Overwatch - Weekly Trash Talk Thread - May 29, 2017

Weekly Trash Talk Thread - May 29, 2017

Posted: 28 May 2017 10:08 PM PDT





submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Jeff.. Blizzard.. Could we please have an 'EXTRAS' section on the home screen for all cinematics, comics and other suplimentary media?

Posted: 30 May 2017 06:25 AM PDT

How great would it be to pass time reading some comics or watch the latest cinematic in game whilst waiting for a match instead of fiddling about on your phone or laptop?

submitted by /u/JayDog1989_
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The way he was waiting for the health pack... Made me feel so bad.

Posted: 30 May 2017 07:15 AM PDT

The time has come for Blizzard to add some structure to the Player Icon collections page

Posted: 30 May 2017 10:07 AM PDT

There is seemingly no order on this page. Just hundreds of player icons scattered on a page without any sort of structure. There needs to be some sort of logic added to this page to help us find icons more easily.

My solution? Group icons from events together in chronological order. Then, inside each event group, list icons alphabetically. Icon groups in order would be:

1) Included game-launch icons

2) Summer games

3) Halloween

4) Christmas

5) Year of the Rooster

6) Uprising

7) Anniversary Event

Every icon you have unlocked is included in its respective group, and alphabetically listed within its group. I know it's a small thing, but sometimes it feels like the player icons page literally just isn't finished. It makes no sense to have hundreds of small icons clumped together with seemingly no order. All feedback is welcome.

Edit 1: One user asked about non-event icons (great point!) ... pasting my response below.

... Create an additional 'non-event' icons group that includes any new icons added to the game outside of the initial launch that were not a part of a specific event.

Another idea I've had is adding filter options to the player icon page to allow users to filter by events, dates, heros, icon type etc.

submitted by /u/SurelyOPwillDeliver
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Without a doubt my best Reinhardt charge ever

Posted: 30 May 2017 12:28 PM PDT

Guys, I think Blizzard is teasing a new moon map/hero

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:42 AM PDT

Not sure why though. Just a thought.Doomfist Confirm?!!


EDIT: Please don't take this as an excuse to hate on these YouTubers. It might look like "clickbait" or "low-effort" content but a lot of them do put in a lot of effort into their videos. It's not easy to be successful on YouTube these days and some actions that can be considered to be "clickbait" may be necessary for them to gain the attention they need to continue making content. If you don't enjoy their content, then it's fine, you don't have to watch it. Just don't go hating on them. Afterall, we're all in this Overwatch community together ;)

submitted by /u/Yernemm
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I finally got it. The coveted Invisible Sombra hook. ^-^

Posted: 30 May 2017 07:04 AM PDT

You learn something new every day!

Posted: 30 May 2017 05:28 AM PDT

Being able to blink while emoting as Tracer has many utilities.

Posted: 30 May 2017 06:10 AM PDT

Reinhardt makes the same error thrice

Posted: 30 May 2017 12:16 PM PDT

Here you have two Hanzo's in their natural habitat..

Posted: 30 May 2017 07:37 AM PDT

To all those who bought the game after the free weekend, welcome to Overwatch! Veterans, post any tips you have for the new guys!

Posted: 30 May 2017 06:15 AM PDT

I'm not great, but I do have some tips for a few heroes!

Reinhardt- DO NOT CHARGE IN ON YOUR OWN! Your team needs you and your barrier! Keep in mind, as Reinhardt, you're a prime Nano Boost target. If you don't know what that means, when you suddenly start glowing blue and hear someone telling you that you're powered up and to get in there, go wild. Hammer everything.

Widowmaker- Widow is a very high skill-cap hero. To be good with her, practice, practice, practice! If you jump while using your grappling hook, you'll fly past the endpoint of your grapple, essentially giving you a super jump. Always take the high ground when you can, and if an angry ninja comes after you, shoot your venom mine at your feet and run away.

EDIT: I left for 45 minutes to eat lunch and suddenly I have 35 messages. I wasn't expecting this to blow up as much as it did.

submitted by /u/The13thGalaxy
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Lockout elimination has provided for many heart-pounding/stand-up-from-my-seat moments

Posted: 30 May 2017 08:15 AM PDT

[ARG] I think I found something in the picture released yesteraday

Posted: 30 May 2017 08:51 AM PDT


Hammond has mind control powers. Uses the Horizon Station to infect the Omnics with God Program. He also creates Doomfist. Winston beats them up, glove goes in museum. Hammond creates Talon and brainwashes Widow. Now Doomfist stole his glove back. Terry Crews as new Doomfist goes to the Moon with Winston and friends to kick Hammond a ass and old Doomfist again.


