Doctors without brothers" (and in case its unclear he tweeted that the end of the clip where he makes it look like someone talked to him through the headset was also apart of the troll no one tried to "silence" him) https://clips.twitch.tv/DoubtfulOnerousChickenPanicVis [link] [comments] | ||
Alright, Inarius is getting nerfed, whats the next best Necro build? Posted: 08 Jul 2017 11:54 AM PDT | ||
Console D3 and Nephalem Glory: Why The Hell? Posted: 08 Jul 2017 03:08 PM PDT So on the console, you do half damage until you get the Nephalem's Glory buff. It's easily tested and lots of people have done it. There's a 30+ page thread about this on the official forums but Blizzard won't respond to the issue. In short, your character only performs as intended when you have this buff, and since you don't always have it, it seriously affects gameplay. As of 2.6, you even lose the buff when you enter a GR, removing the possibility of stacking it up beforehand. You then have to begin the rift doing half damage until you've cleared enough mobs to spawn some globes. You also lose the buff when you die, and needless to say, it'll wear off in longer boss fights. In addition to this, globes stop spawning while you're on a kill streak, so in order to refresh the buff, you have to stop your current kill streak. Why the hell does this exist? Why won't Blizzard even respond to the issue? For what possible reason would they put something like this into the console version? NG doesn't double your normal damage, it brings your nerfed damage up to the level that matches the character sheet. Console players don't go around doing twice the DPS of PC players with the buff, that's not how it works. Console GR records are lower than PC records for this reason. This is an essentially gamebreaking "feature" that was originally introduced in the first iteration of console D3 and has since been twisted into a pointless, debilitating mechanic that just makes you weaker a portion of the time. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 08 Jul 2017 02:29 AM PDT
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No one uses Army of the Dead with Rathmas. Here is a proposed fix to make it relevant. Posted: 08 Jul 2017 02:44 PM PDT It is sad that the 2pc bonus of Rathmas is ignored in virtually every single Rathmas build. The Frozen Army rune is currently useless as it only slightly alters the hitbox of the skill and changes the damage type to cold and does nothing else. If the Frozen Amry rune actually froze monsters on hit, then it could proc Krsybins, and take the place of Land of the Dead which is in almost every single build. I dont know if they will have to decrease the Army of the Dead Frozen Army rune damage to balance this or not, but at least this way they can make the 2 pc set bonus and the skill itself relevant, as it can potentially replace Land of the Dead Frozen Lands. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 08 Jul 2017 03:44 PM PDT I just came back to the game right before the season ended and have been playing quite a bit. I'm up to Paragon 600+ from 20. However I keep hearing people say how in season people get to 800+ in under a week. Are they just running high level Grifts? I've been doing solo GR60s, and group GR70s and things are slowing down a lot. Is there a faster way to level that I haven't seen? I get 2-3 per GR70 at about 4-5 per hour, which is quick, but compared to how quick people talk about leveling in season, it seems really slow. [link] [comments] | ||
Weird freezing glitch with Blood Rush & Dying. Posted: 08 Jul 2017 01:44 PM PDT I used my blood rush skill and it did the animation but then I apparently had died where I was. This resulted in this screen with waiting to revive 0 and the entire game was just frozen. Just a heads up to the devs, I think what happened was I went to blood rush but the damage I took was at the previous location. This resulted in my character technically still being alive? But also being dead at the same time. (I don't care about grift level, I was just farming). Just an odd glitch that maybe is a once in a million chance but yeah, wanted to just show it in case it has happened to anyone else and to prevent them from failing a grift. Seems like the Necro has a lot of bugs right now so hopefully this is fixed (To prevent people freezing while using this skill while they push higher grifts) [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 08 Jul 2017 09:41 PM PDT I'm returning to the game for season 11 after a few years back. My buddy is new to the game and will be playing a Witchdoctor most likely. Any ideas what might be a solid duo class to complement him for the next season? [link] [comments] | ||
