Guild Wars 2 - New theme testing

New theme testing

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 09:55 AM PDT

So the April's Fool is over and Colin has to move on and I thought I would do a test run with a theme template I've been working on.

The main goals for the theme was to make it more compatible for smaller screens, things not overlapping, and making it easier for us to change things around. It is still lacking some features and finishing touches but the general layout is done.


  • nightmode is at a working state
  • the full background won't be a permanent thing, maybe
  • there are few nifty features that come with the new rework, but I need to experiment with them to see how much use I can get out of them

If you have any feedback, ideas or bugs to report, leave them in the comments or send us a modmail

submitted by /u/RandommUser
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A trio of little Karka hatchlings I made out of clay!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:58 PM PDT


I used polymer clay and painted them with acrylic paints! :)

submitted by /u/Jazzylaw
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We need tier 4 racial armor in next expansion!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:34 AM PDT

I think it is time that Anet gave us more racial armor. As this game is often seen as fashion wars 2, there really has been a lack of racial exclusive armor since launch!

As someone that plays Charr we desperately need armor that fits our damn tail!!!

submitted by /u/Raxzor
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Can the kiter not get ported at Deimos, please? Please :(

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:19 PM PDT

Just like the tank, the kiter has a specific build to do his job. I don't understand why the kiter can get ported.

submitted by /u/lu-lua
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Look at this beautiful vista I got in Dry Top!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:00 PM PDT

Super Adventure Box - Tribulation Guides with Shortcuts + Custom TacO Routes

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:20 AM PDT

I made this little Quaggan.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:47 AM PDT

Game Update Notes: April 4 2017

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:08 PM PDT

This is still my all time favorite GW2 video

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:45 PM PDT

Generalizing the idea of gear and stat budgets using existing structures - a bit of math I thought would make an interesting read.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:21 PM PDT

Shower Thoughts

So I was thinking about how we have gear with four different stats on it now, and that it has a higher total amount of stats than gear with three. It made me wonder what it would look like to have a set of gear with five stats, or six, or all nine of them. Or in the other direction, if you could stack on gear with just one stat, how much of that stat would you get?

At first it seemed like there was not enough data to look closer. I looked at leveling gear first, and it's a dead end: 1-stat or 2-stat leveling gear is simply the equivalent of 3-stat gear with one or two stats directly subtracted, then scaled by level. That's no good, that structure doesn't apply to endgame stat distributions - 4-stat gear isn't just 3-stat gear with another stat added on, the stat budget is lower than that and distributed differently.

But then I remembered Celestial 7-stat gear exists, and it gave me a third data point to go with 3-stat and 4-stat gear. We can look at the total number of stats each set gives at ascended rarity:

n-stat budget
3 3303
4 3612
7 4473

There is a relationship between these. The equation for it is not elegant, but it can be generalized.

The Pattern

I looked at the difference between 3-stat and 4-stat gear, which is 309, and compared it to the difference between 4-stat and 7-stat gear, which is 861. I needed to distribute 861 between 5-stat and 6-stat gear in a way that was consistent with 3-stat and 4-stat gear.

Dividing 861 by 3 gives 287. That's a fair start, but that isn't 309. Hmmm...

n-stat difference difference
3 --- ---
4 309 ---
5 287 -22
6 287 0
7 287 0

Let's try decreasing the difference by an even amount each time.

n-stat difference difference
3 --- ---
4 309 ---
5 298 -11
6 287 -11
7 276 -11

There we go, that lines up 3-stat, 4-stat, and 7-stat gear together neatly. At least, neatly in the sense that there's a real underlying pattern between them.

Here's what the complete table would look like:

n-stat budget difference difference
1 2652 (342) (-11)
2 2983 331 (-11)
3 3303 320 -11
4 3612 309 -11
5 3910 298 -11
6 4197 287 -11
7 4473 276 -11
8 4738 265 -11
9 4992 254 -11

Basically, it means the total stat budget goes up a little bit every time you add another stat, but the amount it goes up gets smaller and smaller.

This means, for any n-stat ascended gear set, the set's total stat budget is equal to:

-5.5n2 + 347.5n + 2310's not pretty. But it implies a few interesting things. Let's look at some.


I have no idea how each individual stat would be budgeted.

3-stat gear has one major and two minor stats. 4-stat gear has two major and two minor stats. 7-stat gear just has seven equal stats. 1-stat gear would only have one stat, obviously, but how would you divide up the rest? Would 2-stat gear have equal amounts of both stats, or split? How much would it be split? What about 5-stat gear and above? Depending on the number of major and minor stats, and the potential for there to be three or even four tiers of stats, the number of total combinations could grow quite quickly. There isn't enough existing data to draw a definitive conclusion about the structure of gear with more than four stats, and Celestial doesn't help this time. Thoughts?

There could be no 9-stat equivalent to Celestial, unless the pattern is broken.

