Learn Dota 2 - Random idea for upcoming Kiev Major, and future tournaments.

Random idea for upcoming Kiev Major, and future tournaments.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 10:45 AM PDT

A lot of great advice comes in the form of "watch ____ play," "watch pro games," "check out what ____ does with this hero." Watching the best Dota players in the world will undoubtedly teach A LOT of us about aspects of the game we don't do, haven't learned fully, or know nothing about. I see a lot of threads on this subreddit that asks for advice on gameplay, itemization, skill builds, and over all theory crafting; and some of the responses are spectacular, but lengthy. I only have one problem with lengthy responses, and that is you're not able to fully portray your mindset/thoughts that you need to have in the moment (i.e. see all the details pertaining a specific situation that the person teaching might be seeing).

We all know a lot of pub meta directly trickles down from pro play. There are players who make MILLIONS of dollars that rely on the most accurate information about heros, abilities, items, efficiency, and so on. We could all learn something new about harassing in lane, maintaining creep equilibrium, rotating/ganking, abusing fog, ect.

If anybody has ever been a bigger twitch channel like "Beyond the Summit" and so forth, then you know the chat is cancerous. It's almost, if not completely, impossible to have a conversation. I really enjoy the community here at /r/learndota2. Though I may get down-voted for talking about mid Lich, comments stay more relevant than not, nobody gets involved in petty name calling, and things stay relatively Dota related. I like this subreddit even more than /r/dota2. Dota 2 seems like a bunch of people who's MMR I can't confirm having a pissing contest of ego and knowledge; but here, I notice a bunch of people who seems very genuine in their want to help others.

So, I'm wondering why doesn't the community of this subreddit find a way to have chat room for the users that are watching the live games so they can also talk about it? Myself and a couple friends get together on the weekend to watch The International, and it's such a fun experience to get to talk about what you're watching with people who have the same interests. It would be even more beneficial if a couple higher level (4k+) were on the chat to answer questions, or chat about larger ideas that we (3k and below) are accustomed to. Things happen in the higher level brackets/pro play that we just don't experience in our games, and there's no way for us to analyze something we know nothing about. Plus, it could a great way to connect the /r/learndota2 community even more.

Sorry if you think this is a stupid idea. If you think it is, then just down vote the shit out of it and I'll delete the thread; however...I think a lot of people could possibly benefit from a live, interactive chat about pro games, and it could be fun. =D

submitted by /u/XteekayX
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I climb from 4060 to 5720 in 5 months. Ask me anything.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 01:29 PM PDT

Check out my new Invoker video guys, spent hours on it :D

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 12:35 PM PDT

Tips to get out of sub 1k?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 03:46 PM PDT

Title says it all. I feel stuck and want to improve. Anyone who mightve gotten out or is like 2k or something got any tips??

submitted by /u/Furkman53
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Novice & Experienced Player In-House Learning Event Tonight with Coaches, Casting, & Post-Game Analysis

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 11:07 AM PDT

We're going into Week 8 of the #TeachYouTuesday Series!

Game ONE tonight will be a Novice Skill Player oriented game with the intention of an overall game average of 2.5k MMR or less based on registrants. Game TWO tonight will be an open MMR game with no caps for Novice & Advanced Players, but still balanced to the best of my ability. If you were worried about higher level players in games previously, this will allow the night to be even more approachable for you!

If you signed up for a previous week and have not yet played in this Weekly Community Event, please DM me on Discord or post here and reference your sign up name. I'll do my best to get you included tonight.

Teach You Tuesday is a weekly educational series that will give new and experienced players an opportunity to play in a competitive setting without the pressures of toxic team members. I will be hosting a night of education and analysis, with casted in-house games that will be analytically-focused; meaning that anyone who participates in the game should be able to review the cast and should receive insight to improve their performance! Best of all, you can join as a solo player or full team!


Entertainment & Education?!

