Super Smash Bros - One More Modpost: Summary of this weekend's antics and a VERY special announcement!

One More Modpost: Summary of this weekend's antics and a VERY special announcement!

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 10:03 PM PDT

Just wanted to make a final modpost for this weekend to clear up a few things. This will probably end up being lengthy, so I'll go ahead and bold the most important info.

So first off, I'd like to thank everyone who enjoyed our April Fools shenanigans. The entirety of Amazing Crash Family was done by /u/Pinuzzo, who meticulously redrew the flairs for every single character. Very impressive, to say the least. It appeared to go over so well, in fact, that people were asking to keep them forever.

Speaking of which, we've gone ahead and reinstated the proper flairs, but we are currently looking into integrating the ACF flairs again somehow. More than a few people were asking about the possibility of being able to switch between the two flair sheets, which I think is an excellent idea but really combines down to CSS flexibility and space. Another possibility is simply adding the ACF flairs to the current flair sheet, but I'm not sure that everyone would be down for that. It's something that we, the mods, need to talk about more before taking action.

Moving on, it's time to come clean on another event that transpired the following day: The lost flair sheet dilemma was, in fact, a bamboozle. We decided to extend our April Fools mischief into the next day by pretending we had lost the flair sheet. The overall idea was funny, but we didn't count on some very helpful users coming forward to replace our lost sprites. I feel kinda bad for leading you people on, so I'd like to give a very special shoutout to you guys for being amazing people who went out of your way to help:




We're not going to make trolling our users a regular thing, so most future mod tomfoolery will be restricted to April Fools Day specifically.

Anyways, there's one more thing that'd I'd like to discuss before I end this, and it has to do with us, the mod team. It's been nearly a year since the most recent batch of mods (which I was a part of!) came aboard, and a lot has changed for us. We recently cut out a LOT of our inactive mods, but a bigger problem is that the current mod team has been... inconsistent. The biggest factor to this is that many of us have been terribly busy with real life, and a lot of us simply don't have the time to consistently discuss important subreddit matters properly.

This, along with a desire for new blood, has led us to make an official announcement on something we've been talking about for a while: /r/smashbros mod applications are opening back up soon! We don't have an exact date for when, but it should be sometime this week. We're very excited at having some newcomers aboard, so I absolutely encourage everyone reading this to seriously consider applying if you have the time to moderate our beautiful subreddit.

So that's all I have to say for now. Keep it classy, folks.

TL;DR Read the bold text.

submitted by /u/TheRealMrWillis
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Metagame Monday 181 - Smash Q&A Thread: Helping you not go 2 and out since 2013

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:54 AM PDT

Hey all, welcome to Metagame Monday! For anyone who doesn't know the drill, this is a place where you can ask any question about Super Smash Bros. Seriously, anything! We firmly believe there are no stupid questions. We just ask that you put your questions under the appropriate comment below.

Link to last week's MGM Thread.

If you don't mind, would you guys also take a look at last week's Metagame Monday thread to see if any questions went unanswered there? New questions should go here, but I know we have some stragglers' questions that don't get answered each week.

Also be sure to check out our IRC chat! It's a great place to hang out and talk about smash IN REAL TIME.

submitted by /u/Winnarly
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r/place has ended. This is r/smashbros' ending contribution to the final canvas.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:08 AM PDT

East vs. West Coast Crew Battle this weekend!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:40 PM PDT

Started with a CRT and a dream

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:29 PM PDT

This last weekend, Georgia had its first regional Melee event of the year with Function(1) at the Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta. We had over 200 people there (players and spectators) including 50 out of state players from across the Southeast.

The Cobb Galleria Centre, a big convention center in Atlanta, put us up on their marque for the day for all of Atlanta to see. Shoutouts to the 9k+ viewers throughout the day, and you can catch the VODs once they're up on

submitted by /u/Brian_Buckley
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Ike, the Beast Slayer

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 01:02 PM PDT

Anti will be attending CEO Dreamland, Will be mostly focusing on Brawl

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 09:44 AM PDT

What ever happened to PC's return? His twitch streaming? Is he still involved at all?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:54 PM PDT

I made a highlight video of a great commentator that I'd never heard of

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:17 PM PDT

I recently won my first tournament! This was probably the coolest thing I pulled off there

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:30 PM PDT

Official r/smashbros Monthly Voted Tier List (March 2017): TRUE Results!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:06 PM PDT

"Yes, it's April 1st. No this isn't a shitpost. Hope you guys can actually get serious about this, seeing the state of the subreddit."

