Pokémon GO - This is on the door of our fire station

This is on the door of our fire station

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 09:54 AM PDT

Oddish waiting for his friend to poke out, thinking he's *odd*

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:11 PM PDT

[question] is this a good portable charger if I want to play PokémonGo? It's got wheels so I think it could be good

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:43 PM PDT

[Noob] Simple question, please do not upvote - What pokemon is that?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:18 AM PDT

My coworkers and I found this pokemon this afternoon on the radar : https://imgur.com/xVUIXVP

We though it was a Quilava but none of us had it to confirm that. So, what it is ?

Thanks and have a good day!

submitted by /u/NoMoreLostRunsPls
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Pineco being in the 10km-tier of eggs is such a dick-move

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 01:12 PM PDT

Like, why?! It was okay for like a week, now it's just blood-boiling... to walk 40km for 4 Pinecos. This has to be the shrimp for most aggravating of hatches for sure. Niantic, please.

edit: alright, i get it---suduwoodo, miltank (i still need this one), gligar, and mantine suck too

submitted by /u/ajd341
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Seems legit

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:09 PM PDT

Suggestion - Replace Nanab Berries with one that adds bonus stardust.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:16 PM PDT

From my own experience, other users and forums, it looks like the effect of Nanab berries are not as valued as the others and are thrown out to make room for other items. Bonus stardust would be a compelling option and VERY valuable.

Edit (idea)- OR add a berry for bonus stardust that based on its color/name bonus stardust can only be gained from that pokemon type. i.e. green grass berry for bonus stardust on grass pokemon. Understood stardust is supposed to be hard to get, but so are candies for rare pokemon and we got buddies =)

submitted by /u/SuperDerpHero
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Umbreon fights so much better than its CP suggests

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:10 AM PDT

I was prestige-ing a lvl 2 friendly gym with my 2800 espeon and someone's 3100 dragonite. I used my 1650 umbreon first, thinking it might be able to take down the espeon, but it had like 80% HP left after beating espeon and then proceeded to take down the dragonite too! It was a DB/HB dragonite so its fast attack was weak and its charge attack was easy to dodge, but still, Umbreon is a beast!

Anyone else notice Umbreon's strength in battles?

submitted by /u/Lord-Trolldemort
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Please tell me I'm not the only one that has issues with seeing the 'red' prestige numbers in the upper left. Please change them to white!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:58 AM PDT

[Story] Today is a great day!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:31 PM PDT


Today is my Mom's birthday 🎂! She is no longer with us since the day God took her home almost a decade ago😇. Every year, on her birthday, I always pick up cake and flowers to celebrate and remember the most wonderful woman in my life👵.

Today I woke up in great mood and am so excited because it's my Mom's Birthday. I was on my way to pick up a birthday cake 🎂& flowers🌷, a Snorlax showed up on my tracker. I was more than halfway to the store, had to turn back and ran to opposite direction 2 blocks away as fast as I could lol. Luckily, I arrived there just in time to catch it (#10 Snorlax). On my way walked back home, I also hatched a Dratini (he'll become my 2nd Dragonite), Chansey (#2 since my 1st hatch in Aug 2016) and my 1st hatched ever Lapras (I was lucky caught my 1st one in the wild at 186 cp lmao 😂😂).

I feel so lucky 🍀 happy 😁 what a great day👍😍 🎶🎵♩

submitted by /u/BMWer2016
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[Humor] Flint, Michigan is a Poison/Water ecosystem. gg Niantic

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:48 PM PDT

I ain't even mad, I've got mad Gary-dos and Nidoking/queens!

submitted by /u/Plop17
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I really need to stop checking my eggs before bed. How am I supposed to fall asleep now?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:23 PM PDT

Whenever I hatch Scyther I get a touch of instant rage until I realise it came from a 5km egg.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:20 AM PDT

