Smite - [WARRIORS] God Class Discussion Megathread - Week of June 12, 2017

[WARRIORS] God Class Discussion Megathread - Week of June 12, 2017

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 04:50 AM PDT

Welcome to /r/Smite's weekly God Class Discussion Megathread. This is a place for the community to get together and discuss, theorycraft, and ask for help on playing each class.

This week we are focusing on WARRIORS.

Some ideas to get you started might include:

  • Tips and advice for playing any or all Warriors
  • Good builds, bad builds, and everything in between
  • What roles in each gamemode to play Warriors in
  • Where Warriors fit into the meta
  • Buffs or nerfs you would make and why
  • Questions about the gods or class as a whole

And anything else you can think of!

Please stick to gods that are WARRIORS. This includes:

  • Amaterasu
  • Bellona
  • Chaac
  • Erlang Shen
  • Guan Yu
  • Hercules
  • Nike
  • Odin
  • Osiris
  • Ravana
  • Sun Wukong
  • Tyr
  • Vamana

See here for an archive of all the previous Class Discussion Megathreads!

Check back next week when we'll be discussing Assassins!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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DMBrandon's Kali Guide

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 03:25 PM PDT


Posted: 12 Jun 2017 09:00 AM PDT

DISCLAIMER: This work is merely related to the gods' accuracy to their lore and I am not in any way criticizing their overall depiction in game as it's a work of fiction (e.g. Bacchus follows a cool gimmick and he's well executed and cool, but he's completely lore inaccurate). Gods will be evaluated based on three main features: look, personality and kit. Remember that, as long as the features in game are lore accurate, it doesn't matter whether other things, unless too iconic, are left out. If a god is the god of war, love, food, and rain and they choose to focus on one aspect only that's ok. I try to be aware of gameplay limitations, and others, but overall, I have been able to be as strict as possible.

I will grade the gods on a scale from A to F trying to be as impartial as possible, although I do at times make personal judgments based on my overall feelings, especially when it comes to close grades. I will be very picky at times.

The grades are as follows: A is perfect in all aspects (or as close as it gets to perfection). A- is perfect overall but has a little minor stain somewhere. B+ is an overall excellent god that lacks something big that doesn't devaluate too much the overall depiction. B is overall good but it's lacking heavily in a single feature. B- is the same as B but there are other minor discrepancies here and there. C+ is an ok grade, meaning that the god has at least a perfect feature, but lacks considerably in the other two. C has one perfect feature but almost nothing right in the other two. C- is a still recognizable god but with extensive inaccuracies. D is a god that is completely misrepresented and manages to not get an F only because a couple things are ok. F means that the god is entirely misrepresented, generally these gods are almost entirely made up by the devs, with almost total disregard for the lore. is a grade for gods with so little lore that hirez could do whatever they wanted (most Mayans). It's 89 gods, so there might be some discrepancies here and there, be understanding.


LOOK: Agni lacks some very iconic characteristics, namely his three legs, a constant in his iconography, and his red skin. On the other hand, the number of his arms is variable, as the number of his heads, and the fire crown is there. I understand how his red complexion could be interpreted as being fiery, however, such connection is traditionally never made.
PERSONALITY: While his destructive side is fully on display, his protective and peaceful one isn't shown at all. He comes out as mainly a pyromaniac with little to no reference to his duality. If he and Hel swapped personalities, it would make a lot more sense for both.
KIT: Fine. Generic and intuitive.

LOOK: Truth be told, we have close to zero infos on amc, meaning that the devs could pretty much take full liberty when it came to him. While the descending god of the temple in Tulum is thought to be amc, it is not a certain thing. So yah, bee dude.
PERSONALITY: Again, 0 infos = whatever
KIT: Autoamtic, pretty much

LOOK: We have mainly a couple of characteristic regarding Ah Puch's, his rotten corpse look, check, and his owl mask. Now, at first, I thought that he did not have said mask, but after closely inspecting, it actually does look like an owl.
PERSONALITY: He is described as being evil and malevolent, characteristics that he possesses in game.
KIT: While there is no mention of his minions being zombies, there is also no description of them at all, so the fact that e actually uses minions in his kit is pretty good.

