Hearthstone - Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:09 PM PDT

Hello members of the /r/hearthstone community,

This is part of a series of weekly threads aimed at both new and old players from the community. It is designed so that everybody may ask any and all questions regarding the game's mechanics, decks, strategies and more.

Please keep it clean and try to add more than just a one or two word response. As the goal of this post is to increase the community's knowledge, the thought process matters as much as the answer! There is also a Theorycrafting Thursday weekly post, for those who wish to discuss some of the more intricate aspects of the game.

Sticky Threads and Guides - Great resources for new players!

Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Silverback Patriarch’s feelings of self-worth throughout Hearthstone’s history

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:58 PM PDT

Silverback Patriarch is known as an old friend by many. He greeted us when we all began, free in our collections. He volunteered a spot in our first decks, sacrificing himself countless times to save that sweet, sweet, 4 health.

Then, he began to drift from us.

We learned more about value, and cut him for stronger 3 drops. We became better deckbuilders, and deleted our old Beast/Spellpower Warriors for new pirate decks. We became more jaded, literally, and forgot the gentle touch of his 1 attack.

Well, I took it upon myself to see what he's been up to, and it's not pretty.

Classic and Naxx

Silverback Patriarch cast out on the playground

After Silverback was removed from the beginner's decks, he began to be an outcast from the more popular cards. He listened to their tales of value longingly, hoping that he would have some niche use in the future.

Goblins vs Gnomes

Silverback Patriarch eating alone at lunch

With GvG, the first "strict" upgrade to Silverback came out: Gnomeregan Infantry. He bullied Silverback patriarch relentlessly,

"You'll never be as good as me, Silverbad, and I'm trash," he jeered through his diver's helmet. "Also, who eats a sandwich with a fork?"

Silverback tried to explain the fork was for his salad, but Gnomeregan Infantry was already gone. He grumbled under his breath, "At least I have a beast tag," but deep down, he knew it made no difference. Houndmaster would never touch him with a 20-foot pole.

Over the next year, he was hired by Gul'dan for a part-time job in Hobgoblin zoo, where he was forced to work with that jerk Gnomeregan Infantry. At least it paid the bills.

League of Explorers

Silverback Patriarch awake at 2 am

LoE was hard for Silverback. His Wife, Silverback Matriarch, left him for Fierce Monkey out of nowhere.

Silverback, alone in his bed, thought about what could have been.

"If I had 2 more attack, she'd still be here," he thought, "Matriarch's only interested in Fierce Monkey because he lifts. They're not even the same species, it will never last."

But even he knew that was a lie. Matriarch was never coming back.

Silverback didn't get a lot of sleep.

Old Gods

Silverback Patriarch watches TV

Silverback got laid off at his job, Hobgoblin had to quit as he was moving to Wild, so there just wasn't any support for Silverback left.

He spent most of his days watching TV in the dark, looking at news stories of younger folks like Squirming Tentacle and Twilight Geomancer achieving things that he would never dream of. He began drinking as an attempt to wash away his feelings of wasted potential.


Silverback Patriarch homeless in an alley

This picture was taken recently. By now, Silverback has lost his home and is in a deep depression. Every time he tries to sleep, he can see the faces of Tar Creeper, Stonehill Defender, and Hot Spring Guardian burned into his mind.

I ask you, Blizzard, how long are you going to keep doing this to Silverback Patriarch? He is immortal in standard, forced to watch through his misery as each upgrade passes through every rotation. What did he do to deserve this?

submitted by /u/IT_KEEPS_HAPPENING
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[Rant] Hearthstone needs a RE-ROLL button for legendary

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:51 PM PDT

For most players who doesn't buy hundreds of packs, finally getting close to that 40-pack legendary pity timer is an exciting thing. But when you spend the saved up gold on packs and end up with repeated legendaries, especially crappy ones, you just feel terrible.


I personally really like the mechanic in faeria where you get to re-roll your highest rarity card for a different card of the same rarity. Ideally I would really like to be able to get full refund for any repeated legendaries.


