Smite - My audition video for Hi-Rez's The Caster.

My audition video for Hi-Rez's The Caster.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:49 AM PDT

This is my audition video (one minute minimum) for The Caster, edited by OzyKK (who has made a lot of videos for Smite and the scene.) Let me know what you think, reddit dot com slash r smite.

submitted by /u/RohnJobert
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Posted: 02 Apr 2017 02:06 PM PDT

Skins in Season 4: The Numbers

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:38 AM PDT

I've gone through all five patch notes that we're had during season 4. Not counting recolors, updated masteries, and T2s, Hi-Rez has released a total of 2 to 3 directly purchasable that have no strings attached to them what-so-ever (a.k.a. exclusive events such as Celestial Voyage or in chests).

These Skins Are:

Dread Lord Fafnir

Final Boss Thanatos

Mini - Metal Jing Wei

Look, I understand that Hi-Rez needs events and exclusive items to make money. Chests bring in cash. But how is this ok? 3 out of 30? That's a 1/10 ratio. If this is their definition of balancing out non-exclusives and exclusives, its a very poor definition.

EDIT: These numbers are a rough estimate. I might have missed a few skins or not realized they were directly purchasable.

submitted by /u/Bananagram31
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Man, do you remember that one time when you logged into Smite it'd automatically give you your daily login reward? (Remember "X" thread)

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:04 AM PDT

Just a random thought I had when collecting my gems this morning from the daily reward. I remember there was a huge uproar on reddit too.

Also, remember Old Nox?

How about that one time Ares' 2 if stacked would stay permanently?

And there was a time when you had to buy "relics" for 900g, so it wasn't uncommon for some people to just ignore them to complete their build. (me lol)

That one time we all got "cancer chodes" (shudders)

Rat dash crits were a thing.

Cabraken was objectively the worst god in the game at one point.

Old conquest map. rip.

Good times.


submitted by /u/Keigimice
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Now that our r/place logo is complete, please defend it.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 10:55 AM PDT

A few hours, we finally finished the SMITE logo, but it seems like I'm the only person who's still sticking around to fix parts that people are damaging. Chip in and help, our logo should be in good shape when Reddit closes r/place.
If you're wondering where we are, we're in the bottom right next to RainbowRoad, the Furries, HelloInternet, and RocketLeague.

submitted by /u/Potagonhd
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The cool thing about the way the Egypt event was handled

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 04:52 AM PDT

I'm not going to discuss the quality of the skins; am sure everyone has their opinions on those.

I'd instead like to talk about the fact that the bonus rewards are not sequential and you can simply pick the one you want. If say, you're like me and prefer music themes over the other rewards, you can simply get one skin, pick that and move along.

Certain events (like last years' summer event) have had you unlock things sequentially so if you really wanted say, the F. announcer pack, you had to buy a bunch of stuff till you got to it eventually.

I hope they keep it this way for future events.

submitted by /u/TealNgamer
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[Skin Concept] Agent of Nyx Nemesis

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:10 AM PDT

Bring back cheerleader kali

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 05:13 AM PDT

For those who don't know, kali was remodeled long ago. And in the old data files we can see this skin, a cheer leader kali

Kali did not get a skin for a while, and she needs a none chest skin and cheerleader skin seems pretty cool. How about it?

submitted by /u/Cocoapples
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Requirement for playing ranked needs to be increased

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 05:46 AM PDT

With all these 3x and 2x experience events, I've seen a big increase of players with new accounts and 50-100 hours of total playtime in my games.

This has been requested so many times before, but we NEED a requirement somewhere along the lines of 200-500 conquest games played. Or just straight-up limit it to hours played. Someone's who's joined during a XP weekend and killed 60hours over a weeks time, isn't ready for ranked.

submitted by /u/enZinaty
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Shouldn't Duel be available in casuals?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:50 PM PDT

TL DR; Make Duel available in casuals for more fun matchups.

It's a game mode with their own meta. A lot of streamers such as Samdadude, Tydetyme, SexyRexi, & others really contribute to the duel community. Joust, & Conquest is allowed to be played in casuals. It's kind of unfair that you're forced to do ranked just to play duel. Some people don't like being judged by others with a "ranking". They can do customs although it'll be unfair since there's no MM & it'll just not be balanced.

submitted by /u/malcaster
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MOTD Idea: You Die You Lose

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:48 PM PDT

In arena, every one gets khepri with 80%cdr. Make the Ult on a 15 second cooldown. But for every death, instead of 5 points you lose 100. Edit: Let's make it an assault actually.

submitted by /u/Bobododo7
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If you're going to make Chronos Pendant 2900 gold...

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:07 PM PDT

At least don't give it a measly 60 power if it's a late game item, how about giving it 2 passives like hydras lament?

This item needs to be reduced to maybe 2700 gold and increased power to 65 or increase the power to 100+ maybe and keep it the same price. Or even give it pen so you don't have to build into the the spear / high pen tree, this gives the game further itemization.

submitted by /u/Crikayy
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Can we get an /r/place Megathread? Not only for visibility but to stop posts being made over and over about the same shite!

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:42 PM PDT

The new Gods tab...

