Smite - [WARRIORS] God Class Discussion Megathread - Week of April 03, 2017

[WARRIORS] God Class Discussion Megathread - Week of April 03, 2017

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 10:06 PM PDT

Welcome to /r/Smite's weekly God Class Discussion Megathread. This is a place for the community to get together and discuss, theorycraft, and ask for help on playing each class.

This week we are focusing on WARRIORS.

Some ideas to get you started might include:

  • Tips and advice for playing any or all Warriors
  • Good builds, bad builds, and everything in between
  • What roles in each gamemode to play Warriors in
  • Where Warriors fit into the meta
  • Buffs or nerfs you would make and why
  • Questions about the gods or class as a whole

And anything else you can think of!

Please stick to gods that are WARRIORS. This includes:

  • Amaterasu
  • Bellona
  • Chaac
  • Erlang Shen
  • Guan Yu
  • Hercules
  • Nike
  • Odin
  • Osiris
  • Ravana
  • Sun Wukong
  • Tyr
  • Vamana

See here for an archive of all the previous Class Discussion Megathreads!

Check back next week when we'll be discussing Assassins!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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/r/Place Megathread - Help Maintain the /r/Smite Logo!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:56 AM PDT

/r/Place has ended. Here is the final product in all of its glory.

Link to the /r/Place-/r/Smite Discord here

What it should look like

Pixel located within the Logo

For those who do not know, /r/Place was created by reddit on the 1st of April 2017 as an experiment/april fools project where every 5 minutes (originally 10 minutes) you can place one pixel on this 1000x1000 canvas along with everyone else on reddit. Subreddits have begun trying to get their mark placed onto this image by working with others to make either a logo or some text stick. Trolls/other subreddits then try to break down or change the text on these. It will take a group effort to have this /r/Smite logo stay beautiful! Please help maintain the logo.


submitted by /u/TripleCharged
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How to bring god diversity to duel

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 01:06 PM PDT

Base the TP gained/loss partially on god win percentage. Keep the same TP formula, but alter a part of it to account for God win percentage/frequency. The lower the win percentage, the lower TP you lose for losing a game, and the more you gain for winning a game. The opposite for higher win percentage gods.

I somehow win a 30 minute game with a guardian, busting my ass and outplaying a Skadi and I win the same amount of TP as if I were to play the Skadi and get a 10 minute surrender? This does not make sense. This also increases the amount of risk/reward in duel. You want to climb the ladder fast? Find a low tier god and get good at them. This system will discourage spamming of top tier gods that have high win percentages such as Skadi and AMC.

This will also help people explore gods. In duel this season, I am 118-82 with Zhong Kui alone. Everyone says how strong Zhong is in duel now, but that's because of I took the time and effort to figure him out. Mátrix is another player that comes to mind. He is excellent at warriors, because he took the time to figure them out. With this new system, people will discover new gods and how to play them in duel.

To the best of my knowledge, this has never been proposed, but I have been pushing for this since season 1.

*Edit: Let me clarify, I am talking about global god win percentages. One person winning a lot on Guan Yu shouldn't make it so Guan Yu is the best way to climb to GrandMasters.

*Edit 2: This system wouldn't replace Elo all together. If you're playing a low tier god but you have a way higher elo than your opponent who is an Apollo and you lose, you should still lose a lot of TP. This system is meant to aid the current ELO system, not replace it.

submitted by /u/Funkbot_3000
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Zapman instant karma

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 01:35 PM PDT

So when are we going to officially have a HiRezKama (Tina) AP? I'm positive that a ton of you people want this!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:05 AM PDT

That was a cruel April Fools joke if we don't end up getting this. We already have Hindu and F. so why can't we have one for Tina? I truly hope HiRez will look into making this AP become a part of our Smite arsenal.

submitted by /u/SimonIshak17
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My Butt Clenched So Hard My Cheeks Merged

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:05 PM PDT

The next patchnotes will be a bit experimental.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:58 PM PDT

Barra Proves Why Windmill Ymir Is The New Meta

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:48 PM PDT

You're jungler isn't your babysitter.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 09:05 AM PDT

So I love to play jungle and I've been a jungle main since the start of season 4, even if I'm playing a lot of other role too. But so many of my game are ruined because of people believe it's my fault everytime something bad happen on the map.

Today I was playing ne zha. We had mid pressure at lvl 1, so we invade their speed, I invade the blue with our Bellona, gank at lvl 3 and she get first blood.

