Guild Wars 2 - Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - June 10, 2017

Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - June 10, 2017

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 06:10 AM PDT

This thread is dedicated to questions that you've never really felt the need to start a thread for, but would still like to see answered/discussed.


Please also consider sorting the comments in this thread by "new" so that the newest comments are at the top, since those are most likely to still need answers.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Gamemode where the real winners are the ones getting stomped

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 04:09 AM PDT

[Art] Destroyer Fan Art

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 10:41 AM PDT

Hey everyone, I made this post some time back about the Art Show. I've put together the original PSD file + brushes free for download for anyone to look at.

You can find the download here

The artwork made

I plan on making some more fan art and I can also put the PSD for those up as well showing some process! Hope it helps and thanks for stopping by :)

submitted by /u/mohq07
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Does anyone else miss the necromancer's corpse mechanic from GW1?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 12:57 PM PDT

I understand going from an instanced game to completely open world hinders the use of a server-side corpse mechanic, but I still really miss it.

It made the necro actually feel like a necro, and was fairly balanced until the rune and hero class exploits came about.

I don't know if a client side corpse mechanic is possible, but I think if ANet decides to tweak or rework the necromancer, this would be a great place to start.

submitted by /u/Yazkin_Yamakala
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Has anyone else noticed this on WvW loaing screens?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 04:13 PM PDT

Meet your Supreme WvW Overlord... BATTLE RUBBER DUCKIE!!!! Now you can't unsee him.

submitted by /u/DaSwagChamp
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A Set of Exotic Trailblazer's Gear Costs as Much as a Commander Tag

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 06:20 AM PDT

Currently the cost for creating a set of exotic Trailblazer's gear is about the same cost as a commander's tag. The required 18 Maguuma Lilys are currently 213 gold: These seem a bit excessively rare to me at this price; closer to what I'd expect the cost/rarity of Ascended components to be. Maybe the requirements should be lowered to 1 Lily per piece, or drop rate should be increased?

submitted by /u/RabbiDan
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I'm honestly a bit shocked about the prices for ascended armor in WvW

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 04:13 AM PDT

As a WvW only player, i thought i could use the skirmish tickets to get some Ascended Armor for my characters. So i wanted to buy some light leg armor for my elementalist and realized that it costs about 130 (!) gold on top of the tickets.

4 Grandmasters Tailor's Marks =

4 Carbonized Mithrilium Ingot (~20g)

8 Square of Vabbian Silk (~48g)

4 Blended Leather Sheet (~25g)

4 Bolt of Empowered Silk (~16g)

250 Memories of Battle (~19g)

3 gold directly

Adds up to 131 gold. Crafting the piece the usual way costs around 80 gold.

Is there any particular reason for the astonishing price in WvW? I'm honestly a bit disappointed. What am i even supposed to do with my skirmish tickets, since i don't care about the legendary (for now). I guess the next best thing to buy with them is the Tactics Boxes?

submitted by /u/Nachts12
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People really are desperate to not actually play this game.

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 12:07 AM PDT

Update to Linsey Murdock's Material Storage Side Project

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 07:59 PM PDT

Outnumbered bonus is BAD for teamplay!

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 03:08 AM PDT

I like the idea of the outnumbered buff being encouragement for playing on an outnumbered map. HOWEVER, the pip bonus is way way WAYYYY too high.

what it currently causes is that people are finding a map which is outnumbered and sitting there quietly afk (maybe tagging a dolyak) watching the enemy take the whole map without calling out in teamchat as they don't want people to come and cancel the buff.

It is effectively having the opposite effect of getting people to mount a defense on outnumbered maps and instead is causing people to avoid having people mount a defense.

Please Anet, consider reducing the outnumbered bonus to 1 extra pip. It's enough to encourage players to go there but not enough to create this problem.

submitted by /u/Fizzee
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Revenant's role in WvW

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 09:27 AM PDT

I just wanted to share a small but very useful tip for revenant players in WvW.

Traited Natural Harmony actually helps provide aoe alacrity and is very useful for lowering the Cooldown on siege weapons, allowing them to be used faster!

submitted by /u/Learning_Diary
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Tora Steals Things: Mini Adventures

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 08:41 AM PDT

1 2 3 4 5

one bit of context: Fastion's voice basically sounds like this guy, so if you have a subwoofer, his "mow" would likely cause your eyeballs to vibrate from the resonance.