I'm allowed to bend the truth a little on that day, right?

As always, the tier list followed these rules:

S Tiers are best, most viable characters in the game. "The Meta," if you will. They are always able to place high at tournaments, and their strengths tend to outweigh their weaknesses considerably.

A (A+/A/A-) Tiers are characters who don't define the meta, but are definitely viable and able to compete. They may possess a few noticeable flaws or lack very big strengths, but they are able to be worked around. Use of these characters will never hold the player back.

B (B+/B/B-) Tiers are characters who are able to do very well in tournament, but are held back from consistently placing high. This can be because of several flaws, very large flaws, bad match-ups, or other reasons. However, they are definitely still threats.

C (C+/C/C-) Tiers are characters who are really only good for situational or limited use. They have potential, but this potential is limited by their struggle against popular characters in the meta. They can be very useful in certain match-ups.

D Tiers are characters who are not tournament viable in any sense. They are littered with too many weaknesses to even have occasional use as a pocket. A player would be severely limited by these characters.

In terms of Miis, they are ranked with both their default and custom movesets. Default Miis are marked with a "1111," while freed custom moveset Miis are not marked. Both default and custom moveset Miis are average (guest) size and do not have any custom equipment.

With that all out of the way, here's the ACTUAL list!

Here's the list without the Miis, if you don't exactly care to see inaccurate, biased votes because they have little results them

and, as always, here's last month's tier list!

Here's the dank prank too, if you're interested in seeing it

Interesting Things to Note:

  • Link saw the highest rise, moving up a total of 8 spots. The next highest risers were Shulk and Samus, who rose 7 and 6 spots respectively.

  • The largest fall was seen by Toon Link, who fell a total of 4 spots, knocking him out of top 20 for the first time in many months.

  • Taking Toon Link's place in Top 20 is Captain Falcon, who was able to rise 5 spots to take 18th and hit A-.

  • Ryu, for the first time in months, was able to hit A Tier, finally putting him up with the rest of the semi-static Top 12 we've maintained over the past months.

  • Rosalina, after a downwards trend, saw a spike in votes that bumped her up 4 places and a tier, landing her in a Top 5 position.

  • Ness and Lucas have come closer than they ever have, with Ness acting as gatekeeper to B+ and Lucas right behind him in B.

hay guies its me muii or whatevs and im finaly back wtih da april results k?


serge (57.5%) beat darkfall (42.5%) in SSB4 Tournament - Smash Wii U HD

Chillindude829s best diss track was da leffen one followed by the ones on stream with tha bad mic followed by niec shot huog followed by mikehaze one (LOL MIKE SUX LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL)

Teh most popular alex19 copypaste was da original folowed by andrroid is mai brudder (lol armada is bad at speeling he cant sepll brother i am better)

alex19 and navy seal weer the popular ones 4 any copypaste

respekt yur elders and we r #1 where teh most popukar meme songs

(though this was my personal favorite - whoever sent me this gets a gold star)

dun k?

Paging u/DiamondJoyride to deal with this shit goodness


Shitpost haven

Don't be a stubborn stub about Ness ya hecker

But he's a good noodle

Great googly moogly! When the HECK did Zak Bros Team High Intensity Combo Crew University of British Columbia Esports Association Locus (@MasonCharlton) get so gosh darned :locuscool: T :locuscool: H :locuscool: I :locuscool: C :locuscool: C :locuscool: ?

Is this a new copypasta

Sonic suxs lol

breathes in


Smash 4 Sonic and Ness suck

Ding dong that opinion is wrong

bee movie but every time someone overrates link in this tier it gets faster. it lasts 4 seconds.

Listen man, I haven't seen the results yet so I don't know how it's gonna go.

Who the hell is he???

He's Pac-Man, and he's good and he's my friend.

Hmmm, it's a hard choice but I'm going to have to pick life

Goddamn it

Due to their appearance and their lifestyle, Pyukumuku are considered unappealing to tourists. Part-time work chucking Pyukumuku back into the sea is available at tourist beaches. But no matter how far they're thrown, Pyukumuku will always return to the same spot.

Once a Pyukumuku finds a place it likes, it won't budge from it. If someone moves it away, back it comes to the same spot. If it runs out of food to eat in that spot, it'll stay there—and starve. The people of Alola found this so pitiful that they developed a tradition of chucking Pyukumuku back into the food-rich sea whenever they come across any thin-bellied Pyukumuku.