This is obvious, 9 doesn't divide 4992 evenly. Perhaps the major stats would be Power, Precision, Condition Damage, and Healing, while the minor stats would be Ferocity, Toughness, Vitality, Concentration, and Expertise. Or perhaps they would round it up to 4995, and each stat would be allocated 555 points. That would be somewhat aggravating.

1-stat gear: Massive buff to condition DPS builds, potentially useful for healers, not much else.

Most builds can achieve 100% condition duration without any Expertise from gear. The purpose of Viper in favor of Sinister is to allow the use of Geomancy and Earth sigils, and Berserker runes, which are DPS increases within the current stat budget. But giving a condition build more than twice the base condition damage available with Viper changes all of that. It would be a major DPS increase to use 1-stat Condition Damage gear with sigils like Agony, Smoldering, and Malice, with runes like 4 Nightmare/2 Trapper, Balthazar, or Krait, in addition to the normal condition duration food and utility buffs. Even considering the loss of some direct damage, and the bonus conditions from sigils, this would easily knock it out of the park.

Healers would also see a huge buff, however useful that might be. Their DPS would drop considerably, especially condition healers. And this is probably overkill... except maybe in WvW.

Direct DPS builds would not find a full set of 1-stat Power gear to be a DPS increase, even if they somehow had 100% crit chance. 1-stat Ferocity gear would be worse, even with full party buffs to Power on top of 100% crit chance. I checked with some EP calculations to be sure, but I don't know if direct DPS builds would gain DPS from swapping in a few pieces of 1-stat gear. There may be potential for optimization if a class wastes Precision from Berserker gear.

2-stat gear is also potentially a DPS buff for condition DPS builds, and maybe Power Reaper.

2-stat Condition Damage and Expertise would probably only be used as an extra source of condition duration for builds using 1-stat Condition Damage gear. As a direct replacement for Viper gear, it would probably offer too much Expertise and not enough Condition Damage to be worth the loss in crit procs and direct DPS.

Power Reaper can already reach 100% crit chance in a group setting without any Precision from gear. 2-stat Power and Ferocity gear would definitely be a huge upgrade over Berserker or Valkyrie. Other classes that waste crit chance with Berserker gear could use this to optimize their DPS as well.

5-stat gear could bring true hybrid DPS builds with one specific combination.

Power, Precision, Ferocity, Condition Damage, Expertise. I have no idea if this would be good, but it probably would be for engineer. This stat spread would give both direct DPS and condition DPS all the stats they need in order to function.

5-stat gear would probably also be really OP in WvW.

Think of this one: Power, Precision, Ferocity, Toughness, Vitality. Ultra-Soldier.
Or maybe this one: Condition Damage, Precision, Expertise, Toughness, Vitality. Ultra-Rabid.
Or this one: Condition Damage, Expertise, Toughness, Vitality, Healing. Ultra-Dire.

6-stat through 9-stat gear might see use in WvW roaming builds depending on its structure.

As we start to move closer to Celestial and beyond, the amount of any one stat could be too low for it to be really effective. Still, 9-stat gear would almost certainly be an upgrade over Celestial, and builds which can make use of all stats would move toward it for the added boon and condition duration.

Combinations with this many stats have to contain at least one defensive stat, except for a single combination: Power, Precision, Ferocity, Condition Damage, Expertise, Concentration. This combination requires a build which is both hybrid and capable of boon support, and by now its DPS with this set may drop too low compared to current boon support builds.

What do you think?


I thought it would be cool to look at gear with any number of stats on it, and I found a pattern with existing gear that can construct stat budgets for any number of stats. But it turns out that the game is probably poorly balanced for anything other than 3-stat or 4-stat gear, Celestial notwithstanding.

Extra silly stuff:

  • 0-stat gear would have a stat budget of 2310.
  • The first time a stat budget would end up negative is at (-7)-stat gear.
  • Under this pattern, the stat budget would keep increasing until 37 stats are on a single piece of gear. After that, it starts decreasing again.
  • A set with 69 stats would only have enough of a budget to give each stat one or two points.
  • These are all because the equation describes an upside-down parabola with roots at (-6.06524) and 69.2471.
  • This would present a problem if ArenaNet eventually adds 60 more stats.
  • There would be bigger problems if gear could have a non-natural number of stat allocations.
  • I wonder how many different stats are conceivably plausible... maybe if you divide up boon and condition duration to be boon or condition specific, and condition damage too... add in movement speed, range, AoE and melee radius, attack speed, cooldown speed, hitbox size, endurance regen, minus incoming condition damage including divided up, minus incoming condition duration including divided up, minus incoming damage... that's only 68 stats.
submitted by /u/Gayest_Charr_Ever
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Outnumbered Shatter Mesmer Montage! (WvW)

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 11:44 AM PDT

GW2 WvW and GvG Warrior Guide 2017

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:21 PM PDT

This seems pretty obvious but......