Click HERE for the Sign Up Form

Note: Have you signed up in a previous week and see this message screen or simply want to update your info? Click the edit button, scroll down, select which game you'd like to participate in, and I'll see you tonight! Are you a web developer and can assist me in the signup process along with streamlining the team creation based on supplied data set analysis? DM ME!



TEACH YOU TUESDAY Format & Schedule

All matches will be casted and through our panel discussion each player will have a rough assessment of their gameplay. Players should be able to re-watch the game and - at the least - enjoy the commentary.Our goal here is looking to teach you something that will impact your future games in a friendly environment.


We're going into week 8! Thank you to our free coaches last week for each game. Being able to be add the extra resource for asking questions on itemization along with providing general guidance across the game was well received last week, but I'd love to find passionate coaches who are skilled at their craft interested in joining on a weekly basis. If you're a free coach or interested in trying coaching, please DM me on Discord, Fill In This Form & Mark Co-Caster/Analyst, or email me if you're interested in future events: thedotadoc@gmail.com

The Schedule for 4/4:
All times are approximates, and may vary by up to 30 minutes

  • 6:30/7:00 PM ET - Stream start, either one matchmaking game or going right into creating the teams for the first match while waiting for people to join the discord!
    During this time, join us on the sKai HIGH Gaming Discord to be considered for the In-House Games set to take place after this match. Please have your solo MMR visible in your Dota 2 profile to participate in the In-House game. If you do not have MMR, we recommend over 200 games in order to alleviate frustrations over skill gaps. Smurf accounts are not allowed in the in-house games, all teams will be balanced based on this information. Get pre-authorized for the in-house here: https://goo.gl/forms/d3WJd0k9SspRo2gs2


  • 7:30 PM ET - First In-House Game for Novice Players  

  • 9:00 PM ET - Post-Game Analysis & Item Giveaway to Participants & Viewers  

  • 9:30 PM ET - Second In-House Game for Novice & Advanced Players - No MMR Cap

  • 11:00 PM ET - Post-Game Analysis & Item Giveaway to Participants & Viewers  

  • 11:30 PM ET - Possible Third In-House Match?

  • Time TBD, end of stream - Immortal Items Giveaway for All Viewers & Bonus Raffle to all Pre-Registrants

You do not need to be here for the bonus raffle to be able to win the prize as long as you pre-registered. You will be contacted via email, reddit, or twitter to claim your prize.


Want to participate in a future week? Here's the schedule:

  • Tuesday, April 11 at 7:00 PM ET (Matches start at 8pm)
  • Tuesday, April 18 at 7:00 PM ET (Matches start at 8pm)

See when I'm going live on twitter!

Best Regards,



Streamed (Almost) Daily, Starting Around ~7:00 PM (19:00) ET

See what time it is for you, here!

I am actively looking for someone to help manage the stream video content I create. If you enjoy watching dota, are well written, and want to make highlights or recap videos from my stream, contact me! I'm willing to offer coaching to you or a portion of my donations from the stream and pass it your way for the help.

Note: I highly recommend a microphone for any in-house events and be relatively fluent in English. If you do not have a microphone or aren't verbally fluent in english, you're still welcome to join, but this event is catered to an English speaking demographic.

submitted by /u/Reach4sKai
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3.8k looking for coaching (pos 1 carry)

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 04:52 PM PDT

US West player looking to climb. If there are any 5-6k players looking to coach for free (i know im broke), please let me know.


submitted by /u/sheepzilla714
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As a roaming support, what should you do if your gank has been spotted or is too difficult to finish?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 05:49 PM PDT

You're moving to get in position for a kill, but you've already been spotted or you were too predictable.

The person you're after begins to play too safe to get a realistic kill on. What should you consider doing next?

Follow through and chase them back anyways? Keep hidden? Rotate to a different lane?

