Learn Dota 2 - SG vs Secret, help me understand last pick safelane Timbersaw? |
- SG vs Secret, help me understand last pick safelane Timbersaw?
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- I'm 2k ranked, but my unranked matches are with 3ks. Can someone help me with what I'm missing?
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- I feel like I'm hitting a wall (again)
- Playing against burst carries that get gold/exp boost from abandoned teammates as a squishy support is just unfair.
- As a new player, hero choice is overwhelming
- Is the Axe vs AM match up unplayable? [Keiv Spoilers]
- What happened to mids getting a veil?
- Why does battlefury work so well with anti mage? And why don't people play all melee carries like anti mage?
- If there's a mid alch, and I want to stay on them all game, am I better with Riki or Bounty?
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- Offlaning when your safelane loses?
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- What happened to Lycan's jungling ability?
- I got some replays that need analysis
- If I manage to get 50 lasthits in 10 minutes at "noob pubs", am I able to get 100 another ones in the next 10 minutes?
- Help with Naga Siren
SG vs Secret, help me understand last pick safelane Timbersaw? Posted: 28 Apr 2017 05:09 PM PDT Here's the dotabuff for the match. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3145389817 SG had first pick Warlock. Secret had last pick Timbersaw, which they put in the safelane. I know the casters mentioned Timber's good laning vs the melee strength heroes undying and sand king and I mostly understand that because of reactive armor. I think the casters also mentioned that it frees up the supports to do other things in the laning stage. What other options would they have considered for the last pick safelane carry? SG banned out Sven and Weaver with the last two bans, why would those have been good safelane carries? I can sort of see weaver is good because SG lack stuns/silence. I think 1437 on the panel also mentioned Huskar. I don't know anything about why Huskar fits. Would Bloodseeker have been an option, instead of the Timbersaw? Good vs slark and storm right? Not sure how well it works with the rest of the lineup. I know BS is hardly ever picked in pro games, because good team coordination wrecks him. But it seems like a good fit here. Or they could have picked a carry with a stun for slark/storm? Or an abyssal carrier at the very least? Why don't the popular carries of this meta fit here? Jugg, lifestealer, spectre, etc? I just want to better understand hero selection. Thanks for any advice. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Apr 2017 10:59 AM PDT W33 got a bad block + skilled illusory orb lvl 1. Abusing that, how did QoP totally roll over the Puck? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Apr 2017 02:40 PM PDT I know Morphling is dogshit in this meta but I like the hero a lot. My question is, how long should it take me to get Wand, Aquila, Treads, Linkens? In addition, I'm almost always in contested lanes, so getting freefarm is not realistic. [link] [comments] |
Can't seem to get out of 3.5k any suggestion? Posted: 28 Apr 2017 07:32 PM PDT I have been stuck at this mmr for around 100 games and I can't seem to get higher any tips that made you make this jump from 3.5k to 4k mmr? [link] [comments] |
I'm 2k ranked, but my unranked matches are with 3ks. Can someone help me with what I'm missing? Posted: 28 Apr 2017 01:01 PM PDT Here's my dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/150452941 I calibrated at around 1300; played ranked and spammed sand king back when he could jungle effectively and hit 2k. I haven't played ranked in quite a long time as I mainly play unranked. I enjoy all roles but am most comfortable with heroes that seem to fall off late-game. I almost always play a 3-5 role with support being most common. I tend to play the same heroes in unranked and ranked and have a 53/58% win rate respectively. I guess what I want to know is: Why does it feel like I can win as a support in a 3k match but I can't perform as well in the 2k matches? What are the main differences in support play in ranked v unranked? Is there something else that could explain my 2k ranked and 3k unranked matches besides me just needing to grind up my ranked mmr? Thanks in advance. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Apr 2017 07:36 AM PDT Just watched game 2 of OG Vs Team Random, the game really made me want to play DP. I don't have many games on her however, so what are some good tips for the hero? Do you agree with Random's item build of phase boots, solar crest, euls, shivas, octarine? Which items of these are core/situational? [link] [comments] |
