Destiny - Weekly Reset Thread [2017-05-30]

Weekly Reset Thread [2017-05-30]

Posted: 30 May 2017 02:00 AM PDT

Seems like our bot had a little hiccup, we are manually updating. Check the comments for info.

Nightfall: Dust Palace

Mars A new Cabal force has unleashed powerful Psion Flayers to seize control of the old Martian Warmind. Face this new threat and secure what remains of the ancient network.


  • Epic - Heavily shielded and highly aggressive enemies appear in great numbers.
  • Small Arms - Primary Weapon damage is favored.
  • Chaff - Player radar is disabled.
  • Match Game - Shoot enemies with elemental shields with their respective element
  • Berserk - Minions of the Darkness won't flinch, even after massive damage.

Heroic Strike Playlist


  • Heroic - Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive.
  • Solar Burn - Solar damage from any source is greatly increased.
  • Brawler - Guardian melee damage is greatly increased.
  • Berserk - Minions of the Darkness won't flinch, even after massive damage.

Featured Weekly Raid: Vault of Glass

Crucible Playlists:

  • Clash
  • Rift

Challenge of Elders


  • Small Arms
  • Ironclad
  • Precision Kill Bonus


Name Description
Fire Fighter Use Solar abilities to kill enemies in Level 41 Prison of Elders or Challenge of the Elders.
Shadow Boxer Use Void abilities to kill enemies in Level 41 Prison of Elders or Challenge of the Elders.
Close Still Counts Use grenades to kill enemies in Level 41 Prison of Elders or Challenge of the Elders.

Iron Lord Artifacts

Name Primary Talent
Memory of Silimar Greatly increases resistance against damage over time (DoT's) effects in the Crucible.
Memory of Timur Temporarily turns enemy PvE combatants into friendlies when they are melee attacked.
Memory of Jolder Removes Sprint cooldown entirely.

Titan Vanguard Bounties

Name Description
Strike Elite Earn Gold Tier Achieved, Silver Tier Achieved, or Bronze Tier Achieved Medals.
Sunrise Earn a Gold Tier Achieved Medal in the Nightfall before time expires.
Make a Rainbow Rapidly earn Primary, Special, and Heavy Streak Medals to earn Rainbow Medals.


Pending Data from Tower... Data unavailable until Wednesday

Arms Day Foundry Orders

Pending Data from Tower... Data unavailable until Wednesday

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Daily Thread - Team Up Tuesday!

Posted: 30 May 2017 06:00 AM PDT

Welcome to Team Up Tuesday!

This is your one-stop shop for finding clans, friends, raid buddies, patrol buddies, Tower dance party buddies, and whatever other kind of buddies you want.

Rule 6 is turned off for this thread. Clan requests, raid requests, and general friend requests are all welcome in this thread. Also feel free to advertise your clan if you would like.

Friend Requests

If you are looking for some new friends, we suggest you leave a comment with some or all of the following info:

  • Platform(s)
  • Timezone/Region
  • Character level(s)
  • Preferred game modes or what you would like help with
  • Mic: Yes/No
  • Username or Gamertag
  • Optional: comment about yourself, link to profile, favorite color, etc.

Other Resources

If you need some additional resources, we also recommend /r/Fireteams, /r/DestinySherpa, /r/CrucibleSherpa, or Have fun!

Don't forget to sort comments by 'new' if you are looking for people in the immediate future.

You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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What shampoo do the Iron lords use?

Posted: 30 May 2017 06:10 AM PDT

Head and Jolder's

sorry but I just had to.....

EDIT: Ohhh Front page ...MOMMMM GET THE CAMERA!!!!

submitted by /u/thegr8testone
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Does anyone else still get excited for Reset?

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:39 AM PDT

This game is 3 years old. No new content is coming. No weapons changes. No exotic quests. The same strikes and story missions we've run through literally hundreds of times.

And yet.....

The first thing I check on Tuesday mornings is the Weekly Reset Thread. What's the NF? (Screw you Wretched Eye.) Any good modifiers? (Specialist....WHY, BUNGO??) What about Strikes? What are the featured Crucible Playlists?

Wednesday comes. Will today be the day for the Ultimate God-Roll PDX-45? (No it won't.)

There must be some serious black magic in this game. I don't know how Bungie did it, but I am hooked. Like seriously "might need rehab" hooked. Every week it is literally the same old thing. And every week, I'm like a kid at Christmas.

EDIT: Hello, Front Page! Gosh, it's nice here.

submitted by /u/avenger_dog
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For the Vanilla CE owners: this week's Frontier Shell sold by the Speaker is a perfectly rolled Int/Disc one!

Posted: 30 May 2017 05:15 AM PDT

Call me crazy, but I don't want three of coins to return in D2

Posted: 30 May 2017 11:33 AM PDT

I miss the days when the nightfall felt relevant. I used to get giddy, on the edge of my seat, when the countdown would start after completing it and I would slap my hands together and pray for an exotic. The random times in crucible when an exotic would drop and your entire fire team would freak out or when you would complete Atheon and you'd be searching for yellow lettering when all of the drops would spam on the feed. And when things weren't going your way, that beautiful son of bitch Xur would throw you a bone every once in a while (Why the fuck didn't I buy gjallarhorn from him...because I'm an idiot...that's why). That to me made destiny great...the anticipation...the thirst for something...well...exotic. Three of coins took out the exclusivity of exotics because it seemed like everyone had every exotic they needed. I want that feeling back in D2, so when I get an exotic, see someone else with one, or get obliterated by one in crucible (ohh hello pre-nerf vex)...I shit my pants with excitement and envy.

submitted by /u/X-Warlord
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Enter the Dominus (Light spoilers)

Posted: 30 May 2017 08:03 AM PDT

Bracus. Val. Valus. Primus. To this day in our history as Guardians, these are the Cabal officers ranks we've encountered. From Bracus Tha'aurn, to Val Bo'ourc, to Valus Ta'aruc, to Primus Ta'aun...we've faced and defeated many of the Cabal command sent to our system. But now, the coming threat soon to besiege our home (and blow up our stuff. You stuff, my stuff...but most importantly Cayde's stuff) is a rank of command that to this point we never knew existed, Dominus. Dominus mean Ghaul.