LOOK: Well, here we go. Now, if I wanted to be super thorough, I would tell you that, being a goddess, nothing is impossible. That said, Amaterasu wearing an armor and wielding a sword is just off. There's only a tiny little reference to her ever getting close to get physical, but 99,9% of the times she was the most peaceful and benevolent of goddesses, with white robe and shiny lights included. Hell, her most famous story, literally revolves around her hating getting physical and fighting so much, that she locked herself in a cave in order not to fight her brother...
PERSONALITY: Except for the occasional aggressive demeanor, overall she acts regal and collected, and that's a good thing.
KIT: Staying true to my judgment of her look, everything that makes her a sword swinging frontliner is just wrong, making her passive and auras the only good thing. She was soooo meant to be a healer mage/guardian.

LOOK: I looked for any source, visual and written, of Anhur being depicted as a lion, or a lion headed god, but honestly, I found none. Wikipedia says he was occasionally depicted with a lion head, but it cites no source. On top of that I couldn't find any image at all depicting him like that, the only lion gods being Menhit and Sekhmet. The three feathers and the spear are there and that's good, but the all lion thing seems to be made up. Obviously, I am open to anyone proving the contrary.
PERSONALITY: Not much in terms of is personality, but as a god of war I guess his personality in game suits him.
KIT: Ok, nothing off here.

LOOK: He would get top grades, if it weren't for one big mistake: He MUST be black. Obviously his recolor is, but I'm basing my judgment on the default skins. Black was not just a random color, it had meaning and was probably the most iconic thing about his jackal features. Making him brown, considering he used to be black, was a straight mistake.
PERSONALITY: Good, I mean, we know little, but he sure sounds calm and collected, overall, as I befits an impartial judge. He doesn't sound evil, and that's good.
KIT: Wrong. At least a big part of it. The all plagues, life sucking, locust thing is just made up. I guess grasping hands and his ult are ok.

LOOK: Old Ao, quite frankly, looked ridiculous. Considering that dragons could take on any form, the solution they found is quite perfect. You get to see his true form, but without making him as small as a worm. Awesome.

PERSONALITY: On point. Specifically, Ao was particularly arrogant as opposed to other dragons, making is depiction a good one.
KIT: The water theme was essential and it is definitely shown. Overall a good one.

LOOK: The only essential characteristics she should have had, would have been her being naked. That said, considering everything, they made her as naked as possible. I'll pretend I know nothing about high heels...

PERSONALITY: Overall, she's fine, she was represented as being capricious and kind of superficial, sand I guess that shows.
KIT: Doves were sacred to her, she wouldn't allow just anybody close to her and her obsession for beautiful mates was definitely a thing.

LOOK: Where do I start…I'll make it short: He was described and represented as pretty much the best-looking thing ever. The Apollo we get in Smite is skinny, small and kinda looks ridiculous. And where is his bow?! The all point with his concept in smite is: He acts super cool, even though he really doesn't look the part, which leads me to…
PERSONALITY: …his outright wrong personality. The worst thing you could say about Apollo, was that he was quite vindictive. That said, he was, no joke here, perfection. Instead we got a vain, superficial, childish, wannabe-rockstar joke of a character, through and through. He is a comic relief, obviously, but that wouldn't fit Apollo at all.
KIT: His kit is ok, his characteristics as god of music are shown and his role as the sun charioteer, while debatable, is also not wrong. But he should really have a bow.

LOOK: Well, she should have been simply a spider. That said there is obviously a lack of descripion regarding her look after the transformation.

PERSONALITY: Human Arachne sure was arrogant…But spider Arachne is an entirely made up character, so I can't judge. At least she hates the gods, which would make sense.
KIT: Nothing to say, self-explanatory.

LOOK: While no Greek armor was that cumbersome and heavy, he is the god of War, meaning that he could wear whatever armor h wanted, I assume. One thing to not, he was more often represented with a spear, but the sword is not a mistake per se.
PERSONALITY: He was the god of violent war, he loved to fight and this is shown in game.
KIT: I must say, that the chains reference is quite an educated one (spartans had a statue of Ares in chains, to symbolize him staying in the city) but that doesn't mean that it should have been his kit. There is 0 reference to Ares ever having anything to do with chains and fire. Bad. On a side note, I dream of a patch in which Prometheus gets Ares kit (it would make soooo much sense) and Ares gets reworked as a warrior.

