Heroes of the Storm - Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | April 03 - April 09

Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | April 03 - April 09

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:00 AM PDT

Ever find yourself looking for more people to play with? Post in here if you are looking for a team for competitive play or if you are a team looking to fill out your roster! You can also check out our Looking For Group Wiki Page!

If you believe something is out of place here please report it!

Previous LFG threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Congratulations /r/place-ers

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:12 AM PDT

We did it, Place has ended and not only did we get up there, with potentially the largest SINGULAR gaming art, but Bar the 3 gray dots in the middle of the nexus logo, OUR ART IS UNBLEMISHED (bar the M- FUUUU) (beyond Isaac but we had a truce with him).


Congratulations to HOTS Reddit, we've made it clear HOTS is not a dead game.

Edit: It seems that the topleft image (the error message) is a Runescape thing, if so we're second largest, but we still are the best designed game! HAH!

PS: osu? I don't see no Osu, only DOOM!

submitted by /u/Vartio
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Please show winrate per hero instead of wins per hero. Wins per hero is literally useless.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:34 PM PDT

Post other useless stats from in-game. Like ai games being included messing all the other stats up.

submitted by /u/warm_melody
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Capitalizing on the new Heroes 2.0 currency system

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:52 AM PDT

Our logo in /r/place is bigger and better than league's one

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:28 AM PDT

I think that settles the discussion on which moba is better.

submitted by /u/txvo
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Request: A.I. games out from player statistics

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:07 AM PDT

When you see a player profile there are the 3 most played heroes and the total games played. I'm asking to remove the A.I. games from at least these counters. I know most of you dont play A.I. games but it's been always something that troubled me. In 2.0 the heroes shown will be 4 btw.

submitted by /u/Electrogigi
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We should get the Heroes of the Storn logo from /r/place as a spray.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:46 AM PDT

I'll immediately forgive any salt I hold over the veteran lootboxes if this becomes a thing.

submitted by /u/AMasonJar
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Show hero level on draft screen in HOTS 2.0

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:54 AM PDT

Now that we are losing Master Skins, there's no way to show you are proficient with your hero you are choosing. This can be really important if you are picking an off meta hero to avoid flaming and insults. I know I feel better if someone is picking Nova but has the Master Skin currently compared to someone picking Nova with the base skin.

The solution is simple. Could we have it display the hero level when someone has a hero hovered? This could be really great with the removal of XP caps. Now you can really flaunt your level 100+ hero. This would be so much more useful than the in-game taunts showcased already.

Blizzard, make it happen.

//edit: A few people are raising the concern of this causing toxic behavior. How about the system only displays if you're above hero level 10 (or 15 or whatever). That way, it can protect people that are a bit sensitive about that sort of thing while allowing people with vast experience on the hero to flaunt it. Another option would be to have this optional so that you could turn it off.

submitted by /u/rrrrupp
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Wait... So mastery taunts WASN'T an April fools joke?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:38 AM PDT

I first saw it on April 1st and thought it was a jab at League since they have a similar system. It just doesn't seem like anything HoTS needs (or wants). All it promotes is poor sportsmanship because the only time you use it is when you stomp someone (looking at you Nova and Valeera mains). Thoughts?

submitted by /u/TheNoseKnight
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Collection is completely mess, needs some additional changes (and other general menu feedback).

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:13 AM PDT

While collection is still in beta, hope this is not final version. I am sure some people don't care about it, or they don't even watch their collection, but for us who use that feature, current collection version is underperforming. This is post from someone who have over 40 regular skins, 15 master skins and around 10 mounts, so I know exactly what functions are missing in this version (from my angle).

  1. Featured items (home page of collection) is mess - make heroes first, then skins after that (I can imagine if someone is new to game, he will have problems to fast see what are heroes and what are only skins).

  2. Skin tab - it is very confusing, even for me who have over 6000 games. Make base skins separate group, make similar skins (former tints) separate groups, that skin tab needs completely new reorganisation. Now is so confusing, even for me who knows all the skins (and have a lot of them), still need to think where new type of skins begins, or even is that skin colour "master" skin or just base skin. I definitely need few moments to find out in what type of skin I am looking.