Let's go deeper into this rank...Dominus. Now obviously the only thing we can safely say we know for sure is that the rank is higher then Primus. From record supplied by Cayde-6, we know that Primus is akin to Admiral in our pre-golden age and golden age military command structure. For those who aren't military, Admiral is the Navy's equivalent to the Army and Marine's General rank. So the rank of Primus comes with great power and respect. Primus Ta'aun of the Skyburners regiment was given the order by the Cabal Emperor himself to storm the flagship of The Taken King and seize tech they could use to combine with their finally be able to He decided that the way to achieve this was crashing his warship, the Dantalion Exodus VI into Oryx's Dreadnaught in a cavalier...but ultimately failed attempt to reach the core and blow it to bits. A mission that would see him "Taken" by Oryx, and his depleted forces killed by Guardians. But not before what remained of the Skyburners sent and outbound signal back to the empire to alert them that they failed, and with their defeat they no longer had a strong enough military presence in our system to continue operations.

And that's where the Dominus enters.

What we can surmise about a Domius is that they are the elite commanders of the Cabal Empire. Higher then a Primus. Dominus is likely reserved for the most fearsome, tactical and powerful warlords among the Cabal command. Allowed to act outside of the jurisdiction of the empire, answering only and DIRECTLY to The Emperor. Now what we know bits and pieces of media is that Dominus Ghaul is the reinforcements sent to our system to avenge the lost regiments we've crushed the last three years. What's more is he sees our very existence as an affront. He believes only a warrior of his caliber deserves the power of The Traveler. So he decides to do what any power hungry warlord leading a massive, megalithic armada would do...storm the shores of the enemy who has what he wants and take force. And that's where we start with our next chapter in Destiny.

Now to be clear, there are still Primus' we haven't faced. The Ice Reapers, Sand Eaters and Siege Dancers all have a Primus...but the likelihood we ever face them is slim. Even so, with Ghaul's arrival in Sol, he's the commanding officer. So if the remaining forces of the Cabal did mobilize, it would be on Ghaul's order. Is Ghaul likely the only Dominus we'll face over the story of Destiny? Not hardly. But he opens another door into the Cabal command that up until D2 we know very little of. Hopefully over the course of D2's life cycle, we learn more of the Cabal's command and motives.

submitted by /u/Oz70NYC
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Posted: 30 May 2017 08:53 AM PDT

Pencil sketch of Cayde-6 during break.

Also a small sketch of a Lady Titan from Destiny2

Free time is really hard to come by now. :(

submitted by /u/fallerion
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With the removal of Grimoire, I hope D2 has something else for completionist to chase after

Posted: 30 May 2017 07:33 AM PDT

Here in D1 i made it a goal to complete every bounty, quest,acquire every exotic and be max Grimoire before D2 and with only 8 Rumble wins between me and my goal it got me thinking about what I will be chasing after in D2 after everything else is all said an done. I would still like to see something like Grimoire score so that I have something to chase after that isn't necessary but give you something to do.

submitted by /u/nabuzasan
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A walk down memory lane: Top 10 Best Weapons in the History of Destiny

Posted: 30 May 2017 06:33 AM PDT

Heyo. With the sun slowly setting on Destiny 1 and the D2 beta slowly about to round the corner, I thought it might be fun to put together a quick little compilation vid-history piece on some of the best / most infamous guns to ever appear in all 3 years of Destiny. Sort of a fun little look back on many of the weapons that shaped the community in one way or another. Naturally, since it's a top 10 list, there's always plenty of "What about ___??". Yeah, I know. With all the ups, downs, OP phases & patches to hit this game, it's hard to land on just 10. Ah well.

Hope you enjoy the stroll down memory lane (Vid)

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My wish for all these Destiny 2 wish posts.

Posted: 30 May 2017 12:38 PM PDT


The game is basically done. Whatever you want, it will be there or it won't.

submitted by /u/Coppin-it-washin-it
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Will you take my hand in mar-

Posted: 30 May 2017 10:45 AM PDT

Titans in love: always propose within the safety of your bubble! (For all you mobile users; shoutout to Kyle!)

submitted by /u/brp13
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So who's gonna continue to say special and heavy ammo instead of secondary and power ammo?

Posted: 30 May 2017 11:29 AM PDT

Seriously though, I'm never gonna be able to change that. 3 years of saying special and heavy and now this? I don't like change!

P.S. Not that it's a big deal but it's still difficult

Edit: Yes, I know it's energy not secondary. Oops!

submitted by /u/PSC_Donut
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Casual Petra Venj (Art)

Posted: 30 May 2017 08:10 AM PDT

I'd like to share a drawing of Petra Venj I spent some time on! Since I drew the Queen not to long ago, I figured why not draw her most loyal subject.


submitted by /u/SeraphSancta
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Calling all warlocks, use Brimstone and Sunburst in Heroic's this week for Maximum Fun.

Posted: 30 May 2017 05:23 AM PDT

I know it's hard to give up flame shield and Viking funeral. But let me ask you this, do you like explosions?

submitted by /u/Mac2277
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[Destiny 2] The Return of the Queen; and the Empire Strikes Back

Posted: 30 May 2017 06:37 AM PDT

Theory 1 TL;DR: Mara Sov is a swaggering undead pirate Queen who uses living weapons to steal warships from zombie space nazis

Theory 2 TL;DR: The Cabal conduct a "star-shaking" campaign and blow up the Sun. We lose. Or do we?

Theory 1: The Return of the Queen

The Harbingers are something used by the Queen of the Awoken, Mara Sov, with the aid of her Techeun Witches. The Harbingers have been used on two occasions that we know of: The Scatter, and the Battle of Saturn.

When the Fallen houses began to marshal together for the first time in preparation for the great assault on the City known as the Battle of the Twilight Gap, the House of Wolves under their Kell Virixas, upon hearing the drums of war, set forth from their Jovian strongholds to attack the City. However, this was quite the journey, and as the entire house numbered in the "hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions strong", a rallying point where at the Wolves could regroup, refuel and prepare during this lengthy process for the coming battle was required. This rallying point was to be the dwarf planet Ceres, deep inside the Reef and halfway between Jupiter and Mars. It was filled with warrens and dens and berths for ketches and fuel and armaments, and it was a sacred place: the only place in the Reef large enough to be rounded by its own gravity, round like the Servitors of life, round like the Great Machine. Thousands of warships crowded this space, the entire House assembled like never before.

And then the Queen came.

With laughably few ships. Their streaming banners mauve in the starlight. A silent flotilla against the millions of the Wolves in their thousand strong fleets. They array for battle, the proud Kell boasting. And in a moment, it was over. Virixas and hundreds of thousands of Wolves dead, skiffs tumbling in the debris field of smashed ketches, blinded servitors and their asphyxiating Captains. And the great tragedy of it all, Ceres the great, Ceres the round, Ceres of rock and ice, destroyed. The Harbingers tore into the great asteroid and pummeled it back into the stardust from whence it came The Scatter done, the City saved, the Wolves dead, survivors fleeing for their lives and the Reef Wars begun.

