Civilization - Apparenty Croatia had the most badass kings

Apparenty Croatia had the most badass kings

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 08:53 AM PDT

Greetings from the Himeji Castle, r/civ!

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 03:06 AM PDT

Seven years of Civ V. My proudest accomplishment...

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 03:03 PM PDT

This continent ain't big enough for the both of us, Cleopatra

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 06:28 PM PDT

When you realize your seaside resort is actually Chernobyl

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 11:04 AM PDT

Anybody else have this issue?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 06:40 PM PDT

Strategic Uncertainty - The Easy Way to Fix Civ 6

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 12:12 PM PDT

A bit ago I made the post called "Here's What Civ VI Needs to Fix," and I think upon some reflection, a bit of what I said could be simplified in just bringing strategic uncertainty into the game more in the end game. Here's a great Extra Credits video on the concept. Strategic uncertainty is basically defined as "the Unknown variables" in a game. Something that tosses up the game balance and forces you to rethink what you're looking at.

You might think that this is antithetical to what the Civ games are about, due to Civ being a game where you primarily control everything in sight. However, this really isn't the case. In my opinion, and I'm sure in many other people's opinions as well, the best part of the Civ game is the start. I pondered as to why this was, and ultimately I've come to the conclusion that it's the unknown that makes the beginning of a Civ game so much fun.

In the start of the game there's a lot you don't know, ranging from who your neighbors are, to the resources you can take advantage of, to the shape of the map. This tends to hollow out later in the game, but it keeps it alive by having the religions be founded, and being able to explore quickly in the Renaissance era with caravels. In the Industrial Era it's kept alive via the fight for coal, until the only two bits of strategic uncertainty left are nukes and the World Congress.

In my original post I made a comment about needing the World Congress to get you moving, and this is probably my best point. It would be lovely to have that feature back in the game, to give the A.I a bit of an edge back. The World Congress was especially important in Civ 5 for strategic uncertainty because A.I never made use of alliances well, and the World Congress was really the only time you saw alliances in action.

Another thing I said was that they could add natural disasters or crises, which I'm still going to echo here. Desertification, rising water levels, nuclear winter, nomadic invasions, and plagues could all help. As could potential events that happen naturally in the world that give bonuses rather than impairments. I'm thinking something along the lines of a "Good Planting Season" that gives a bonus to food yields, or a "Iron Mass Production" that makes it easier for civilizations without as many industrial districts to build them faster and buy buildings in them for cheaper.

Now, you might still object to all this, saying it really doesn't fit the Civilization trend. Saying it's too unstrategic, or that it's too sim-like, and honestly I might agree with you, if it weren't for a thought I had regarding strategy vs. strategic uncertainty. Honestly, if you were to graph on an x-axis the amount a game relies on uncertainty and on the y-axis the amount of planning and strategy one can have, you would see chess at the top left and snakes-and-ladders at the bottom right.

Civilization VI would be, like, bottom left.

And here's the problem that comes with that. Civ 6 doesn't have good A.I, and I don't think anyone can honestly claim it does. Civ 5 A.I is pretty bad at times too, but it actually managed to do me in a few times.

So, when you consider a game like chess, it boils down to pure strategy. Chess is fun because computers and human opponents alike can almost always give an engaging experience. At the same time, Chess basically dies as soon as a player is able to reliably beat the same opponent. It's not fun anymore, and so the player is left to seek out new opponents or bump up the difficulty if they're playing it digitally.

In a game like snakes-and-ladders you could play against a fucking potato and the game wouldn't change. Literally, one of the only games you can play as a multiplayer experience with one person. You spin a spinner. That's it. That doesn't change based on who's spinning, it's gonna be a random, meaningless result every time. But the point is, that uncertainty principle puts a potato on equal footing with 200,000 years of evolution.

Civ 6 claims to be more strategy based, and I guess that might be a fair claim, on the surface anyways. But the A.I doesn't know how to play the game it's in, and so it can't be anything close to an experience like chess. Nor can it ever put the A.I on equal footing to the player, because it doesn't make use of any uncertainty in the late game. Here's a small graph I threw together depicting several games and where they go in this broader context.

After making my post, I went back and gave Civ VI another shot for about 8 hours. That was a bit of an experience. My first round I played like how I played Civ 5, that is to say the largest map size and with as many A.I as possible (well, 22(?)), and about 20 city-states. Every single turn I received a declaration of war, it didn't matter who from, ally or enemy, I would constantly be DOWed. None of the A.I were intelligent enough to figure out that 10 people teaming up on one guy was probably an easy way to win, but nonetheless they persisted. And by persisted, I mean peaced out 5 turns later.

After that I just started a new world. Hard? Fuck no. Annoying? Hell yes.

The second run was more fun, yet still pretty "meh" in terms of flavor. My second run was as Cleopatra on a standard sized map and +2 extra Civs. My start was horrid, it was a straight up desert up until it turned into tundra. I decided that was hopefully going to add a bit of difficulty, so I ran with it.

I eventually decided to go for a religious victory under the guide of Ra. In the Medieval Era, Gorgo launched a surprising invasion that had me reeling for a moment, and offered some actual excitement. That was shattered 20 turns later when their dozen unit army was repelled by a couple archers and some tall walls. And so began the tale of the rest of the game.

The rest of the game was a cinch that was just me spamming missionaries and apostles for the next part of the game. I won, and frankly I was surprised it was over so soon.

I had been the epitome of mediocre. I had no army, no food, no science, and no culture, yet I still won on faith alone. Every other civilization in the game had been in the red in terms of relations, and pretty much anyone of them would have kicked my ass if they were smarter, but nope.