LOOK: While they did capture the all "I don't wanna be attractive to men" deal, covering up her body entirely is inaccurate. She was somewhat of a tomboy, and actually ran around half naked, because it was more comfortable for hunting. That's why she's the only goddess represented with a very short tunic and almost bare-chested at times.
PERSONALITY: The only mistake here would have been making her sexually provocative in any way and they didn't. She's serious and no-nonsense, good.
KIT: Great kit, especially some of the ability names are "lore-rich"

LOOK: Why is she dressed like that. Bikini-armor, high heels (which unlike with aphro, make me facepalm) and most of all: Where is her helmet? The most iconic thing about her look has been turned into a weird tiara.
PERSONALITY: Oh boy…She is the goddess of wisdom and sounds like an ingenuous and almost dumb bimbo. I don't know whether her voice or what she says is the most annoying thing.
KIT: Ok, nothing special, and making her a guardian makes sense.

LOOK: She falls into the category of close to every Mayan god in the game: We have close to no infos on her. We only have a supposed image of her, we are not even 100% sure whether she was female or male.

PERSONALITY: Even less infos
KIT: Whatever they wanted to do. The moon is there as is the jaguar.

LOOK: If the character's name was Sylenus, he'd get a big thumbs up. But he is not. Bacchus, while represented as slightly overweight in more modern art (1700 onward), was represented by the Romans just like Dyonisus. He shouldn't be fat and carry himself like that.
PERSONALITY: Wasted and the butt of all jokes. Cool character design, sure, but nothing like Bacchus, who was quite the mature and wise young man.
KIT: Just the natural continuation of a character that was almost entirely botched. Again, cool design, but that's not Bacchus. At least as the Romans saw him. But the wine thing at least is obviously correct.

LOOK: We have no physical description of Bakasure, but we do know how demons were represented in Hindu art, which is with predominantly human features. The Gollum-like Baka we get is too different to anything we ca see in hindu art.
PERSONALITY: He was evil and loved to eat, which shows.
KIT: Eating related, so pretty good.

LOOK: She was either represented as a full cat, or as a woman with cat features, so I'd say that her look in game is acceptable.
PERSONALITY: As a protector goddess, of the house and of the dead, she would have been much more mature. But, predictably, we got catwoman, so she likes to whip you if your nice and unleashes on you al the cat references in the universe.
KIT: The catwoman influences are strong, especially for the whip, but everything else is cat related.

LOOK: She would be perfect if it weren't for the missing helmet, iconic. Everything else is fine
PERSONALITY: Good, she loved war and reveled in it.
KIT: Good kit, especially good the very roman touch of her ult.

LOOK: There is no description of him, we can only assume he was strong, and that shows
PERSONALITY: Again, 0 infos, so whatever direction they chose to take could do.
KIT: Whatever they wanted.

LOOK: They were bat like monsters, or at best full-fledged bats and thank god we got no anthropomorphic thing
PERSONALITY: We know nothing of his personality
KIT: Bats, bats, bats, bats

LOOK: His look is ok, he was represented as both a man with a deer head or with more extended deer features. I'm personally not a fan of his horns, I can't help but think of a goat instead of a deer when I see him. But that doesn't mean he's not a deer. His ring is there and that good

PERSONALITY: Like with Anhur, I ask assistance to anyone who knows more about celtic culture, but, I honestly can't find any references to him being related to the hunt. Hell, he seems to be an extremely peaceful god, as far as I'm seeing, and that would make his personality in the game kinda off.
KIT: Again, did he really have anything to do with the shifting of seasons?? Until I get feedback, I stand by my research

LOOK: There were two main characteristics related to Chaac: shield and axe, which he has, and reptilian characteristics. But given the facts that the snake like features were neither iconic or a constant, his depiction in game is fine.
PERSONALITY: He was strongly associated with war; thus his aggressive and boastful attitude fits him.
KIT: A whole lotta rain

LOOK: Her overall look is ok, we didn't really have any iconic description of her. While her and the jade rabbit come from different stories, at time the two mix, making the choice to put them together a viable one. PERSONALITY: I don't know why she doesn't speak, but it's an invention. That makes discerning her personality almost impossible
KIT: Moon and dancing related, and the rabbit providing her with sustainment is a nice lore accurate touch.