The Harbingers and the Queen

So, what are the Harbingers? Indiscriminate planet killers? Crude and unguided weapons of last resort akin to a nuclear bomb? Well certainly they are dangerous as we have seen, and during the Reef War Siege of 2 Pallas the risk of collateral damage to friendly forces in close proximity to the enemy force is too great to allow their deployment.

"Under Skolas' vassal Pirsis, called Pallas-Bane, the Wolves amassed the largest Wolf fleet that had been seen since the Scatter. The Queen could not use her Harbingers against them—if she did, Imogen Rife and her fleet and all the people of Pallas would have been killed as well." (Maraid Book VIII Chapter 5)

And yet, this immense power can be imitated. Visually. Not electronically as seen through a ships' frequently confused and jammed sensors, but as seen by your own lying eyes, the image of impending death can be conjured and shown.

"Finally, Commander Hallam Fen, Imogen Rife's protégé, was able to establish a line of communication with the rest of the Reef. Working with the Techeuns and the Crows, they created an enormous visual illusion of the Harbingers, making it seem as if the Queen had finally decided to cut her losses and destroy the asteroid. It worked—the false Harbingers so scared the Wolf fleet that they broke ranks. Then the combined forces of Commander Fen, Paladin Leona Bryl and Paladin Kamala Rior slammed, capturing Pirsis, Pallas-Bane and driving the rest of the Wolves off." (Maraid Book VIII Chapter 6)

At Pallas when the Fallen see the false Harbingers, they flee from the sight of this illusion, this imitation, or perhaps more accurately, this impersonation. Now I say impersonation quite specifically because the Harbingers, strange and foreign as they are to us with our limited information, are not in fact mere weapons. They live. And the descriptions of them are as of living, sentient things.

"The Wolf Kell, practical, brave, tallies strength of metal and equipment. The Kell considers the chance that the Awoken have some secret weapon, something gleaned from hulks in the Reef or whispered up by the witches, and sets that chance aside"

"Behind the Queen's ship, the Harbingers awaken."(Maraid Book VII Chapter 10)

What did they see? Surely we have glimpsed their form in the Battle of Saturn, tearing through the Hive armada like beams of radiant plasma through soft butter, but is this the true form of the Harbingers? Yet the Harbingers are said to "awaken", that they "rip" through Ceres. This would be poetry and metaphor if it were the limit of these personifying descriptions. And yet, more await us

On the Eve of War

The chamber was dark. The seven of them were rarely in a room together anymore, but this was the eve of their greatest journey, a plan that overcame death and spanned universes. They were all connected in trance, communing as the ancients did. Speaking would tip their hand to the Harbinger Minds they kept here, trophies from an ageless war, and weapons in the right hands. (The Coven)

Harbinger Minds. Mind: "the element or complex of elements in an individual that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and especially reasons. The conscious mental events and capabilities in an organism. The organized conscious and unconscious adaptive mental activity of an organism. A conscious substratum or factor in the universe"(Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Not an inanimate weapon, but something which can be used as such to great and terrifying destructive effects all according to the plan.

"So now the decision is nigh. The Harbingers, which to prepare?" Shuro was determined to see this all through. Excitement was taught to be kept at bay.

"We cannot send them all." Portia reminded.

"All but one, the oldest. It stays with us. Sedia, Kalli, Shuro, take the children, tell her they are to be planted into a dead thing to have children of their own." A plan hid behind Illyn's eyes, but Techeuns do not share their eyes with others. (The Coven)

Things which live must continue. They must breed and reproduce, be son and sire, father and child if their life is to advance across the generations. If they are to evolve.

Vestiges of the Queen's Harbingers yet linger among Saturn's moons.

Expanded search of Saturn's nearby moons produced only one notable discovery: A cloud of Harbinger matter collected around Saturn's 13th moon, designation "Telesto." A sample is enclosed for your examination. - Telesto

Vestige (Oxford Dictionary)


  • 1: A trace or remnant of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.

  • 2: Biology; A part or organ of an organism which has become reduced or functionless in the course of evolution.

"They are to be planted into a dead thing to have children of their own."

  1. Dreadnaught radiation events correlate with eversive breach events across solar system. Dreadnaught is likely motive force behind breach events.

3b. Backscatter analysis and Techeun insight suggest Dreadnaught hosts complex internal environment. Small party boarding action may remain viable if noopathic hazards can be managed. - Dreadnaught

Curious isn't it, that such awesome powers as the Harbingers are, which can destroy planets and shred armadas, barely so much as scratched the great dead thing, the Bone Ship of Akka, Oryx's Dreadnaught during the Battle of Saturn. Especially when we consider that the entire battle was fought according to the secret plans of Mara Sov, Eris Morn and Osiris (GF: The Reef), which the Queen repeatedly references during the TTK opening cutscene.

We do not know the full scope of this plan, and we do not know where the Queen is right now, because she isn't dead. Not with any permanency anyway, she is merely "dead" in that Destiny way of simply not being alive right this very moment. Nor is she missing, wherever she is, she is there according to the plan which transcends death and conquers universes, and she will return when the conditions for her return have been met by her plans co-conspirators, Eris and Osiris. And yet, more than merely stopping Oryx in his tracks, her plan, her battle was fought specifically to deploy these Harbingers of things to come onto the Dreadnaught.

To breed. To fester. To evolve.

To conquer the "cyst universe" of the Hive. (BOS: XVII)

The battle of Saturn was not in vain. The awoken do not slumber evermore without reason. The reason has been achieved on multiple fronts: Oryx and his Hive were stopped and killed, yes. But more than that, the Harbingers were successfully deployed, and the great plan, including the return of the Queen, advances as a result.

The Techeuns should've known what the Dreadnaught could do. Must've known. Did they not feel what he felt? Hear what he heard? And that damn Ketch, it wasn't protected. They had to know that. All to deploy the Harbingers. They barely got a foothold before the weapon was fired. He thought of Petra and how overwhelmed she must be, forced to hold her post, and watch her people perish.

They. Got. A. Foothold. And now, like wax moths devouring a hive of bees, they grow, parasite upon parasite until the Dreadnaught is theirs (thanks to u/Child_of_Scorn for the analogy, based on his post on Moth images and themes in Destiny). The Hive with their sword logic are the ultimate Nietzschean nihilists, their genocidal campaigns aimed at the creation of the perfect final shape. The blood of trillions, the catalyst for this evolution. And the inverted reality of the Dreadnaught is the pinnacle of this will to power. So…

"What if they are not wise enough for the Dreadnaught?"

Illyn turned back to the source.