I know there's no definite answer but what should run through your mind in that type of situation?

submitted by /u/lemonease
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I don't Understand How to Play Support

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 06:45 AM PDT

Every time I play support I constantly ward the enemies jungle. Smoke gank mid and safe lane over and over killing the enemy heroes. I buy utility items to save my teammates from many situations. I can almost always gain a large advantage for my team in he early game and looking at replays see that we do indeed have a gold advantage by a fair margin.

After that however 90% of the time my team refuses to push and end the game. On top of that after 20 min of this waiting around the gold advantage doesn't mean as much anymore and the fact that in the 3k bracket I constantly play against 5 core teams of enemies.

I feel as though i'm wasting my time and would be better suited to play core or even a jungler at the expense of my team. At higher mmr I think it would be more worth it to play support, but currently it seems like a waist of time because the team would rather afk farm than end the game when we are 20+ kills ahead. I still end up loosing in these situations over and over and I can't figure out why My team just does not want to end the game and take objectives even with advanced wards and me asking them to push. Obviously as a cm or a lion I can't end the game 1v5. Its just impossible unless if I had a 15k gold lead on my hero alone, but I've rarely had that happen.

submitted by /u/Supreme654321
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who gets hotd now that it costs a little bit more?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 03:22 PM PDT

in 7.03 we always see it used by pros, but now not so much.

submitted by /u/lester_pe
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When (or when not) to pick mid Lina?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:27 PM PDT

been experimenting offline and I'm liking the new Lina quite a bit. Word is she's a viable mid again, BUT without knowing any better, I'm wondering when you would pick her, or more importantly, when you want to avoid picking her.

Obviously I don't think you'd want to pick her into AM or Huskar (maybe later with Aghs she'd be OK), probably Pugna although that's not as common ... but that's in general. What about other common mid matchups?

I would guess OD could give her trouble with his INT steal, maybe TA with her shield could be a pain. On the other hand, she seems like one of the few who might be able to last-hit against Viper due to her decent range and long-range Q ability, kind of similar to Zeus. Drow's silence would probably be bad for her if you ran into that. Beyond that, I'm just having trouble picturing. Anyone know better?

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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This Week I Learned:_________________________

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 11:59 PM PDT

Every game we play we should be learning something; mechanics, tricks, spell interactions, counters, synergies, etc. In this thread share some of the info that you've picked up during the past week! Make sure to upvote someones tip if you learned from it.

Last week's most useful tip - /u/ajdeemo - 17 Points

Living Armor and Aphotic shield both block damage after most other reductions. This is what allows them to scale well even into the late game. Contrast to things like damage block, spell barrier, and raindrop - all of which block damage before most reductions.

Link to last week's thread


submitted by /u/Pressthepig
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need help with storm autoattack aim

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:04 PM PDT

is there a way to make storm hit the right target after he ultis. every time if i dont rightclick instantly on the target i want to rightklick this hero chooses random target. especially in teamfight when you zip in and your hero hit creeps.....

submitted by /u/amboris
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what makes a good abaddon game?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 01:33 PM PDT

i have been spamming abaddon lately and was wondering what is the perfect abaddon game?

submitted by /u/WhyNoOneLikeKhajiits
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Why isn't Skadi OD a norm?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 09:38 PM PDT

I basically use Skadi OD. I even rush it in 60% of my OD games this patch. It's really reliable. It's the better version of the Rod of Atos only -5 int difference between the two, gives extra mana which OD relies on for damage, and the slow effect per hit even through bkb. By 20 mins, a Skadi usually pops into my inventory (I ain't pro enough to make it 15. Sorry but you may give me tips on how to farm mid efficiently if it works just like safe lane does). Downside though, it sacrifices the chance of a force staff early game and you need to be a bit Defensive-Passive for it to work but it's worth it. The slow is a bit dimmer compared to the vanilla RoA but rushing Skadi is a 2k difference than if you get RoA and 2k difference isn't much. By the early game you get around 2k gold in 6 mins if you're efficient enough. Idk if it's a norm in the West but in SEA it isn't. Nobody even builds it.

submitted by /u/Phenothetype
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Magnus help

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 11:46 AM PDT

I've been playing with Magnus recently and what I find is there are two main builds. The blink force staff and the echo sabre one. I've been using the sabre build but i find that Regen is a BIG issue, you have to go to base often. I was wondering if there were ways to address this.

submitted by /u/Famous_Personality
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[TUT] Dota 2 Sunstrike Meteor Combo Invoker

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 07:53 AM PDT

It's good to learn from the pros, but are they doing anything we shouldn't do?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 11:24 AM PDT

The pro teams are obviously much more coordinated and trusting than what we'll be in our pub games. So what are they doing that won't be as effective for us?

