Fallout - New Vegas has been banned in Uzbekistan.

New Vegas has been banned in Uzbekistan.

Posted: 30 May 2017 09:05 AM PDT


Odd that no other Fallout games are on the list, though.

submitted by /u/Mimantians
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Fallout 4 Paradise Falls Recreation

Posted: 30 May 2017 05:33 AM PDT

3D Printed Maria from Fallout: New Vegas

Posted: 30 May 2017 09:46 AM PDT


In case anyone is curious: Printrbot Plus, Matter Hackers silver PLA, .2mm layer height, .4mm nozzle, 15% infill, Revit -> AutoCAD -> Slic3r -> Pronsole

submitted by /u/Hazy_V
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Really interesting bit of lore in fallout 2 Intro that I've never seen anyone talk about.

Posted: 30 May 2017 05:30 AM PDT

In one part of the fallout 2 intro the narrator says "Contients were swallowed in flames, and fell beneath the boiling waters of the ocean.

So it's implied at the very least 1 or 2 continents fell under the ocean and no longer exist. So you guys who want a fallout Europe game..... there might not be a Europe anymore. (Unless we get some super badass underwater bioshock society)

For all we know North America could be the last continent in the world.

submitted by /u/Historymang69
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Is there any evidence of people living in other countries in the Fallout universe?

Posted: 30 May 2017 12:51 AM PDT

The only evidence I picked up was Moriarty (megaton bartender) and that fighter companion from Fallout 4 both have an Irish accent. So they must be from Ireland right? Maybe it was just an oversight from the devs. There must be boats that travel the Atlantic ocean or maybe they fly?

submitted by /u/Ronald_McRaygun
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Youtuber found odd invisible characters out in the ocean.

Posted: 30 May 2017 09:42 AM PDT

Oxhorn did a review of the whole ocean and ran into some magical invisible buddies. Just wondering if anyone else finds the same NPCs on a non-modded game.

Exact moment we meet magical buddies

submitted by /u/Sun_Shine_Dan
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Let's fix some perks!

Posted: 30 May 2017 07:03 AM PDT

I thought it'd be fun to open a discussion on how you think we could fix some of the broken/underpowered perks in the Fallout series. That is, to say, only fixing the perks, not talking about how the Fallout 4 perk system needs to be reworked entirely (Of course, you can talk about that, I have no power to stop you, but that isn't what I intend for this post).

For example: VANS rank 2. VANS is already a bit of a silly perk and only good for a first play through for someone new to the game, but rank 2 is even worse. Instead of a bonus of 2 perception, I think it'd make a lot more sense for a VANS second perk to mark every location on your map, similar to how Explorer did in 3/NV. It fits in with the idea of VANS of being a convenience/new player perk, while not being complete garbage. I always enjoyed Explorer since it let me pick out interesting places to visit more easily, and was disappointed to see no follow up in Fallout 4.

What are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/TwistedCamel
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Anyone else feel like settlements were pointless?

Posted: 30 May 2017 09:23 AM PDT

The only benefit I see of them is having a fortress to be behind. That doesn't even work due to enemies spawning inside your walls and defenses rendering them useless. They just don't seem like they're worth the effort of keeping 40 people happy with an excessive amount of scrap and endless trips because they're under attack or your inventory is full. This seems to be the most widened on mechanic in the game since release with DLC. I personally think it's a big mistake to focus on something like settlement building when it's not even what fallout is. The game isn't minecraft or simcity. Settlement building was a gimmick and shouldn't have been widened upon, if even in the game at all. Seriously. Who says to themself "Man I wish I could build my own town. But let's do it in fallout instead of Minecraft or SimCity or Cities: Skylines"? I know I for sure didn't.


Edit: This is not a "how can I make settlements fun" thread. This is about honest thoughts and opinions on the system. Please refrain from suggesting mods to improve it.

submitted by /u/Sprinkley_Binkley
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Is there a terminal password in Old Olney?

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:27 AM PDT

So I had to restart Broken Steel because of something wrong with the save files. Now I can't get the Tesla coil because I have a science of 55 and it is a very hard terminal. is there a password for that terminal or a key for the door?

submitted by /u/TheLord_tachanka
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Bethesda Should Just Make 50s-esque Music

Posted: 29 May 2017 10:30 PM PDT

Magnolia is an example of success. I keep hearing that Beth's music licensing is in a muddy and strange place, so why doesn't Beth decide to hire some music artists to make music that fits the theme. It also solves the issue of why the world, now excluding Magnolia, forgot how to compose music after the 50s.

submitted by /u/Muinne
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What were F4's factions expecting to happen when they teleported us to the Institute?