"Sedia, do you not have faith in our Queen?" (The Coven)

The Queen and her Harbingers have not destroyed the Dreadnaught deliberately regardless of whether or not that would have been possible, because they seek to commandeer it, as an intact whole. To take it for themselves. And add yet another ageless trophy with all its power to their collection, and hasten the return of the Queen.

Theory 2: The Empire Strikes Back

"Thuria might be clear, but it's not the problem Korus could become."

  • Holborn

Discovered by Holborn's Host in association with Lord Shaxx and a Redjack fireteam, Fleetbase Korus marks the largest known Cabal orbital defense station in-system. Reports have the Fleetbase under the command of a triumvirate headed by one Primus Ta'aun, and his fleet battalion commanders Valus Tlu'urn and Valus Mau'ual. The Skyburner fleet has yet to be deployed against the City, bringing Zavala the fear that the Cabal have yet to launch their core campaign. ( - Fleetbase Korus, Phobos)

"The second fleet will wait no longer. Commencement will begin on their arrival."

  • Cryptarch translation of Skyburner chatter

Rumors of a yet-to-be-deployed Cabal Fleet have long haunted the Vanguard Hall. Hidden efforts unveiled the Phobos fleetbases house what is merely the first wave of a full-scale celestial demolition fleet, codenamed Skyburners. Ghost scans of the ships and reports of a large Psion presence have Warlocks anxious to learn of their weaponry. Dead Orbit assures the City that the Skyburner fleet poses no immediate threat to the City. ( - Skyburners)

So they finally, really, did it. Those maniacs. They blew it up.

The Cabal Red Legion has finally arrived, supported by the main body of the Skyburners Fleet. The City has fallen, loot destroyed, Vanguard scattered, and the Traveler captured by the invading Dominus. Oh well, it can't get any worse than that right?

You would think that. Wouldn't you.

Remember our old buddy, Primus Ta'aun of the Skyburners Korus Legion, well when he was taken by Oryx, Oryx had this to say of him:

You are Ta'aun. Primus of the Skyburners. Veteran of star-shaking campaigns. Bond brother to Tlu'urn and Mau'ual: your beloved comrades. Your faithful friends. For a while you were the mightiest Cabal soldier in the system. ( - Primus Ta'aun)

Shaking (transitive verb): to cause to quake, quiver, or tremble. to lessen the stability of: to weaken (Merriam Webster). Therefore star-shaking must mean: to weaken a star, to lessen its stability and cause it to tremble, quiver or quake. It's at this point, that we look back at the Skyburners description as a "celestial demolition fleet", not a "planetary demolition fleet" but an armada sent to kill a star and everything around it. Going back further still to when we first meet the Cabal, what does the ghost tell us but that the Cabal have a habit of blowing up planets and moons just for getting in their way.

I think, after however many dead Primuses and Valuses we've become quite the obstacle to Cabal operations in the Solar system, as shown throughout GF: Cabal 4.

Now, what follows as speculation would not be the first time the Cabal have attempted to blow up the entire solar system and everything in it. When it became clear that what intelligence could be gathered had been had, and further operations on the Dreadnaught were futile, the Cabal tried to blow up the ships energy core, which apparently would have devastated most of the solar system in the subsequent explosion. The Psion Flayers are even believed to have pulled the Martian moon Phobos from its natural orbit, to smash it into the surface of Mars as a weapon of last resort. Cabal do big explosions, particularly those involving moons, planets, and stars.

And this was with just a few advance and scout units, not the full might of the Celestial Demolition Fleet, quite aptly named Skyburners, or the Red Legion

"That's a job for an elite unit. Not a few scout legions bogged down in attrition war. We should wait until — "

"It's the mission I've been given. I will use what I have." GF: Cabal 3

Now, based on screenshots from the various reveal trailers and some gameplay footage from the revealed strike (the Inverted Spire) we see a number of oddities. First, we see the Star Tremor Device (for lack of a name) parked in front of a Sun that must be our own because we also, several times, see Guardians fighting Cabal across this Device while it is still parked in front of the Sun, giving evidence to its importance. The Device is actively firing a beam into the Sun, causing massive Sunspots and disruption to the photosphere causing the black spots you can see. In order to cause this disruption, the Star Tremor's beam must possess an extremely high strength electromagnetic field.

The Device is seen located between the Sun and a rocky debris field. The Star Tremor is clearly firing its beam into the sun out of one end, and out of the other end towards the mass of rocks is a stream of smaller rocky debris of unknown purpose going either into or out of the Sun and the debris field.

In a third sequence, we see a what might be a planet in front of a sun. The planet is thoroughly cracked and shattered, with pieces broken off and floating around it and the interior is glowing with a furious temperature almost as bright as the sun outside it.

Fourth, there is a significantly smaller and more scattered field of debris before a sun which promptly implodes, and then violently explodes.

Fifth, from the surface of the planetoid 7066 Nessus we see a binary pair of suns. These images are taken in the context of a strike, and as yet unknown missions which presumably advance or take place within an advanced story timeline, and contrast with other possibly earlier or story neutral (ie patrol mode) points where a single massively smaller sun, our own, is seen from Nessus and the space surrounding it.

To explain the Binary Suns either of two options exist: Nessus has exited the solar system because of Vex time travel nonsense and is in another, binary, solar system, thus those suns are not our own but from somewhere and some-when else. Nessus is implied to have previously left the solar system and come back 126 years ago. A sub option on this Vex explanation is that Vex technology is distorting the images of the sun/suns much as the Vex technology alters the appearance of the Sun from Mercury.


Or, the only other possibly valid explanation: Nessus has not left the Solar System, and the images are not distorted by time or Vex technology, and the Cabal have somehow created a second sun inside the Solar System.

Likewise, the stellar explosion seen in the trailers is explainable as either a past event, possibly the destruction of the Cabal home world which may be implied in GF Cabal 2; or it is a premonition of things to come: a future fail state of our war against the Cabal. In this explanation, we have several means by which this vision may be shown: the Future War Cult Device "the vision machine"; the Exo Stranger; or Osiris and the obsessions of all three with Vex time travel and the imminent, now proved true, destruction of the City. Which, btw in case you're keeping count, is the second plotline that might connect in to or out of the Osiris expansion.

Now, IF Nessus has not left the building and is still in Sol, and IF those suns we see are not the result of Vex time distortion, and IF they have been created by the Cabal then how does the Skyburners' Star Tremor Device and the "Star Shaking" campaign of the Skyburners and Red Legion come into this?

