Learn Dota 2 - Not sure what I'm doing wrong as a mid laner?

Not sure what I'm doing wrong as a mid laner?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:35 PM PDT

Heres my new account, I basically vowed to only go carry as much as possible : https://www.dotabuff.com/players/197869390

You have no idea how many vids and guides ive watched, replays of 1-2k mmr players being coached, The majority of the issues described are most always about last hitting (around 25-30 cs/ in the first 5 mins), but I feel that isnt my weak point and something else is, if possible could somone maybe look at some of my matches and see what I do wrong? I dont kill the midlaner very often but I do play people that cant really solo kill too good : Shadow fiend or Alchemist for example. I feel like im really bad at team fights and when to take them also.

submitted by /u/Alexboi1231998
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Stream targeted toward lower MMR players.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:47 AM PDT

I was/am a 4k player who stopped playing dota 2 a year ago. I just came back to dota again and I thought of learning the new patch and heroes on a low MMR account < 1k MMR.

I thought I can stream those games as I climb MMR and teach lower MMR players on how to have a high game impact and win games. I'll talk through my thought process and play different heroes as per the request of viewers.

Does anyone here like to watch something like this? I can play all roles and all heroes.

I haven't streamed yet. But I used to stream. My twitch account is twitch.tv/camocspro

submitted by /u/improveForever
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Need help with my naga siren gameplay. I have literally no idea what I am doing wrong.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:51 PM PDT

Hey guys, I play naga siren a lot as a support but I've been trying radiance naga instead for a few matches. What comes out of it is that even though I am ahead, my teammates start fights and feed or the enemy carry ends up as farmed as I am and I have no clue how that happened. Like, I watched the replays and I feel like I'm literally lost. Can somebody help me with getting better as naga? My dotabuff is: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/81805657/matches?hero=naga-siren

submitted by /u/TechieTubbies
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Why don't we see strong duo offlanes in pro games?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 01:36 PM PDT

I'm sure this has been asked before but usually in pub games unless you have a jungler its a 2-1-2 lane setup and usually it ends up in hindering the enemy carry's farm and retreating into the jungle or getting kills on the support.

However in pro matches its usually a solo offlaner and usually one that runs back to the jungle when the wave is pushed back even if the support has left the lane and the carry gets free farm, and can pull, stack for even more farm.

We do occasionally see trilanes and aggro trilanes in pro games but thats different.

So why?

submitted by /u/chancetolive
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Midas on OD vs Rushing Rod of Atod

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 09:04 AM PDT

Hey guys I am pretty new, LVL24 with 450ish hours.

I play a lot of OD lately, start tangoes/Null, then build treads, and then rush Rod. The build for Rod is nice because the +10INT in increments which helps my mana pool adding more damage to my Q, and increasing my Ult damage.

A lot of talk lately about Midas. Frankly I've never built it, but OD is one a lot of people recommend.

Can you help me understand why and where I should prioritize it? It's basically 66% of the cost for Rod and I am delaying damage output quite a bit plus a lockdown.

submitted by /u/Realistik84
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Spell Immunity Items on SS?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:14 PM PDT

Hey Guys,

I've been playing SS and getting a ~65% WR with him using the same item build, regardless of the other teams heroes. Since I want to improve, I'm striving to build items appropriately based on the other teams heroes. My question here is when do I buy the different spell countering items(ex: bkb, linkens, lotus, euls etc.)? So far I have just been spamming linkens. ty for read

submitted by /u/Fluffyeyeball
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A comprehensive text guide to roaming

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 10:17 PM PDT

Hello /r/learndota2, I'm /u/ThePJ3067 and I've commented a few times here, but I want to contribute more and decided to write up a nice detailed guide. A bit of background on myself, I am currently hovering at 4.3k MMR, with an eventual goal of 5k. I can play every role to a reasonable level, but am most comfortable with pos 3, 4 and 5. This guide is meant for players around or below my MMR level, but more experienced players are welcome to contribute with any feedback, criticism or comments


This guide will be on, as the title says, roaming. Specifically, I will focus on roaming as a position 4 support in the early game. So, what is the objective of having such a role? The roaming pos4 aims to create global presence by being to all lanes, and creating kill pressure in all lanes just by not showing on the map. The specific objectives vary per game, whether its shutting down an enemy carry, or protecting your vulnerable mid laner.