LOOK: One thing they got right: his age. One thing they got wrong: his legs. You see, the fact that Chiron was represented with human front legs, was not an artistic license. He was represented as having front human legs because he was considered the most human and less wild of all centaurs, making the legs a meaningful and iconic characteristic.
PERSONALITY: He was a teacher, wise and experienced, which definitely shows
KIT: Herbal medicines, astrology…good

LOOK: Chronos is an interesting case. If we were to strictly consider the ancient Greek representation, the only right thing the devs got are his wings. But, the ancients themselves mixed him with Kronos, the titan, and so the scythe was often added to his representations. Also, if we were to consider him a personification of time itself, we could also accept him being "inhuman" in the game, as he looks like the embodiment of time. Tough one. Remember that his old age (father time) was s modern addition, the ancients did not represent him as being an old man.
PERSONALITY: Whatever they wanted here
KIT: Obvious choices here.

LOOK: Let me cut straight to the chase: He's ugly in game I agree, but that is not what we are talking about here and, as Cupid, he was represented by the romans as a very young kid or as a putto (cherub, winged baby). So no, he shouldn't look like a teenager, that would be his Greek counterpart, Eros. His representation is fine…ugly but correct

PERSONALITY: Not much in the way of lore here, so he behaves like a kid, which I guess its fine.
KIT: The love sending arrows are a nice touch ad overall the kit is satisfying.

LOOK: We have no specific description of her, except for some generic graphic representations, she looks like a seductress and has 9 tails. Whatever we know about her look is there.
PERSONALITY: Sadistic through and throughout and that is shown in game.
KIT: The paolao is really a nice touch, and her kit revolving around bleeds and burns definitely addresses her passion or torture.

LOOK: Him, along with xing tian and jingwei, must be the biggest facepalm inducing design of them all. Case in point, he had ONE extremely characteristic feature, an eye, an ACTUAL EYE, in the middle of the forehead, it would have been easy peasy design…but no, they put a big crown on his forehead who looks so little like an eye, that if you didn't know he is supposed to have one, you wouldn't notice. Unexplicable. At least his trident and dog are there.
PERSONALITY: We know he was righteous and valorous, and while his voice tone tilts me, his personality is ok.
KIT: Almost everything relevant about him is there, the eye, the dog, the spear, the transformations. Perfect.

LOOK: Much is wrong here. For starters, he was not able to transform at will, his transformation was a curse, and a permanent one. Second thing, norse dragons (wyrms) had no wings and resembled worms/snakes, not fantasy winged dragons.
PERSONALITY: Greeeeeedy, awesome job here
KIT: I commend them for at least not having him spit fire, but venom. That said coerce and his ult don't make much sense.

FENRIR (-) LOOK: He's a wolf, which is more than enough PERSONALITY: He had no personality and I might add, the devs didn't even try to give him one because, you know…he's a wolf. He's important, sure, but devoid of any personality.
KIT: The fact that during Ragnarok he eats you is a nice touch.

LOOK: A disclaimer for future norse gods: Most of them have tons of features and are associated with tons of things, so I do not expect them to have all of the possible features on them at once in game (e.g. Freya's boar). Now on to her. She did not have any specific physical features worth noting, but they made her a valkirye, which freya wasn't, but more on this later. Her feathered mantle though is there, so that's a plus. PERSONALITY: Being, among other things, a goddess of war could justify her warrior-like attitude in game. That's obviously the direction they chose to go to with her, and while she was also the goddess of love, for example, her being warrior-like is not wrong per se.
KIT: The only thing worth noting in her kit is her ult, which sees her flying and calling the dead from the skies. My main gripe here is that she was related to Valkyries, but she was not one, which instead is implied in the game. Her brisingamen necklace is also mentioned.