A few minute after that, I was securing our red&purple on the other side of the map, Bellona dive the T2 tower and die because the enemy jungler was there. He spend 5min insulting me and ask me why I didn't gank his lane, something I've done 2min ago.

Shit like that happen all the time. You get gank under the enemy tower in the duo lane, without any ward as AMC ? Blame you're jungler. You're getting soloed ? Blame your jungle that should have gank your lane. Ect ect.

I'm clearly not much than a very average player, but I think I have a good game knowledge and I usually know and easily admit it when I've made a misstake. But people need to understand that the conquest map is huge and that I can't be everywhere babysitting all of them, and that I also need to farm myself.

submitted by /u/Graciak2
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How to help an enemy player when they've DC'd and are behind (feat. PrettyPriMe & Trixtank)

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:39 AM PDT

Just a reminder for the old skins and Gods that need some love

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:19 PM PDT

submitted by /u/Meurtria
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I never read Xing Tian's lore until today

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:03 AM PDT

Apparently without his head, he used his nipples as eyes and his belly as a mouth and continued the good fight. I'm proud to be a rank X Xing Tian today.

submitted by /u/DragonGems
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It needs to be clear if an ability stuns or damages first

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 01:05 AM PDT

Despite this thread referring only to stuns, this is true for all forms of CC

For example: The Morrigan's first ability states that:

When activated, The Morrigan begins combining the power from all three of her forms. When activated again, they simultaneously damage and stun enemies in front of them.

However, if you hit a shielded Nemesis with it, the damage is applied before the stun, and Nemesis will heal for the proper amount.
Whereas if you hit a shielded Nemesis with Cabraken's 1, it will stun her before the bonus damage is applied, and her shield will be removed.

It's a small inconsistency that doesn't have a pattern (At least I can't seem to find one)

Hercules' driving strike stuns, damages, then knocks back the player
Izanami's ult silences, then damages
Hou Yi's jump knocks up, then damages

submitted by /u/JasonMan34
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So about Chiron, Raijin, Hades, Artemis, Nemesis, Jing Wei and Ravana's issues.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:40 PM PDT

These few gods have some severe issues that are keeping them back way too hard in this meta. I would love to discuss them. No, it's not some thread about how they need insane buffs so they would become broken overpowered, but it's a thread that emphasises on the fact that they have some inconsistencies that need to be fixed and only minor, not huge, buffs or fixes are needed.

First off is Chiron. He is still a very weird and tricky pick, he can carry, sure, but he is not worth picking over any other hunter at all, well, maybe Jing Wei, but that's also questionable. I do think his 2 needs a 1 second reduction in the cooldown and his 1 should at least slow so he has some cc outside of his 3. I also think his attack speed progression should be increased from 1 + 1.1% to 1+ 1.4 % so he wouldn't suffer such lategame damage problems with his half - good AAs, like practically none of the others hunters do.

Raijin is an undervalued pick because he is all skillshot while also being high risk, but high reward. I think he is a good pick, but i do feel like he was gutted hard. I think reducing his 2's cd by 1 or 2 seconds is a good start.

Hades has always been an undervalued pick, too. I think his passive needs to be changed into a new one while it should keep the current effects. His damage of his 3 is too slow (i mean the animation is far too slow and not that damaging without minions) and his overall kit deals too little damage to make him viable, but i know he is on Hirez's buff list, so i will just simply wait, i guess. They should really start with his passive and his scalings, though.

Artemis' 3 costs too much for a god with the lowest mana pool and lowest mp5 out of all the hunters. Her 3 needs less mana costs for such awful clear that doesn't even have 50% scaling. She needs mp5 and lower mana costs on her 3 so her early isn't so horrible at least in terms of mana issues.

It irritates that i have to talk about Nemesis, one of my favorite assasins in arena and everywhere else nowadays, where i do really well. 11/3, 9/1 and so on. All i want is her 1's bug fixed so the change does not result in the nerf it now is.

Jing Wei was horribly gutted, but she is not that awful as people think. I think her 3 needs to be on a 16 or 17 cooldown so it could let her use her 1 > 3 combo again because now it's inconsistent. If this buff doesn't take place, i think her 2 could get a 15% slow so it had more use other than just pure crit boost.