A roaming hero needs to be xp and item independent, to an extent. Thus, they are usually like the position 5 support, except they would benefit more with levels and maybe one item than the position 5 will. Roaming heroes also pretty much require some form of crowd control (cc) ability which immensely helps gank attempts. Examples of such heroes include Monkey King, Vengeful Spirit, Crystal Maiden, Earth Spirit, and Bounty Hunter, among others.


As always, your item build will depend on your hero choice, as well as the playstyle you are going for. Most melee roamers will start with an Orb of Venom since it is incredible value and provides a nice bonus to chasing. Wind Lace serves a similar purpose if you are a ranged hero or just have a ranged CC ability, as it helps close the range gap faster. Usually, the roaming hero will hold the observer wards because they already move around the map a lot, but the first set is ideally given to the offlane and midlane anyways, since they will benefit more. Smoke of Deceit is a criminally underused item in lower MMR games, and even if you use it for solo campaigns, its better than a full stock of smokes sitting in the store unused. This item gets even better if they have a jungler, since it practically pinpoints the camp the jungler is currently farming when it breaks. A thing to note is that smoke pretty much neglects the daytime vision advantage, making the gank target have a false sense of security during daytime and they see nothing. Usually, itemization after that is reflective of your hero, playstyle, and how ahead you are.


Now to the main part, roaming is, by nature, a different beast from laning. How can a hero who does not stay in a lane catch up on gold and experience? The truth is that there are multiple ways to do so, thus the roamer doesn't have to rely on having to create successful ganks just to stay even, although those obviously give more of a benefit. The bulk of experience and gold comes from bounty runes and creep pulling. This is possible from the map changes in patch 7.00, as there are 4 bounty runes on the map every 2 minutes, and since you're roaming around, its logical to pick some up since it is not too out of the way. Creep pulling is also a way to give a bit of gold and experience, but that's in more ideal situations since preferably, the carry can maintain a good creep equilibrium while the position 5 can zone the enemy offlaner, but that's not always the case, so you coming to help pull can assist the laning stage for your safelane, as well as possible creating a kill attempt against the enemy offlane.

But how do you start off? This is already a big first decision to make as a roaming hero. This largely depends on your team composition and the opposing one's. For example, if your team has a mid laner with a pitiful early game (such as a Shadow Fiend or Invoker), then it is ideal to help them for the first few levels, especially if they are against a difficult lane, such as, god forbid, Viper, since those heroes will be able to become much scarier if they manage to get through that early game. There are multiple ways to do this depending on your hero choice, be it an Ogre just sitting on the enemy's side of the river staring the enemy mid laner down, or a Monkey King who jumps out of nowhere, trades a few hits and chases them down a bit with Orb of Venom before then sneaking away and sniping the courier. Don't overstay your welcome, however, as setting up shop in a lane too long will result in your mid laner being underleveled, due to you sapping their experience. Just ensure they have an advantage for the first few levels, then take your magic elsewhere.

Another case is if the enemy team has a jungler. Your role is the perfect one to punish such a composition, either through hunting the jungling hero or abusing that their lane setup is much weaker. Again, this depends on what you perceive to be the bigger threat, and is a decision you have to make. For example, if they have a relatively safe jungler who usually stays at high hp (such as Enigma or one of the micro junglers), and you are a hero who has a lot of CC in your skillset (Such as Earth spirit or Crystal Maiden), then its more ideal to gank their weaker lanes. In fact, if you go alone to try to solo the jungler in this case, chances are they can probably outduel you with their summons already up and them being relatively healthy. However, if they have something like a jungle Ursa, Bloodseeker, LC etc. which do take quite a bit of damage from the jungle, you can sneak in a free kill with a quick smoke gank, or just be annoying with something like Bounty Hunter or Riki and just leech their experience, and steal the big jungle creep, and if they do something like Axe jungle and drop their Tranquil boots, you can make them very sad.

