Learn Dota 2 - Strategy Discussion - Mid Lane |
- Strategy Discussion - Mid Lane
- Journey from 1 mmr ep3: Clockwerk
- Shoutout to Dota D.Bowie for giving us an excellent 7.06 patch analysis
- Best mid hero that snowballs well and does fairly well early game?
- What are the new last hit goals for mid given the extra creep that was added in 7.06?
- What should I have improved on or done in this match to result victory?
- Post your unique, personalized builds here
- How to win against PA, Bristle, Tinker in one team?
- Who can jungle this patch?
- Thoughts on Stealth Supporters? New to Dota.
- What items lose functionality when you upgrade them?
- Learn & Practice Drafting TONIGHT through Noob-Friendly In-Houses with Coaches #TeachYouTuesday Week 15 | Giveaways Between Games!
- How do I lane against Lina as a Viper?
- Broodmother Fans without her Immortal?
- Thoughs on played with a person 3k mmr above you.
- Zeus getting too over powered or is it just my silly pubs.
- Am i missing something with safelane?
- The most efficient way to regenerate health/mana with Power Treads.
- How do i renable right click deny again?
- Dazzle vs Axe
- How to survive as Huskar
- Need some help with my mid hero laning phase and itemization
- Best Ways to Farm Well?
- Storm Spirit players/spammers, which level 10 and 25 talent do you take, and when?
- Just had a revelation on why you might not want to kill steal as a support.
- Replay analysis SF(me) vs Huskar mid
Strategy Discussion - Mid Lane Posted: 30 May 2017 10:25 AM PDT Of all the lanes, Mid is probably the most contentious. Not only are many one the game's most popular heroes typically played mid (making it a highly contested lane), but it's also arguably the easiest place from which to make or break a game for your team. Since mid lane is generally a solo lane for both teams, it offers relatively little room for error - poor mechanics or the wrong hero choice can easily give your opponent an advantage that's hard to come back from. Similarly, a gank on mid lane by aggressive supports can give one side or the other a decisive advantage. Played well though, mid lane puts you in a strong position to influence the mid game. Solo mid tends to come out with a strong level advantage (particularly if the enemy are running dual lanes) as well as moderate to good farm, and easy access to the river and runes allows you to move around the map easily and apply pressure wherever it's needed most. Here's some questions to aid discussion:
Here's a couple guides for mid lane to review: Chaq's New Ultimate Guide to Advanced Middle Lane Goo's Guide To Mid Lane (Now with over 70 pictures! They may be written for previous patches, but they are very detailed and the fundamentals haven't changed much. Link to last week's discussion Strategy Discussion - Offlane Let me know if you guys have suggestions for upcoming discussion topics. I may start going off of Day9/Purge's lesson topics. [link] [comments] |
Journey from 1 mmr ep3: Clockwerk Posted: 30 May 2017 03:22 PM PDT |
Shoutout to Dota D.Bowie for giving us an excellent 7.06 patch analysis Posted: 30 May 2017 10:58 AM PDT While it's a couple weeks old at this point, and therefore just slightly outdated, I think it's still worth a watch. At 20 minutes in length, I've never seen a patch analysis so concise and informative. As much as I enjoy listening to Purge's voice, a 3 hour long video seems largely unnecessary. [link] [comments] |
Best mid hero that snowballs well and does fairly well early game? Posted: 30 May 2017 10:12 AM PDT I want to start learning mid. I am 3.8K offlaner/carry. I have played Storm mid before but found that it takes quite some time to start snowballing. [link] [comments] |
What are the new last hit goals for mid given the extra creep that was added in 7.06? Posted: 30 May 2017 06:05 AM PDT Recently I've been getting most last hits when I play mid and was feeling really good about myself until I realised that 20 or so more creeps spawn mid now and the extra 10 to 15 last hits I've been getting at 10 minutes means I've actually been missing more last hits at 10 minutes than I was before. For refrence I've gone from getting 45-60 last hits at 10 min to 50-75 last hits at 10 min. [link] [comments] |
