True Dota 2 - As a P5 support how high priority should upgrading the courier be? |
- As a P5 support how high priority should upgrading the courier be?
- The most efficient way to regenerate health/mana with Power Treads.
- High Level TA Trap Play
- Divine Rapier - When to buy?
- Manta Style on Undying?
- Armlet and Regen talents?
- Sven is strong but MoM and Echo Sabre?
- Can anyone give a quick summary of how True Strike works?
- What are some 1v1 offlane heroes vs a safelane carry who is by himself in the lane? I'm talking about viper/weaver these kinds of safelaners who can do well by themselves or even punish the enemy offlaner?
- Dota 2 T&T: Invisible Monkey King
- Is gyro any good now?
- Proving that Venomancer Mid is UNBALANCED
- Armlet on Troll?
- Strongest late game carries?
- Multiple Maelstroms don't stack?
- Rework silencer idea
As a P5 support how high priority should upgrading the courier be? Posted: 30 May 2017 04:32 AM PDT Lets say im playing a slow support like WW who needs boots and they have invis heroes lurking. its 3 mins, I have the gold, what is most important? (flying,boots,obs,sents etc) [link] [comments] |
The most efficient way to regenerate health/mana with Power Treads. Posted: 30 May 2017 12:30 AM PDT A common tip when taking damage or using mana is to switch to Strength/Intelligence respectively, in order to reduce the damage taken/mana used as a fraction of your total health/mana. The converse seems logical: in order to increase health/mana, you switch away from the respective attribute to gain more health/mana as a fraction of the total, right? Actually, it depends. The short answer is, with Power Treads switched away from the respective attribute (e.g. Agility), if your health/mana regeneration per second is lower than 0.003 or 0.00363636... (or 1/275) times that of your maximum health/mana, you are better off switching to the respective attribute for regeneration purposes. If the fraction is higher than those values, then switching away from the attribute is better. If the fraction is exactly at those values, it does not matter either way. Now, the math. Since you want your health/mana regeneration as a fraction of your total health/mana to be as large as possible, The percentage increase in health/mana regeneration due to +10 Strength/Intelligence must be more than the percentage increase in total health/mana. For instance, a hero has x health regeneration and 1000 total health before switching to Strength, and x+0.6, 1000+200 after switching. As you can see from the linear equations, the former is higher than the latter if x>3, lower if x<3. The fraction where the 2 equations equate will always be the same regardless of the initial total health (x/total health=0.003), same for mana. Basically, the fractions are derived from the amount of health/mana regeneration a single point of Strength/Intelligence give (0.06, 0.04), divided by the amount of total health/mana they give (20, 11). Of course you might say this information is impractical in practice. Well, you don't need a calculator by your side to know what to do, you just need to ask yourself one question: "Is my non-Strength/Intelligence sources of regeneration or my non-Strength/Intelligence sources of total health/mana more significant?" For instance, if you have a Ring of Regen, or are using a Tango, with no other non-Strength sources of total health, you can usually assume your fraction is higher than 0.003, and thus switch away from Strength. It is also good to know that every hero starts off with 200 base health and 75 base mana. The break-even point of base health and mana regeneration is 0.6 and 0.272727... (or 3/11) respectively. Without any items other than Power Treads and without any skills, all heroes would switch to Intelligence for mana regeneration (all have base mana regeneration of 0.01, except Techies with 0.02), and all heroes will switch to Strength for health regeneration except Ogre, Nyx, Axe, Bat, NS, TB and MK, who will all switch away. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 May 2017 04:39 AM PDT I'm watching cancel's stream at the moment and the way he uses his psionic traps, he places them pretty much on top of the target and detonates them instantly instead of leading the target and letting it sit for a second or so for the greater slow. This isn't the first time i've seen this, other high mmr ta players play similarly and forgo the extra slow. I was wondering about the thinking behind this. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 May 2017 06:19 AM PDT I've been having great success with medusa lately, and some games I wondered whether or not I should buy a rapier. On medusa and other heroes, when should and shouldn't you buy a rapier? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 May 2017 03:59 PM PDT Is manta viable on undying? Manta gives movespeed, armor, and attack speed which combos really well with scepter's health and damage. Manta also replicates undying's ult (like how manta replicates alch ult). Thoughts? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 May 2017 05:54 AM PDT Say you're a pit Lord or bristle with a Regen talent, would buying an armlet and leaving it on ever be feasible? You get a permanent 500 hp, 65 damage and 9 armor, with 20-25 Regen left over. [link] [comments] |
Sven is strong but MoM and Echo Sabre? Posted: 29 May 2017 10:03 PM PDT Ive seen many pro players such as paparazzi running MoM into Echo Sabre and it confuses me a lot. What is the need of echo sabre when you already have massive AS? In paparazzi's game, his team supplied mana with bottle and mana boots not to mention they had stuns (WD, Nyx), roots (ES), and slow (riki). Whats the point of going both MoM and Echo when u can just get MoM blink, MoM armlet or MoM s&y? [link] [comments] |
Can anyone give a quick summary of how True Strike works? Posted: 30 May 2017 11:06 AM PDT With the recent changes to Solar Crest (my favorite item) and the addition of Bloodthorn true strike a few patches back, I am a bit confused on how this mechanic works and when it is a good idea to pick up for my team. Can anyone enlighten me on how it works and why Solar Crest is even worth buying anymore? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 May 2017 07:23 AM PDT I need to know some heroes who really punish hard and dont allow the carry to stay in the lane, if there are any. [link] [comments] |