On the right you have :




So the wavelength is wrong. That transmit frequency is X Band and has a WAVELENGTH Range of 3.75 – 2.5 cm . In addition to the Antenna gain I think this are specs of a mobile radar named The ELDORA (Electra Doppler Radar) / ASTRAIA (Analyse Stereoscopique par Radar Aeroporte Sur Electra) that's detailed here : http://www.radartutorial.eu/19.kartei/08.airborne/karte009.en.html and also here at page 363 B.41 https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=U3v1CAAAQBAJ&pg=PA364&lpg=PA364&dq=38.7+DB+antenna+gain&source=bl&ots=Ki6oX5z7Cy&sig=eligF33fCcUoZzWh1IrdXg1PWAs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjl_avl-ZfUAhWrBcAKHSIfAxsQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=38.7%20DB%20antenna%20gain&f=false

I'm not up to date with the lastest Overwatch lore and don't know if this has anything to do, but I thought it was a bit suspicious with that wavelength error in the picture.

Edit : For those asking the X band is a segment of the microwave radio region of the electromagnetic spectrum. In some cases, such as in communication engineering, the frequency range of the X band is rather indefinitely set at approximately 7.0 to 11.2 GHz. In radar engineering, the frequency range is specified by the IEEE at 8.0 to 12.0 GHz.

Edit 2 : v = fw .

v = speed of a wave, in this case an electromagnetic wave, f- the transmit frequency w the wavelength. 

In a vacuum it will always travel at the speed of light and the antenna is on the moon, so its transmitting in a vacuum. That results in either the wavelength being 10 times higher than normal or the antenna's transmit frequency being 10 times higher. At the given values, you would have a v equal to 10 times the speed of light.

If the Wavelenght is correct then the transmit frequency is 10 times lower and it would make the antenna broadcast in the UHF band .

Basically I'm assuming that someone messed with the Antenna on that research station for some reason, and that might be Hammond.

EDIT 3 : If the information on the picture is correct then the Antenna is transmitting at 10 times the speed of light. That's because one of two numbers is 10 times larger. So I suspect that Hammond has tried to increase the power of the Moon Base antenna.

Its called Superluminal communication. Superluminal communication is a hypothetical process in which information is sent at faster-than-light (FTL) speeds. The current scientific consensus is that faster-than-light communication is not possible, and to date it has not been achieved in any experiment.

Superluminal communication is believed to be impossible because, in a Lorentz-invariant theory, it could be used to transmit information into the past. . Hammond has been missing for 1 week and no one know what he's been up to, and he's been subjected to genetic therapy that most likely made him really smart, considering they all have been named after scientists.

EDIT4 WILD SPECULATION. Hammond escapes his cage and spends a week developing a computer virus. He uses the riot on the moon station as a distraction to gain access to the antenna that he modifies to transmit this virus (God Program) into the past/present to cause the Omnic Crisis.

EDIT5 I THINK I KNOW WHO DOOMFIST IS!!! It was in our face the whole time... at least that's what I think. Ok, so let me recap the timeline we have been presented with my speculations :

  1. Hammond goes missing for a week, no one cares apparently. I believe he was working on a Virus called God Program and a way to distribute it to the Omnics
  2. Riot on the moon station, Hammond modifies the antenna to broadcast either a stronger signal in the present or a signal in the past to infect the Omnics.
  3. I believe that we'll see a short about Winston VS Hammond+Doomfist and the origin of Doomfist Akinjide Aneyemi who was created/controled/worked for Hammond or at least his glove was Hammond's work.

  4. Winston defeats both and the glove goes to a museum.

  5. Its Akinjide Aneyemi's glove that's stolen, the Doomfist Saviour has a more basic glove and the Successor has an entire arm that seems to be an upgrade. Why steal that glove ? Because its yours. Akinjide Aneyemi, The Scourge is back and has other people do his dirty work for him as that Reaper voiceline says, so he gets back his Doomfist. The Doomfist we will have playable might be The Successor, voiced by Terry Crews who is build/enhanced by omnic technology... restoring faith in them after the crisis etc.