Quite simply: The Star Tremor is used to siphon off approximately half the mass of the Sun, a G class mains sequence star of 1 Solar Mass, into a separate, nearby location where it forms its own star of 0.5 Solar Masses in a Binary System (it's really close and they orbit each other) with the remnant of the Sun itself, now also reduced to 0.5 Solar Masses. Both stars are now as such, low mass Red Dwarfs, and when a binary system of two Red Dwarfs orbit close to each other, they death spiral in to each other while exchanging mass, whose accretion will heat and generate a what is called a Classical Nova (not a Supernova), and ultimately collide with each other.

This can only be done by handling the plasma of the sun which would require incredibly strong electromagnetic containment of the plasma (because it would melt anything that actually touched it). Which would leave clear evidence in the form of the Sunspots mentioned earlier of massive magnetic disruption by the Star Tremor's beam where it contacts the Sun's photosphere and corona.

This process of two massive bodies spiraling into each other will also produce some amount of Gravitational Waves, vibrations in everything, which however severe or negligible the effect is, is ultimately a Shaking of the Stars and everything around them. When the collision ultimately occurs, a violent explosion will happen as the bodies collide, their magnetic field lines collapse and plasma erupts outwards in a coronal mass ejection in every direction, the inescapable birth of a burning hot and irradiated Excretion Disk (mass being flung outwards at speed rather than gravitationally brought in towards the now exploded stars) that would expand until it wiped out everything in the system.

The creation of a Supernova would be the most effective weapon the Cabal could use to completely eliminate the Solar System and everything in it, Human, Vex, Hive, Fallen, including the planets themselves, however as the Sun does not have the mass to be turned into an actual Supernova, creative rearrangement of matter to trigger a Stellar Collision, collapse, and/or Classical Nova is the next best option.

If this were to all occur, given how far advanced the development of the Binary Stars are when we see them from Nessus, it will be nigh impossible to stop and our defeat may very well e imminent.

If only we could go back in time and stop them before they started.

submitted by /u/KFC_just
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Who else is excited classes in D2 actually fit their archetypes?

Posted: 29 May 2017 08:14 PM PDT

I'm happy that with the new class abilities, Hunters can have a dash/teleport on all subclasses like an actual Rogue, Titans can always tank damage with their barrier if needed, and Warlocks can heal/give buffs to the team like archetypal Mages. It's refreshing because, since D1's launch, I feel like the role each class is conceptually rooted in was lost over time. Titan/Warlock skating contributed to this the most.

EDIT: Front Page twice in one day??? :D

submitted by /u/Primes---
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10 Exotic Weapon Ornament Concepts

Posted: 30 May 2017 12:40 AM PDT

Imgur link to album

I came up with a few ideas for exotic weapon ornament designs and thought I'd share them.

Instead of using photoshop, like I assume most people did who have posted ornament concepts here before, I used the 3D-software blender to visualize them.

I started using blender a few years ago as a hobby, but had to quit eventually because I had more important stuff to do. I wanted to start using it again lately so I came up with the idea of creating Destiny weapon ornaments. I imported the weapon models from the Destiny STL Generator and then applied shaders and textures to the models. Unfortunately only the weapon model and not the textures can be imported, so the weapons in these pictures are less detailed than the ones in-game. I tried my best to make the lighting as true to the in-game view as possible, but I am not a professional 3D-artist, so it is a bit off in some pictures.

I also rendered the ornament concepts from different perspectives:

Imgur album with ornaments from different perspectives

submitted by /u/Garrus1138
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All 5 daily Vanguard bounties can be completed in Siege of the Warmind today (2017-05-30)

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:03 AM PDT

All 6 (I can't count!) Vanguard bounties can be completed in Siege today very quickly and easily.

Load up Siege of the Warmind on Hard difficulty, hop on your sparrow and ride over to the underground complex. Kills stuff. Don't go into the final room, but jump over the edge to wipe and reload the checkpoint. Repeat. You will be done in 5 minutes.

  • Enemy in Every Corner - Get 5 kills within 3 seconds 5 times.

  • Captivating Light - Get 30 kills with Void abilities.

  • Sunbreak Challenge - Get 30 kills with Solar abilities.

  • Hunting the Exalted - Defeat 10 Hive Majors or Ultras.

  • Hive Hunting - Defeat 50 Hive.

  • Cosmodrome Reconnaissance - Collect resource nodes, open chests and kill enemies in the Cosmodrome.

submitted by /u/GreenLego
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Shaxx illustration [ART]

Posted: 30 May 2017 10:25 AM PDT

This is on a 5.5" x 3.5" sketch card. Thanks for looking!


submitted by /u/DEADPOOL-52
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Bungie, please have a "Stay as team" option in crucible like Overwatch does

Posted: 29 May 2017 03:08 PM PDT

One of my biggest hates with PVP was how sometimes the game would just split you up if you won by a big margin.

OW has a "stay as team option" and everyone that picks it gets grouped up and stays way till they leave.

submitted by /u/Sno_Jon
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Went to get Thai food, found so many Exotic Engrams

Posted: 30 May 2017 01:14 PM PDT

What do you do when you finally meet up with your clan that you spent hundreds of hours raiding with?

Posted: 29 May 2017 08:22 PM PDT

You go and raid some more

P.S - Contrary to popular belief- raids that used to be easy becomes 10x harder when you are all in the same room with all the distractions. It also is 10x more fun!

submitted by /u/Bananaspacebar
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In D2 we should be able to holster our weapons in combat areas!

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:12 AM PDT

Would be cool if we could holster our weapons i.e a raid when waiting on someone or on patrols just adding more to that role play aspect of patrolling the wilds.

Whats your thoughts on this?

submitted by /u/le3vi__
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Weekly Vendor Reset Megathread [2017-05-30]

Posted: 30 May 2017 02:04 AM PDT


Dead Orbit

Rank 1

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
Endling Grasps Hunter Gauntlets Fastball // Impact Induction Fusion Rifle Loader 40 Int // 39 Str 96%
Endling Strides Hunter Leg Armor Sniper Rifle Ammo // Machine Gun Ammo Void Double-Down 51 Int // 56 Dis 96%
Endling Cloak Hunter Cloak Hand Cannon Focus // Sidearm Focus Crucible Champion 25 Dis // 22 Str 94%
Endling Gloves Warlock Gauntlets Snap Discharge // Momentum Transfer Auto Rifle Loader 36 Int // 38 Dis 90%
Endling Steps Warlock Leg Armor Fusion Rifle Ammo // Machine Gun Ammo Arc Double-Down 54 Int // 55 Str 97%
Endling Bond Warlock Bond Auto Rifle Focus // Shotgun Focus Crucible Champion 22 Int // 21 Dis 86%
Endling Gauntlets Titan Gauntlets Rain Blows // Momentum Transfer Hand Cannon Loader 35 Dis // 36 Str 87%
Endling Greaves Titan Leg Armor Shotgun Ammo // Rocket Launcher Ammo Solar Double-Down 53 Int // 52 Str 94%
Endling Mark Titan Mark Hand Cannon Focus // Shotgun Focus Crucible Champion 23 Int // 23 Dis 92%