LOOK: His main characteristics are well represented, while keeping in mind that, as is the case for many hindu gods, these characteristics might change from time to time. The only big thing missing is the mouse! It's weird that they didn't put it as it's pretty iconic.
PERSONALITY: Ganesha is benevolent, wise and strong. I'm pretty sure they thought this one veeery through
*KIT: He bestows luck, he removes obstacles and protects. All there

LOOK: While he was simply represented as a man laying down, we also must keep in mind what ancient Egyptians thought of him, and among other things he was actually considered to be the earth itself. In that case, him being a big rock ad water and trees and earth thing could be acceptable. But the lack of any snake reference is weird, consider hat he was strongly associated in with them in art.
PERSONALITY: No infos here, except that he loves Nut
KIT: Earth and earthquakes, which is all good
LOOK: The representations of Guan Yu are multiple and consistent up to these days: A warrior with a red face, long beard and a bladed spear. He's good and in some way his face keep being red, but I must note that old guan was more accurate.
PERSONALITY: Being the only historical figure in the game, recounts of Guan Yu are numerous, and the devs did a good job representing him in game: calm, wise, stern. All there
KIT: Only one thing stinks in his kit and I don't know if it's an overlook or if it was intended, but Red Hare, the horse, was not his horse, ever. Red Hare was famous for being Lu Bu's horse, not Guan Yu's. If the horse is not red hare, than he's A-.

LOOK: A lot is wrong with Hades. Hirez fell for the usual traps everyone falls for when representing another culture's lord of the underworld: Portraying him as devilish and monstrous. Hades looks like a wraith and that's just wrong, he looked like a man, just like his brothers and had no devilish features. His invisibility helmet is missing, his bident is missing…a mess
PERSONALITY: The only redeeming factor when it comes to Hades, as, for some reason, they didn't make him sound evil and I say this considering that his look and kit misrepresent the god.
KIT: Some things are flat out wrong, and while his ult and silence can be ok, and his death from below is actually really good on a lore standpoint, his passive and his 3 are just weird. Why does he spread blight? Where does that come from? Why does he blow up souls? No clue.

LOOK: Nothing of note here, as no physical description of He Bo is provided in any source. While some accounts ascribe to him fish features, these accounts were not the only ones and were not the norm. PERSONALITY: Kudos for representing both his calm and his destructive nature. He's poised and relaxed the majority of times, but screams and sounds aggressive when attacking.
KIT: Very basic and self-explanatory, but effort was put especially for his 2 and 4, in representin the river flow peacefully and the river flooding destructively.
LOOK: Hel was grim looking and described as having half of her body normal and the other half dark and rotten looking. This is not shown in game, where Hel changes between good and evil, which was not a thin. Hel was exclusively related to bad things, and her duality was merely physical. I know it was a choice, as I'm sure the devs knew how she should have looked, but that doesn't make it less wrong.
PERSONALITY: Also, very wrong, not only because the split personality and especially her good side are entirely invented, but because her bad side also is awkward. It sounds capricious and hysteric. We only know she was and looked gloomy and downcast.
KIT: Half of the kit is wrong and the other half is uninspired and kid of random.

LOOK: Awesome job for distinguishing his Roman version from the most traditional greek one, especially his lack of a thick beard is a nice touch. Everything else is there, nemean lion fur and the club.
PERSONALITY: Nothing wrong and a character hard to misrepresent quite frankly.
KIT: He was famous for his strength and his strength only, pretty much. And obviously they delivered.

LOOK: No description of him, he was an archer, that's it. It would have been weird if they didn't make him a hunter in game.
PERSONALITY: His story is more famous than he himself, meaning that we have no extensive material regarding his persona, except for a generic heroicness, which I think appears in game.
KIT: The falling suns are an amazing exercise in lore accuracy. Kudos

LOOK: He was a howler monkey, so yeah, nothing more about him worth noting.
PERSONALITY: Good thing, that they recognize the fact that in Mayan mythology, monkey gods were smart, quick witted and wise, so not making him an outright dumb monkey was good.
KIT: Nothing of note here.

LOOK: I must admit that her model is ugly, but it's also lore accurate. Her wings are there and they're exactly how they should be, so no complaining.
PERSONALITY: She was a compassionate queen, good and good and good. I think that nothing wrong was made when creating the character.
KIT: The only thing she ever does in mythology is sewing together the body of his husband, nothing else of great note. I guess her relation with magic and death rites appears in the kit.

LOOK: While she was never thoroughly described physically, we do know that Izanagi was pretty shocked and disgusted when he saw her, meaning that her look in game is an ok representation of post death Izanami.
PERSONALITY: Again, we are talking about her after death, so yeah, we know she was pissed and closer to being a monster than whatever she was before, making her hateful personality a good fit.
KIT: They could really do whatever, given that she does nothing of note in mythology tat would suggest making her any specific role.