What should I have improved on or done in this match to result victory? Posted: 30 May 2017 08:08 PM PDT I was playing as NP and I feel like I have done a lot of mistakes. I couldn't rat properly and my teamfight presence is seldom. More specifically, how should I have ratted? Or, should I just join teamfights? Match link: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3214964049 [link] [comments] |
Post your unique, personalized builds here Posted: 30 May 2017 08:06 PM PDT Any fun, unique theorycrafted builds that are also semi-viable? By semi-viable, I mean that they are not strictly outclassed by the "standard" build and can reasonably work against players of similar skill level. Post them here! Along with maybe a short description of why it's effective and how you play it I love off-meta builds and I'm always looking to try out new builds and strategies! [link] [comments] |
How to win against PA, Bristle, Tinker in one team? Posted: 30 May 2017 07:30 PM PDT My team was doing fairly well this game and our early game was decent but how the fuck do you even win this lol: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3214967529 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 May 2017 01:29 PM PDT I tried jungling for the first time since 7.06 and it's TERRIBLE. I don't level up fast enough to kill creeps fast enough to make gold fast enough to gank. Is jungle good for anyone? Maybe enigma because she needs gold and not levels? Enchantress seems like she could work if you get the creeps to push lane/tower but I'm not sure [link] [comments] |
Thoughts on Stealth Supporters? New to Dota. Posted: 30 May 2017 07:08 PM PDT Thoughts on Nyx Assassin and Bounty Hunter as a 4 support? I am still TBD for rank so its not for high level of play. Who are they good against, who are they bad against, when is a good time to pick, when do i not want to pick them? [link] [comments] |
What items lose functionality when you upgrade them? Posted: 30 May 2017 02:38 PM PDT This is about aspects/abilities being lost entirely not merely changed and represented in any other way.
Did I miss any? EDIT:
[link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 May 2017 11:42 AM PDT
TeachYOUTuesday In-House Workshop Event!In-Houses with Coaches, Casted with AnalysisTonight, Tuesday 5/30, at 7:00 PM ET, we're going to continue our series with a draft focus at the beginning followed by matchmaking with a Coach for the novice players, afterwards we'll be discussing gameplay of the match in depth so that all players can benefit from it. When we move to the in-house portion of the night we will discuss gameplay of both teams' in depth across the game with a panel discussion at the end. Ideally we'll have a coach for both teams in this match.
Teach YOU Tuesday is a weekly educational series that will give new and experienced players an opportunity to play in a competitive setting without the pressures of toxic team members.Anyone who participates in the game should be able to review the cast (along with having a coach live in the game) and should receive insight to improve their performance. Best of all, you can join as a solo player or full team! Click HERE for the Sign Up Form
Note: Have you signed up in a previous week and see this message screen or want to update your info? Click the edit button, scroll down, select which game you'd like to participate in, and I'll see you tonight! Participant Information:Coaches will be focusing on guiding your team on how to be effective in communicating strategy in the pre-phase (drafting) along with active decision making throughout the game (shot-calling). What to Expect as a Viewer There are two ways content may be delivered tonight:
Game Format
If you signed up for a previous week and have not yet played in this Weekly Community Event, please DM me on Discord or post here and reference your sign up name. I'll do my best to get you included tonight.
Schedule for Tonight's GamesOur goal here is looking to teach you something that will impact your future games in a friendly environment. Participants should be able to re-watch the game and learn something in conjunction with getting live feedback from a coach in-game.
Are you a passionate coach who is skilled at their craft and are interested in #MakingDotaGreatAgain? or have you never tried coaching before but are interested in trying? Please DM me on Discord, fill in this form & mark Coach, or email me if you're interested in future events: thedotadoc@gmail.com -- We're a growing community based on helping everyone getting better together, would love to have you join us.
