True Dota 2 - Who else counters Lina mid?

Who else counters Lina mid?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:48 AM PDT

Off the top of my head I can think of SF and Sniper but I might me missing some other heroes. Any ideas? Unorthodox ones are very welcome.

submitted by /u/wapaking
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How does kotl's +200 illuminate damage work?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 09:01 AM PDT

How is the +200 illuminate damage talent calculated when using illuminate? Does it add 200 damage over the 5 second cast time or if i only channel for 1 second will it do 300 damage? (100 dmg from casting + 200 from talent).

Edit: after testing in demo it seems that the talent gives a flat +200 damage bonus no matter how long you channel for. Casting illuminate and then letting go immediately does ~180-190 damage to the dummy target.

submitted by /u/master11739
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The Only Way to play OD (Erick Wright)

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:34 AM PDT

Basically the standard build plus Aether Lens. Thoughts?

As an OD player I like it, since it feels awkward rushing Huricane Pike since Drums is awful now which used to be by got to first item.

submitted by /u/DarthyTMC
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Team play - Shot Calling

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:30 AM PDT

This past week in pubs I've had several pos1's and pos2's doing too much team micromanagement that I think negatively impacted their laning/farm efficiency.

Please don't take this the wrong way, I don't mean to support circlejerk or anything, but personally, even if these cores have 500 or more MMR than me,as a pos 5 it's really triggering to be ordered around every few half-minute.

So...about shot calling (smokes/ganks/rosh/team direction etc.):
Is a particular role/pos better suited to shot calling? :thinking: Or is position irrelevant to shot calling? Are there meta sub-roles for different positions?

Do pro teams have designated roles/players calling out shots, or calling out enemy team movements etc?

submitted by /u/allnyte
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Sven in 7.04

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:16 AM PDT

Title. I'm just curious as to how might Sven work in this patch, since in 7.00 - 7.03 the game has been focused around early fights > objectives, and Sven didn't really fit into the meta. But with 7.04 the game slowed down a little and Sven had time to farm a little to get some items. But I'm not too sure about how much change there has been? Thanks!

submitted by /u/iapetusbob
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Bane's spot in 7.xx

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:30 AM PDT

With the prominence of Lifestealer and frequent fighting in the current meta, why is Bane so underpicked? He seems like a strong counter to Lifestealer and well suited for roaming, lane supporting, and early fighting (which generally aren't 5v5 fights, something Bane isn't great at).

His major problems have always been lack of waveclear and a good teamfight ult, are these really enough to keep him out of games? I think him being able to disable Lifestealer is enough to make up for those weaknesses, but obviously pros aren't seeing it like that.

submitted by /u/admin_or_1_equals_1
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Chokepoint jungling in 7.0x?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:35 AM PDT

Is it still possible to chokepoint jungle in the new jungle?

submitted by /u/heavyfuel
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Why is offlane Void (or Void in general) not good anymore?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:10 PM PDT

Is he still playable at all, particularly offlane?

Thanks in advance for any replies!

submitted by /u/NoteworthyPotato
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Possible Nerfs to Monkey King?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:25 PM PDT

I'm sure it's been brought up quite a bit, but now that we're seeing Monkey King's dominance in DAC, do we expect to see a nerf before Kiev?

submitted by /u/KogaFuscia
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The correct action for when you are being trilaned against in the offlane

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:49 AM PDT

alright so ive started playing offlane now and ive noticed a few trilanes, i usually go jungle when i see a trilane as not to feed them but the problem with that is their safelane carry gets a 1-2 lvl advantage over me and their supports are free to roam to gank my safe or mid lane, when they rotate the safelane carry can usually deal with me as hes 1-2 lvl higher and has better farm, so in these situations do i stay in the offlane or just go afk jungle till the creep wave reaches my tower

submitted by /u/reapr56
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Who can 1v1 farmed naga in lategame?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:48 AM PDT

Help me understand the Midas pickups in DAC

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 04:14 PM PDT

Like most people I was expecting a very early teamfight centered meta in DAC. The games have been longer than expected, but I'm baffled by the number of midas pick ups. Especially on heroes like enigma and mag.

