Skyrim - I may despise the rebels, but they are still Nords. After raiding a fort, I stripped the fallen Stormcloaks of their armor and weapons and lined them up outside the walls so their families could collect their remains.

I may despise the rebels, but they are still Nords. After raiding a fort, I stripped the fallen Stormcloaks of their armor and weapons and lined them up outside the walls so their families could collect their remains.

Posted: 31 May 2017 12:05 AM PDT

Never change Reddit.

Posted: 31 May 2017 07:50 AM PDT

This guy definitely just killed a daedra

Posted: 31 May 2017 04:34 AM PDT

A fine Pass to Helgen.

Posted: 31 May 2017 06:40 AM PDT

My first act as the new Arch-Mage was to install new practice dummies for my students to hone their skills with.

Posted: 30 May 2017 10:15 PM PDT

An Imperial Soldier shot me in the head as soon as I faced him and this is where it landed....

Posted: 30 May 2017 11:47 PM PDT

I Just Realized...

Posted: 31 May 2017 03:27 AM PDT

After 4 years of playing, I just realized that the "Elder Cheese Wheel" is actually called an "Eidar Cheese Wheel" I'll never understand how I didn't notice that.

submitted by /u/KetchupTheTiger
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And so my journey is complete. See you in Sovngarde, Ebony Warrior.

Posted: 31 May 2017 05:31 AM PDT

Skyrim Pro Tip- Treat arrows like gold

Posted: 31 May 2017 05:35 AM PDT

Sorry if this is super obvious, but who knows, there may be people playing this game for the first time.

Arrows don't weigh anything, and many of them have more value than a coin. When looting (especially those you kill), remember to always grab their arrows- even the ones you used to shoot your enemy in the knee!

submitted by /u/stos313
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The Caped Baldy!

Posted: 30 May 2017 11:29 PM PDT

A worthy foe... En garde!

Posted: 31 May 2017 03:26 AM PDT

An amusing excerpt i found in the book about Khajit culture, Ahzirr Traajijazeri. "Take care of that with all haste". ������

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:39 PM PDT

Anyone else over the Dawnguard vampire quest lines?

Posted: 31 May 2017 06:03 AM PDT

Unpopular opinion, probably. I'm currently on the Beyond Death quest and all I can think about is how much I'd rather be doing something else, but now I'm stuck in Soul Cairn. Perhaps what I dislike the most is having Serana as a follower and having to listen to the same line(s) of dialogue being repeated every 15 seconds.

Anyone else find the vampire quests to be rather boring and drawn out?

submitted by /u/gourmetcarnage
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Today, my daughter discovered Skyrim's space program by accidentally angering a giant while fighting a dragon.

Posted: 30 May 2017 08:24 PM PDT

I feel as though she has completed a rite of passage.

submitted by /u/FaxCelestis
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Natural Light

Posted: 30 May 2017 10:27 PM PDT

The Restrooms of Skyrim

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:00 PM PDT

I haven´t noticed how falling dragons can change the terrain.

Posted: 31 May 2017 08:08 AM PDT

I've made some ugly mother fuckers

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:44 PM PDT

Seven people were very concerned for this long-dead Cultist.

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:34 PM PDT

I think Skyrim is set in another planet.Two Moons.

Posted: 31 May 2017 07:24 AM PDT

(Hearthfire) Sometimes when I walk into my house, my family (also steward and bard) talk to me like I'm a stranger and say shit like "can I help you" and "you lost" ??

Posted: 30 May 2017 10:12 PM PDT

Do I need to administer some beatings to establish my residence/dominance?

submitted by /u/Dudeman_McBro
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This is what Farengar looks like if you pickpocket his robes.

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:26 PM PDT

A night full of lights to a day full of clouds outside of Solitude

Posted: 30 May 2017 06:08 PM PDT

I knew it.

Posted: 30 May 2017 11:46 AM PDT

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