[Lore] Question- The Balance and the Raising of the Dead Posted: 08 Jul 2017 03:38 PM PDT So I've been a fan of the Priests of Rathma and Necromancers since the beginning with Diablo 2. I've read all the Diablo books and really fell in love with Zayl and Humbart, in addition to gaining knowledge about the origins of the Priests of Rathma in the Sin War trilogy and the Book of Tyrael. I get that they seek to maintain the Balance, of course, between Life and Death, Good and Evil. However, I have to wonder how they justify the pragmatism behind Necromancy of all the mystical arts. To raise the dead is questionable in most universes, and clearly this is consistent in the Diablo universe. People are uncomfortable with bringing the dead back to life. It is considered unnatural, and does not allow spirits to rest. Now, the Priests of Rathma believe that when one dies, they transcend to the next life where they can better serve the Balance. However, there have been some mentions of undead still having their souls and a vague sense of consciousness upon being brought back (In the case of Humbart, he's entirely there, in his skull). If this is the case, wouldn't the Necromancers be tearing these souls from their peace and their destiny later in the Balance? So how is raising the dead helpful in maintaining the balance, if their every act of doing so upsets it? Do they believe that it is in the name of a greater good, that by upsetting the Balance in a minor way, they can prevent a greater upset? Or do they not believe that raising the dead is a problem in terms of the Balance? I ask this because my friend brought it up when we were discussing the Priests of Rathma (And how they are essentially True Neutral, unlike many fantasy Necromancers), and I had not considered the way their undead-raising might conflict with their beliefs. [link] [comments] | ||
I'm out of the loop. What are these exploits, hotfixes, and possible rollbacks about? Posted: 08 Jul 2017 08:00 AM PDT | ||
This game surprises me with how fun it gets Posted: 08 Jul 2017 09:07 PM PDT I was a casual on and off player with a friend, had a few level 50ish characters go through story and I finally settled on witch doctor to get to 70 and I found adventure mode and my loot hunting self felt amazing with all this content but recently I had found Kanai's cube and greater rifts and I'm super excited with all the new things to do and I haven't even touched the other classes at a high level yet. [link] [comments] | ||
Can we get something to show remaining time on simulacrum? Posted: 08 Jul 2017 05:46 AM PDT | ||
Are corpsewhisper pauldrons actually dropping? None today on Kadala or Cube Posted: 08 Jul 2017 08:46 PM PDT I spent a good 6 hours today trying to get these pauldrons out of rifts, greater rifts, Kadala and cube via the stupid breath farming. Not a single pair. I mustve gotten 50 fing Tragouls and Rathmas and Innarius set ones tho. With the new loot it's waaaaay too hard to get a specific item you want for your build! [link] [comments] | ||
Where can you get that red sword? What is its name? Posted: 08 Jul 2017 09:48 AM PDT http://www.iamag.co/features/itsart/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Diablo-3-Concept-Art-12.jpg It is signed as Rise of the Necromancer so I assume it is in the game. Where can I find it and what is its name? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 08 Jul 2017 07:51 PM PDT Ive read many posts regarding the stackability of Wall of Death + Jerams Bracer (you can cast 3 WoD in a row with that item) and every post stated that the damage stacks for both the zombiewalls and the fire,ghost and poison runes. Even the wiki says that it does indeed stack. But after testing it for about 20 minutes I noticed that it doesnt stack at all. Neither do overlapping zombie walls stack nor those the firewall,ghostring and poisonring DOTs stack. Did Blizzard change something about the skill? The forum posts who said that it does stack are from 2015 and 2016 afterall. [link] [comments] | ||
What happens if I redeem a Collector's Edition key when I already own the regular edition game? Posted: 08 Jul 2017 06:51 PM PDT Reaper of Souls CE is tempting, but I already own RoS regular edition on battle.net. Do I just lose the original purchase? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 08 Jul 2017 06:05 PM PDT I just finished watching Castlevania on Netflix and I was surprised by it. It was fun to watch, had the dark fantasy vibe about it and had no real censorship (gore and language). After watching it, I couldn't help but feel that a Diablo series in a similar style would be interesting... What do you guys think? [link] [comments] | ||
Help with Progression on my DH Posted: 08 Jul 2017 05:57 PM PDT So I'm finally all set on Ancient gear on my Shadow Mantle Impale DH. Not BiS rolls but close (I think). My question for you guys more experienced is: should I augment those set pieces or should I keep aiming for BiS pieces instead? Here is my current character to help. Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
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