Ravana has always been good before in season 3 (except from his release), but i think lategame he really falls off. So i think his 1 + 1% atk speed needs to be buffed to Osiris' atk speed of 1 + 1,4% and his 3's scaling lategame should be buffed by 10%. Why can Osiris get a buff to his lategame skill damage while Ravana, which has a much worse lategame, got no buffs? Sure, Osiris was underrated, but he should have not been like that at all, he is amazing in the current meta. So should Ravana be if he had some lategame presence.

Well, that's it for now. What other gods/items do you think need changes to fix some serious issues? Can't wait to hear them out :)

submitted by /u/Ernestasx
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Tribal Athena Skin in 4.6?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:23 PM PDT

Ornstein and Smough skins idea

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:11 PM PDT

Which gods would make use the best of O and S skins? Im thinking either awilix or anhur for Ornstein, then bacchus or kumbah for Smough, what are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/SlyMemer
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Smite console patch delayed again... why?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:38 PM PDT

This isn't a criticism as much as a question to how so many other games can plan and date their patches and updates and never (as far as I remember) have had a significant delay due to "authentication" what makes smite different ? Or are we being lied to

submitted by /u/primalGotU
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Nemesis Mastery Skins rework / this was a failure tbh / gonna do Nox when i wake up

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:38 AM PDT

Shoutouts to the MVPs of my arena match, DayToRemember and Yullnauhk. If you're reading this, VER.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:41 PM PDT

Can't catch a break with CDR items

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:35 AM PDT

HוRez makes CDR a passive for items - "Every mage has CDR, it should be its own stat"
HוRez makes CDR a stat and makes CDR-based items - "CDR is trash, no reason to pick it up"
HוRez gives CDR-based items a buff - "CDR is OP, every mage can pick up Chronos Pendant without sacrificing anything"
HוRez makes Chronos Pendant a CDR-based item that doesn't have too much power, gives 30% CDR and allows the user to exceed the CDR limit - "Chronos Pendant is trash, no reason to pick it up"

Make up your mind.
It's a great item for mages that need CDR (e.g. Aphrodite), it's not broken or bloated, and it's not useless as well

submitted by /u/JasonMan34
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[Serious] Chiron's kit is flawed in every way

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:36 PM PDT

I still don't understand how HiRez thinks he is in an acceptable situation. Chiron has been bad for a long time now, after receiving many nerfs, most of which did not address what people disliked about him when he was "too powerful", and that were not reversed once HiRez was done throwing him at a bottomless pit.

His kit lacks synergy and doesn't have any strenghts except for the fact that he is a hunter, and, like any other, he can have high DPS at a good range. Lets start first by his passive: and there is little I can say about it except that its totally useless heal that will hardly make a difference at all in any situation. I get the idea that its meant to be lore related, but that doesn't excuse the fact that it doesn't do anything, in fact, I doubt it was good at release, and even then, it still got nerfed to become even more patethic.

Now about his 1. It used to have a cripple attached to it, but now the only thing it has is a cleanse. Sure, a cleanse can be useful, but not when its your main method of poke and waveclear. If he was a melee god, sure, he could lay it on his feet to cleanse him and damage an enemy at melee range during a 1v1, but for a ranged god, that cleanse hardly makes any difference at all.

His 2 is... weird. Sure, we cannot expect it to do much, since its auto targetted, but even then, you still have to aim a basic attack for it. And its a weak damaging ability with a very ignorable slow. What is the point of it? If he didn't have the mobility of his 3, maybe it could be a way for him to stick to an enemy, but because he has a very good dash, he doesn't need his 2 to catch up to anyone. Its also not meant to be a finisher, because its damage is very low as well, so, what is this ability meant for? Oh, wait, it has protection reduction, right? 3% protection reduction, which is good... for nothing.

The dash is the only good thing he has good, his 3 has a good speed and a knockback that should keep enemies from chasing him if he is escaping. This ability doesn't know if its an offensive dash or an escape. Medusa's dash is an offensive, as it has high burst damage, anti-heal and synergy with her other abilities. Chiron's dash has a power boost and allows him to basic attack, but it knocks enemies behind him which means he will put his enemies between him and his team, literally isolating a ranged carry from his team. An offensive dash should only isolate you like this if you are tanky enough to survive the enemy's counterattack.

The Ultimate is a pretty straightforward and quite creative ability. You can shoot three times, even if your health goes to zero and you can prevent your death for killing an enemy with it. The only problem with it is that it doesn't have synergy with anything but Chiron's 2, and even then, you can't even use that during the Ultimate. And even then, this Ultimate kinda reduces your DPS, so, you'll only use it if you're dying to try and prevent it.

