Civilization - Identity crisis

Identity crisis

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 07:00 AM PDT

The epic battle of Yosemite Valley

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 11:08 AM PDT

Best rainforest city i've had in a long time. Ohhh baby.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 05:02 AM PDT

Tomyris tries her hand at mercentalism

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 06:48 AM PDT

A helping hand or two is always nice

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:28 PM PDT

For anyone who may care: Civilization Revolution just became backwards compatible on Xbox One!

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 05:57 PM PDT

Which is the best tile to start a city in these islands? Help me decide

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 11:03 AM PDT

Holy Mother of Marshes

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 01:03 PM PDT

I feel like units should be recruited by barracks, not city itself

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 12:58 PM PDT

I'd like to see units recruitment and buildings construction separated. Like now you need specific districts to build market, library, etc, so why wouldn't you need barracks to recruit land units, stable for horse units and harbors for naval? Maybe even workshop for artillery and factory later for mechanized units. The XP gain for units from barracks seems bit too little for me. Would love to see a change or a mod perhaps when your city can focus on improving tiles and construction and barracks are responsible for recruiting units so that way you can produce at the same time a building in city and a unit in barracks.

submitted by /u/Jeesyloxxx
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Hey Montezuma. Welcome to Newcastle.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 07:12 AM PDT

22 civs, haven't been to war or even denounced until Atomic era (1800 AD). AMA

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 08:30 AM PDT

In this game where I try to go for a diplomatic victory, I have never been to war at all, and everyone was friendly or neutral toward me. That lasted until 1800 AD, the Atomic era, when one of my good friends and neighbor, Rome, decided to denounce me. I responded by demanding him to stop spying, not settle near me (even though it's impossible to settle now, all territories taken) and denounced him too. After that, another very good friend and neighbor, Portugal, decided to end our declaration of friendship. I didn't respond to that but both of them speak with a bad attitude to me (the game says "Neutral" at both but they have hostile lines). I feel a war coming up but I am ready for this, as I've been preparing for a war all game long

submitted by /u/Archerhbk
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Do Firaxis actually "get" what is wrong with civ 6?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 09:11 AM PDT

It seems the patches bring more and more stuff instead of fixing broken things.

There are quite a few issues that I'd imagine everyone dislikes about civ 6:

-Map UI. Pop-ups blocking information, units not reacting to command, unit cycling causing you to accidently send your builder into enemy territory

-Panel UI. Why is everything behind so many clicks? I want to see what techs I get from this tech by hovering over tech, not having to open clunky tech tree, which btw was much smoother in 5. Why do I have click city twice to open any menu? Why is everything hidden?

-AI. If you can't have smart AI, you can't really have 1-unit-per-tile. Wait, why do they hate me? What, 3 civs declared war on me 3 turns after meeting me? I'm fine with ruthless AI, but I want it to be rational.

Now, some arguable issues:

-Units. The map has way too many units and is totally overcrowded thanks 1UPT. Neutral units block my way all the time. AIs have 30-40 unit armies. I have ~20 units armies. Because of tier 1 units are so cheap and cost no maintenance the correct strategy is to just spam them. This is made even worse thanks to the bad UI which makes moving my army every turn is extremely tedious.

-Graphics. I preferred 5's graphics, but since it is such an integral part of 6 it can never change so kinda pointless to bring it up. Nonetheless it is not a deal breaker.

-Wide is the only way to go. There is no punishment whatsoever to build 40 cities. This, again, lead to tedious micromanagement.

At least for me, the UI and unit spam make the game simply unfun. I want to build an empire, not spend 3-4 minutes every single turn micromanaging my units moving across the continent. This game simply does not have the one more turn- feeling.

submitted by /u/Taivasvaeltaja
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A Persian Carousel of Wonders

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:54 PM PDT

To raze or not to raze?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 06:31 AM PDT

Expanding on the Power Plant

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 05:58 PM PDT

From this post we were discussing it.

TLDR: Like Civ 5 give options for power plants that are synergistic. You get to pick only one per city.

  • Nuclear - Requires Uranium (in that city might be too much of a stretch). 5$ maintenance. Replaces current Power Plant.

  • Hydro - Requires Aluminum. 4$ maintenance. IZ district must be adjacent to a river & on a hill. Instead of providing 4 hammers to IZs in a 6 tile radius, You get 1 hammer, 1 GPP, 1 specialist slot & 15% total production in this city (stackable with ruhr).

  • Solar - Requires Aluminum. 2$ maintenance. IZ must be built on flat desert, no flooded plains. +2 hammers, +1 GPP, +1 specialist slot. Your renewable resources allow for 20% of your production to carry over when producing the same unit or similar structures (IE you build 2 districts, the 2nd one will be cheaper; you make 2 artillery, the second one will be cheaper; you make 2 buildings (library & stadium) the second one will be cheaper (with 20% of the 1st one's production being instantly applied. If you make a district followed by a building for that district, no bonus. If you make a Calvary then an infantry, no bonus. If you make 5 Calvary, it will be 20% of the base instead of diminishing returns, however scaling cost units (like builders) only receive 20% of the prior's base cost. Domestic Trade routes to this city earn +2 production for their city of origin.