I feel like I'm hitting a wall (again) Posted: 28 Apr 2017 05:59 PM PDT Hello everyone, it's been a while so I hope you're doing well. https://www.dotabuff.com/players/145958590 I calibrated at 1.5k and have risen to 2.5k. Now I feel like I've plateaued a bit and can't really work out why. I feel like I generally play at a slightly higher level than the average in my games, however not well enough to make that huge impact that controls the game. My lanes (main mid, will support if I have to) generally go in my favour unless the matchup is really bad but I don't often totally crush a lane and snowball easily. So, my question: To those of you who have experienced the same, how do you break through the wall and keep improving? Here are a couple of example games, if anyone could give me some advice on laning/efficiency and decision making I'd greatly appreciate it. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3145412488 Played Storm and had a greedy lineup, I felt the lane went alright but got steamrolled pretty hard in the end. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3143488659 Played invoker, early game felt really quite rough but managed to turn it around. If anyone could suggest how I could make the early game go more smoothly that would be great. Please don't feel you have to spend your time watching my games, but I'd appreciate any advice you guys can offer. Cheers. Edit: Please note the wall I'm referring to is aimed towards my solo games, party games are generally not so bad. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Apr 2017 05:52 PM PDT I'm playing kotl, I guess there's network issues and people leave. All of sudden the PA and Shadowfiend get super massive and I can never be in sight of either of them because I get insta-killed. Admittedly, I hadn't been paying attention to SF's farm so maybe he was just going bonkers, but I know for a fact that PA was getting shit farm because I kept harassing the fuck out of her. And for doing fuck all, she gets to crit me for half my health just because? What the fuck is that? [link] [comments] |
As a new player, hero choice is overwhelming Posted: 28 Apr 2017 05:32 PM PDT Hi, I'm a fresh DotA 2 player, only 20 hours in the game. I find that for me, picking a hero to play is extremely overwhelming, because I have no clue what their strengths or weaknesses are, or what they're capable of. I was wondering if anyone had some tips on how to overcome this hurdle. [link] [comments] |
Is the Axe vs AM match up unplayable? [Keiv Spoilers] Posted: 28 Apr 2017 02:19 AM PDT If so how do you play it and what heros do you pick in the rest of your team to enable him. In lane as well for the rest of the game? As you can see was a hard game for Black^ this game; Match id: 3144175535 Edit: Also for Rtz this game; 3137421315 [link] [comments] |
What happened to mids getting a veil? Posted: 28 Apr 2017 10:46 AM PDT I've noticed lately that veil has mostly disappeared. Especially on puck and ember. Both heroes used to rush the item, and now you rarely see it on either. What happened? I got it on puck last night and it felt a bit week. Only felt good for farming, kind of wish I went midas instead. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Apr 2017 01:59 AM PDT I have seen battlefury made on just about every melee hero. Faceless void, juggernaut, pa, even fucking magnus(I am not joking). They all decide to go farm up a battlefury, then just farm up their 6 slots, and go tear shit up. And, here in the trenches, it works out everytime (except for the magnus). But from what I can tell, people tend to look down on it because it is overwhelmingly greedy. Except, for some reason, when it comes to antimage? His only acceptable way to be played is the battlefury rush into game domination. Why? I tried it just myself on a chaos knight, and it was really effective. The cleave gets the bonus of his crit so he was clearing stacks unbelievably fast. Should I run with it again or is it a bad idea? [link] [comments] |
If there's a mid alch, and I want to stay on them all game, am I better with Riki or Bounty? Posted: 28 Apr 2017 06:26 AM PDT So, 2.7k, had Alch steam roll my team a few times. I decide, fuck it, I'm taking it into my own hands. Once drafted bounty and once riki, and made it my mission to just give Alch the hardest game I possibly could, while not totally abandoning my team (place wards, carry tp, go for brawls etc) won both handily. Just in the ability to fuck with Alch, or another hc who wants a good laning stage, who's my stronger option. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Apr 2017 12:17 PM PDT Any tips on how to do it consistently? Are there queues you can notice? [link] [comments] |
Offlaning when your safelane loses? Posted: 28 Apr 2017 09:22 AM PDT I seem to have this issue pretty often. I'll be playing fine, sometimes winning my Offlane but more often than not I get some farm wether its in the jungle or in the lane, do just fine. Gank when I can find an opening. The Problem arises when my supports can't rotate because they are protecting the carry but they lost the lane top with their trilane, and I am not sure what I should do. Should I gank their lane and ignore the enemy carry free farming and hope my mid doesn't need a gank? It feels like in these types of games I need to do so much but I'm not a good enough player to carry from the Offlane position. Almost makes me feel guilty for playing solo offlane all the time. Any advice would be fantastic, been trying to figure out the solution to this problem for a while. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Apr 2017 06:57 AM PDT Hey guys, quick background: I'm a very new DotA 2 player, around 100 hours / games into the game right now. I used to play a lot of DotA 1 yeeaaaaars ago (around Patch 6.37-6.42) but made the switch to League of Legends. I played at low Plat / high Gold in League most of the time, peaking at Plat 2. Now my question for you folks is: how long should I wait after reaching lvl 20 to get into ranked? While I am still learning the ropes of the game, I am feeling increasingly comfortable with everything - getting more used to last hitting and denying, feeling out items and power levels and stuff. Most of the time, I feel like I either have decent control over my games, and if that isn't the case I usually learn from my losses, like not overextending, muting players instead of talking to them and tilting afterwards, adapting my items to my enemies and such. I haven't supported much, mostly because the one time I tried, I ended up having more last hits than my carry, who couldn't CS that well. But if I'm being put into a carry or solo offlane position, I feel relatively comfortable. But how early is too early? Any rules of thumb when it comes to these things? Kind regards, Shiv Edit: Obligatory Dotabuff, but not much to see there yet. [link] [comments] |