Rank 2

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
Endling Mask Hunter Helmet Hands-On // Second Thoughts Invigoration 38 Dis // 41 Str 86%
Endling Vest Hunter Chest Armor Pulse Rifle Ammo // Sniper Rifle Ammo Solar Recovery // Solar Armor 57 Int // 58 Dis 94%
Endling Hood Warlock Helmet Hands-On // Heavy Lifting Innervation 39 Dis // 45 Str 91%
Endling Robes Warlock Chest Armor Hand Cannon Ammo // Shotgun Ammo Void Recovery // Void Armor 56 Int // 55 Dis 91%
Endling Helm Titan Helmet Inverse Shadow // Second Thoughts Innervation 45 Int // 40 Str 92%
Endling Plate Titan Chest Armor Scout Rifle Ammo // Sidearm Ammo Arc Recovery // Arc Armor 56 Int // 53 Dis 89%

Rank 3

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Perks 3 Stats T12
Extremophile 011 Auto Rifle Quickdraw // Flared Magwell Smallbore // Crowd Control Hidden Hand
Keystone 01 Scout Rifle Zen Moment Triple Tap // Smallbore High Caliber Rounds // Quickdraw
Worlds to Come 001 Fusion Rifle Hot Swap Kneepads // Smallbore Accelerated Coils // Quickdraw
Last‑Ditch 001 Shotgun Crowd Control Kneepads // Perfect Balance Hip Fire // Extended Mag
Bitter Edge 010 Sniper Rifle Triple Tap // Hammer Forged Hidden Hand Explosive Rounds // Quickdraw
Unto Dust 00 Rocket Launcher Tracking Field Scout // Quickdraw Javelin // Tripod
Diaspora Shell Ghost Shell Spirit Bloom Sensor // Spirit Bloom Extractor Reclamation 23 Int // 23 Dis 92%

New Monarchy

Rank 1

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
High Command Grips Hunter Gauntlets Switchblade // Momentum Transfer Hand Cannon Loader 34 Dis // 36 Str 85%
High Command Boots Hunter Leg Armor Fusion Rifle Ammo // Rocket Launcher Ammo Arc Double-Down 52 Int // 48 Dis 89%
High Command Cloak Hunter Cloak Hand Cannon Focus // Fusion Rifle Focus Crucible Champion 22 Dis // 24 Str 92%
High Command Gloves Warlock Gauntlets Snap Discharge // Momentum Transfer Fusion Rifle Loader 38 Int // 38 Str 93%
High Command Steps Warlock Leg Armor Sniper Rifle Ammo // Machine Gun Ammo Void Double-Down 48 Dis // 49 Str 87%
High Command Bond Warlock Bond Hand Cannon Focus // Fusion Rifle Focus Crucible Champion 24 Int // 25 Str 98%
High Command Gauntlets Titan Gauntlets Rain Blows // Momentum Transfer Sniper Rifle Loader 37 Int // 36 Dis 89%
High Command Greaves Titan Leg Armor Fusion Rifle Ammo // Rocket Launcher Ammo Arc Double-Down 47 Dis // 55 Str 91%
High Command Mark Titan Mark Auto Rifle Focus // Machine Gun Focus Crucible Champion 23 Int // 24 Dis 94%

Rank 2

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
High Command Mask Hunter Helmet Inverse Shadow // Second Thoughts Innervation 40 Dis // 39 Str 86%
High Command Vest Hunter Chest Armor Scout Rifle Ammo // Shotgun Ammo Arc Recovery // Arc Armor 59 Int // 60 Str 98%
High Command Hood Warlock Helmet Ashes to Assets // Second Thoughts Infusion 40 Int // 42 Dis 89%
High Command Robes Warlock Chest Armor Scout Rifle Ammo // Shotgun Ammo Arc Recovery // Arc Armor 59 Int // 54 Str 93%
High Command Helm Titan Helmet Inverse Shadow // Second Thoughts Invigoration 40 Dis // 43 Str 90%
High Command Plate Titan Chest Armor Hand Cannon Ammo // Fusion Rifle Ammo Void Recovery // Void Armor 58 Int // 55 Str 93%

Rank 3

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Perks 3 Stats T12
Assembly II Auto Rifle Quickdraw // High Caliber Rounds Perfect Balance // Rodeo Rangefinder
Free Will III Hand Cannon Firefly Relentless Tracker // Perfect Balance Explosive Rounds // Snapshot
Impeacher V Sidearm Reactive Reload Relentless Tracker // Fitted Stock High Caliber Rounds // Quickdraw
Bad Counsel IV Shotgun Crowd Control Surrounded // Hammer Forged Quickdraw // Extended Mag
Deposition VII Sniper Rifle Clown Cartridge // Smallbore Firefly Explosive Rounds // Quickdraw
First Citizen IX Machine Gun Counterbalance Unflinching // Hammer Forged Quickdraw // High Caliber Rounds
Senator Shell Ghost Shell Relic Iron Sensor // Relic Iron Extractor Reclamation 25 Int // 25 Str 100%

Future War Cult

Rank 1

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
Eon Tracer Gloves Hunter Gauntlets Fastball // Impact Induction Sniper Rifle Loader 35 Int // 39 Str 90%
Eon Tracer Boots Hunter Leg Armor Sniper Rifle Ammo // Machine Gun Ammo Void Double-Down 54 Dis // 51 Str 94%
Eon Tracer Cloak Hunter Cloak Auto Rifle Focus // Rocket Launcher Focus Crucible Champion 21 Int // 23 Dis 88%
Eon Tracer Sleeves Warlock Gauntlets Snap Discharge // Momentum Transfer Scout Rifle Loader 38 Dis // 35 Str 89%
Eon Tracer Legs Warlock Leg Armor Sniper Rifle Ammo // Machine Gun Ammo Solar Double-Down 48 Int // 55 Str 92%
Eon Tracer Bond Warlock Bond Auto Rifle Focus // Fusion Rifle Focus Crucible Champion 24 Dis // 24 Str 96%
Eon Tracer Gauntlets Titan Gauntlets Paramuscle Armature // Impact Induction Scout Rifle Loader 39 Dis // 36 Str 91%
Eon Tracer Greaves Titan Leg Armor Sniper Rifle Ammo // Machine Gun Ammo Void Double-Down 49 Int // 49 Str 88%
Eon Tracer Mark Titan Mark Hand Cannon Focus // Fusion Rifle Focus Crucible Champion 24 Dis // 21 Str 90%