LOOK: A hard one to evaluate, given the fact that the only feature he was famous for were his two faces. While he was at times represented fully as a standard human, his most common depictions only included his head. What do I mean? That they could have done whatever with him, although making him look like C3PO is kinda off
PERSONALITY: He's a robot for hirez, and that's kinda weird. I understand that there is a total lack of mythology for the guy, but making him an android is just too out there.
KIT: His opening and closing of things is there and they obviously made an effort in trying to to give us the idea of him being the god of doors…stupid broken op doors, but still doors.

submitted by /u/frubox
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Terra Fan-Art plus Skin Giveaway!

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 06:12 PM PDT

Enigma Chest according to Hi-Rez Support can give duplicates

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 06:56 PM PDT

So, let me preface this with what happened for this may end up a long post. Back in April during the LAN I earned some twitch drops (yay!) Enigma chests that we all know. Well, one of them gave me the skin "Death Dealer" Sobek's recall. I thought this odd cause I was pretty sure I had it already but shrugged it off.

Fast forward to the event in May where we earned some E-Chests for FWotD events. Opening one gave me yet again, "Death Dealer" Sobek. This time I knew for sure I already owned this and was confused. (Being a Xbox player we don't have the list of in game unlocks yet, for whatever reason so I couldn't prove this.)

I'll remove the name but the following is my conversation with Hi-Rez Support. To sum this up if you don't want to read. Enigma Chests can give you duplicates apparently.


During the LAN in April I got numerous drops from watching the stream, quite a few being Enigma Chests. When I opened them I got "Death Dealer" Sobek which I thought was odd, because I was sure I had it already but let it slide. Xbox has no way of seeing the items we got like PC does so I obviously cannot prove this myself. I opened one of the 3 Enigma chests I got from the FotWD events yesterday as I was waiting for Patch 4.9 and I got "Death Dealer" Sobek, again. I cannot prove what I'm saying is true, as again we lack the ability to see our unlocks, but please do look into this. It's happening with Sobek's recolor "Death Dealer"



Could you tell us if the problem has been solved?



Been solved? How exactly would I do that? I'm trying to let you guys know there is a very weird bug that appears to be happening where Enigma chest is giving you already owned items (Recolors) in my case, Death Dealer Sobek. As stated I cannot prove it to you because Console does not have the "list" of items received like PC. I guess if I were to have a "problem" it's that I'm out one Enigma chest.



Thank you for contacting us.

Enigma Chests do give time limited rewards, like skins available for a certain time, this way you can be given the same item twice and the limited times stack.

Best Regards


How can a chest I earned and opened in May give me the same item as a chest I earned and opened in April? Something's not right with that.



As previously stated you are not given an item but the right to use it for a limited time, a second drop increases the limted time.

Best Regards

To which I asked for another support agent. Now am I just totally oblivious in assuming E chest shouldn't give duplicates? Is this how they really worked all along? I mean if that was the case why would I gamble with them to get potential duplicates (Such as the extras for buying the Hercules Bundle)

Can someone please explain?

submitted by /u/RequiemFenrir
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EmilZy soloes Adapting

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 05:48 AM PDT

This needs to be a khepri skin, right?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 08:54 PM PDT

Shooting Bats

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 04:25 PM PDT

[SPOILER] Will you arm yourself for valor? Or vengeance?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 12:46 PM PDT

Ymir Gave Me The Motivation To Get This 1v5 Penta

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 04:44 AM PDT

Smite Charity Stream - CureSearch for Children’s Cancer - June 15th & 16th

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 09:13 AM PDT

Hello everyone, Loki here. I wanted to give you all a heads up for this upcoming Thursday and Friday. On Thursday the 15th I will be doing a charity stream on the twitch channel starting at about 6AM CST. I will be trying to raise donations for CureSearch for Children's Cancer which is an organization that I am running for in the Super Run 5k. I plan on streaming Smite from 6AM until 6PM, then starting back up the stream at 9PM CST and going until I can't keep my eyes open. The next day on Friday the 16th I will continue at 6AM until roughly 2PM.

The goal is to raise $300 to help combat and find a cure for Children's Cancer. I have some milestones for some fun along the way: $100 – I will eat an entire raw onion during a ranked game, and the onion will be finished before the end of the match(If the onion is not finished by the end of the match a second onion must be eaten.) $200 – I will wax my legs LIVE on steam. $300 – I will be running the 5k in a Wonder Woman costume, and will live stream as much of the event/run as I can.

