True Dota 2 - Playing Lycan at 5k: 21 games, 80.95% winrate, 5.80 KDA

Playing Lycan at 5k: 21 games, 80.95% winrate, 5.80 KDA

Posted: 07 May 2017 03:32 AM PDT

I never felt like I had as much impact as when I started playing Lycan. I solo carry games very frequently. And I literally mean solo carry, where 4 of my teammates are doing dumb shit and going desperate, and I just win it for everybody. While my team is flaming, I am farming. While they are hating, I keep hitting. Then I go kill everybody and push towers.

Dotabuff proof:

Play him on the safelane, if you can't - go jungle. Mid is optional, don't recommend it though.

Skill build: Max Feral Impulse ASAP, put 1 point into Howl at lvl2, max wolves afterwards. Get ulti whenever possible.

Item build: Starting build - Blight Stone, Tango, Salve, Faerie Fire.

Early Game: Orb of Venom, Power Treads (get both at side shop) -> Shadow Blade.

Mid Game: Desolator -> AC/BKB -> Whatever the game needs (Abyssal, Silver Edge, etc.)

Why Lycan is OP: He kills everbody. Doesn't matter who. You hit them 2-3 times, they die. In lane you deal so much dmg, if u miss a last hit you should be ashamed. You can right click everybody out of lane due to your huge amount of dmg, except for LC (who is still very killable with a support).

How you play Lycan: You buy OoV, Power Treads and Shadow Blade ASAP. You pick a target that you see on the map. Doesn't matter who, everybody dies. Yeah, even that Axe. You summon wolves, shapeshift, then shadow blade. Then with your 3-wolf-assassin-squad u run up to the enemy and hit them, they die. It's very simple, that's literally all you do.

When Shapeshift is on CD, you farm. When it's off cd, big bad wolf goes killing.

Why Vlads is overrated: Thanks to Feral Impulse, you got 10 HP reg/sec. Every enemy dies before you die. You have shrines and most supports dheal you in some way. In either case, I never thought "Wow, I wish I had lifesteal here." They just die so fast, you really don't ever need to keep your health above water.

Why Echo Sabre is overrated: All you want to focus on is dmg. And damage comes from desolator, AC. Echo Sabre is super unnecessary for its cost. You could invest that into the next "big item." After Desolator and SB, all you need are "big items" to prepare you for the late game, if you still need it. If you can't kill them without Echo Sabre, you can't kill them with Echo Sabre.

Latest Matches: 32/3/10, 20/3/17, 35/6/17, 12/1/8, 14/2/12,

submitted by /u/Uesugi_Kenshin
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Suma1L's Zeus build

Posted: 07 May 2017 10:14 AM PDT

Zeus is my 2nd favorite hero, and I've noticed Suma1L has been spamming him a bit lately in pubs. His build is:

  • Null

  • 2x branch (and 2x pooled tango)

  • Clarity


  • Bottle

  • Boots

  • Soul Ring

  • Arcanes

  • Midas

His core items are Aghs, Blink, Bloodstone, BoTs, and then he gets Dagon and Octarine late game. What's most interesting to me is the fact that he goes all in on damage and picks up the -40s respawn talent. He has no regard for defensive items and plays very farm heavy with Zeus (which admittedly you can do with the lack of early HG due to shrines).

Anyway, I'm going to be trying it out in my low level pubs, but I was wondering if this could perhaps bring Zeus back toward meta/pro level game status? Kind of like an only-magic-damage Lina. I concede that Zeus is super one-dimensional and doesn't bring much in terms of lockdown or physical DPS, which is nice to have in a mid for fights and pushing. Any thoughts on the matter are welcome.

submitted by /u/wuweidota400
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Where to lane support kunkka?

Posted: 07 May 2017 06:46 AM PDT

He is a roamer that needs levels. Where do I put him?

submitted by /u/Tiencha69
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Can someone please explain pausing rules?

Posted: 07 May 2017 07:44 AM PDT

It feels like I get the ability to unpause one time max for a 10-minute pause, while the opponents can insta-unpause seconds after someone on my team DCs. What gives?

submitted by /u/DirtyPiss
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How do you play razor in this patch?

Posted: 07 May 2017 05:09 AM PDT

I had the challenge and tried to play him. I'm pretty bad with the hero, but I've been wondering how you're supposed to play him. I tried mid, safe lane with or without midas.

In all situations he felt pretty lackluster. And his winrate in pubs (45%) seems to match that feeling. Even if you have a good early game, you fall off hard.

And the talent tree doesn't help him overcome his late games woe (two good talent at 10, two horrendous talent at 15, medium talent level 20 and 25)

submitted by /u/_Py_
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What happened to Monkey King

Posted: 07 May 2017 06:40 AM PDT

He no longer seems to be getting attention in the pro scene. Is he situational now ? When should you pick him?

submitted by /u/Tiencha69
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Buff Invoker's Talent tree?