For context, several Civs were already in the Information Era at 1918 (when the game ended) while I was coming out of the Renaissance (maybe a tad bit more consistency with the scientific progress wouldn't hurt either). Here are some graphs to illustrate this.




Wars Declared (There are 7)

Cities Lost (There are 4)

The question of whether or not strategic uncertainty "belongs" in a Civ game doesn't matter at this point. If we continue to say the A.I will always be impossible to program to be decent then fine, but then you have to add the element of uncertainty because the game is in shambles without it. So, you can choose whichever, ultimately I don't really care (although A.I is still preferable), but you have to choose one. There's no way around it.

A bit of an epilogue. I fully believe that Civilization 6 may be the greatest launch title Civ game we've ever had, that's actually pretty clear. As soon as this one issue of A.I difficulty and uncertainty is hammered out, the game can get past a lot of its faults. I really enjoy the Civ series as a whole from when I started on Civ 4 then went to Civ 5 a few months later and then over to Beyond Earth (and then back to Civ 5).

This issue has to be fixed rather quickly in my opinion, because it's almost never a good idea just to push crippling flaws off for a couple years saying that the expansions will get to it. Just to give you an idea, we will be waiting until the fall of 2018 if the expansion goes on a similar production cycle to Gods & Kings. That's pretty much my only thought on the matter. Until then, it's pretty much back to Civ 5.

submitted by /u/ComradePruski
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As Spain, I spawned on the borders of 4 continents.

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 09:25 PM PDT

How do I abuse the dumb AI In higher difficulties?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 02:13 PM PDT

I just can't handle civs with 3 cities attacking me on turn 20 when I haven't even unlocked archery yet. They all gang up on me extremely early even if I have tons of trade agreements going with them.

How do I survive the early game? Do I just not send out scouts because I don't want to let them know I exist?

submitted by /u/pingasthrowaway
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Saved over a game by accident, no autosaves available

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 03:26 PM PDT

So I decided to start a second game on quick setting, so I could try messing around with a different map setting. A few hours in, I go to save and accidentally save over my main game, (2 or 3 days IRL in) because I;m so used to just quickly clicking the top entry that muscle memory just kinda kicked in. I checked in autosaves, but I was too far into the new game so all of my autosaves were from that. I tried to go and manually restore the saves folder, but I can't. Same with the actual save file. Is there anything that I can do to recover my save, or am I screwed?

submitted by /u/Cpont
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Civ 5 on Windows 10. I've tried every fix.

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 09:47 AM PDT

I have tried:
Running as administrator
Verifying game file integrity
Reinstalling (Twice)
Using Steam Backup and Restore
Upgrade drivers
Downgrade drivers
Using various launch options
Adding and removing all DLC

Is there anything else to do? I can't find anything...

Edit: In case it wasn't clear, I have the usual win10 error:
When I open the game, the launcher shows up, but when I choose an option, nothing happens, and the game crashes.

submitted by /u/Angrybear52
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Is the best thing about Civilization it's presentation?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 07:58 PM PDT

I've played...way to much civilization over the course of my life. Probably not more than a lot of people here but still in the thousand hour+ range.

But something I've started to realized: The best thing about the game is the presentation. From the music to the the visuals to how clean the UI feels. Everything just clicks perfectly in every single installment they have ever put out, for the time period they released it at least. The only other company I can think of that matches them in presentation is Blizzard and that's probably it.

submitted by /u/Venne1138
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I think I've found our theme tune

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 07:20 PM PDT

Civ Vi: 99 Luftballons tips?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 05:09 AM PDT

So in this games i've started on continent of Nena,(ill share the map of anyone wants it,) and i'm playing as china. What's the best way to keep up on tech progress?

submitted by /u/McGovernEagleton
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Is this still winnable?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 05:40 PM PDT

One AI always gets way ahead in most of the games I play.

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 05:35 PM PDT

Anyone else experience this in VI? Especially on deity, usually one AI is ahead of every other player by two eras, and 200+ points by turn 150. It's usually Kongo or Sumeria.

submitted by /u/William_Morris
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What are some of the most OP AI-controlled Civs in Civ V?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 01:00 PM PDT

Both Vanilla and Modded.

submitted by /u/Chukens
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Mods - need help

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 10:23 AM PDT

What id the UI mod from this video ?

submitted by /u/Lord_Olchu
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Discussion: Civ 6 Diplomatic Victory

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 10:11 AM PDT

With world Congress to return soon in Civ 6, what changes would you want to see in the diplomatic victory condition and world congress from earlier versions of civ?

submitted by /u/exoalo
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Mini map gone (civ 6)

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 01:07 PM PDT

Anyone else having an issue with the mini map disappearing and if so have you been able to fix it?

submitted by /u/maddenking420
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Marathon eras, normal game mod?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 04:12 AM PDT

Hello guys!

I am looking for a mod that has marathon duration/eras but everything else is normal/standard like the production and building.

I ve read that you could change the needed science for tech in text files yourself, but that would only work for earlier eras, because your science output rises as you progress, thats my thought.

Ive found some mods that seem to do that, but often they also change other things.

What do you guys use and do you have any reccomendations? Thanks

Edit: i am on CIV5

submitted by /u/samsiii
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Is Civ 6 still buggy and the AI still screwed?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 12:12 PM PDT

bought it on release played a bit realised it was buggy as hell and have stayed away for a while waiting for it to be fixed, is it still fucked?

submitted by /u/TheImmenseFence
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Vanilla game is constantly crashing.

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 05:31 AM PDT

Vanilla Civ 5 on Steam, with the Mongols / Genghis Khan pack installed.

Yesterday I managed to play 3 hours straight before it crashed, no saves mean I lost where I was up to. Today I declared war on Khan and lost ~30minutes of progress.

Has anyone experienced this before and solved it?

submitted by /u/glydy
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