Diablo - First primal now I need to keep playing

First primal now I need to keep playing

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:06 PM PDT


First time I got to a 70GR (best before was 54 with non seasonal barb). Actually wanted to stop as I got all the season journey stuff but that neck is just too good to not push for a personal record. Didn't play for about a year and the game is great again, got me hooked like never before.

submitted by /u/DiBzMH
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Primal Ancient Megathread

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:49 PM PDT

Share 'em here, whether they're the best, worst, or so bad that even marrying Kadala seems like a better option.

submitted by /u/Thunderclaww
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[S10] Sage's plans won't drop. I am plvl 485 and have done countless bounties.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 01:59 PM PDT

Anyone got a clue? Need them for my speed sader :(

To clarify: The lvl 70 sage set that you can craft, which gives you an extra death breath drop.

submitted by /u/altaks
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What kind of time commitment do you need nowadays?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:23 PM PDT

I'm seeing all these posts on the front page about first primal ancients. Most are from people with paragon 500+ from what I have seen. How many hours do you need to be playing to get one? How long does it even take to get to paragon 250/500?

submitted by /u/kaptainkeel
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Is there almost nobody playing on console? Queues never seem to work (PS4)

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:35 AM PDT

Am I missing something? All weekend I would queue for T10 rifts and never once got a group with anyone else in it. If I started the game and stayed there, eventually it would fill up, but nowhere near the speed at which they fill up on PC - is that normal? Sam with T7 bounties, most of which I end up clearing solo.

Also, far as I can tell there is no way to see how many people are playing a particular 'tag' and difficulty like you can on PC?

EDIT: Also, aside, who thought it would be a great idea to make the games peer to peer, so you are about to finish bounties, or a rift, and the host drops and everything resets. Annoying as shit.

submitted by /u/badduderescuesprez
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Why do people think staying in a rift gives more goblins/legendaries than making a new one after the guardian is dead?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:10 PM PDT

So often, I run into people thinking that the coding for the RNG somehow has changed after the rift boss is dead and that staying in the same rift will somehow give them better RNG. Who is spreading that false rumor and why?

RNG is just what it indicates random.

I even had a guy say he got a better chance of getting primals if he stayed because it was calculated from th amount of legendaries you looted in the rift. This is madness since the item is already rolled when it drops....

Please stop the madness and realise that the RNG is based on a number blizzard put into the code. it doesn't magically change all of a sudden. It is the same RNG based system they have used in diablo since the first game and the same calculations that are used in any random scenario.

submitted by /u/Naturalhighz
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Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:00 AM PDT




submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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How do y'all get top gear so fast?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:39 AM PDT

I see all the posts about primal ancients, finishing the Season Journey up to the Stash Tab requirements, finishing GR70+ et c. while I'm sitting here farming for hours for even the basic components of a viable build. Like, it took my six hours to get a Belt of Transcendence for my Witch Doctor, and I used all my Blood Shards and Death's Breaths for gambling/upgrading to legendary. And I still lack some items for my build or specific cube powers. Am I doing something wrong or am I just unlucky?

submitted by /u/Gin-Chan
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S10 Zunimassa Gargs GR90+ Build

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:03 AM PDT

In case you want to play a witch doctor or try Zunimassa here's classic build for you.
The build is very old, but hasn't really changed, just the damage was buffed. For GR90 you need around 1500 paragons and full augments. All possible in seasons.

submitted by /u/Angry_Roleplayer
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[Barb] [Raekor IK] Do you use Furious Charge to actually do dmg?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:54 PM PDT


Lots of Guides say that you should cube Standoff and use Sprint - Marathon for pushing grifts.

I enchanted my Gear with 15% Furious Charge Dmg, but i feel like i don't do any dmg with charge compared to the Boulder Toss.

I really struggled with GR60+ and then changed my Cube from Standoff to 300th Spear and Vileward to Skular's Salvation(+100% Boulder Toss dmg, +150% if less than 5 enemys hit) Most of the time I charge 5 times for Raekor6 and Boulder Toss with like 170 Rage and that is what oneshots sometimes whole packs or half lifes Riftbosses.

Am I missing something really important?

btw. have 3900 dmg IK weapon equipped,but I needed to roll a socket, since I wasnt lucky with the gift yet, so I think my base dmg should be about right. =(

submitted by /u/Mandrax2996
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What does the effect on Band of Hollow Whispers actually do?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:50 PM PDT

I got a primal one last night, not sure if its worth keeping.

submitted by /u/Emperor_Secus
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We need your help /r/diablo

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:59 AM PDT

The Devil is severely underrepresented (aka not at all) on /r/Place

This post here has an awesome design https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/633yfp/rplace_is_there_a_diablo_presence_in_rplace/?sort=confidence


Join us, create some pixel art and make new friends.