See when I'm going live on twitter: @Reach4sKai Best Regards,sKai
Streamed (Almost) Daily, Starting Around ~7:30 PM (19:30) ET See what time it is for you, here! sKai HIGH Studios is HIRING! Find out more details here.[link] [comments] |
How do I lane against Lina as a Viper? Posted: 30 May 2017 01:42 PM PDT I recently had a game in 3k MMR in which I was completely destroyed in lane by a Lina, despite picking Viper who I thought would be able to dominate the lane. Does anyone have any tips for laning against Lina considering that she can harass me using her extra 100 attack range and Fiery Soul stacks from Dragon Slave spam make it really hard to trade right clicks with her? [link] [comments] |
Broodmother Fans without her Immortal? Posted: 30 May 2017 09:51 AM PDT Edit - alright, thanks guys. I have selected some of you guys for the immortals. I'll PM anyone else I didn't get to if I manage to get any more before the compendium is over. Sorry if you missed out. Keeping this up so I can have reddit names to PM if you change your steam names I can still find you. [link] [comments] |
Thoughs on played with a person 3k mmr above you. Posted: 30 May 2017 01:27 PM PDT Soo. Today I played a game of international ranked. My solo standard mmr is 4.2k and the average of this game was 4.3k. I decided to play mid for some reason and asked for it nicely, everybody had a great mood and I was feeling hopeful. Until I saw what the mmr of the first pick invoker of the other team was. 7.2k... Well I told my team that and they just told me it was fine and they could take mid from me. But for some reason I decided to still pick mid so I got OD. Game starts of with riki hitting me at rune and proceeding to harass me in lane for some min. I though the lane was going fine to be laning vs such a high skilled player. (The lane went crap but I was hopeful anyways) And the game dragged out for a bit. I could see their invoker farmed a bit faster then I did because I was playing so passively on the farming side (on the fighting side my positioning was horrible). I clrealy got outfarmed and outplayed many times, but I still enjoyed the game as it lasted. Though I wouldnt say we lost mainly because of him, he was a problem at the end, but we lost due to the lack of me ganking early on and nyx not doing shit because slark tilted him. Well, I would like to see your thoughts on this game. You can check the replay too and tell me what I did wrong and do to preform better (remember that I was kinda nervous though) https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3214571322 Match id: 3214571322 (Ik it's in the dotabuff link and all but yeah) Also this was my first ever reddit thread, so hope you enjoyed the read and tell me how I can improve on reddit xd. (I copied this from my thread on r/dota2 because some guy told me about this forum) And I also want to know if anyone of you have had this happen to them. Would be interested in their storie too! Thanks for reading! [link] [comments] |
Zeus getting too over powered or is it just my silly pubs. Posted: 30 May 2017 09:26 AM PDT Hi, I have really been on the roll these days. I am posting this the moment I reached 3k. Below are my opendota and dotabuff. https://www.opendota.com/players/147981276/matches?hero_id=22 https://www.dotabuff.com/players/147981276/matches?hero=zeus The pages i have posted the links of are my zeus matches. This is really odd but i am on a 15 games winning streak with Zeus right now. Most odd thing about it is that I am not spamming zeus but still i feel confident enough to win every single game with zeus right now in my bracket. I know most of the time winning streak happen when people start to spam a single hero.But I have never done that and i usually like to random first pick (I know its bad but i think i can play 95% hero according to my bracket) as i have done in my recent matches. Since I just reached 3k the first thing i wanna do is to thank all of this subreddit. You helped me learn a lot. Kindly go through my opendota or dotabuff whatever you prefer and give me insight on my zeus play. Also yes now i wanna spam some heroes to 4k. Please tell me if I can spam zeus for that or not. The whole page will show you only 2 losses and in one of them our WK fed 0-32 intentionally so it was unwinnable already. [link] [comments] |
Am i missing something with safelane? Posted: 30 May 2017 07:10 AM PDT I've played a few games last few days as safelane carry and in pretty much all of them except 1 (maybe 4 times now) the support has gone off to do something else like join a roamer or do something at mid. I haven't been playing much these last few months, but is this some new meta where the safelane goes solo against dual offlane? Its really starting to bug me cause its hard to get farm up which means I fall behind or have to abandon lane. [link] [comments] |
