True Dota 2 - How to I articulate to my low skilled friends that the "my enemies are retarded so this will work" strategy is bad?

How to I articulate to my low skilled friends that the "my enemies are retarded so this will work" strategy is bad?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 12:07 PM PDT

I have quite a few friends bellow 2k who often ask for help getting better or just complain about their mmr and their team mates being bad ect.

I check out their games and I'm not even sure if they realize they are doing it but they constantly do things like gank people from plain vision then get counter ganked/ juked or just wast a lot of time. They see and incoming gank but don't react to it at all.

It seams like they just amuse their enemies are retarded and they can get away with anything. They get rewarded a lot of the time for this and will brush off any criticism because sometimes it works and the other times the enemies are "lucky".

How do I approach this without pissing them off and getting them to understand that you have to play like the enemy will react correctly (when they wont most of the time cause it low mmr) to help them constantly make better decisions through out their games?

submitted by /u/toss6969
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What are the current best top tier pick for roaming heroes?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 08:37 AM PDT

Thanks. Please also add a short description if you have the time on why it's so viable.

submitted by /u/PM_ME_YR_PUFFYNIPS
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Riki with 3 Aquilas?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 03:16 AM PDT

Boboka builds 3 aquilas on riki during DAC grand finals game 2 vs OG.

Why? Is it just being efficient since he had many free item slots?

submitted by /u/bobglimmer
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abaddon players help me out here

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 07:45 AM PDT

I really want to go the radiance build but I'm in a low mmr bracket so my farming skills are not super up to par at all. How do you guys play him, do you rush radiance or go vlads medallion or something. Also any tips on how to farm with this hero would be great (should you waste mana on aphotic shield to kill camps, should you buy regen to jungle etc)

submitted by /u/DeathOnion
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In pubs, when does the "laning phase" truly ends? As supports, when do we stop maintaining the creep EQ?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:45 PM PDT

As the title states, when do we stop maintaining creep EQ? Often, there are creep waves that I, as a support, could have pulled in the unstacked small camps to gain a bit of exp but I am not sure whether or not it is the right thing to do. I know that during laning phase, supports pull hard camps in order to gain extra exp and to maintain the ally creep wave as close as possible to our towers. But, at what point of the laning phase can we freely pull it without thinking about creep wave balance? I was watching DAC tournaments and noticed that sometimes pro supports pull the unstacked sm camp in order to gain a bit of exp without worrying about the creep EQ, my question is, how do I know when to do this so my pos1 and I can earn extra exp/gold? Thanks in advance! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/papercut03
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New mechanic idea to help balance deathball vs super-lategame drafts : Tier Bonuses

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 08:18 AM PDT


Regardless of which style of play you prefer - be it 25 minute deathball stomps, 2-hour farmfests, or everything between - I think we can all agree that variety is best. The more strategies are viable, the better DotA we get, as 6.88 demonstrated. However, early and late game seem very difficult to balance, usually resulting in one 'meta' or the other.

I believe the crux of the issue stems from the fact that in DotA, no advantage is permanent. Gold and Exp gaps can be closed, if one team takes a ton of buildings the other team can eventually even things out by taking the enemy's buildings, etc. If you want to apply 'simple calculus' as an analogy: As game time approaches infinity, the influence of advantages obtained earlier in the game approaches zero.

This is not a bad thing; in fact, comebacks are one of the defining aspects of DotA. However, it creates a situation where:

  • If it is too easy for an early-game draft to end quickly, late-game drafts become unviable due to getting facerolled and not having time for the 'diminishing advantages' mentioned above to take effect.

  • If it is too difficult for an early-game draft to end quickly, early-game drafts become unviable due to the late-game drafts surviving long enough for any advantage the early-game drafts obtained to diminish into nothing.

I think that a possible solution to this would be to have the 'meta' be what would currently be considered as a late-game 'meta' (i.e., harder to end quickly), but introduce a mechanic that gives a permanent advantage. This allows late-game drafts to defend until they come online, but gives early-game drafts at least some reward for their early game successes even if they cannot close the game out pre-30 minutes.

Introducing Tier Bonuses!

New Mechanic: Tier Bonuses

Tier Bonuses are my idea for a 'permanent advantage' mechanic. Here's how it works:

The first team to take all of the enemy's Tier X Towers gets the Tier X bonus for the rest of the game. i.e., if Radiant take all of Dire's Tier 1 towers before Dire take all of theirs, Radiant's team gets the Tier 1 bonus and the Dire cannot obtain this bonus (even after taking all of Radiant's Tier 1 Towers). Then if Dire take all of Radiant's Tier 2 towers before Radiant can take all of theirs, the Dire obtain the Tier 2 bonus and the Radiant cannot obtain this bonus (even after taking all of Dire's Tier 2 Towers). Same for Tier 3 Towers. I currently don't think Tier 4s should have bonuses, but that could change.

As mentioned, the purpose of this mechanic is so that early-game drafts get to retain some advantage from their early game success even if the game goes late. These bonuses should be powerful but not too strong, for if they are too strong then this just makes deathball the only viable strategy instead of just giving it a reward. Remember that I intend for this mechanic to be implemented in a traditionally 'late-game meta', so late-game drafts are strong and this mechanic just brings early-game up to their level without making late-game unviable.

Tier Bonus Examples

The kind of bonuses I am thinking about are along the lines of:

  • Tier 1 Bonuses could be things like 33% Scan Cooldown Reduction, 33% Smoke Stock Timer Reduction, or if you wanted to get really strong, 10% Discount in the Main Shop

  • Tier 2 Bonuses could be things like 33% Glyph of Fortification Cooldown Reduction, +100 HP / +40 Mana Sanctuary Regeneration (Shrine's ability), or if you wanted to get really strong, 33% Observer Ward Stock Timer Reduction

  • Tier 3 Bonuses could be things like -15 second Respawn Time for whole team, +4 Barracks Health Regeneration (both Melee and Ranged - yes I know Ranged currently has no health regen), or if you wanted to get really strong, 33% Buyback Cooldown Reduction

Keep in mind that all of these are just examples that I have not put thorough thought into; they are just to get an idea of what level of boost we are talking.

What do you think? Thank you for your time and feedback!

submitted by /u/TheGreatGimmick
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How Would You Change Radiance Illusion Heroes?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 09:18 PM PDT

This may not be something that occurs, however I believe with the prominence of radiance illusion heroes after so many nerfs that a change is bound to occur in later patch. I don't think that it is a form of play that should be removed from the game, but some aspect of it could use a significant change. So I'm curious to see what other people think of these builds, how would you change them, do they even need a nerf/change? Be creative!

submitted by /u/fibittydoo
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