EDIT: in case if it isn't clear; these are the works of my guild mate, Tora, not me.

submitted by /u/moriz0
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Cheating the Support Ticket System to get extra items

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 05:22 PM PDT

This makes me sad that people have done this and we only find out because of stat gen pages. What if anything should happen to people if they lie to support to say get a 3rd sab infusion? I think its so unfair that these people can get away with it

edit 1: link to one item people have cheated

submitted by /u/mypinkybunny
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Gemstore sales: Mad Scientist Gathering Tools 30% off, Shoulder Scarf 30% off

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 09:12 AM PDT


  • Mad Scientist Tools: 700 gems each
  • Shoulder Scarf: 280 gems
submitted by /u/Syllz
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[NEW PLAYER] trying to find mentors for GW2

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 10:08 AM PDT

Hey everyone! I'm a veteran MMO player who got so sick and tired of WoW that I've finally cancelled my subscription, after 7 years of playing. Naturally, I can't go without MMOs, and after lots of research I've stopped on GW2. However, it's always more fun and enjoyable to play with people who know their stuff and could guide me through some important milestone decision.

So, anyone up for helping a newbie out?

submitted by /u/NYalinski
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Custom waypoints for Guild Halls

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 12:54 AM PDT

Not sure if it has been suggested yet, but would it be possible and a good addition to be able to add waypoints at custom locations in the guild halls?

I just recently went about and climbed up to the very top of Gilded Hollow with oakheart essences and was surprised by just how beautiful it was up there and thought it would be amazing to have an easier/faster way to access the place, so that more people could see it.

I would just love to see custom waypoints being added to guild halls despite the possible bugs it may cause, and possible trolling we may get put through, as long as waypoints could lead people to an awesome location in the guild hall.

Edit: Actually how about custom Asura Gates, or custom permanent Portals? Would that be easier to implement, and possibly look cooler too?

submitted by /u/NilusLoi
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WvW Lemmings

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 09:18 PM PDT

Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock Analyser Updated

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 07:04 PM PDT

I have just finished updating the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock Analyser website with the details of the new items available from this week's patch. This is I website I developed to help determine what unlocks you might be missing and how they can be acquired.


Some interesting things I noticed along the way:

  • Racial armor! These are now included in the unlock (mostly, a couple of the sets have pieces that aren't included, chiefly Nightshade).

  • Profession starting items selected through character creation are in too. I would highly recommend creating new characters selecting all the options because it would really hurt to get one of these out of the Wardrobe Unlock.

  • The initial Order backpieces from HoT story are included now.

  • For some reason the Ancestral Outfit is in, but under equipment rather than outfits.

  • I don't know what is going on with Glint's mask. All three weight categories are included now, where previously just one was - this was the same for Glowing Crimson and Green masks, so I assumed that all weight classes unlocked together?

  • Pact weapons are in the list. The ones you get at the end of the original personal story. Effect this will have on the market will be interesting.

  • Some of the Black Lion Chest exclusive items are included.

  • Toxic skins changed a bit... Toxic Shoulder Pads were swapped out for Toxic Mantle and both toxic hands skins are included

  • Wings of the Sunless is included, which is currently not available through any other mechanism

  • Chauncey von Snuffles III is included now which is the most important thing.


Edit: Ok, there seems to be performance issues under Firefox (works fine on Chrome). Will investigate. There hasn't been any scripting changes for this update so not sure what has happened.

Edit 2: At least for me, disabling Ad Block Plus (not just on the page, but completely as a plugin) fixes performance on Firefox. I think that the amount of html I'm dynamically generating probably overloads some feature that certain plugins use. I will look into making more of the page static.

Edit 3: Making the page more static doesn't help. Seems to largely be caused by the floating acquisition icons over the unlocks though, or the sheer amount of html/icons in general.

submitted by /u/immortius
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Guild-Hall Art of War upgrade"WvW Fort +10% Experience" completely useless?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 04:01 PM PDT

Edit: Nevermind, it seems that I got fooled by wrong wiki info

According to the wiki the Art of War upgrade WvW Fort +10% Experience applies the following buff:

  • For 12 Hrs, any fortification held by your guild in World Vs World will give increased exp to defending allies.