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:56 AM PDT

Why don't we have a collection of raid minis for each of the wings? I understand we can turn them into shards now, but having a collection would at least give some incentive to not just get an extra 40 mag shards that week. Thoughts? Doesn't need amazing rewards either just a few AP and a title maybe for finishing each wing of raid 1 and do the same for raid 2 aswell. (edit: was not aware raid 2 was only 1 wing)

submitted by /u/senpaiofthemists
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Logged in again after 4 years. Is this game still fairly popular?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:13 PM PDT

I bought this game when it very first came out. I loved it. Unfortunately, real life took over and gaming in general had to be put off. That was 5 years ago. I recently built a new pc and jumping back into old games.

I'm not really asking whats new in the game cause I can find that out easily (was reading the sidebar and FAQs) but when I did jump back in I completely forgot how to play.

It was a bit overwhelming, understandably since it was 5 years ago and so much has happened to me since then. Also its understandable since its an MMO, but there is so much to relearn that I totally forgot.

Im willing to put the time and effort in learning everything again from scratch just so I can get used to the interface (I also have like 5 experience scrolls). But I dont want to waste time playing a game that is relatively dead.

Basically what im asking is, since its launch 4/5 years ago have the player numbers gone up, down, stayed the same? How popular are most servers? Will raiding and finding PuGs and WvW matches be easy? Or is this game slowly declining and should I invest my time exploring other titles.

submitted by /u/teamtwowheels
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Why is there a confirmation for depositing guild decorations?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:34 PM PDT

Seriously, what use do decoration tokens even have other than depositing into your guild? What is the reason behind this "are you sure?" confirmation? Some of us have hundreds of SAB decoration tokens, and we are damn sure we want to deposit them!

submitted by /u/Lishy1_5
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What's the most frustrating part of playing your main?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:13 PM PDT

I main Mesmer and I hate it when people don't receive as much quickness because they're too far ranging the boss. (Looking at you T4 Viper Necros.)

submitted by /u/RefiaMontes
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PSA: SAB cat might be bugged in Tribulation, save yourself the trouble and do it in infantile ;_;

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:54 PM PDT

Moto got some offers by Charrs and Consortium?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:14 AM PDT

Hey! Today as I logged in to Rata Sum, Moto was discussing with a Consortium guy about that the Consortium is heavily interested in his SAB. Moto declines first, but after a second attempt by the Consortium dude he said he thinks about it.

(The consortium told him instead of selling it completly to them, they want to have SAB all over Tyria, in every City and Home, like selling just the idea and concept of it).

Obviously a lie how it sounded. The Consortium guy spoke then with a charr from the Blood (?) Legion, and the charr was also interested in the SAB, telling the consortium guy that this would be a perfect trainings machine.

Any thoughts? Next Current events are maybe about Moto and his SAB? Or even more? Or was this Consortium guy also there last year? I really don't remember. Let's speculate! :D

submitted by /u/Taeljam
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Australia players / servers

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:13 PM PDT

Hi i have just come back to guild wars 2 and picked up the dlc after about 2 - 3 years away . Would love to know if there are any australian or new zealand guilds and what the best serer to now play in is or is there now aus / nz servers

submitted by /u/llimbrick
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What are the current dueling matchup wins? [PVP]

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:47 PM PDT

What are the current tiers for dueling right now?

Which profession is top tier, second tier, etc..

Rev beats/loses to who? War beats/loses to? Mes beats/loses to? Necro beats/loses to? gurad beats/loses?

submitted by /u/01theone
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If you played for fun, not gold/hr, which map zone would you prefer?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:57 PM PDT

My favorites for fun are Ember Bay (all but jade zone) and Bitterfrost Frontier (NW corner)

submitted by /u/mwrich4
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I heard you like SAB. W2Z1trib path (this might help some people still farming the infusions)

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:28 PM PDT

Difference between Raids, Fractals and Dungeons?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:20 AM PDT

So, I was looking to Metabattle some builds for my Necro/Warrior, and I found that there are 3 different sections, one for Fractals, one for Raids and one for Dungeons, with different builds.

Isnt all of them the same? I mean, a group of 1-5 players, killing mobs, going forward, and then you have to beat a Final Boss

I only played Dungeons, I did Fractals 4-5 times, and I've never did raids (I dont even know where I can do them)

So what are the main difference between these 3?

submitted by /u/lCatanic
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How viable is it to try and earn a guild hall with my guild...if there is only 3 of us?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:30 PM PDT

We're a pretty small guild, but all three of us have earned a few pieces of guild hall decorations and we want to try taking one on.

I think the part that scares us most about it is that it takes 100 gold to begin the takeover, and for our group that's pretty substantial.

So a subquestion is, if we pay the gold for the takeover, and then fail, will the guild hall rep let us try again? Or do we lose our gold and have to pay again for another attempt?

Thanks for answers! This is a great subreddit!!

submitted by /u/daddioz
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Another samarog bug

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:39 PM PDT

Sometimes he skips his cc animation every 10%. This is a problem at 70% because once you get it down to 66% he will start CCing the person who is fixated BUT he is invuln. This means you can't cc the person and he will die :c

I know posting bugs on forum but these bugs have been here since wing 4 release and I think anet should focus on fixing this before anything else.

submitted by /u/Simbooty
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