But we all know it's probably never going to happen ;_;


Edit: Just realized that I made it to the bottom of the front page, thanks for the upvotes :D glad that people are interested in this topic. But got to sleep now ;_;


Edit2: OMG I'm actually on the front page HAHAHAHA :D. Just finished reading all the comments, there are for sure lots of ways to solve this unfortunate issue. Also, seeing how unlucky some of you were really made me feel better, thanks you reddit :) and you have my condolences.

On a more serious/optimistic note, this legendary issue becomes a real problem only for casual/semi-casual players with a medium-sized collection. I think the majority of the HS players are far from getting enough legendaries for multiple duplicates to occur (although a lot of hs redditors for sure have a decent collection going). So compare to a stale meta or card balances, duplicate legendary is for sure not the most pressing problem. But I'm sure as more players build a better collection, eventually this issue will become more pronounced and get resolved somehow :).


Dear Ben Hearthstone, please bless me with good legendaries for my first pre-purchase ;_;

submitted by /u/BasicMe
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I had a nightmare that I spent my 4500 gold on WotOG packs today.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 07:09 AM PDT

Don't take my deck slots blizzard I can handle it!

submitted by /u/fatal965
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Unlike in MSoG, I don't have a god damn clue which decks are going to be strong in JUG

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:15 AM PDT

Good job Blizzard. Far fewer parasitic mechanics (even the quest decks don't build themselves), and more organic deck building tools. Count me happy!

submitted by /u/Calvin1991
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Toast faces Toast!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:25 PM PDT

I can't wait for the salty people who completed their quest with a full hand and lose their reward.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 03:21 AM PDT

Kripp pressing the button soon

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:58 PM PDT

Designing Hearthstone Card Packs: Animations, Iterations, Un'Goro, and More With Art Director Ben Thompson

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 07:16 AM PDT

Thijs and Forsen react to: "Thijs cucks Forsen""

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:18 PM PDT

LOL just open a Golden Shifter Zerus. Is this the best golden card?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 04:02 AM PDT

This has to be the best card to have golden right since now you have a golden of every minion card in the game lol. You can literally just keep it in your hand forever and not play it while watching it turn to another golden card every turn the value!!!

I added it to my reno lock seems pretty good. I got a key card and won against a mirror.

submitted by /u/Ninesix1294
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Dirty Rat may be your best friend when Journey to Un'Goro comes out.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 05:24 AM PDT

I mention Dirty Rat mostly because of the quest cards coming up in the set. Now, obviously, when it comes to the Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Priest, and the Shaman quests rewards, pulling out the minion with the Rat will prevent them from using the battlecry on the minions, but there are other ways you can counter quest as well.

The Warrior, Hunter and Rogue quests require the user to Play minions for the quest, so pulling out minions from their hand will not trigger the counter for the quest.

Also, for Hunters, this works extremely well if the general strategy is running 29 1-drops and the quest because you can simply play dirty rat on turn 2/3, pull out a 1 drop, and thus delaying them from completing their quest for 1 turn.

Also, for Rogue, if you notice that the Rogue is trying to bounce a particular minion for the quest, being able to pull at from their hand and kill the minion immediately as they are nearly done with the quest can be game winning.

When it comes to the Mage quest, if the general strategy is to kill you with Giants, like Arcane Giant, using Dirty Rat to pull out one and kill it might save you from being kill in one (or two?) turn(s).

When it comes to the Warlock Quest, while it might be ok to pull out a Discard related minion to slow down their progression on the quest, what you want to be doing is trying to pull out Clutchmother Zavas. By pulling out Zavas, you have prevented the Warlock from getting free "ticks" on their discard quest, and if the Warlock does not have any cards in his hand when he plays a Discard related card, the quest counter does not go up.

There are also ways of using Dirty Rat to counter Elements. One of the more obvious way of telling if your opponent has an Element he wants to play is that if the only Elemental he played last turn was a Fire Fly or a Flame Elemental, so playing Dirty Rat and then following it up with some removal can be quite strong. ( And also, Elementals require you to Play minions as well. )

That is all I can think of right now. If anyone else can think of other uses for Dirty Rat when the rotation hits, let me know.

submitted by /u/TheTfboy
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Patch notes - April 4

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 10:05 AM PDT

Hearthstone Update – April 4

This Hearthstone update puts the final touches in place for the Year of the Mammoth and the launch of Hearthstone's latest expansion, Journey to Un'Goro! We're also adding a new Rogue Hero, paving the way for Fireside Gathering improvements, and fixing a few bugs.

