Civilization - This sub might know the answer to 11 across.

This sub might know the answer to 11 across.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 04:12 AM PDT

Kumasi must be hosting a chariot race.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 11:59 AM PDT

The REAL problem with Civ VI: lakes

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 08:03 AM PDT

Where are they all? Who stole all the lakes? I have a lot of time in the game, but I think I've only ever encountered a lake with more than one tile 3 or 4 times since launch. It's ridiculous. I think I've only ever built Huey once or twice, because not only would only 1 or 2 of my cities even have a lake to begin with, they're ALL 1 tile. the lake generation in this is awful

submitted by /u/Lord_Parbr
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Divine Spark + Stockholm suzerain + many harbors = ...

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 05:32 PM PDT

Civ leader idea: Jack Sparrow

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 05:51 PM PDT

UU: Black Pearl (of course), replaces the frigate, much stronger (+15), can coastal raid, adjacent defeated ships have a chance to be captured. Can only build one per city max 3

UA: Jar of Dirt, coastal cities grab extra sea tiles upon settling, +2 gold to fishing boats, starts with a galley and naval units can enter ocean at shipbuilding, embarked must wait until cartography

Agenda: Flair for Grog, likes civilizations with a weak navy and similar luxury resources. Dislikes civilizations with a strong navy that pose a threat to him.

I cant mod at all really so these are just suggestions for anyone, Jack is focused on naval expansion and colonizing every 2 tile island there is, you choose your victory style really

submitted by /u/SewageSquid
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Why does my fiancee's Civ6 game look so different from mine?

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 07:12 PM PDT

Neither of us are using any mods. My game looks like this, and her game looks like this. Neither of us have ever seen anything like it, and I couldn't find any answers via google. Has anyone ever seen anything like this?

submitted by /u/Five_Against_1
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Is there a mod that makes the minimap in Civ 6 more like the one in Civ 5?

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 03:44 PM PDT

The Civ 6 map is so cluttered and everything looks super blobby with the borders expanding into the water, and option to have it like the map in Civ 5 would be amazing

submitted by /u/brentonator
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I want Tourism to be more than just a cultural victory point giver thing

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 11:51 AM PDT

What about immigration? A chance based on tourism and/or amenities that every # of turns a citizen can be spawned in a random city, most likely in your home continent after some civs have reached modern era.

Hotels. What tourism brings to the country they visit is money. GPT based on tourism and like in Civ 5 maybe, % of culture becomes tourism.

Right now tourism is like what I said in the title, a cultural victory point giver. It's completely useless if you are focused on another victory.

EDIT: Added amenities to the immigration idea. An idea from forgetfulcoder below.

submitted by /u/Danpannine
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"A Medieval Walls"

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 04:21 PM PDT

[CIV VI] Deity with Montezuma

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 01:17 PM PDT

I just had the most fun playing as Montezuma on Deity. I used the StartingUnits Mod that gives you the same starting units as the AI and it was ridiculously OP. It started me with 5 Eagle Warriors that I was able to instantly use to start taking cities and gave me a surplus of builders. By turn 50 I had like 16 cities and was unstoppable. If you are bored like I was try this combo and I'm sure you'll have a blast.

submitted by /u/The-Real-Tom-Brady
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When someone real pissed at you makes a way better deal than a friend you've had for the entire game

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 08:18 AM PDT

Norway: Your luxury resource for MORE than 1GPT and 50 gold? Gotta be kidding me man.

Me: Hi China, yeah my wonders are doing fine, what would you give for this luxury resource? 6GPT and 50 gold, alright.

China: Go shove your gold up your fucking butt

submitted by /u/Danpannine
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Share stories of your games here!

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 07:12 PM PDT

We all know weird things can happen in Civ games (I'm talking to you Gandhi), so share them with reddit! Maybe the Aztecs conquered Spain, maybe Attilla went to space, hell, maybe the vikings launched a fucking nuke.

submitted by /u/NuclearWalrusNetwork
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How to balance Tall vs. Wide in Civ VI?

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 12:40 PM PDT

I would love it if both of these common play-styles were equally balanced. I know Vox Populi fixes it for Civ V, but I really like some of the new systems in 6.