Dota 2 T&T: Invisible Monkey King Posted: 29 May 2017 05:22 PM PDT Ok, this is super abusive trick, so have fun guys: Also, would love to hear your ideas how to actually screw over enemy team with it :D [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 May 2017 11:47 PM PDT Gyro has received some buffs, and along with the meta encouraging early fighting and lane dominance, I think gyro may have some viability breathed into him, perhaps as a midlaner. Flak cannon to harass (now hits all units in 1250 range [up from 1000 range]). With one powerup rune spawning on one side only, the usefulness of bottle has been reduced. Aghs's Side Gunner now performs an attack every 1.1 seconds. For comparison, his lv 1, 15 and 25 attack values are 0.72, 0.95, 1.12 respectively. Adding a value point in homing missile is now more attractive: starts moving 2.5s after casting instead of 3s after casting, stuns for 2.25 instead of 2s at level 1. So, the build for him would go aquila>treads>DLance>shadowblade>aghs>daedelus and throwing a bkb in there if needed. Dotabuff has him at a winrate of 46%, but that is with him being played most often as a safelaner. I think the issue with this is that playing him as a safelaner tunnel-visions players into playing passively with him, when his greatest strength is in his early levels past 6, and using those spells to gain him advantage to scale with Flak Cannon later. Has anyone tried to new buffed 7.06c gyro recently, and how has your experience with him been so far? Source: 4.8k sea [link] [comments] |
Proving that Venomancer Mid is UNBALANCED Posted: 29 May 2017 06:28 PM PDT Context: 4.9k Midlaner This hero is insane. His w just got buffed to nearly triple the damage, and he is a menace midlane. Going W-Q-Q-W-Q-W-Q-W is brutal to play against. I have two wins with him, against a TA and a Tiny solo mid. Both games I got multiple solo kills before level 8, but died to ganks from pudges and rubiks. People underestimate the worm, but his Q deals 600 damage, and combined with a right click that deals 450 magic damage (30 per sec * 15 seconds) + super slows, enemy heroes die. And that's not even considering the ult. Harassment is incredibly easy and powerful; veno has 3 base armor, and rushing aquilla boosts that up even more. No midlaner wants to come into lane after losing 80% of hp to a lvl 3 gale, or simply taking an unbalanced amount of damage from the poison right clicks. Most times a low level gale + a right click will finish off heroes like TA, SF, OD, Invo, Qop etc. from 3/4 hp. Both games I went bottle/boots (faced tiny second game, needed MS), aquilla, shadowblade, dragonlance > damage item (mkb, butterfly). Shadowblade is so strong; you can literally march into the enemy jungle and hit, q, drop a ward and tp out, and laugh as the enemy just dies. He farms insanely quickly as well; with a few points in wards, you can clean out a jungle in a minute. Of course, as strong as this hero is, there are drawbacks. He is slow, susceptible to ganks early (although its quite easy to get postmortem turn kills on the squishy supports). He is kind of squishy, but if you can survive until level 15 you should grab the HP talent and have a dragon club from your lance, and be OK. My sample size is low, although it is "very high skill". Both games I had most damage dealt and top 3 networth, along with the most kills. Veno deals so much damage that is simply underestimated, and quick levels in the midlane can simply push his power spike super early, for his strength comes from levels. He transitions to a rightclicker insanely well, with a +75 damage talent at level 20. I am posting here because the week is coming up, and I won't be able to play too much. Like I mentioned, my sample size is low, so I can't really judge whether hes broken or simply strong. I recommend trying it out in some games, and posting feedback here. TLDR: Veno mid is super strong, maxing q and w by lvl 8. Transitions well with +75 dmg talent and shadow blade. Small sample size, need more games from you lads to really decide whether hes broken or just good. Edit: Games [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 May 2017 01:05 AM PDT I've been theory crafting it for quite a long time but I've never got to it in a match. It gives everything a troll wants when you go into Unholy Rage. Thoughts? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 May 2017 07:20 PM PDT I see a lot of talk about carries who aren't their strongest in the late game, such as antimage, pa and slark I think? Who are carries that actually like going late? Only one I can think of is spectre [link] [comments] |
Multiple Maelstroms don't stack? Posted: 29 May 2017 05:30 PM PDT I saw this on the Dota wiki: The attack speed and damage components of multiple Maelstroms and Mjollnirs will independently stack, but the chain lightning chance will not. So if I have two Maelstroms and the first one has a 25% chance to proc but it doesn't, then the second one won't proc either? Or do I get another 25% chance? And how do I calculate the total chance? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 May 2017 09:20 PM PDT For many, silencer is the real am no fun allowed hero. He's a silence based version of venomancer where aids is spread by spell usage rather than having the temerity of being in venos vicinity. He just does damage, with the silence more used aggressively on those not ready to say anything. So my humble suggestion is that silencer q and e are reworked. Making people dumber and hitting them with it is too iconic and ult is why he's ajustifiable pick. How about q being "you will be quiet as soon as you say something, or maybe after a few seconds of nothing' it's instead 'talk shit get hit and stunned for a second' hard dispellable low damage increased mana cost and duration of debuff. And e rather than a long duration posion, is a stackable long duration debuff that results in a stacking nuke and silence. 10/11/12/13, 1/1.5/2/2.5 second silence on a static 100 damage nuke. More reminiscent of that poor forgotten cancer of shadow poison by sd. I think these changes would make the hero much more interesting and flavoursome by a kinda dull hero. Being a silencer kinda means silencing someone talking, not just grinding them down with dots. [link] [comments] |
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