One thing I notice is it's common to see two heroes with a midas on one team, sometimes even three. But they typically won't rush it, usually they'll get boots and maybe a wand first, they might even go back for it 15-20 minutes in. Should we all consider midas, or can pros be more greedy than we should be because their team will accommodate them?

submitted by /u/ghostlistener
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Overlaying messages for yourself while playing?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 09:58 PM PDT

Do any of you have a recommended method for putting text annotations on the screen while playing?

I used to do it a few years ago to help break my bad habits of not using hotkeys for the shop, not paying attention to the timer, and not stackng/pulling, but I forgot how I used to do it. Wasn't anything fancy, just a .txt looking window annoyingly covering up pieces of the screen (I stopped using them after their job was done).

It's easy to tell yourself to "remember this" before a game but once I'm playing my focus completely empties my mind.

submitted by /u/lemonease
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how to lane against a TA?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 09:38 AM PDT

Ring of basilius for laning stage

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 09:30 AM PDT

I had this idea with Sven where I could open with a ring of protection (and probably stout shield + 2 tangos). I'd then buy an early ring of basilius by getting the sage's mask from the side shop. The regen is enough to double his base regen and having some spare mana to get busy with your stun is kind of nice.

On top of that, you get +7 damage which makes last hitting a bit easier, and some armour to amplify the effects of your tangos. Not only this, the aura can help the support you lane with.

Sven doesn't build vlad's or ring of aquila, normally, but you can disassemble the ring to build your oblivion staff for your echo saber. I think the ring is pretty useless at that point so I'd sell it if item slots are filling up.

Maybe it is just not going to impact the game that much or maybe it is worse than just going to lane with a mango. Just curious if anyone has tried ring of basilius in lane without the intent of upgrading it, and why it did or didn't work. It doesn't have to be with Sven either.

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/CptnSAUS
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What are the current best top tier pick for roaming heroes?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 08:41 AM PDT

Thanks. Please also add a short description if you have the time on why it's so viable.

submitted by /u/PM_ME_YR_PUFFYNIPS
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Is jungling the new roamer?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 08:40 AM PDT

I play mostly ranked in the 1.9k-2k bracket and more and more often I see a variance from the 2-1-2 set up. But instead of a tri-lane with a support roaming, instead there will be a jungler. There's a lot of strong solo offlaners out there, and there's a lot that a jungler can add to a team. I would say that over 50% of the games I play have a jungler in them. Is the jungler the new roamer, is the new team comp 1-1-1-2?

submitted by /u/ebeagle
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Could someone please analyse my Oracle game - 3.2K Ranked

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 04:19 AM PDT

How the hell do I deal with Tinker? :p

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 06:38 AM PDT

Had a couple games as Magnus mid laning against him and then Troll Warlord today, not laning against him but he got fed. He just W, Qs me and Dagon's and whoosh, half health gone.Tried building a Linken's today but by the time I was close he'd killed me 6 times and it was beyond saving.

submitted by /u/PM_ME_UR_REDHEAD
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Alchemist manta/ulti Dodge from concussion

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 06:16 AM PDT

I am trying to learn how to dodge alchemist stun with manta/ulti. I tried polygon arcade game, I keep on concentrating on the green bar instead of my own hero. Is there anyway i can learn it easily?

Thanks for all the help support and guides posted in this sub forum.

submitted by /u/midastouch12
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