Rank 2

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
Eon Tracer Mask Hunter Helmet Hands-On // Second Thoughts Infusion 39 Int // 46 Dis 92%
Eon Tracer Vest Hunter Chest Armor Auto Rifle Ammo // Sniper Rifle Ammo Arc Recovery // Arc Armor 57 Dis // 59 Str 95%
Eon Tracer Hood Warlock Helmet Ashes to Assets // Heavy Lifting Infusion 46 Int // 43 Dis 97%
Eon Tracer Robes Warlock Chest Armor Scout Rifle Ammo // Sidearm Ammo Solar Recovery // Solar Armor 56 Dis // 56 Str 92%
Eon Tracer Helm Titan Helmet Hands-On // Heavy Lifting Innervation 38 Int // 42 Dis 87%
Eon Tracer Plate Titan Chest Armor Pulse Rifle Ammo // Sidearm Ammo Void Recovery // Void Armor 56 Dis // 54 Str 90%

Rank 3

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Perks 3 Stats T12
The Wail Hand Cannon Firefly Triple Tap // Hammer Forged Explosive Rounds // Quickdraw
The Waltz Pulse Rifle Glass Half Full Outlaw // Perfect Balance Quickdraw // High Caliber Rounds
The Waiting Fusion Rifle Eye of the Storm Spray and Play // Hammer Forged Enhanced Battery // Quickdraw
The Wounded Scout Rifle Hidden Hand Unflinching // Perfect Balance Explosive Rounds // Quickdraw
The Wormwood Sidearm Reactive Reload Cascade // Fitted Stock Armor Piercing Rounds // Quickdraw
The Warpath Rocket Launcher Grenades and Horseshoes Field Scout // Snapshot Javelin // Third Eye
Bellicose Shell Ghost Shell Spirit Bloom Sensor // Spirit Bloom Extractor Cleansing Ritual 23 Int // 23 Str 92%

Titan Vanguard

Rank 1

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
Mangonel Type 2 Titan Gauntlets Rain Blows // Momentum Transfer Scout Rifle Loader 37 Int // 40 Dis 94%
Mangonel Type 2 Titan Leg Armor Fusion Rifle Ammo // Machine Gun Ammo Arc Double-Down 55 Int // 54 Str 97%
Vitruvius Mark Titan Mark Hand Cannon Focus // Sidearm Focus Vanguard Champion 23 Int // 23 Dis 92%

Rank 2

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
Mangonel Type 2 Titan Chest Armor Auto Rifle Ammo // Shotgun Ammo Solar Burn Defense // Solar Armor 61 Int // 53 Str 93%
Towerwatch Shell Ghost Shell Relic Iron Sensor // Relic Iron Extractor Network Tap 23 Int // 21 Dis 88%

Rank 3

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
Mangonel Type 2 Titan Helmet Inverse Shadow // Heavy Lifting Invigoration 45 Int // 40 Str 92%

Hunter Vanguard

Rank 1

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
KD Bogatyr 2.0 Hunter Gauntlets Fastball // Impact Induction Scout Rifle Loader 34 Dis // 37 Str 87%
KD Bogatyr 2.0 Hunter Leg Armor Sidearm Ammo // Machine Gun Ammo Solar Double-Down 52 Int // 52 Str 93%
Novgorod Cloak Hunter Cloak Hand Cannon Focus // Sniper Rifle Focus Vanguard Champion 25 Dis // 21 Str 92%

Rank 2

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
KD Bogatyr 2.0 Hunter Chest Armor Hand Cannon Ammo // Sidearm Ammo Void Burn Defense // Void Armor 55 Int // 54 Str 89%
Towerwatch Shell Ghost Shell Wormspore Sensor // Wormspore Extractor Reclamation 25 Dis // 23 Str 96%

Rank 3

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
KD Bogatyr 2.0 Hunter Helmet Inverse Shadow // Second Thoughts Infusion 43 Int // 45 Str 96%

Warlock Vanguard

Rank 1

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
Temporis Floe IV Warlock Gauntlets Energy Projection // Impact Induction Pulse Rifle Loader 41 Int // 36 Str 94%
Temporis Floe IV Warlock Leg Armor Shotgun Ammo // Machine Gun Ammo Arc Double-Down 49 Int // 47 Dis 86%
Ice Age Bond Warlock Bond Pulse Rifle Focus // Fusion Rifle Focus Vanguard Champion 24 Dis // 22 Str 92%

Rank 2

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
Temporis Floe IV Warlock Chest Armor Scout Rifle Ammo // Sniper Rifle Ammo Void Burn Defense // Void Armor 53 Int // 57 Dis 90%
Towerwatch Shell Ghost Shell Helium Filament Sensor // Helium Extractor Blue Polyphage 24 Dis // 24 Str 96%

Rank 3

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
Temporis Floe IV Warlock Helmet Inverse Shadow // Second Thoughts Invigoration 40 Int // 42 Str 89%

Crucible Handler

Rank 1

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
Raku Poltergeist 2.0 Hunter Gauntlets Switchblade // Momentum Transfer Scout Rifle Loader 38 Dis // 36 Str 90%
Raku Poltergeist 2.0 Hunter Leg Armor Shotgun Ammo // Machine Gun Ammo Solar Double-Down // Second Wind 49 Int // 56 Dis 94%
Cloak of Fast Resolve Hunter Cloak Pulse Rifle Focus // Fusion Rifle Focus Crucible Champion 24 Dis // 24 Str 96%
Raku Izumi IV Warlock Gauntlets Snap Discharge // Momentum Transfer Shotgun Loader 35 Int // 37 Dis 88%
Raku Izumi IV Warlock Leg Armor Fusion Rifle Ammo // Machine Gun Ammo Void Double-Down // Capture King 54 Dis // 49 Str 92%
One is All Bond Warlock Bond Auto Rifle Focus // Shotgun Focus Crucible Champion 22 Int // 25 Dis 94%
Raku Gwener Type 1 Titan Gauntlets Rain Blows // Momentum Transfer Pulse Rifle Loader 35 Int // 35 Dis 85%
Raku Gwener Type 1 Titan Leg Armor Sidearm Ammo // Rocket Launcher Ammo Arc Double-Down // Capture King 52 Dis // 55 Str 96%
Toward the Sky Mark Titan Mark Pulse Rifle Focus // Rocket Launcher Focus Crucible Champion 22 Int // 23 Dis 90%