The most efficient way to regenerate health/mana with Power Treads. Posted: 30 May 2017 01:11 AM PDT A common tip when taking damage or using mana is to switch to Strength/Intelligence respectively, in order to reduce the damage taken/mana used as a fraction of your total health/mana. The converse seems logical: in order to increase health/mana, you switch away from the respective attribute to gain more health/mana as a fraction of the total, right? Actually, it depends. The short answer is, with Power Treads switched away from the respective attribute (e.g. Agility), if your health/mana regeneration per second is lower than 0.003 or 0.00363636... (or 1/275) times that of your maximum health/mana, you are better off switching to the respective attribute for regeneration purposes. If the fraction is higher than those values, then switching away from the attribute is better. If the fraction is exactly at those values, it does not matter either way. Now, the math. Since you want your health/mana regeneration as a fraction of your total health/mana to be as large as possible, The percentage increase in health/mana regeneration due to +10 Strength/Intelligence must be more than the percentage increase in total health/mana. For instance, a hero has x health regeneration and 1000 total health before switching to Strength, and x+0.6, 1000+200 after switching. As you can see from the linear equations, the former is higher than the latter if x>3, lower if x<3. The fraction where the 2 equations equate will always be the same regardless of the initial total health (x/total health=0.003), same for mana. Basically, the fractions are derived from the amount of health/mana regeneration a single point of Strength/Intelligence give (0.06, 0.04), divided by the amount of total health/mana they give (20, 11). Of course you might say this information is impractical in practice. Well, you don't need a calculator by your side to know what to do, you just need to ask yourself one question: "Is my non-Strength/Intelligence sources of regeneration or my non-Strength/Intelligence sources of total health/mana more significant?" For instance, if you have a Ring of Regen, or are using a Tango, with no other non-Strength sources of total health, you can usually assume your fraction is higher than 0.003, and thus switch away from Strength. It is also good to know that every hero starts off with 200 base health and 75 base mana. The break-even point of base health and mana regeneration is 0.6 and 0.272727... (or 3/11) respectively. Without any items other than Power Treads and without any skills, all heroes would switch to Intelligence for mana regeneration (all have base mana regeneration of 0.01, except Techies with 0.02), and all heroes will switch to Strength for health regeneration except Ogre, Nyx, Axe, Bat, NS, TB and MK, who will all switch away. [link] [comments] |
How do i renable right click deny again? Posted: 30 May 2017 04:46 PM PDT Hey guys, so ive been off of DOTA2 for a while; only watching tournaments, recently got back in and am getting reacquainted How do i renable right click deny again? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 May 2017 04:17 PM PDT What are you supposed to do as a Dazzle vs an Axe? You only have 3 abilities when everyone else has at least 4. And youre losing, arguably, your best ability. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 May 2017 04:06 PM PDT Any tips on how to itemise, survive and die less as him,I feel like everytime I play as huskar I always go kamikaze and rarely die less than 10 death [link] [comments] |
Need some help with my mid hero laning phase and itemization Posted: 30 May 2017 11:32 AM PDT So ,currently my core midlaners consist of Leshrac and Invoker and i sometimes use Storm or Tiny(My dotabuff - https://www.dotabuff.com/players/196497713) . I just wanted some tips on how to proceed with itemization on Leshrac and some laning phase tips for Invoker . I recently have been struggling with Invoker laning phase , is there anyway to lane wtih voker other than using alacrity ?, and sometimes i struggle itemizing on him , like should i rush aghs after my midas or is it better to get a drums or euls (euls is usually when they have burst or silence heroes). I usually win games with drums into aghs , but direct aghs for some reason feels like i waste a little to much time farming it and if i get ganked while