Pyukumuku are covered with a slippery, viscous fluid that has a moisturizing effect. Pyukumuku can stay on land for a week without drying out. The people of Alola use this fluid for skincare products.

Pyukumuku hate to have their spikes and mouths touched, and if you step on one, it will hurl out its fist-like inner organs to strike at you.

Pyukumuku has a new Ability, Innards Out, which no other Pokémon has had before. With the Innards Out Ability, when this Pokémon faints, it will be able to deal one last bit of damage to its opponent, equal to the amount of HP it had left before it received the final blow.

The Ultimate Shitpost

Zelda is top tier

In SSF2 she is, but in everything else? Kek

Game Theory: Sess is Nans

That's a shit theory and you know it

When I was 5 years old, my dad took me to see Fantasia on Ice. The show was housed in a gargantuan tent, striped with wide bands of crimson and purple. As we entered, my 5-year-old brain immediately realized that something was not quite right, but I kept it to myself. Within the tent, there was no ice rink to be seen: just a black canvas curtain at the end of a long passageway. Dad smiled and told me he was going to go get popcorn, and that I should go on inside and find seats for us. I really wanted to see Mickey and the dancing brooms, so I determinedly stumbled ahead. This entranceway was strangely long and sparse, being more so a hallway, plain and vacant. I approached the curtain and was suddenly overwhelmed by the electric shock of déjà vu. There wasn't any sound coming from beyond the curtain: only a low hum, like the whirring of some distant industrial fan. I turned around, but I was alone. The air was thick and stagnant. I could hear my heartbeat in my head. My hands and feet buzzed. I closed my eyes and understood there was no turning back. I passed through the curtain, felt the rough canvas as it brushed over my body. A breath of hot air gusted from below me, rustling my clothes and filling my shirt with warmth. The whirring noise grew louder. I opened my eyes and the darkness somehow deepened. Then it felt like I had awoken from the lifelong dream of a twenty-minute catnap. I was coiled into myself, the strange warmth radiating from inside now. I could not move much, a velvet mold enveloping my limp body. A little tune floated into my consciousness. I cannot begin to describe how it sounded: only that it went on and on forever, and with every note all my being resonated in response. I was a stranger knocking at the door of my childhood home; a sojourner of a dirt district in some forgotten jungle empire; a flame held to blackened glass that melts like wax at my touch. I knew that however long I lived under the stars, the cup of my life must be spilling out, day after day: never full, never empty. I was an endless thread in a tapestry of chance; a sunbeam refracted through the prism of being; a laughing God in deep electric.

What the fuck

Fuck you

Me too thanks

Dedede has no losing matchups

In a perfect world he sure doesn't

There's this youtube user named 20fadhil, make DiamondJoyride watch all of his 10 hour spongebob-related loops.

Challenge fucking accepted, my dude

Please stop

Get everyone to vote Ness back into High Tier, and I'll stop ^(Not really but do it please)

NotATK I'm gonna prank call Nintendo on a yt vid but actually it's secretly me bitching about Sheik nerfs NotATK

NotATK Diddy is actually Bottom 3, I'm just better than everyone NotATK

I Dimmadefinitely dimmadon't want to see DimmaDiamondJoyride suffer.

My life is full of suffering already so joke's on you lol

Hip to F Bees




What the fuck is this survey

Absolute trash

DAMN, DANIEL! BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THOSE WHITE VANS!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Don't you dare bring that cancer back into our world.

Luma is a joke..... Right?

I wish

here come dat haramboi

Both are dead memes you dip

If this dude's asking for popular memes, then he's clearly not degenerate enough.

Yeah, come on Reddit User /u/Mu_ii (Editor's Note: I do it for the filthy normies, I've seen enough... things lying around during my time on the internet)

Who's DiamondJoyride?

A cancerous Sonic/Ness main who is answering this very question



Roberto Esponje




no im a kind person

Who are you?

I'll spare you the pain

No please give it to me

And that's about all I have to say for this month! See you next time; trust me, I'll be back! (Though April Fool's doesn't exactly leave me looking trustworthy.... one day out of the year, okay?)

submitted by /u/mu_II
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Firefox Glitch???