What happened to Lycan's jungling ability? Posted: 28 Apr 2017 12:39 PM PDT I've played Lycan in the jungle for a while (telling my team at the start, with a cooperating solo offlaner, aiming to have an impact by 8 min - all the usual "good jungler" things). However, in the last couple of mini-patches, it seems like he's gotten much harder to jungle. I'm having games where I'm hitting level 6 at 9 min plus, which is obviously not great, and it's hard to see anything significant I did wrong. Any tips or suggestions? Do you guys have a preferred route through the jungle as Lycan, or skillbuilds that you find help a lot? I think I might be jungling him in an outdated way, but not sure. All suggestions and advice gratefully received! [link] [comments] |
I got some replays that need analysis Posted: 28 Apr 2017 03:55 AM PDT I'm still a relatively "new" player, (<300 hrs) so I'm still at the learning stage of DOTA. After reading that analysing your replays can help you learn your mistakes, I decided to do that. However, I don't have time to do that because my computer (the only computer in my home) is frequently used by my siblings and parents. Can someone look at how I play carry and support in two of these matches? I would appreciate some feedback, even if its harsh. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3018941250 - This is my match with the best KDA ratio (38) with carry PA. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3144274038 - I was support silencer in this match. EDIT: Also added a match where I failed carrying: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3105166122 Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Apr 2017 09:35 AM PDT Here's my opendoto opendota.com/players/345506179 I wanna practice farming on safelane; currently aiming for 150 creeps. If I assume the lane is 2v2 (not 1+1 vs 1, or 1+1 vs 2 - that is kinda hardcore unless I have a defensive support), which means 2 cores fighting for lasthits, I should be able to get more if the heroes are comparable. However, the movements of heroes are pretty unpredictable, so there's 98% chance I will have to farm jungle. The main problem is that you usually need lifesteal if you jungling - if not, then you probably are killing creeps one by one through treecut (which is slow) and for heroes like Medusa, you need to have some items or you bring yourself to low health/mana after clearing some camps. As you can see, I managed to do that best with Terorblade and Bloodseeker (let's ignore that these were pretty stomps). What do they have in common? 1) They are kinda strong even in earlygame (metamorphosis/thirst) 2) have bonus for attacking creeps (although no aoe) and the same spells give them sustain So, who can be the next "chosen one"? Should it be a carry on safelane, and not Antimage. I am practicing, but I cannot play Dota at the time when I wanna try something out :D I would like to mention Luna, I could farm with her pretty well since I got lifesteal, but it is kinda hard to rush it. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Apr 2017 08:48 PM PDT Coming from Heroes of Newerth, I'm trying to increase my spread of dota heroes, but I'm finding a lot of trouble with Naga Siren. Imo I farm relatively well, and I try to micro the illusions as much as possible, but that doesn't seem to be the problem with me. I just played a match as Naga Siren (https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3143786950). At the beginning, the offlaner wasn't very aggressive so I got a lot of early farm and eventually punished him in lane. I think I ended the laning stage 3/0/0. I got a quick midas by around minutes and skipped boots for now because I was farming so well. My thought process was that I can get an early midas and then go arcane boots to get a radiance and then eventually break the arcane boots down into bots and octarine core. The other team had a lot of cores, but our team felt fairly strong at the start. I tried to be involved in kills that I knew would happen, but didn't tp in to join fights on the other side of the map because I wasn't sure if I would be able to change the outcome and I really wanted to get ahead and farm a radiance. After getting a radiance, I got a Manta Style and disassembled the arcane boots afterwards. However, later on in the game, I felt like I wasn't being effective in team fights. From my understanding, Naga Siren is supposed to be a prime late game hero, but I wasn't outputting enough damage to be able to kill heroes in the late game. I tried to time my ult with my teammates, but there was a considerable lack in communication on both ends. I don't really want to place blame on my teammates (currently 2.8k), so I could use some insight as to what I could've done better in this game and how I should be playing Naga Siren after I've built radiance and start to head into the late game. [link] [comments] |
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