  3. Owned skins need to be more visible by eye in "show all skins".

  4. Elemental mounts need to be separated from beasts. Because I usually look my collection to see what I have and what should I buy next. Elemental mounts just make mess where is hard visible to find what I want to find (for buying next). Elemental mounts are reward mounts, they should be separated. Even if I want to know what mounts I get for free there is no way to see them on one place.

  5. Heroes tab. While I like heroes separated by their role, I will like "ALL HEROES" tab (like in live version), so I can follow chronological hero releases. It will be nice to know chronological hero releases, good to know for new players, but also for veterans when in 3-4 years from now want to sort all heroes by release.

  6. Bring back hero filter by universe. It will be nice especialy in "all heroes" tab.

  7. Banners. When you click on some banner in collection, it will be nice to see set up banner animation.

  8. Hero profile (when you click on specific hero in roster on my profile) - hero lvl near hero name (down left) doesnt show experience when you hover mouse.

  9. There is no account lvl on my profile picture when map is loading (what is the point of it if 95% of people will never see it, only who click on my profile)

Other feedback:

  • Sprays ignore hero model shadows in-match.

  • I will like to see emojis like "bye bye", "nice kill", but also finger pointing to the left (if someone wants to point on his name in chat).

  • Gems as currency is very generic (this game doesnt deserve generic things), maybie call it crystals or minerals (something with nexus powers)

  • Some mercenery coundowns overlap with banner. Try to move banner left or right a little.

submitted by /u/echo_blu
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Dread and Khaldor analyze the final four HotD teams. Looking for feedback

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:25 PM PDT

I'm afraid of Prime Evil Diablo

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:29 AM PDT


As many of us, I installed and played the Heroes 2.0 beta. The hype is real, very strong, and I can't wait for the game to come. At last I will get some skins, mounts, and on the top of the cake, sprays. Especially Li-Ming spray.

HOWEVER. As Heroes 2.0 brings some new skins, I looked at them, some of them are nice, others are quite "meh"...

And then there's Prime Evil Diablo.

And he's terrifying. When I play casual Diablo, I feel like I'm with some strong and bad guy, who knows how to fight. But when I tested PE Diablo, I felt I was playing a real and horrible monster who could tear you in pieces. And I don't know what's worst : the fact that he crawls like a giant cockroach (I HATE COCKROACHES) or that line where we hear Leah calls for help before being Diablo.

So, is there anybody else who shares this fear or am I the only one ?

submitted by /u/Walter_Smoke
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Thank you for not being like /r/osugame

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:08 PM PDT

Your game's logo is better looking, more complex, and smaller. Not only that according to this part of this video. You guys respected other paintings from other communities. IIRC, /r/math even moved up for you guys there.

Mean while, OSU!: simple logo, huge af, and took part of the Philippine's Flag with only their logo as prioritization until it was complete. So atleast they helped with their flag afterwards the Tyler1 invade.

But you guys are awesome. Thanks.

submitted by /u/Wow_Space
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Cassia ranged AA feels bad when stutterstepping

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:33 AM PDT

Remember when Lunara had her not-stoppable gait animation and somewhat unresponsive spear throw ? That made stutterstepping with her simply impossible

Now with Cassia case I feel the same. I just played first game with her and while being in melee range works fine, her spear throw is so delayed that I simply cancel the attack with another move or a-move command before the attack itself is made

So simply IMO her attack animation when ranged (so spear throwing) should be sped up

Unless that's just me but...I dont think so. Its not like I'm making a-moves with speed of light

submitted by /u/KafarPL
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Legend | The Curious Probe

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 01:24 PM PDT

I saw cheerleader kerrigan in a game for the first time, and just realized what her dance is from...

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 09:28 AM PDT

For those of you who don't know what it looks like with the new cheerleader kerrigan skin this is it: Kerrigan

This is the original(warning not an english song MAY BE LOUD, POP SONG, consider yourself prepared...): Original

Edit: intensified warning

submitted by /u/MiniDrummer
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Blizzard release 2.0 quicker so I can play HotS again!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:32 PM PDT

Everyone is starting to realize we are losing more by playing more now so just bring 2.0 out quicker or give us fair rewards in 2.0 based on individual hero levels and exp.