We've seen midas bought by carries, offlaners, and roaming supports. Are they buying midas to compensate for the reduced jungle spawns? Do you think the midases (madi?) have paid off?

submitted by /u/Daemon_Monkey
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The Best Way to play Medusa

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:04 AM PDT

Medusa is one of my favorite heroes. I have 68% winrate in over 50 games so I feel like I know what im talking about. Lets start with talents. Lvl 10 take the 15 damage. Medusa lacks damage early while being decently tanky. The 15 damage helps a lot with farm and early fights. More than 12 int ever will. In some cases the int might be good but damage is generally much better. Lvl 15 take the attack speed. Again, early to mid game medusa is reasonably tanky but hits like a wet noodle. The attack speed is lretty useful. Also 15 evasion is not much and butterfly is a core item so you dont really want evasion talent. At lvl 20 ALWAYS take the 600 mana. Its insane ehp boost. Its just crazy. And the 1 splitshot target is barely noticabe. Lvl 25 is always 25 lifesteal. By that time medusa is mega tank with insane damage. Slap some lifesteal and she becomes impossible to take down. Now lets talk about my item progression. After that ill explain every item in detail. My item progression is aquila into phase boots, magic wand and then dragon lance. These small items give me some good early stats and damage. I will ALWAYS follow that with a mask of madness and skadi. Ill get butterfly right after. At this point we have great balance between damage and tankiness. Then we have 1-2 slots left. I always get another damage item in the form of daedalus, mkb or bloodthorn. The last item we have is dragon lance. We have 2 options here. Either we upgrade it into a hurricane pike if we want mobility and kiting a strong melee carry or we sell the dragon lance to buy a bkb. Bkb is great vs disables and large amounts of magic damage or mana burn. Now that you know the build order let me explain every item in detail. Dragon lance is a great midgame item before you transition into big items. It gives some nice stats and im 99% sure the splitshots get the extra range aswell. MoM is next. Medusa is tanky enough to ignore the armor loss and the silence can be played around. But you must use it carefully. Always have mana shield and splitshot before using it. Also in teamfights wait untill the fight has started, throw snake to gain some mana, use ult if needed and then pop mask of madness. Its insane damage boost for the entire game at low cost. Its also amazing farming item and gives medusa a lot of early damage she usualy lacks. Thats how I make ger work in the midgame with insane success. Skadi next is a no brainer. With mom you have insane damage and skadi gives you insane tankiness and slow. These 2 items are very cheap for the massive power they give you. For only 7460 gold you are unkillable high damage threat. Butterfly is my next go to item in most games. By that point you have a lot of damage and tankiness. Butterfly greatly Increases both. Also it forces early mkbs and the flutter active is useful on some slow like medusa. Mkb/daedalus/bloodthorn. In most games you will get only one of those. And in most games its going to be mkb since the enemy will most likely have some sort of evasion. If they dont you can choose between daedalus and bloodthorn. Bloodthorn gives less splitshot damage and less damage to the main target unless you cast it on them. However it goves lots of mana and mana regen which means its both damage and tankiness. I prefer daedalus if I dont need mkb but both work. Another thing u can do is get mkb and in the very late game sell mask of madness for bloodthorn. hurricane pike/bkb you want to pick one of the two. My general rule is bkb vs lots of cc, lots of magic damage and manaburn. If you dont the magic immunity go for hurricane pike. The range and mobility are great and its awesome for kiting melee carries. linken is an item I generally hate. The regen and stats are nice but much weaker than skadi. The only games ill consider linken is versus strong bkb puercing spells like static link, fiends grip and so on. Its definitely not an every game item and you should avoid it when you can. manta is my most hated medusa item. The stats are mediocre and the active costs you as much ehp as you gain from the item. Also medusa doesnt build much agi and is squishy without mana shield. So the illusions are low on damage and health. Its decent for splitpushing but terrible for fighting. The only games ill buy manta is if I need to purge stuff or dodge spells like rp. Really avoid this item unless absolutely needed. maelstrom/mjolnir I also dislike these items. Maelstrom is good for farming and mjolnir is an upgrade. But mask of madness is much better for farming and mjolnir is avarage damage item on medusa. There are much better items. Divine rapier is highly situational item. You never want to buy divine unless you have to. Dont buy it if you are ahead as you risk throwing the game. Buy it only if its very close game or you are losing in the late game as a last resort.

submitted by /u/VooDooFruit
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How to win games in Dota 2 - Cheesin it Freestyle

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:10 PM PDT

Check it out - and try it in your own games!

Aghs on Luna allows you to use your ult on an ally to have it follow that ally

Aghs on Riki allows Riki to follow a player and his ult follows that player also

Spectre ult allows spectre to teleport instantly.

Hilarity ensues! Discuss? :D

submitted by /u/Yoshiman__
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