Edit2: We are moving one space over to give Big Ben space while still keeping the outline

Edit3: Mexico is not too happy to have us, we have moved here. https://www.reddit.com/place/?webview=true#x=105&y=37 (105,37) Join us in the Discord!

/r/place is dead. Reddit hates fun

GGs guys we drew 2 really good D's.


submitted by /u/Taffer
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Why is the Season 10 Slayer reward portrait the same as the one you receive from completing chapter 4?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:18 PM PDT

I am a new player and just curious why the reward for completing the Slayer objectives is just a duplicate of the one from finishing the first 4 chapters.

submitted by /u/Ramdog19
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Season Rewards: Console

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:14 PM PDT

I got my pen and portrait but not my set gifts. Where do I find these exactly? I read that they would be in the in box but my inbox isn't selectable. Advice please.

submitted by /u/Th3Dux
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2.5 inventory animation bug?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 01:09 PM PDT

Whenever I move my cursor to my items they're locking to "shine" animation. Bugged one Normal one

I know it sounds pretty funny but it's happened with 2.5 so...

submitted by /u/admjnsn93
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Rift guardians' spawn locations

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:54 PM PDT

Is it really just me? Whenever I finish a rift (normal or greater doesn't matter) guardian spawns at the end of the map, taking my time to get to it. Before 2.5 or 2.4 they were spawn to where were you at. Now it's just messed up. Have you guys experienced this too?

submitted by /u/admjnsn93
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[Help] What build to use with the 4 pieces of Inna?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:19 AM PDT

Hey Guys, could any one give me a build which works with 4-Set Boni of the Inna set?

I can't beat Grift Level 20 :(

Edit: I used this build http://imgur.com/a/TuCTD with the LTK Boots and it worked very well

submitted by /u/LeckererLukas
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[NA] A few mates and I looking for a clan this season!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:00 PM PDT

Hello! My Bliz name is PhantomShock#11390. So far, 2 of us, up to 5 of us, are looking for a clan for the season! We're pretty well accustomed to D3, have done other seasons, friendly, can be talkative and helpful once high lvl'd with gear. Not sure what any of our classes are going to be, but just figured I'd post this before we all got on tonight in hopes of finding a nice large clan! Thanks guys!

submitted by /u/gitrektlol
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Are Deaths Breath drop rate higher in Rifts than Bounty farming?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:44 PM PDT

While farming for DB in Rifts, I get two off of almost every Elite/Champ pack, but in Bounties, I'm getting a hell of a lot less, most packs not dropping any.

submitted by /u/SirGanjaGamer
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(CONSOLE) Earned first haedrigs gift, but I got Nothing? Where do I claim it?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:18 AM PDT

Where the heck do you claim it once you've earned it? I've only ever played on pc but this console interface is Hella clunky to navigate. Where did my gift go?

submitted by /u/MrCoinOp
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Huge lag... Pretty much unplayable. Anyone else?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:07 PM PDT

Is anyone else getting terrible lag spikes? Friday night I wasn't lagging at all. Saturday there was a little bit of lag, but not bad. Sunday and today it's made the game unplayable. I keep getting kicked from games or made to login to battle.net all over again.

Anyone know of a fix? I've tried flushing dns but that didn't do anything.

submitted by /u/vio86
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Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:05 PM PDT

Any PS4 players wanna farm Menagerist and Rainbow goblins ? Still trying for the cosmic wings. Add me on PSN: Khing_Slim

submitted by /u/Kylebck
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While the board is making suggestions

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:15 AM PDT

First, I want to say thanks to the blizz devs for the QoL changes in the most recent patch. We will always find things to complain about but these changes are geniunely appriciated. I love not having to go to chest after DE to put mats away and before the amory I used to never have more than 2 builds but now I am attempting every build I have gear for and I love it.

However, speaking of the armory, could you have it put Legendary Gems away when we switch rather than back into our inventories? It puts all my items away from where it got them in my chest, but it puts legendary gems into my inventory and I have to go put them up after switching.

It's a small thing and I don't want to appear ungrateful, but it's just a confusing thing to not have it do. Thanks again blizz for the patch though.

submitted by /u/babygotsap
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