My only idea for this is to add some more wonders that give a percentage base. That or a wonder that lets you build more districts than what the population allows.

Of course, that's probably not smart, but I'd love to hear your opinion on how to balance this kind of stuff?

submitted by /u/anone8
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We all know Warmonger penalties in Civ VI are broken, but what if...

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 05:29 PM PDT

What if rather than being a direct malus on your relations with another civ, it was a multiplier for other negative opinion modifiers.

This way it's conceivable that you could have entirely good relations with civ despite being a warmonger. They'd overlook it because you have always had good relations.

At the same time, if you genuinely value that alliance you'd have to safeguard it carefully. Because, depending on the size of it, that Warmonger multiplier means that if they get the slightest hint that you're not completely committed to the alliance, well, then you're a threat.

submitted by /u/seamus_quigley
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There is only war. A civ6 unintended challenge.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 04:56 PM PDT

So while trying out Poland I couldn't make a single friend. Also my neighbors where Arabia and Japan who formed a forever alliance against me early on. So I got the war machine going fast as both declared war on me... I had already gotten the Hussars and had musket men vs the initial invasion forces. They had boarders on almost all my land.

And so begain the forever war. At first it was a holding action, but my troop strength was so high I started toppling cities fast and unfortunately neither civ was willing to give up until the warmonger penelty with other civs that just so 'happened' to find me durring the forever war. So a nice round of denounces afterward I declared war on everyone and bee lined facism.

Not a single nuke was fired. Not a single city razed. For 3000 years I brought... Order... to the world. I fought hard to keep my amenities up at first, but after awhile my home front just didn't care. The only cities that seemed to suffer from amenity loss due to war was Kyoto who at one point went -7 and spawned barb calvery that was squashed in two turns by tank armies with 7 upgrades.

Has anyone else tried forever war? No peace, no deals, only war? Not sure why poland worked so well for it and on an unintended playthrough. I tried it in civ 5 once and it didn't work out.... ever.

submitted by /u/RuneiStillwater
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My brother and I are long time CIV players, he's having a kid and i'm looking for ideas on a civ based baby blanket.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 04:07 PM PDT

My Brother and I grew up playing Civ together, mostly Civ 5 and about 150 hours of Civ 6 so far. I am crocheting him a baby blanket out of tiles. is what I have so far but I plan on making quite a few more. I was going to have the colors represent: Ocean, Coastal tiles, Grassland, Forest, Desert and Mountains. Anyone have ideas on layout recomendations?

submitted by /u/KylesGoneWild
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Bug with Poland, Winged Hussars? Civ6

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 07:32 PM PDT

I was playing multiplayer with some friends as Poland. I had the Mercenaries civic but couldn't build the Winged Hussars?

Not sure what I'm missing. Linked images:!

submitted by /u/wins22x
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I didn't realize this was possible, but long after taking Mongolia's capital, the Huns second biggest city revolts and joins Egypt.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 11:29 AM PDT

Does anyone know the font used in the Civ 5 demographics screen?

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 05:48 PM PDT

Link here:

Specifically the font for the descriptions, rank, & values. I'm not sure if they're all the same, but I figured I should clarify.

submitted by /u/EpicRaids
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Civ 6 Not Loading?

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 04:32 PM PDT

I got Civ 6 from a DVD from my friend and I installed it on my computer with all of the Microsoft and DirectX stuff but it won't start. Operating System is Windows 10, latest version.

Someone plz help :(

submitted by /u/Big-Wang-69
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Rome Delenda Est

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 12:26 PM PDT

After civ 6, side game alternative.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 09:32 AM PDT

I personally would like it if instead of making a side game after two civ 6 expansion packs the developers make a expansion pack or two that is comprised of a mega senario or two each. Where each senario would be able to act as a full on civ game but would have custom rules and mechanics added in. Like the existing scenarios but larger, more expansive mechanics wise, and able to function as full normal games withought the turn limit. It would allow things like beyond earth or civ 4 colonization without having to build a new game and possibly allow more of them by giving them a few unique mechanics without needing to rebuild old ones. But I don't know if they would do it or be plausible, just wanted to see everyone's opinion on something like that.

submitted by /u/pyromirp
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Freeciv LongTurn game with 250 players and 30000 tiles started!

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 12:23 AM PDT

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