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 09:09 AM PDT

Mango finishes a 0-to-death to the beat of the song

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:04 PM PDT

Smashbox vs. B0XX Yahoo Esports debate [Melee]

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:25 PM PDT

The Captain is Happenin: A Captain Falcon Guide

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:26 AM PDT

Yahoo announcing a East Coast Vs West Coast large scale crew battle (16 players) [Melee]

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:14 PM PDT

Tweek (DK/Cloud) vs ZeRo (Diddy Kong) KTAR XX Grand Finals Set 1

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:45 AM PDT

Girthquake joins DMG! Check out his new, super entertaining King Dedede montage here!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:28 AM PDT

Ranai & 2GG Sponsorship explanation

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 11:34 AM PDT

TL;DR Ranai was not a part of 2GG and is a free agent.

submitted by /u/DiamondShiryu1
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Move Tier List #14 (Discussion: Forward Throw)

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:50 PM PDT

Good afternoon, Smash redditors!

After the completion of aerials (details will be listed below, and the poll is now closed), I am proud to present some of the results of the polls! Prepare for a long list!



  • Everything on the Zair list was no less than good!
  • On the aerial tier list, there were absolutely no D tiers!
  • Cloud was very close to S (probably would've gotten it if Nair and/or Dair got perfect scores like Uair).
  • Notice how the entirety of the A tier is composed of nothing but top/high tiers. Perhaps this would explain partially why they're so good.

Thank you all for your contribution! Now back to the real topic at hand.

Welcome back to the Move Tier List series! This discussion/poll will be on Forward Throw. A lot of them are used to put some space between you and your opponent, but some are outliers that can be effective in other areas. Vote which tier you think the character belongs in (and remember that you can edit your vote if you're unsatisfied; plus you are not obligated to vote).

There are a few disclaimers I want to bring up, though:

  • Here is a list of kill percents for the strongest forward throws. A video can be seen here showcasing the damage output (but not kill percents) of all forward throws.

  • Going in, I'm probably expecting some people to vote DK to S tier by the time we get to up throws. I want to make an early reminder that his cargo up throw will NOT be taken into consideration. It will only count for this discussion because it's part of his forward throw.

  • As an added feature, I will be posting links to either Smashboards threads or videos showing combo potential of throws to help with your decision-making. They will be posted alongside the Kurogane Hammer links for select characters. If you want me to add a particular link, please inform me in the "other discussion" panel. Or you can do it yourselves! :)

Anyways, the poll will end at 8:30 pm tomorrow. Until then, happy voting!

Links to literally every other single mother-f---ing move tier list thread presently

Hitbox Visualization page on Smashboards

Smashboards list for comparison

submitted by /u/SkeeterYosh
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Which newcomer Japanese pros are going to be in top 20 by the end of 2017?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:00 PM PDT

We have five Japanese players who are, as of PGR v2, in the top 20. They are (in order of ascendancy):






But we've had several Japanese players - really, a ton of them - that have lit up the world stage in the last 3 months. Which players, if any, could you see being in the PGR v3 top 20?








Honorary mentions (players who aren't new but who COULD potentially get further down in PGR): 9B, Earth, Fuwa

Another way to ask the question: based on their performances so far and your evaluation of their play, which players do you think have the capability of reaching top 20?

submitted by /u/willbrown630
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Is there any new info on the "secret" tournament that's supposedly going on this weekend?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:13 PM PDT

Tafo sent out this tweet a couple of weeks ago, and Mango said on stream that he was in melee boot camp mode this week for this tournament.

submitted by /u/slappy_jackson23
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What's your main and why?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 01:54 PM PDT

My main s Bowser, it hits like a truck and is pretty fast

Edit: Who's your main and why?

submitted by /u/Jagredom
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When the Sandbag gets punched a little too hard...

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:23 PM PDT

I like MK Leo but how has he been chilling in the states for the past two weeks?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:13 AM PDT

Isn't he a high school student? Wouldn't this excessive absence harm his grade?

submitted by /u/Phucketol
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Sup. Jisu of JisuArt here. I'm running a big giveaway on our Smash charms!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:45 PM PDT

Royal Flush presents Smash Roulette Side Event! Atlantic City, NJ May 12-14!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:32 PM PDT

Smash Roulette will offer Sit & Go style Swiss Tournaments Throughout the day on Saturday.

Wins will be counted and traded in for a spin on our Royal Flush Roulette Prize Wheel!

Prizes include a fully stocked HRCTypo Controller, Royal Flush Wristbands, Shirts, Drawstring Bags, and more!

Open to all competitors and spectators!

submitted by /u/RenoNYC
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