Posted: 30 May 2017 12:56 PM PDT

I know they had intentions when they sent the SS through- contacting Dr. Li or meeting up with Patriot (and for us getting to Shaun), but what exactly was the plan before the part where you fulfill their personal missions?

Did they believe the Institute wouldn't notice us coming in? No one talked about the SS going there in disguise.

Did they think if they caught us they wouldn't kill us/produce a synth spy to send back/torture us for faction info? No one said anything about you being a single person teleporting into the literal hive of the enemy.

What made them believe ahead of time that we had any sort of chance to fulfill their or our mission? The Institute has been kidnapping and killing and replacing people with spies for years, from what I can remember there was no expectation that they'd be patiently waiting on the other side to explain their POV to the person that broke in.

The factions even say they have only one shot to send someone in, and yet I can't remember any conversation with the BoS or the Railroad (I haven't gone with the Minutemen yet) where they say "hey you have to blend in" or "hey you have to remain invisible" or "hey don't let them take you alive!"

Maybe I missed something. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/TheFlamedBurnedOn
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Where to get "Wear your badge" poster from New Vegas?

Posted: 30 May 2017 02:15 PM PDT

I want to buy this poser: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/5f/d4/02/5fd4028e43e3717db7b57bf8a35f9552.jpg but have had no luck finding it online. Does anyone know who sells it?

submitted by /u/stanfan114
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I'm penciling a TV episode for a Fallout spinoff.

Posted: 30 May 2017 01:59 AM PDT

I remember a post someone made saying they'd love to see a TV show about Vault life. I'm writing one right now, for fun. I don't see it going anywhere, except maybe here when it's done. Thanks for the inspiration, fellow redditor!

submitted by /u/Eeftan
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[Mods] The Pilgrim mod makes the game much creepier

Posted: 30 May 2017 02:49 PM PDT

Did you like your first vanilla Fallout 4 run through?

Posted: 29 May 2017 07:41 PM PDT

Im about to get a gaming PC and my first download other than steam is going to be Fallout 4. I just wanna see if people liked their first run through.

Edit: Mods. I will install mods once i figure out what I want to add.

submitted by /u/EmperorsarusRex
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[FO4, F:NV] The smallest interaction that changed my views

Posted: 29 May 2017 09:28 PM PDT

Strolling down the street in Freeside, just cleaned out the casino, and one of The Kings comes up to me. "Hey man, you've been real cool, this is for you." He gives me some ammo and walks off. I immediately revise my plan to kill all of The Kings. At that point, if The Kings had been one of the endgame factions I'd have sided with them, because it was an expression of genuine respect.

Now contrast that to being The General in Fallout 4. All your settlers do is complain. There's no "Hey General! Doing great!" There's now 'Hey General, let me buy you a beer."

That little interaction, just giving me some ammo for being cool, changed my plans, because I would feel bad about killing a group that respected me. That's not an emotion I ever felt for the Fallout 4 factions.

submitted by /u/securitywyrm
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How should I spec a nuka world raider character in f04

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:46 PM PDT

What are some good ways to find junk in Fallout 4?

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:22 PM PDT

I'm doing a raider play through via nuka world and I need to scavenge some junk to build my settlements

submitted by /u/TheRealTungker
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How would you feel about Bethesda handing over the rights to the fallout series to Obsidian?

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:09 PM PDT

If Fallout 3 were to be remastered, which features would you like to see added into the game?

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:03 PM PDT

Remake* Not remaster

submitted by /u/HenryPruski
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Fallout Diamond City Radio, Animated Live Stream

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:01 PM PDT

https://youtu.be/i14Mp4wrArk, I made a fallout music stream with text for subs and animated elements in a 3d scene. I am aware someone else streams the music but I am working to top him, enjoy

submitted by /u/hookncook
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Are there Fallout equivalents of recreational drugs?

Posted: 30 May 2017 08:59 AM PDT

I know that they're not gonna let you smoke crack as to not get a high BaDumTss age rating and get less sales, but they can use fictional equivalents, E.G. Morphine is called Med-X.

submitted by /u/Kiesa5
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How do i check if Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch is working?

Posted: 30 May 2017 02:40 PM PDT

Downloading it but not sure if its working

submitted by /u/mody_bird_s
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Should i download "Sharing and Caring Companions" for my first FO3 playthrough?

Posted: 30 May 2017 02:10 PM PDT

The author baited me with "If SCC were the first mod you downloaded for Fallout 3 you'd be well on your way to a very good time."

should i or no?

submitted by /u/glocks9999
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