During the stream any donation of $5 or more will get their pick of the following codes until they run out: Medusa Nebula Skin Such Cold Sakdi Skin 200 Gems Note: These are available for both PC and Console.

I have other giveaways for those who cannot donate that I will be doing during the stream for Skins and Icons. If you can't donate I understand just come hang out and have a good time. Every penny has meaning, so any amount that can be donated is greatly appreciated!

If you can't make either of those two days, all my streams for the next month will be for CureSearch, so 100% of all donations leading up to the 5k on July 15th will be going to CureSearch for Children's Cancer.

Thank you all for listening and I hope to see you on Thursday!



6:00 AM CST – 6:00 PM CST

9:00 PM CST – 12:00 AM CST


6:00 AM CST – 2:00PM CST


Goal: $300

submitted by /u/LokiPlague
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Just your average Clash

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 03:43 AM PDT

In your opinion what are the scariest and non scaries rank X god/goddesses?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 03:44 PM PDT

I always hear some rank 10 gods don't mean anything. Like having a rank X Loki, Neith, Anubis, and Thanatos are considered not that scary. I don't know any specific rank X gods that are scarier than other rank X gods. Help me out and give your opinion. This questions has been asked a few times but I feel its interesting.

submitted by /u/SaintZeroZ
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end my suffering.

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 06:32 PM PDT

Hel's Dark 1 should have a ground target targeter like Cern's 1.

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 01:39 PM PDT

Since it now detonates wherever or on collision, it works just like his and thus doesn't need the line targeter because it's not hard to determine who will be hit in a line compared to who will be hit in an explosion at max range.

submitted by /u/Enigilicious
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EU Builds, NA Perspective

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 09:06 AM PDT

Next Japanese gods

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 03:16 PM PDT

Some of the better known japanese deities that haven't been released yet are Tsukiyomi-no-Mikoto, Fujin, and Izanagi.

I personally think that Izanagi should be a guardian, being one of the creators of the world (also because amaterasu wasn't). He could have some cool directed taunts to izanami too.

Fujin is Raijin's brother, so I could see a pretty good rivalry relationship between them if he was a mage, but I think that he could also end up too similar to Raijin and I think a wind-based warrior could be pretty cool.

Tsukiyomi is really hard to spell, but he's also the third sibling of Susano and Amaterasu and it would be pretty cool to have all three of them. Unlike Amaterasu and Susano, there's not a whole lot of lore about him other than that he kills the food goddess for feeding him food that she more or less pooped out. I think that a moon assassin would be pretty awesome.

What do you guys think of them? I'm interested in what kind of kits people should think they have.

submitted by /u/NinjaFish63
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Marvalz channels his inner Wowy

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 07:22 PM PDT

BestGebEU restores faith in the smite community

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 12:01 PM PDT

Why is Hiding your profile a thing?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 03:51 AM PDT

I don't get it. It only makes it harder to find out who are boosting their accounts for gems at the end of the splits. Someone care to explain?

submitted by /u/1Meowes
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A moment of respect

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 06:42 AM PDT

I only just realized the Fenrir avatar is called "Next God" and it makes me so happy.

submitted by /u/Kyratio
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Game of the Summer Split: Noble Esports vs eUnited

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 05:41 AM PDT

Console pause.

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 12:28 PM PDT

When the hell are we getting it for ranked? Especially now with people every game not connecting it would be nice to have the pause until they can get back in.

submitted by /u/xXMcCnastyXx
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Curious about the leaderboard purge PonPon posted awhile ago?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 06:29 PM PDT

How did the leaderboard purge for people boosting gods go? Ponpon posted something about giving those players a chance to redeem themselves before punishment, but did it ever happen? Are the boosted accounts wiped from the leaderboards yet?

submitted by /u/PuddinCakesWoo
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Who counters Nox?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 08:01 PM PDT

Seriously, she is one of the least fun gods for me to play against. I keep getting rooted just out of her silence, so I still get hit by it because of that hitbox. Beads only seems to do so much. I know i'm just bad, but I really want to know how to deal with her.

submitted by /u/frogzx
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I guess it's time I got the godpack?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 01:41 PM PDT

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