Diablo - Necromancer Beta Server Slam (with XP and Blood Shard Buffs)

Necromancer Beta Server Slam (with XP and Blood Shard Buffs)

Posted: 30 May 2017 05:31 PM PDT

Just got this email: https://i.imgur.com/KyB6iVv.png

Greetings, Nephalem!

We've been monitoring our server performance and player testing over the course of the Necromancer Beta and now we need your help!

Join us May 30 through June 2 to stress test a special 2.6.0 Beta build that includes a couple active gameplay buffs: Enjoy 100% bonus Blood Shards and 100% bonus experience for a limited time!

submitted by /u/Thunderclaww
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After Beating Campaign (D3)

Posted: 30 May 2017 02:19 PM PDT

What do I do? Do I keep doing campaign until lv 70, or do I start adventure mode?

submitted by /u/Molzilla
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Just started Median Xl 2017 and...

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:51 PM PDT

Is the druid supposed to be this overpowered? This tree form lasts forever for no cost, and makes me nigh invulnerable and hit for a lot of damage.

submitted by /u/Vendredi46
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How likely is Necromancer release for next season?

Posted: 30 May 2017 06:39 AM PDT

Been away from the game for many months; if Necro isn't too expensive I will probably come back; that's pretty much my favorite archetype in most RPGs. So when can we expect Necro release?

submitted by /u/Timboron
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Just installed median and getting error

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:53 PM PDT

When entering game with any character i ctd with "the application encountered an unexpected error." CB704938-A107-47D3-B12A-7AC5A6EB8B8C

Anyone know a fix? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Bravehood
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Can't Chat in Game Diablo 2

Posted: 30 May 2017 08:45 PM PDT

I think i've tried everything to try to fix this - my character can't chat in game. I type, hit enter, nothing shows up. It's like I'm disconnected from the chat server or something. It was working briefly, but now it won't work, regardless of what I do. Anyone else experience this?

submitted by /u/kallell
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[D2] Where is the ladder hosted?

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:43 PM PDT

I am finding it very difficult to find the ladder rankings for D2. I am running out of google terms to search for. There doesn't seem to be a link to it on any of the ladder reset announcements.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/ColPow11
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Salvage Primal items get 15 souls.

Posted: 30 May 2017 07:53 PM PDT

I play 3-4 hours on a work day. And weekend i play 5 - 8 hours.

Average 10 - 20 primals a week.

Maybe its an ideaa to remove 15 souls and give us like primal souls ( dont know anynames )

With that primal souls u could use it in cube To reroll an extra stat on ur primals or mayve reroll an primal item agian without taking a risk it would be ancient or normal lengendary.

Its just an idea because 15 souls sucks i have enough of those. I just want something else i feel so sad everytime i salvage a primal.

Sorry english not so good I hope for somefeed back

submitted by /u/vietnamine
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Building Helltooth WD - Questions on character optimization.

Posted: 30 May 2017 07:15 PM PDT

Obligatory current build/profile

So far I've been following the icy-veins WD helltooth build as a template for my WD and while I've managed to score most of the gear set, I am still missing some items. I had a few but cubed them without realizing their importance. I have Lakumbas cubed as well as the Mask of Jeram and Goldwrap, but I haven't managed to score The Furnace or Tasker and theo as of yet.

I recently found a Sacred harvester and a Henri's, both of which are non-ancients. Would it behoove me to equip those for the sake of progression over the Manajuma's I currently have geared or stick with the Manajuma's I have equipped as the carving knife is an ancient?

Any pointers in terms of optimizing what I currently have built would be super and mucho appreciated.

submitted by /u/Erghiez
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How likely will other class sets be getting tunes for next season or is it 100% for necro.

Posted: 30 May 2017 07:14 PM PDT

There are some classes miles ahead of solo leaderboards compared to other classes. I am from US but i strive to make it on leaderboards on all 3 realms each and every season and it feels so weird pushing 90s on my US DH then pushing upper 70s on my Asia barb. Id really like to see some other class balance.

submitted by /u/SunloungerSunnytales
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Early Ladder support druid build help

Posted: 30 May 2017 11:20 AM PDT

Looking for some help on perfecting my support druid build with a group starting in the ladder tonight. We have a group of characters including 4x sorc, 1x necro, 1x druid (me), 1x sin, 1x pally. I am not asking for advice on what characters we need, as we are more so playing for fun at the start than anything. Thinking something along the lines of the following:

  1. Max Oak Sage

  2. Max Grizzly/Spirit Wolf

  3. Max Heart of Wolverine

I am thinking a respec will be necessary sometime around hell to tweak some of this, but for the most part some summons and oak sage should get us through Nightmare without much issue, but unsure of beyond that. Looking for some input on this as I want to optimize this as much as possible.

submitted by /u/cheesepuff1993
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D2 'Unable to identify application version'

Posted: 30 May 2017 09:12 AM PDT


I've done everything imaginable to fix it. Firewall/Defender/AVG/uninstalled re-installed/compatibility mode. Nothing is working and it's getting really frustrating. Please help.

submitted by /u/ISuckAtFunny
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Why do high tier WD socket strength in LON builds? Why even socket strength at all?

Posted: 30 May 2017 08:57 AM PDT

Path of Diablo - Druid, Attack of the Birds let's play

Posted: 30 May 2017 01:39 PM PDT

Never have I played Diablo before.

Posted: 29 May 2017 11:51 PM PDT

I've never really given Diablo 3 much of a thought up until recently and I don't really know if I should give it a go? I'm looking for a game where I could possibly multi task. I have a dual monitor setup and I want a game where I can play on one screen but possibly watch a show/movie on the other. For the most part do I need to dedicate all my focus on the game itself or can this be just and easy grind and chill/relax type of game?

submitted by /u/ImSe7enn
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Season downtime

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:33 AM PDT

Hey all,

A friend of mine and I got this game at the start of the summer and have been enjoying every aspect of it. Just looking for advice on things to do during the time between seasons as we will still be interested in playing :) pets, collectibles, challenges, mogs, etc.

submitted by /u/wet_laptop
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