Pretty standard buff but the problem is that wvw doesnt reward regular experience for defending an objective or killing enemy players anymore.

And 10% of 0 is 0.

Was this just an oversight from Anet or is the wiki just outdated and it gives 10% on WXP for defending players?

Cant test it in game atm but iirc, this buff didnt apply to WXP and the wiki states the same.

Anybody remembers, when they stopped awarding regular exp in wvw?

Was it with the introduction on WXP, with HoT and Masteries or when they introduced Reward Tracks?

submitted by /u/rude_asura
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Best reason why you afked in guild wars 2

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 08:57 AM PDT

So I recently was at a wedding as a groomsmen (note there was four of us, including the groom) we decided 30 mins before the wedding ceremony to run a quick AC p1. So it's us four premade and a pug playing gw2 upstairs on our laptops. We literally got to the part before the final boss and the Grooms inlaws come in looking for us telling us to get to the altar. We then apologized to the pug and told him "sorry going afk getting married" poor guy we left him alone to face the final boss as we just auto run against the wall. It was a great idea at the time we laughed about it at the time headed down stairs saying how this was probably the best reason to afk. So now I just wanna know what's the best reason you afked?

submitted by /u/Noxty
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Condi builds without viper gear?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 01:26 PM PDT

Hi, so im a newer player and wanted to ask a question as im still unsure about some things. Is it worth playing certain condi builds without proper gear? Considering that I dont have access to viper gear is there a cheaper/budget alternative to it for condi builds as I do in general find most condi builds a lot more interesting. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Lillerickard
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Server bridging and WvW teamwork for guild members.

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 06:30 PM PDT

Being a member of a guild that's not specifically WvW focused I wish there were a way to set the guild home server and make members able to join WvW together and fight for the servers home world despite whatever server the player belong to. Meaning.. If a party of players from the same guild with players from different servers entered WvW they would be fighting for the guilds home world, not their own. But, if a party with players from one server, or a lone player enter WvW, then they would fight for their own home world and not the servers.

I'm in the situation where I either have to change to a server where there are several guild members, or just a WvW focused guild. Can't afford the first and the second.. Well... I like most of the players in my guild and enjoy playing with them and would like to play WvW with them as well, but so far I only know of one member that's from the same server as me. And none of the people I really enjoy playing with are from my server.

submitted by /u/Skeptical_Bunny
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Gift of Heroes missing

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 06:19 PM PDT

So when the Battle Historian was replaced with the Skirmish Supervisor we lost the ability to buy the gift of heroes, which could be used to upgrade a hero weapon into a mistforged heroes weapon. I'm assuming its to force people to save up 350 tickets (two weeks of maxing out the reward track) but I really hope not.

Of course this wouldnt be an issue if tickets weren't capped at the repeatable chest gave some tickets too, like spvp's final chest now gives repeatable ascended shards.

submitted by /u/Birkiedoc
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Some CPU/GPU and FPS optimization help for GW2

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 06:17 PM PDT

I'd like to apologize if this a more tech related than GW2 question but the issue is only really on GW2 due to the nature of it's process handling and whatnot compared to games these days.

I've got an Intel i5 5200U @ 2.2GHz with a fairly mediocre GPU as well (Intel HD 5500 (don't laugh ;_;)) and for any experts out there I wanted to know if my current fps (max 25 in emptyish zones and 10-20 in heavier content to 5 in giant zerg content) can be improved to anything higher or if this really is the maximum.

I play on a laptop so switching parts isn't really what I want to go through and it's an HDD not SSD. Assuming components cannot be changed is there any way to increase my fps? (My settings are already as low as they can be EXCEPT it's not Subsample but Native.

Thanks beforehand. ^.^

submitted by /u/SirRan
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Commanding How-To Where?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 05:57 AM PDT

I read the old-school Commander Compendium (Some 40-ish pages PDF), some tips and tricks on the web and a bunch of posts here on Reddit but mostly, they are about who does what which I mostly get by now. Is there any resources for new Commanders to understand more in-depth mechanics like when to capture or not capture, when to port back to defend keep, that kind of stuff ? Basically, the logic behind what to do ?

submitted by /u/Lyxandrah
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