Can you notice what is wrong? This kit seems to be more for a melee basic attacking warrior rather than for a hunter. It doesn't have good utility, it doesn't have good DPS (in comparison to other hunters, he still has good DPS because of the class) and it doesn't have good burst damage. The only strenght it has is the mobility, his dash is great, but even then, its still flawed. Also, the abilities don't even combo with each other properly. The only synergy they have is how your Ult can set up your 2 in multiple targets easily, but outside that, nothing fits with the rest (the 3 may even prevent you from hitting properly).

Chiron desperately needs a new kit, his one makes it look like HiRez chose random abilities and shoved on him and said "There you go, its a kit", because it simply doesn't work. It doesn't work with the class, it doesn't work with the playstyle its supposed to, it doesn't work with itself!

Also, his legs need to be longer. Seriously, he looks like a pony, its embarassing, specially when Guan Yu Ults near him.

submitted by /u/DunnoWhatever
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The Fatalis Effect

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:31 PM PDT

I am going to be blunt… I miss the fatalis effect on Sol, Chronos, and Jing Wei. Since its removal from there kits all of these gods have struggled to find a place in the Duo Lane.

Sol since her changes has seen very little SPL play, most of it in the mid lane, and I can't remember the last time someone willing played Chronos. It's great that Sols damage and sustain have received buffs, same for Chronos, however these buffs push both of them towards mid lane and away from the place I have the most fun playing them, the Duo Lane. Magical ADC's are a very cool idea and something a lot of people really enjoy, I think there over performance at worlds caused a knee jerk reaction from Hi-Rez causing the complete removal of the one effect that made them Magical ADC's.

Without there fatalis effect they are just subpar mages. Yes the argument could be made for actually building Hastened Fatalis on them, however without access to crit this really hurts there power output. I think the extreme performance of the magical ADC's can be attributed to the items of late season 3 such as plate helm and the cheap ring builds. In season 4 items have had a lot of changes, and the Meta has shifted to early clear focus, something that magical ADC's lack… I think the game is in the right place to attempt giving the Duo Lane mages a chance with their only viable hunter ability the fatalis effect, of course also reverting the power buffs given to them as well.

Lastly I want to take a moment to talk about Jing Wei… Giving her back fatalis effect could be pretty bad, however they need to give her something in exchange for them taking it. Maybe give her a really short CD on her dash, or giver her back crit on the first level of her steroid. Maybe readjust her flight distance again so she can actually make those big rotations, or perhaps give her a slow in her kit so she can all in chase like she used to… Jing Wei just needs some love, cause right now she's basically the worst hunter in the game, maybe a little better than Chiron.

Magical ADC's need a fatlis effect to properly play as hunters rather than mages, and with the item changes of season 4 I think it's at least worth giving them a chance with fatalis effect at the beginning of the summer split. Jing Wei really needs some love, because she used to be really rewarding to play well and a ton of fun, however now she is practically unplayable.

submitted by /u/vbn470
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When your health pot ticks just right

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 09:33 AM PDT

What the best time to avoid premades?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 09:32 PM PDT

Really sick of playing against cancer. I been stuck for like a week playing against premades while 1 or 2 people in My team sabotage or AFK.

submitted by /u/JRPGNATION
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[IDEA] Surrender System Rework

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:30 PM PDT

Pressing F6 beyond the 10 minute mark of a game will start a surrender vote.

Any other players who agree to the surrender can hit their F6 to agree, while those opposed can hit F7 to vote no.

The game will surrender based on majority voter AFTER the full duration of the surrender vote is completed if the # of yeses > the # of nos.

If players which to change their vote, they may hit the appropriate key at any time during the vote. (Pressing f7 for no, but then getting wiped and the enemy gets fg, u suddenly don't feel any more hope, so you press F6 to vote yes instead).

ONLY AFTER the full duration, will the final choice be made based on the votes.

People who do not vote will not be considered by the system, and a 3 to 1 vote for example, will count as a surrender.

In the event of a leaver or dc, the surrender option will become available after 5 minutes instead of 10, and if multiple people leave, it is immediately made available, however still needs a majority vote where the No. of Yes > No. of Nos .

TLDR: Change it so you can change your vote and not make a bad choice due to fatfingering a button. and while we are at it make a leavers change too.

submitted by /u/ShellFlare
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Kali Mastery Skins reworked (photoshop-ed lazily by me)

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 01:27 AM PDT

Game Over

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:51 AM PDT

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