rushing aghs , it become even harder to to progress since they are all 1000 gold items . My other concern would be Leshrac (Any leshrac god out there ?).I usually always dominate mid with leshrac at 3k , since nobody knows how power full he is laning and pushing , and i always end up winning mid by a huge margin , but here is my problem ,i feel like i fall off as leshrac late game against certain cores , my build is rush bloodstone into euls and depending on the enemy cores it either is ghost scepter or shivas guard , now pushing is what makes this hero so good in the game early on , like 10 mins in you could just take down all t1s if you won your lane which is very easy with leshrac atleast at 3k.But a bkb and i feel like it makes him useless as a late game midlaner . Are there any good ideas on how i can take leshrac into a 50 min game without worries ? , also i tried blink on lesh and i just dont know how to utilise it as an item on him (saw it used a lot by w33 ,actually the only reason i started spamming was after learning from w33's lesh). And few remaining things about Tiny , if i get a blink on him between 12-15 min mark , should i rush a silveredge next or should farm up echo on him , since silveredge has become so expensive and if not those items , what else would be good on him. I would appreciate any help and criticism [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 May 2017 03:17 PM PDT So I kind of suck (sub 800 mmr) and I'm trying to climb and one of my friends told me that I need to work on my farming. I tend to average 400-500 GPM as carries in ranked but this mostly comes after the initial laning phase when I'm able to jungle freely and go back and forth between lane and jungle. What would you say are the best tips to learn how to farm better/more effectively mostly in early game? https://www.dotabuff.com/players/190073376 [link] [comments] |
Storm Spirit players/spammers, which level 10 and 25 talent do you take, and when? Posted: 30 May 2017 04:40 AM PDT 3.4k. Used to be very scared of playing Storm at 1 and 2k (I'd always lose, I started like 0-6 or some shit on the hero and didnt touch it for 2 years) but I feel like I've got a better understanding of how he works now...as far as 3k goes. Maybe it's because I've won like 70% of my games this week or two that I've worked up the courage idk. I've won 3 out of 4 so far. 15 and 20 talents seem pretty clear cut but 10 and 25 tend to be within 1% or less of each other, very marginal. Personally I've been favouring the mana regen (-1% vs damage) and the spell amp (+1% vs more vortex). I am surprised mana regen has a lower win rate, given basically all other mana regen talents have a pretty significant win rate advantage. I'm curious on any thoughts also on why the win rate for the "worse" talent is what it is, but maybe that's a dumb/moot question. For 10 Maybe it's because you build so much mana regen on Storm anyway that damage is "better", but I have no clue for 25. I did notice at Manilla the majority Storms went for mana regen but almost none of them hit 25 so I don't know what the preference there is, if any. Also thought of this question now but these days when do you go treads into bloodstone vs arcanes into bloodstone into treads/ travels (way more greedy for travels obviously)? Maybe /u/BlitzDOTA will grace this thread with his presence. [link] [comments] |
Just had a revelation on why you might not want to kill steal as a support. Posted: 30 May 2017 02:06 PM PDT I'd never really thought it was that big of a deal to kill steal. Sure, the carries are gonna get mad, but oh well. Now I'm reconsidering because think about kill streaks. You get more money for killing a hero on a streak. Assuming a support actually builds support-y items instead of silly tanky/damage items, it's going to be easy to kill them during a team fight. So once you get unlucky and die in a teamfight, you're giving away gold for no reason. (Unless I have this wrong and the death for a streak isn't really that big of a deal.) And obviously, if you're the ONLY one in range, absolutely kill them. I don't consider that kill stealing at all. [link] [comments] |
Replay analysis SF(me) vs Huskar mid Posted: 30 May 2017 02:05 PM PDT Okay I just played this game against a huskar mid as sf, which was horrible to say the least in lane. Im happy to not have fed huskar and ended the laning stage with 2/3. I even managed to get some real farm but yet we still lost - can someone explain me what I should have done better btw ls is a jungling pos. match: 3214697665 [link] [comments] |
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