If I want to play I have to play specific heroes according to this graph so as to not fuck myself further https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/62zrt3/how_do_i_play_till_20_without_loosing_more_stuff/dfq8gad/

submitted by /u/warm_melody
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Allow us to open Loot Chests while in queue

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:34 PM PDT

I usually stockpile Chests while I'm playing with a team. But I would like to be able to open them while I'm waiting in queue withy team. I don't open them between matches so I don't make my team wait while I'm browsing my new items.

submitted by /u/kbzero
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46% wr Master AMA

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:04 PM PDT

Hi, I really enjoy this game even though 2.0 is not out yet and I just happen to hit master on my smurf with 46% wr, Here's the proof. http://imgur.com/a/cO58F

submitted by /u/JoweTV
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My hobby: As Alarak, wait without moving in the Hall of Storms when the match starts.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:21 PM PDT

Then, when a teammate pings me to get my attention, say "yes, yes. I shall win your battle shortly."

Or, as Malfurion, say "I'm awake! I'm awake."

submitted by /u/yinyang107
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If poison ignored shields, would Tassadar/Zarya be less oppressive in pro play due to more available counter play?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 11:09 AM PDT

Currently shields (mainly from Tassadar/Zarya) seem to be problematic in pro play. If poison damage ignored them, there would be (more) counters available against them.

I think this change is understandable lore-wise. Also, I always think of shields as a burst protection, while poison damage is the opposite, slow sustained damage, so it sounds reasonable to me that shields get countered by it.

With Lunara, Gul'dan, Nazeebo (and to a smaller degree Xul + Sylvanas), there seem to be enough options for it. The change seems small enough to not screw too much with HL win rates and might help diversifying HGC drafts. However I am no pro, so I cannot tell if this would actually help.

Disclaimer: I am pretty sure I read this proposal quite some time ago on reddit (did not find it though), so this is not my idea. But since then Tassadar was reworked and the same problems persist, so I thought it does not hurt to think again about old propositions.

submitted by /u/DavesenDave
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r/place has ended. Let's take a look at our glorious accomplishment.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:11 AM PDT

You can find it in the upper left corner of r/place

Or you can look at a quick snip here.

Here was our template.

Good show to all the heroes who put their lives on the line to defend our core.

I guess we really are the Heroes of the Storn.

submitted by /u/RobotDoctorRobot
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Beat Overwatch devs to the punch - make a Deadpool-esque skin for Genji!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:17 PM PDT

We need a Deadpool Genji. Voice over could be altered with lines about chimichangas (or other snack items; no infringement intended). This is a legendary skin waiting to happen!

EDIT: Of course he would have to shoot a gun instead of shurikens as basic attack.

submitted by /u/YoreWelcome
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Master B Step Taunt

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 09:38 AM PDT

B Stepping is the taunt of this game. Maybe instead of adding those logos above after a taunt, just change your B Step logo to match your taunt mastery. Also change your hexagon border in draft to show Mastery on a hero when locking in

submitted by /u/BrunedockSaint
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2.0 Suggestion: Add Loadouts button to Hero pages in Collection

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:17 AM PDT

Hey team!

Something I noticed today while in the queue for QM in the 2.0 Beta; I found myself navigating over to check out Cassia's other skins (Collection > Heroes > Cassia). Pretty cool stuff, but I noticed there is not a way to edit loadouts for heroes directly from their respective hero pages, you have to edit loadouts from the PLAY tab.

Now, this works fine if you're just hanging out in the Play tab trying to spiff out your hero loadouts, but if you're locked in and waiting for a game, you can only edit the Loadouts for the hero you have selected.

And this is only true when waiting in the VS AI and QM queues, because if you're waiting for any other mode, you just can't edit Loadouts at all.

I would personally love to see this small feature added, as I find that sort of inventory management to be very zen, and I would love to be able to create loadouts during the occasional long 2-man TL queue, or any queue for that matter; Rather than having to have a long(un-queued) session devoted to Loadouts, I'd like to do it from anywhere. Nexus-Fashion is a fickle mistress and must be tended to at a moments' notice!

A great example of this sort of thing in practice is the inventory screen from Destiny. The load times for that game are crazy long, but the game's ability to let you manage your inventory and equip gear while you are loading in to a new area made the wait feel so much shorter.

So yeah, not sure what the right answer is here, but I think adding a new tab across the top in the base page for heroes for "Loadouts" might be the ticket. i.e. | About | Skins | Abilities | Talents | Loadouts |

TL;DR: Please allow us to edit loadouts for any of our heros while we're queued for any game type. Thanks for your consideration! <3

submitted by /u/zaftula
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