Read on to learn more!

  • The Journey to Un'Goro takes brave explorers on an expedition to a primordial land packed with wonders. . . and danger! It introduces 135 all-new cards—including crackling elementals, gigantic dinosaurs, and a new card type: Quests!
  • This update completes preparations for the Year of the Mammoth. The new Hearthstone year begins once Journey to Un'Goro goes live!
  • Maiev Shadowsong, a new Rogue Hero, has emerged from the shadows! Win 10 Standard Ranked or Casual mode games after Journey to Un'Goro launches to add her to your collection.
  • This update adds functionality to support the upcoming Fireside Gatherings Tavern closed beta test.
    • Participation in the closed beta test will be limited to select Fireside Gatherings initially, but we'll be expanding Taverns to everyone once this phase of testing is complete!
    • Taverns UI elements may be present, but non-functional, for some players while this test is under way.
  • A new tooltip displays the number of cards in your hand.
  • Improved consistency of some card text.
  • [Android] You can now download Hearthstone data directly to an SD card during initial installation.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Jade Spirit will now correctly appear in searches using the term "Jade Golem".
    • When Herald Volazj copies a silenced minion, the copies it creates will now correctly also be silenced.
    • Resolved an issue that would make it impossible to cast a spell that costs Health to kill your Hero, even while immune.
    • Resolved an issue that would cause casting a 0 mana cost Jade Blossom to still sometimes consume mana.
    • Nozdormu's sandstorm visual will no longer persist if he is returned to a player's hand.
    • Resolved several minor UI and graphics issue
submitted by /u/judge2020
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If Bittertide Hydra becomes a thing..I only have one word

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 05:44 AM PDT

Volcano http://media-hearth.cursecdn.com/avatars/319/255/636265805068200603.png

Heard countless card reviewers speak well about Hydra but no one has mentioned the hard Volcano counter xD <3

submitted by /u/chraam
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whoever plans to play wild in future should go and get LoE right now!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 11:43 PM PDT

there are crucial cards in there for wild mode, and you will only be able to craft them after ungoro rolls out.
just sayin...

submitted by /u/yrkh8er
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Try Malchezaar on Un'Goro's Release Day

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:17 PM PDT

I know he's usually a meme-card, but he's pretty cool if you want to try out some of the new legendaries for yourself. Sure, you only can get the class minion/the 5 neutrals, but bring able to play one of the flashy new legendaries day 1 is a pretty good feeling.

submitted by /u/GreemBeans
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Join Us for the Hearthstone Global Games!

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 01:36 AM PDT

Eurogamer Italy Interview with Dean Ayala (testing & balancing) Translated

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 04:39 AM PDT

Original Link

By Stefano Silvestri. Interesting interview about balancing.

Q: With Un'Goro, Reno Jackson will exit standard. Playing single card decks will be very difficult. Have you got any plans on introducing a similar card?
A: Not in Un'Goro for sure. We never want to create doppelganger cards and that's the reason behind the Standard format, to force variations in the meta-game. Wild is very popular tho, and you'll be able to play Reno Here.

Q: Do you think single card decks will be completely left behind with Un'Goro?
A: Of course this kind of deck will be less present in the future, but Kazzakus is a very strong and popular card so we think it's not an end. We don't want the players to stick with the same deck for 2 or 3 expansion, and you can see that since other popular cards like Sylvanas and Ragnaros are leaving standard. Regarding Ragnaros, it's very important that he's leaving because people didn't care about new 8+ cards since he has been a must have in any deck.

Q: "By the fire purged!" When you hear that phrase, you immediately recognise Hearthstone. Standard format shifts the Meta, but at the same time sweeps away all those characters who in terms of marketing made the game what it is now. Isn't that risky?
A: We decided that is more important to keep the gameplay fresh than to preserve iconic heroes. We've been thinking about keeping Ragnaros in a less powerful version, maybe a 6/6, but in the end we understood that it was worse than taking it out entirely.