Posted: 07 May 2017 12:07 PM PDT

It seems that lvl 10 and lvl 20 talents are pretty useless, and the only reason people learn them is because they want lvl 15 and lvl 25 talents.

It would be nice to have a plus armor talent on Invoker. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/derandomiz
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How do you guys feel about offlaners who pull the enemy wave from behind their tower to under their offlane tower?

Posted: 06 May 2017 07:19 PM PDT

I saw a person do it once and i've been doing it ever since. Most dual lanes cannot contest it, and I get a free level 2 plus ring of health or whatever. it often hard for most safelanes to tank it. Not sure what the pros/cons are or when to do it. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/orange_fuckin_peel
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Riki is a better version of monkey king

Posted: 07 May 2017 02:48 AM PDT

They fill such similar roles, both have a scouting spell/ability... both have high damage aoe teamfight ultis. Riki has a AOE silence, MK has a linear stun.

The problem is riki just seems way more successful then monkey king.

The win-rates of the heroes should bare that out:

Riki 55%! Monkey 43%

The only difference is that monkey makes a somewhat decent mid against other melee mids.

submitted by /u/KramerFarmer
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Support drafting question:How to decide whether your team needs one or two support?

Posted: 06 May 2017 04:14 PM PDT

Usually I prefer never first pick because I am not a hero spammer so I like to pick base on the enemy draft. However, I am confused about when should I pick a support, or a jungler.

I am 4k mmr but I usually play unranked Very High games(Maybe 3.7k). Consider the following scenarios:

  • 1.Supporting offlane:Our team has a traditional offlane such as timber, cent, should I pick another support when there is already a support in my team? I don't think it is a good idea to duel lane with my offlaner because he needs exp and we have no kill potential, and I don't think trilane is good in most cases because our support/ or carry has no nuke or control in early game(it is only good in few cases).

  • 2.Supporting midlane:Should I pick a roamer if I have a mid sniper, a lone druid, or alchemist or any midlaner who has no strong kill potential in early game? Should I simply roam to other lane? I think this require a lot of trust from my team.

  • 3.Supporting safelane:When should I go trilane essentially?

After considering those questions, sometimes I feel like picking a jungler contribute more to the game, but people still flame: GG jungler we lost, unless I get 100kills.

Thanks any advice!

submitted by /u/ICEunicorn
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About Earth Spirit and Hand of Midas

Posted: 07 May 2017 02:06 AM PDT

So i just tried getting midas on my es after getting nowhere with my items due to being the only support and not getting appropriate farm, and i found it pretty successful, but what i want to know is, is this a wise decision to make? when it is wise to do so and when is it not?

I found the gold and exp bonus useful especially since i rarely farm and is usually falling behind in terms of level, but the concern is that by saving a bit more, i can get blink instead, which is the item i get after getting midas.


submitted by /u/UsamahJundiA
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Best rooter

Posted: 06 May 2017 09:00 PM PDT

Who has the best root skill?

submitted by /u/aetherdoto-
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Looking for a hero that plays similar to Krieg from Borderlands 2 and Winston from Overwatch

Posted: 07 May 2017 03:34 AM PDT

Hey guys. I hope this is the right subreddit to post in but I'm at a loss for which hero to play after just starting out a few days ago. I would love to play someone who can initiate by jumping into the battle and have their ultimate be some sort of enraged frenzy. I've tried Groundshaker and I love using Aghanim's Scepter with him where I can jump up and slam the ground but I would like it as a normal ability since it can take a while to acquire. Any suggestions would be awesome.

submitted by /u/FireManiac58
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once you get ahead, how do you stay ahead?

Posted: 06 May 2017 07:45 PM PDT

I played 3 games of international ranked today, and all of them were either losing early game with a comeback, and winning early game and losing late. How do you stay ahead and keep ahead?

submitted by /u/Craiglekinz
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Why does RTZ not get Reflection until lvl 11?

Posted: 06 May 2017 05:50 PM PDT

Happening now on his twitch stream. I thought an early point in reflection is pretty good value?


Behavior: No Target

Pierces Spell Immunity: No

Terrorblade brings forth an invulnerable dark reflection of all nearby enemy heroes. Affected enemy heroes are slowed and attacked by their reflection. Reflections are untargetable, invulnerable illusions. Reflections can only attack their source.

REFLECTION DURATION: 2.5 / 3.5 / 4.5 / 5.5

REFLECTION DAMAGE: 40% / 60% / 80% / 100%





CD: 22 20 18 16

Mana cost: 50

submitted by /u/Dat_Speed
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