  • Tidal - Requires Oil. 4$ maintenance. IZ must be build adjacent to coastal cliffs, non lake. +3 Hammers, +1 GPP, +1 specialist slot. Receive +1 hammer for every coastal resource worked. For every 2 International trade routes from this city earn +1 production.

With this setup, you'll have your strong cities making hydros, your supporting cities make nuclears, the unit machines / new quickly-expanding desert cities upgrade to solar & your money makers are supporting tidal. The terrain restrictions are somewhat strict; mind you this isn't for every city to (not necessarily) have a factory, but surely more than now.

What say you civvers?

submitted by /u/Jrk-Rick
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BFG Modpack - Imgur Tour

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 01:09 AM PDT

Time for a Revolution! Revolution is now Backwards Compatible, and im looking for a buddy or two who has patience and wants to relax with a few games!

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 03:24 PM PDT

so i heard the news that Revolution has gone backwards compatible and since i never had a chance to play this one i ran out to my local gamestop and picked up a used copy and raced home to install it.

ive only Civ V on steam when i had a computer that could run it, and only against AI's as when i tried MP i got stomped and everyone used quick combat/movement which threw me for a loop because i could not keep up with where units were and what was happening.

so now im hoping to find some people on here who have it and have lots of patience and want to sit back with me and play a match or two.

as i said im no pro, so if you will get frustrated with me for screwing up or not understanding a mechanic correctly please don't bother since ill just end up feeling guilty for ruining the game ;)

Gamertag is Fisted9

edit: if the mods could add Revolution as an option for flaring that'd be pretty groovy of em!

submitted by /u/Ygro_Noitcere
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Is there a list or spreadsheet that lists the personality quirks of the different civs in Civ 6?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 05:34 PM PDT

I remember seeing one for Civ 5 that listed traits like loyalty, aggressiveness and stuff like that as a rating from 0 (maybe 1) to 10.

[Edit]Civ 5, not 6

[Edit #2] I meant to put Civ 6 in the post title, in the post body I originally put Civ 6 instead of Civ 5

submitted by /u/forgetfulcoder
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Does anyone else play later Era starts?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 10:24 AM PDT

I've started playing later era starts more and more, ever since I tried them out in multiplayer games. I like how quick it is to build up a large empire, and can actually try out late game units without the game ending before that happens due to a religious or culture victory. Does anyone else play this way? It's a great way to save time if you don't want games that last too long, and it can be pretty fun, especially with multiplayer team wars.

submitted by /u/Caprikel-
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[Civ 6]Cavalry class units are superior in every way and need to be toned down next patch

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:13 PM PDT

Amassing cavalry class units and facerolling opponent is the most common Domination strategy at the moment. They cost less than melee units at similar tech, are supported by civic card, and have incredible mobility which is very important for close range combat units in Civ 6. There is really no reason to produce melee unit past classical era when short power spike from Oligarchy government becomes less effective(Damn it, Rome) and 6+ slot governments become available.

Supposedly anti-cavalry units should come in play and strike back when cavalry units go rampant, but with their card-less production speed and pathetic 2 movement speed(this also goes to melee unit), they can be easily overrun by units they are meant to counter. I'd propose following two changes in order to tone down the dominance of cavalry class:

  • Remove Fortify option from Cavalry class units

It is historically accurate that mounted units are worse at defending than attacking, as their primary strength comes from the mass and momentum of their mount when charging head-on. This will make cavalry class less of 'no-brainer' choice and redefine their role as offense-oriented fighter but a poor defender.

  • Allow anti-cavalry units to benefit from melee/ranged production civic card

There is no reason to make anti-cavalry units gated by production. They are not particularly all-purpose and have clear counter.

Rather than nerfing raw power of calvary class units directly, these changes will emphasize their weakness and allow more diverse unit composition. Enough of Horseman/Knight/Cavalry/Tank faceroll!

submitted by /u/Dun1007
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Thanks for the warnings.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 07:26 PM PDT

Improving Turn Speed?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 12:03 PM PDT

Hi all - first time poster, LONG time lurker. I've just recently got into Civ 6 and have been amazed at how insanely long the turns have been taking. I've turned off combat animations to hopefully speed that aspect up a bit, but it still takes anywhere from 2-5 minutes for a turn to fully process on a huge map. Is this the normal experience for everyone?

I've got a nice computer setup, so hardware shouldn't be an issue. My main question is simply: what has everyone done/tried to combat the long turn times and lag that pops up (especially right before your turn begins after cycling through all civs)?

submitted by /u/ZeridanMoriarty
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Picked up Civ V after a year or so of not playing....

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 04:15 PM PDT

I used to play Civ V on my laptop a lot. Got burned out and found other games for a while. Last night I decided to boot it back up and loaded a game that was only 20 turns in or so. I forgot how fun this game is! I was up pretty late, doing the classic 'one more turn'. Just wanna thank this sub for turning me back onto Civ!

submitted by /u/dirt_farm_surfer
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Is there a way/mod to turn off religion completely?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 01:23 PM PDT

Even if I turn off religious victory, AI still spams religious units and that shit is just annoying. Playing since release, never even considered pursuing religious victory, it's just dull, too simplified and random.

submitted by /u/Jeesyloxxx
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