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 02:22 AM PDT

Honestly why did you have to slap a huge ad in the gods screen? You already have the same damn ad in the home screen and the store. The only thing it does is limit the visibility and it just looks ugly. I'm pretty sure if ANYONE playing this game wants to buy all the gods they will find the damn pack.. I realize this is a complaint post and it'll probably be removed but I really felt like this should be brought up.

submitted by /u/Gonmas
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Can we get a "soft mute" system?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:50 PM PDT

where as we can mute someone and not see what they are typing in chat, but still hear their pings/vgs?

submitted by /u/Khallis
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In 2 hours (2:30pm EST) Calvin College v Bowling Green University will be facing off in the first Gauntlet round in the $10,000 College Smite League. Come cheer them on.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:54 AM PDT

Yesterday, the top 16 college teams played group stages to determining seeding for the Gauntlet. The first 2 rounds of the Gauntlet take place today at 2:30pm and 4:30pm est.

1-2 matches from each around will be streamed on You'll be able to bet on the games using your AVGL "College Credits" in Twitch chat.

The final Gauntlet matches will be played on April 8th starting at 2pm EST. You can see the league standings, rosters, resutls, etc, on the AVGL webiste.

We hope you enjoy seeing the best collegiate Smite players battle for a spot at the LAN finals on April 23rd!

submitted by /u/avglofficial
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I think Kuzenbo's masteries should be the standard for ALL future full body mastery skins.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:22 AM PDT

I think they look great, they're not overly shiny, and the blend of colours just really works and is pleasing to the eye. Honestly I was a bit disappointed with Camazot's and of course, Sol's mastery skins because they don't cover they're whole body and, in the case of Sol, just do not look very good.

If all future full body mastery skins followed Kuzenbo's formula then I think they'd be fantastic.

submitted by /u/Cheekygui
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What is Cernunnos classified as now? (Broken, op, good, okay, weak)

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:42 AM PDT

Also is cutesy Cernunnos icon confirmed? (It was on ajax's twitter)

submitted by /u/GEMWORLD
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Little thing I would be happy if HiRez do

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:47 AM PDT

Remove "New" from Cutesy AMC

Completed He Bo VP

Completed Sobek VP

Added Retro He Bo icon

submitted by /u/NeTuXo
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Discussion: Chronos Pendant

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:14 PM PDT

Since it's been a couple months into Season 4 now, I feel like we can discuss Chronos Pendant once again, which, I don't think is in the most spectacular spot right now.

The item used to be THE mage cooldown item, providing 20% CDR, some MP5 and 75 power for 2400 Gold. Going into Season 4, the power was reduced to 60, the item gained a new passive that deducted 1 second off of all of your cooldowns every 10 seconds, however, the price was increased to a rather hefty 2900. Hi-Rez's explanation for this, was that they wanted Chronos Pendant to be the main mage cooldown item.

However, with the addition of many other, better and cheaper CDR options, I feel like Hi-Rez did the polar opposite of this. Currently, you have options for CDR in the form of Sands of Time, Shoes of Focus, Spear of Desolation, Pythagorem's Piece, Breastplate of Valor, healers have Shield of Regrowth, and a few others.

With all these options being added or buffed, I feel like Chronos Pendant just really fell off as a CDR item, and is now simply extremely overpriced while not providing enough stats and having a rather niche and unreliable passive. I personally can't ever seem to fit it into a build, because for the price, it just doesn't really seem worth it. While yes, some Gods do like to have that 40% CDR plus the passive, it really does feel like it kinda sets your build and power curve back quite a bit, compared to simply building any other CDR option.

While I don't think the item will or should be brought back to it's Season 3 state, since we currently have so many CDR options as is, I still feel like this item needs something to make it more worth picking up over other CDR items. What do you think?

submitted by /u/BurningFlareX
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Servers and server status page both down

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:50 PM PDT

anyone else?

submitted by /u/zacch2k10
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Flashpoint's ready for LAN baby

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:01 PM PDT

Why do you guys always complain about chests, events and gems, his game is free.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 05:37 AM PDT

No one is forcing you to do 55 chest rolls. You don't need the dj zeus skin. Those chests are the reason this game stays up and running. If you really want it wait a year and they might put ut in a smaller chest.

Most of the 1000 gem events are really good deals. Like the viking one you got four skins, a loading frame, a pededtal, a musuc theme, a sweet ward skin, an awesome announcer pack. You got like 3k gems worth of stuff. The ctf event, the guan skin alone was worth the 700 gems.

There have been good direct purchaseable skins coming out. Orc Hou Yi, the final boss thanatos, the new nrg chronos, etc. You all seem really entitled and just want amazing skins like doll izanami and dj zeus to be 200 gems direct.

You now have a FREE season ticket. So if you dont want, you can grind out free stuff. That's awesome for people who don't spend gems.

I actually like ward skins. I switch them up. I really like my coliseum, wacky inflatable tube man, my viking ale one,, etc. I guess the people who dont place wards don't really appreciate it.

Anyway, I applaud hirez for their practices. The game isnt pay to win. Everything purchaseable is 100% completely optional. That is the best kind of f2p to me. And it makes them money. Win for us, win for them. So stop crying.

submitted by /u/Go4theEyesBoo
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