Never thought a game was able to condition me like a dog. I have hatched so many Scythers from 10km I instantly feel uncomfortable when I hatch one.

submitted by /u/FFIXwasthebestFF
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So this happened today! Took some work but got him! Too bad his stats suck ��

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:13 PM PDT

[Idea] If you're not next to NINE immediate Pokéstops, then you can see more than THREE wild Pokémon.?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:22 PM PDT

[screenshot] His and Hers Red Gyarados. Welcome Mushu- you do not dishonor me. ��

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:03 PM PDT

Now this is something. Does anyone wants to talk about bad luck lol?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:47 PM PDT

Hoping for an event soon but loving the game!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:22 PM PDT

Ok I have been "saving my candies" for over a month now. I have about 100 Pokemon ready to evolve for a double XP event. I have 160K till 31.

I have five 5km eggs in incubators hoping for more 10km's, of which I already have 4 ready for a possible event.

I have 300 Ultra balls for legendary/super rares.

I have all North America Pokemon except Kabutops (buddy at 18/50 candies), Dodrio (26/50), Dragonite (5/100) and Alakazam (75/100).

Grinding is fun with my Pokemon Go Plus. Water event was great. Valentine's day event was great. Really looking forward to the next one. I play every since day since I started on 7/16. Been on solid 7-day streaks since it was added.

Thanks for a great game!

submitted by /u/JohnyNFullEffect
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[Discussion] Niantic has to hurry up with GYMS and iam not talking about rework

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:17 PM PDT

They need to push whatever they are doing, is becoming impossible to train or take down gyms, constant errors, glitches, a big ammount of time picking the squad because they cant add simple buttons of ''show per cp range, show per type, show per #, show per etc''

If it wasnt because is pokemon i wouldnt be playing this anymore, they just said in the past that they didnt fight spoofers or add new stuff because they were fixing the bugs and making stability of the server better, well nice lie, they are taking the pokemon trademark name too far to survive. atleast make sure what you currently have and offer works fine

If a niantic guy use to read this forums i want to tell you, for your company the pokemon name is too big for you, you just cant lift it

And dont make me start with the spoofing, the so called fight for this with the whatever other game they have is just a lie, too noobs at it

there i wanted to type rage someting, bye

submitted by /u/Josmanu
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[art] Custom Pokemon Themed Bar Mitzvah centerpieces (xpost r/gaming)

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:40 PM PDT

[Humor] Idea for April 18 event (Tax Day in the U.S.)

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:04 PM PDT

For players with between 0 and 9,325 Stardust, Niantic takes 10 percent.

For players with between 9,326 and 37,950 Stardust, Niantic takes 15 percent.

For players with between 37,951 and 91,900 Stardust, Niantic takes 25 percent.

For players with between 91,901 and 191,650 Stardust, Niantic takes 28 percent.

For players with between 191,651 and 416,700 Stardust, Niantic takes 33 percent.

For players with between 416,701 and 418,400 Stardust, Niantic takes 35 percent.

For players with 418,401 Stardust or more, Niantic takes 40 percent.

In return, all players get ... minor text fixes.

submitted by /u/tylerjfrancke
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[Discussion] New pokémon to be hatched from special Easter eggs?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 01:55 PM PDT

I have read in a discussion in a FB page about Pokémon Go that some guys talked about the possibility of introducing new types of egg in the game, so others speculated about the chance to be used as new special 'Easter eggs' for a posible Easter event.

These eggs, with different colour might contain:

  • New shinies
  • or Smeargle / Delibird
  • or maybe Wynaut / Azurill
  • or just Pikachus with new hats :/

What do you think?

submitted by /u/mario_mir
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I went to do my Gym Rounds tonight and was CRAZY Impressed by what I saw! 10 gyms with the same Level 40 player with 10 CP 3173 Blissey! I'm almst level 35, this guy must play a TON more than I do! Btw - blurred name so ths wasn't removed for Rule-2

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:08 PM PDT

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