  6. Hammond had been living on Horizon for the past 30 years and is slowly making a comeback with a new plan/army. The Scourge steals back his Doomfist and goes to the moon to join Hammond.

  7. The New hero is just over the Horizon. Terry Crew's Doomfist, The Successor goes to the moon with Winston and friends to defeat Hammond and the Scourge one more time. Enter new map, new hero.

Edit6 What if no one cared that Hammond was missing because he had mind controlled them? What if after he was defeated by Winston along with his Doomfist henchman he sets up Talon and leads it from the shadow out on his Moon Base and he's also the one how mind controls Widowmaker.

submitted by /u/ErgoNonSim
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As if sym wasn't OP enough

Posted: 30 May 2017 05:11 PM PDT

Am I the only one who wants actual numbers in the hero help screen?

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:18 AM PDT

I've recently worked on getting better with a lot of heroes so I've been using the hero help screen on the F1 button a lot, but I'm continually been left wanting with descriptions such as "Increases damage a target takes" or " personal barrier that shields Zarya against incoming attacks"

Diablo 3 had the same issue, vague descriptions where it would be immensely helpful to know the exact percentage of how much faster my attack rate would get per stack, rather than "adds stacks of attack rate"

Diablo had the good sense to let you enable this in the gameplay menu, but Overwatch dosen't, and I'd really like that.

I get you don't wanna scare off new players with what is supposed to be a simple help screen assaulting them with numbers and percentages, so leaving it off as a default would be perfectly fine by me, but letting players turn it on and having it show exactly how much the damage increase on Zen's OfD is or how much health Zarya's personal barrier has would go a long way to help older players who are learning to play a new character I feel.

Edit: words.

Edit 2: Yes I am very aware that I, out of 30000000 players am not the only one who at any one point in time thought this thing, it is a turn of phrase and is not meant to be taken literally. If you really want to be pedantic consider not leaving your comment telling me I'm not special, that way your comment complies with the reddiquette , thank you.

submitted by /u/Zachel
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Probably one of the best dance videos I've seen so far!

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:54 AM PDT

The bots didn't want to help me practice anymore :c

Posted: 29 May 2017 10:23 PM PDT

Overwatch Anniversary Murals

Posted: 30 May 2017 11:40 AM PDT

Anyone else willing to admit they've never hit a basketball shot?

Posted: 30 May 2017 05:58 AM PDT

Over a year of playing, level 382, 3300 SR and never hit a basketball shot. I've hit several rims. I'm sure there are youtube videos out there showing the perfect strategy, but at this point it has become a personal crusade. One day that ball will go into the basket. One day.

submitted by /u/imoldegregg
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I cosplayed Ghoul Ana over the weekend! Handing out candy to other Overwatch cosplayers was the highlight of my con.

Posted: 30 May 2017 09:50 AM PDT

Pretty cool Null Sector Orisa Cosplay

Posted: 30 May 2017 10:35 AM PDT

This was at Animazement 2017 this past weekend.


submitted by /u/Skaitavia
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Overwatch answers question about moon confirmation.

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:12 PM PDT

TIL you can teleport out of black forest as reaper

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:50 PM PDT

Views from a complete and utter noob

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:04 AM PDT

Hi There,

I like most others out there decided to give the game a bash over the last few days due to the free weekend.

First of all I can't believe I have turned my nose up at this game for so long thinking it was just a bland shooter. 2 days of playing has been the most fun I've had on a shooter in a very long time. I have decided to note a few noob observations that might make long time and hardcore players laugh at my expense.

  • Soldier 76 is the best hero
  • Bastion is a massive pain in the arse
  • Is the tank lady ever able to die?
  • What in the fuck is that dragon thing flying through the map
  • Didn't realise what mode I was playing and trying to guide a tank round the map when infact it was capture a point
  • The hero with the big hammer is to be feared
  • Bastion is a massive pain in the arse
  • What do I have to do to get POTG
  • How are people saying hello
  • People are a lot nicer in this game
  • Didn't realise until late last night you could push the tank back if you are defending

Seriously though what an incredibly fun game where even though I play shit 80% of the time I still have fun.

submitted by /u/DoneMeABigOlConcern
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