Closing Notes

Roaming is a very decision based role, and it relies on your knowledge and feeling of the game to decide what happens. Anyone can just pick Crystal Maiden and press W on a target. It's in how you move around the map, punish overextending, abuse ward vision to create opportunities to press W on the target enemy carry to secure the kill. As always, practice makes perfect, and doing this a lot will improve your shot calling and game sense in general.

Dotabuff for those who care: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/64999238

If this gets enough interest, I will probably write another guide in the near future.

Any comments, questions, and criticism are welcome and I will try to answer them as best I could.

submitted by /u/ThePJ3067
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Can you even pull camps on the Dire offlane?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:24 PM PDT

Basically what the title asks. Is this even possible in 7.00?

It seems like the camps are just too far.

Kind of seems unfair since you can execute at least a single pull on both the safelane and offlane if you're Radiant.

submitted by /u/tPRoC
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How good is Midas right now?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:36 AM PDT

I see atleast 3 midas everygame and even spectre buys a midas

submitted by /u/-9999Karma
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Farming patterns; what exactly are they?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 11:03 AM PDT

Could anyone give me some concrete examples of what farming patterns really are? I have a very vague understanding of them. For example, I have seen people say arteezy has fantastic farming patterns. I have checked out some of his safelane games to try and see what people mean but I don't understand what I'm supposed to be looking for, if that makes any sense. I think it's hindering my ability to intelligently analyze pro carry games. Maybe an example of an excellent farming pattern(and why it's so good) too?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/ChongusGSN
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What are some essential tips on playing support in 7.00?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:32 PM PDT

Support Silencer?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:47 AM PDT

Background: I am 2.4k MMR and most often play offlane or pos 5 support. I am trying to expand my hero pool, and have been trying Silencer. In my first game I picked him against a heavy magic lineup but got totally zoned and murdered in lane by a Skywrath Mage. I was basically fail all game after that.

In my most recent two games, I managed to almost single-handedly zone the offlaners in the laning stage, our team fought often, I transitioned into a core, and we won.

My main questions: What sorts of lineups should Silencer fit into/fight against?

How can I best utilize his abilities in a fight?

Does he have any natural synthesis with a particular laning partner? (Would be useful for me and my buddy)

Should his itemization be completely different as a support vs a core? (I built Rod of Atos and Scythe of Vyse, which seemed to fit both positions).

Thanks for any feedback!

submitted by /u/KaiserRoth
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How to play naga from behind?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:18 PM PDT

I played a game as naga and lost my lane 1v1. Infact we lost all lanes and the enemy started pushing down towers. How do I deal with such a scenario as a naga? Do i join in fights pre radiance? Or try to out farm them?

As an example can someone tell me what i should have done In this game? Match ID:3096510695. I lost to a clockwerk, i should learn to farm better. Yes I realise that, but I would like to know what else could have been done.

Ps. I am sub 2k mmr, so I realise i am making a lot of bad calls. And not the most efficient farm wise.

submitted by /u/vgu1990
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It seems to me that I'm approaching Slark wrong, and I'd love some advice on it.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:15 PM PDT

So today I played this match in a 4.4k average game where I last picked slark because he seemed kinda decent there, plus I wanted to learn the hero a bit better. I think I did pretty well in lane, but the other lanes were lost and the other team won while playing 4v5 the entire time. It seemed to me that I did everything I could have done and it felt really easy to blame my teammates (and truth be told, I was quite mad at them for feeding so much) but I really feel like I could've done a lot better this game. I cannot really pinpoint why I couldn't carry this game out of the hole it was in and I really am at a loss here, hence why I'm posting here. It lasted less than 30 minutes so if anyone would be so kind to take the time to analyze my play it would be wonderful. My decision making with Slark really sucks I think, and playing carry well in general in terms of keeping up the farm is quite difficult for me, and I'm not quite sure how to improve it, so I need you guys' help. Any advice would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/goodwarrior12345
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Top 25 DB Underlord spammer, AMA

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:48 PM PDT

DB profile: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/39978381

Proof: http://i.imgur.com/HbGl2dd.png

Currently 4913 mmr

Ask me about this hero, i will answer to your questions

submitted by /u/Everdrone
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I think I've learnt my 'role' I enjoy in Dota 2, what heroes would be recommended and how can I improve?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:52 AM PDT

I'm currently a 2.2k AU player and played enough hours I feel I know what 'role' in dota suits me. I'd like to believe I'm a 3rd POS or a greedy 4th just from my usual hero pool.