Q: Arena top 100 was well received. What can you say about it?
A: I'm personally invoved in this feature. What we worked towards is preventing people from creating smurfs because of a bad start. The last thing we want is to introduce a mechanic that has the side effect of making people stop playing on their original account. Now every run can be a 30.

Q: Any plans on introducing player-created tournaments?
A: It's one of the top requested features. But there are a lot of questions we have to answer before we can work on it. Will it be a feature made for pro or casuals? Which kind of tournaments will we see? How do you assign points? How do you resolve the problem of vacant lots? We have to think about it a little bit more

Q: I'm curious about one thing. Why is attack 4 the weak spot of the priest? You gave him cards to destroy every kind of minion except the ones with 4 attack points. What's the math behind this choice? Why not 5?
A: Every character should have his weak spots. What I can say is that you'll probably never see a Priest with a card that destroys a 4 attack minion.

Q: Will you make the players craft card backs?
A: There's a strong chance we'll do it, we dont want people that had to leave for a month feel less rewarded.

Q: Why didn't you give the chance to buy arcane dust?
A: Because we want the people to constantly try new cards and decks. The reason behind that choice is the fact that maybe you open up a pack and find a legendary you are not looking for; even if you don't need it you are more likely to try and use it rather than turning it in. If people could be able to buy dust, we'll be seeing the same decks over and over again.

Q: You are on the balancing team. Pardon me for being rude, but I have to ask you. What were you thinking about when you introduced Gadgetzan cards? Pirate Warrior deck is too unbalanced, and the expansion in general reduced the meta variation a lot. Warriors are only pirate, priests are dragon and it's near impossible to find a druid that's not jade.
A: Our final objective is to create with each expansion a set of 3-4 "standard mechanic variations" per every character, and of course we are not happy when only one gets played. Talking about the Priest, you can effectively play a not-dragon priest, but people like dragons and that's why we see a lot of them. Talking about the druid only 70% of his playerbase goes Jade, so it's accettable for us. Pirate warrior killed control, but I think that's because of Jade mechanics interactions with warrior control.

Q: Talking about Jade, it's very difficult for every control deck to compete effectively against Jade Druid...
A: But the deck still has weaknesses. This didn't happen with Kharazan Mid Ranges, which were unstoppable. Today a Reno-Lock or a Reno-Mage can compete with a Jade Druid. Pirate Warrior is a deadly deck, but it's mono dimensional. Maybe that's the reason behind his success, because it's easier to play or cheaper to build.

You said today some decks can compete with Jade, and that Un'Goro will shift the meta. But how about Jade mechanics? It's a long time before they go Wild.
A: I hear a lot of both positive and negative feedback about Jade decks, but the truth is that their population is only 9%.

Q: Including Shamans, Druids and Rogues?
A: Yes, Jade decks are not so common, even if it's true that most of the times they destroy other control decks. If I think about Rogues and Shamans I see 3 or 4 ways to play them, not control focused only.

Q: Every time I met with you developers we considered rush and control decks, never Mill decks. They are my favourite, because I don't think there's anything better than winning a game playing with a Mill Rogue. Will you ever build cards towards that mechanic?
A: I'm very sad to say that feedbacks are mostly negative and I think Mill decks are some of the most frustrating to fight, so I think you'll never see those cards.

Q: Do you consider losing at turn 5 by a Pirate Warrior deck to be less frustrating?
A: Maybe we'll introduce cards that can fit in a Mill deck, but never with that purpose only, like Vanish.

More to come soon

EDIT: Words

submitted by /u/lorelsr
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Shower Thought: Vinecleaver summons two Silver Hand Recruits because you're saving the two guys who were Lost in the Jungle

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:26 PM PDT

[[Lost in the Jungle]] - They are completely covered in vines. You come along and save the day with [[Vinecleaver]]

submitted by /u/Itshardbeingaboss
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Who will win?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:28 PM PDT

How to get into Wild if you don't own any GVG/NAXX

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 08:18 AM PDT

Hey guys,

First of all, this is not a post bragging about how good wild is and why you should play it. It is simply an information piece, to help more recent or returning Hearthstone players.