Rank 2

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
Raku Poltergeist 2.0 Hunter Chest Armor Hand Cannon Ammo // Shotgun Ammo Arc Recovery // Arc Armor 54 Int // 54 Str 89%
Crucible Shell Ghost Shell Relic Iron Sensor // Relic Iron Extractor Hunter Bounty 24 Dis // 24 Str 96%
Raku Izumi IV Warlock Chest Armor Auto Rifle Ammo // Shotgun Ammo Arc Recovery // Arc Armor 59 Dis // 52 Str 91%
Raku Izumi IV Warlock Helmet Ashes to Assets // Heavy Lifting Infusion 41 Int // 39 Str 87%
Raku Gwener Type 1 Titan Chest Armor Auto Rifle Ammo // Fusion Rifle Ammo Void Recovery // Void Armor 59 Dis // 57 Str 95%

Rank 3

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
Raku Poltergeist 2.0 Hunter Helmet Ashes to Assets // Second Thoughts Infusion 45 Dis // 42 Str 95%
Raku Gwener Type 1 Titan Helmet Ashes to Assets // Second Thoughts Innervation 41 Int // 44 Str 92%

Crucible Quartermaster

Crucible Weapons

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Perks 3 Stats T12
Zero‑Day Dilemma Auto Rifle Danger Close // Rodeo Smallbore // Rifled Barrel Counterbalance
B‑29 Party Favor Pulse Rifle Headseeker Secret Round // Partial Refund Hand-laid Stock // Feather Mag
The Hero Formula Scout Rifle Zen Moment // Take a Knee Armor Piercing Rounds // Smallbore Third Eye
The Palindrome Hand Cannon Luck in the Chamber Hot Swap // Icarus Rifled Barrel // Explosive Rounds
Each New Day Fusion Rifle Hot Swap Kneepads // Life Support Accelerated Coils // Hand-laid Stock
44 Curtain Call Shotgun Crowd Control Replenish // Kneepads Quickdraw // Reinforced Barrel
Anton's Rule Sidearm Reactive Reload Outlaw // Cascade Lightweight // Fitted Stock
Event Horizon Sniper Rifle Explosive Rounds // Casket Mag Army of One // Perfectionist Firefly
Chaotic Neutral Machine Gun Army of One // Take a Knee Counterbalance Smallbore // Appended Magazine
Something Wicked Rocket Launcher Cluster Bomb Spray and Play // Danger Close Quickdraw // Field Scout

The Speaker


Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
Winter Sky Shell Ghost Shell 23 Str
Turquoise Shell Ghost Shell 21 Str
Frontier Shell Ghost Shell Relic Iron Sensor // Relic Iron Extractor Network Tap
Venom of Ikaheka Hunter Cloak Hand Cannon Focus // Sidearm Focus Vanguard Champion 22 Int // 21 Dis 86%
Dead Zone Revolution Hunter Cloak Auto Rifle Focus // Shotgun Focus Vanguard Champion 23 Int // 23 Str 92%
Season of Ages XII Titan Mark Scout Rifle Focus // Sniper Rifle Focus Vanguard Champion 24 Int // 22 Str 92%
Year 1993 Titan Mark Hand Cannon Focus // Sidearm Focus Vanguard Champion 21 Dis // 22 Str 86%
Union of the Consensus Warlock Bond Scout Rifle Focus // Rocket Launcher Focus Vanguard Champion 25 Int // 21 Str 92%
Harlequin Pendulum Warlock Bond Auto Rifle Focus // Fusion Rifle Focus Vanguard Champion 25 Dis // 22 Str 94%


Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats T12
Gunslinger's Cloak Hunter Cloak Auto Rifle Focus // Sidearm Focus Vanguard Champion 23 Dis // 25 Str 96%
Bladedancer's Cloak Hunter Cloak Hand Cannon Focus // Sidearm Focus Vanguard Champion 24 Int // 22 Str 92%
Nightstalker's Cloak Hunter Cloak Hand Cannon Focus // Sidearm Focus Vanguard Champion 22 Int // 23 Dis 90%
Voidwalker's Bond Warlock Bond Scout Rifle Focus // Machine Gun Focus Vanguard Champion 22 Int // 23 Dis 90%
Sunsinger's Bond Warlock Bond Scout Rifle Focus // Machine Gun Focus Vanguard Champion 24 Int // 23 Str 94%
Stormcaller's Bond Warlock Bond Scout Rifle Focus // Machine Gun Focus Vanguard Champion 22 Int // 24 Dis 92%
Striker's Mark Titan Mark Hand Cannon Focus // Sniper Rifle Focus Vanguard Champion 24 Int // 24 Str 96%
Defender's Mark Titan Mark Hand Cannon Focus // Sniper Rifle Focus Vanguard Champion 22 Int // 25 Dis 94%
Sunbreaker's Mark Titan Mark Scout Rifle Focus // Sniper Rifle Focus Vanguard Champion 24 Int // 22 Str 92%

Vanguard Quartermaster

Vanguard Armory

Name Type Perks 1 Stats T12
Longespée‑A Auto Rifle Surrounded
Hawkwood‑A Sidearm Army of One
Hotspur‑A Pulse Rifle Danger Close
SUROS PRR‑11 Auto Rifle Single Point Sling
SUROS BNS‑13 Pulse Rifle High Caliber Rounds
SUROS WSC‑17 Scout Rifle Quickdraw

Vanguard Weapons

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Perks 3 Stats T12
The Continental Auto Rifle Eye of the Storm // Rodeo Braced Frame // Feather Mag Third Eye
Parthian Shot Pulse Rifle Headseeker Outlaw // Feeding Frenzy Perfect Balance // Feather Mag
Angel's Advocate Scout Rifle Life Support // Mulligan High Caliber Rounds // Braced Frame Third Eye
How Dare You Hand Cannon Third Eye Hot Swap // Icarus Rifled Barrel // Explosive Rounds
Ex Astris Fusion Rifle Counterbalance Spray and Play // Life Support Snapshot // Hand-laid Stock
Teacup Tempest Sidearm Hot Swap Mulligan // Feeding Frenzy High Caliber Rounds // Fitted Stock
Occam's Razor Shotgun Crowd Control Replenish // Kneepads Perfect Balance // Reinforced Barrel
Seventh Sense Sniper Rifle Explosive Rounds // Perfect Balance Triple Tap // Spray and Play Firefly
Bonekruscher Machine Gun Feeding Frenzy // Hip Fire Rangefinder Braced Frame // Appended Magazine
Disassembly Required Rocket Launcher Cluster Bomb Vacuum // Life Support Quickdraw // Heavy Payload

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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With D2 On the Horizon, What Are Your Current "White Whale(s)"?

Posted: 30 May 2017 09:41 AM PDT

I finally got the Verisimilitude emblem, went flawless (got carried) so now I'm looking for Nanophoenix and Weldfire.

submitted by /u/ydursolrac
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