What I want to know is, how can I grow as a player and is there any heroes you guys believe would fit my 'mold'.

Thanks for the help :D

Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/103797256/heroes (note: haven't played slark in a while and I am capable of playing a pos 2 but try to avoid hard carry or hard support)

submitted by /u/Hamoflague
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How do I play crystal maiden in 7.04?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:32 AM PDT

Hi guys, as the title says, what will be my mindset and playstyle for crystal maiden in this patch? Especially during early game. Also, what item and skill build should i go for? The last time i played CM was roughly a year ago. Thanks!

submitted by /u/evisceraze
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how do i stop being afraid of dying?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:47 AM PDT

every time i play i always am afraid of dying. i have 600+ hours playing the game but i still feel like a noob. i can't carry a game so i always end up playing support which i am decent at.

does that happen often? and how do i break the habit?

submitted by /u/intermaniax1
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Warding help

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:51 AM PDT

Trying to learn support. How to ward radiant offlane tower from river as dire team?

submitted by /u/midastouch12
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Is Timber good against Drow in lane or am I just bad

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:43 AM PDT

So I've been spamming Drow lately for funsies. My last two games I had to lane against a Timber and while I won both, I was getting crushed in lane in both games. I was still able to farm well, but I was constantly pushed to my tower and the Timbers would be cutting the wave or diving me. Shit was really annoying.

Could I have done something about that situation? Any special items, playstyles? Or is that just the nature of the matchup

submitted by /u/eodigsdgkjw
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Ranked player playing unranked after 2 years

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 01:30 AM PDT

Recently been on a bad losing streak from 4300 to 4000 and got rather tilted. So decided to try out unranked after not playing it for over 2 years.

In my 5 unranked games so far, I am constantly teamed and matched up with new players between lvl 2 to 10.

No surprise, my games become a total coin flip on which new account are genuine or simply smurfs.

Just ended a game where my average 324 gpm sniper matched against an average gpm 623 SF at mid. No surprise what happens next.

Isn't there like a hidden unranked mmr? What's happening and what can I do about it?

Main reason I am playing unranked is to not go tryhard so not gonna pick some hard carry

submitted by /u/AsianMikey
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Returning to Dota after 2009, low win rate, always matched against higher skilled players. What am I doing wrong?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:54 PM PDT

Hello all! I used to play Dota back in 2005-09 then took a long break. Started again a few months ago with some old friends who just started playing.

We mostly play as a group of 3-5 people but we are always matched up against players much more skilled than all of us combined. I have a 40% total win rate and it's very demoralizing. I love playing dota, but this constant losing is starting to affect our friendship.

Interestingly, we almost always lose games when I'm in the team; when they're playing without me, the get matched up with weaker teams that they stomp easily.

Here's my dotabuff:

https://www.dotabuff.com/players/388320711 Can anyone give some insights into how I can improve, or what I'm doing wrong?

submitted by /u/surdtmash
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What are good #6 (solo support) heroes?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:00 AM PDT


i paused dota2 for a bit; what are current meta public #5 (solo) supports?

I read Crystal Maiden is good, are there anyone else, which work with nearly 0 farm?

2k-3k mmr

thanks guys!

submitted by /u/Jean_the_Old
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How bad is 300 mmr for a new player(150 hours of dota in my life)?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:35 AM PDT

Hello everyone.

Im new to dota 2. I started playing ~1 moonth ago, and played a lot of games because dota is addictive! Now i can finally play ranked games! After 10 ranked games - My mmr calibrated at 307. I understand that this is the lowest of the lowest mmrs and i am now officially one of the worst dota players in the world. But on the bright side, I have also seen players with 1 mmr(yes ONE) and ~100 mmr while playing a ranked match.

A quick google search tells me average MMR is 3k. Sooo thats a long way away for me at a rate of +25 per match. I am not even below average at this game. If i play casually from now on - Say 1 or 2 games a day - how long will it take for me to become an average player?

submitted by /u/ultimmr
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