I have seen on this subreddit recently that a lot of people are thinking about disenchanting all of their rotating cards going to wild since they do not have Goblins vs Gnomes/Naxx or previously disenchanted it. The general consensus seems to be that it is too late for me to start playing wild so I might as well disenchant everything that is rotating.

The idea behind this post is to show that if you are curious about playing wild now or in the future, you can easily get into it with small modifications to your existing pre-rotation standard decks. For example, I was able to hit wild rank 5 in February using standard Dragon Priest with a pair of velen's chosen and a single death lord. You can even use pirate warrior and hit legend by spending only 160 dust!

Cost wise you do not even need to craft a single epic or legendary to have a tier 1 deck. This is not a budget thing, it's that they are simply not needed (Sorry Dr Boom). In fact, you can create a really nice wild collection for the classes you enjoy for less than the price of two epics.

Below is a list of common and rare staples currently in wild which you can craft for next to nothing depending on your deck. If I forgot one I apologise.


Ships cannon

Piloted Shredder

Antique Healbot

Flame cannon - mage

Shielded minibot - paladin

Velen's Chosen - priest

Crackle - shaman

Dark bomb - warlock

Haunted creeper

Mad scientist

Webspinner - hunter

Duplicate - mage

Death's bite - warrior


Unstable portal - mage

Muster for battle - paladin

Implosion - warlock

Death Lord

Neurubian egg

Sludge belcher

TL/DR: List of commons and rares that are frequently played in wild. You can craft a tier 1 deck for next to nothing (160 dust and your pirate warrior or dragon priest deck is tier 1 Wild). You never know if you will be interested in wild in the future.

submitted by /u/The-DonMega
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(Flame N'Zoth Rogue) - The Caverns Below may be one of the best Quest

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 07:25 AM PDT

By far, the best game I have ever played.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:27 PM PDT


this is how it all ended. I feel so sorry for my opponent, he wouldn't add me after and I understand why.

Renomage vs Renolock. Standard, nothing special. the game started with me discovering a second iceblock from CRYSSSTALS. got a little bit of a board going. cabalist tomb into 2 more cabalist tombs and whatever.

Renolock does the fuckin Brann, Dirty Rat, MCT thing. Pulls Reno and a 5/5. steals Reno and a 1/1... its not looking too good now.

game goes on.. Renolock Renos.. I chipped away at him, got him to about 16. second cabaliat tomb gave me a pyroblast, I'm so close to finishing this game. I try to stabilize while I'm around 2hp and 8 armor. Lock plays kazakus.... he must have got direct damage I think to myself..... I take lethal off of his board and hope for the best.

his kazakus potion must have been awful choices because he summoned an 8/8 and gave all his minions +6 hp when he only needed any damage to finish me off..

what do I topdeck on my last turn to survive? Mother. Fucking. Yogg. my Savior restores some hp to me, vanishes the board.

Lock doesn't play much, the 8/8 and some 1/1 imps.... I could have finished him with the pyroblast but I still had yogg. fuck it I said, lets close this game on a bang.

yogg played mindgames, got me a jaraxus. played me 2 paladin secrets and a bunch of other crap.. what does my opponent do on his final turn of the game?

he played his topdecked, final card in his deck jaraxus.... right into repentance (sets his hp to 1) and then swings into my face with the weapon TO GET KILLED WITH EYE FOR AN EYE!!

i wish I could have gotten more screenshots, I didn't know it was going to be so epic. by the end I was laughing so hard I barely got this one screenshot.

GhostDog, whoever you are, thank you for the best game I've played yet, I hope those yogg's didn't tilt you too much because I had lethal anyways, lol.

submitted by /u/MartinMurtons
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DisguisedToast playing 4 arenas at once

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:52 PM PDT

I know this is a terrible idea, but priest can now win the game in a 3 card combo.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 06:13 AM PDT

Lorewalker Cho, Radiant Elemental, Mind Vision. If your opponent's hand is empty, I believe you get the mind vision back. Play 10 mind visions for free, and your opponent can no longer draw cards. Hit face with Radiant Elemental 15 times to win the game.

submitted by /u/haxhaxhax1
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Pros reaction to 10mana 7/14 Ultrasaur

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:09 AM PDT

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