Hearthstone - I really hate [Meta Deck].

I really hate [Meta Deck].

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:15 AM PDT

[Meta Deck] is probably one of the worst decks we've had in the game for a long time. It's fundamentally [overpowered/oppressive/uninteractive], basically just [going face/playing minions on curve/doing nothing] all game. What's worse, the whole archetype feels incredibly [forced/boring to play against/mindless].

Honestly, I can't believe Team 5 would make a deck like this. I wish they would support the class differently, with [even more miracle rogue cards/better armour tools/less overload synergy/neutral healing/insert as appropriate], instead of [forcing this archetype/more aggro tools]. I miss the old [fun/skillful/unique] decks, like [Handlock/Control Warrior/Patron Warrior/Anyfin Paladin/insert as appropriate].

I'm off to play [Gwent/Shadowverse/Faeria/Duelyst] instead. I hear you get [free packs/anime girls/Nothing But Control Decks] from them. Tell me when [meta deck] is gone and I might give Hearthstone a try again.

Edit: Front page! Wow!

Edit 2: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

Edit 3: Can't hit rank 15, can hit the front page of r/all.

submitted by /u/aliaswhatshisface
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Finally figured out why I am stuck at rank 9

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 04:25 PM PDT

NaviOOT doesn't think Eater of Secrets is good.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:59 AM PDT

Best Un'Goro Pack ever?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:48 AM PDT

I just realized that we never got the Rust-Tooth Leaper.

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 07:50 PM PDT

Anybody remember Metaltooth Leaper? From way back in Goblins vs. Gnomes? It was the solitary mech synergy card that Hunter received, for some reason.

Anyways, I happened to read its flavor-text today.

Don't leave them out in the rain. In Un'Goro Crater there is a whole colony of rust-tooth leapers.

I'm quite sad that the Rust-Tooth Leaper wasn't remembered this expansion. It would've been a fantastic callback.

Edit: This situation is made all the more perfect by the fact that this phrase is in their flavor text:

Don't leave them out

submitted by /u/I_Love_Pearls
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The Evolution of Murlocs

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:48 AM PDT


DISCLAIMER I have never played WoW, and do not know of Murlocs already have a lot of lore. I just made this all up because I was super bored!

Hey! I have been playing Murloc paladin recently, and have noticed something interesting. In the newer sets, all of the Murlocs are wearing clothing, using technology, and even talking. This got me thinking that maybe since the classic set, Murlocs have evolved!

Guide to image:

First Murloc: First of all, I think the Evolution chain started with bluegill warrior, as he looks quite basic and is not holding any sticks or weapons.

Red: The Murlocs surrounded by red are the direct descendants of the bluegill warrior. They can harness the power of magic and can wield it in the form of special magic orbs.

Green: On the other side of the evolutionary chain is the Murlocs surrounded by green. These Murlocs evolved a more primal weaponized way of life than their magical counterparts

Blue: The Murlocs surrounded by blue are the direct descendants of the magical Murlocs. These Murlocs harnessed their magic into anglers on their heads, and are perfectly suited for completely underwater life.

Purple: The Murlocs surrounded with purple are Murlocs who have been corrupted by the old gods. They are usually directly related to a preexisting Murloc.

Brown: The Murlocs surrounded by brown are Murlocs with more advanced technology than their predecessors. Instead of wielding spears and sticks, they carry swords, ranged weapons and even wear minimal clothing.

Gray: The Murlocs surrounded by gray are similar to the Murlocs surrounded by brown, in that they have advanced weapons and clothing, but they are all from Un'Goro Crater, where they could not be introduced to new technology and thus could not evolve further.

Yellow: The Murlocs surrounded by yellow are very advanced Murlocs. They have stremely advanced weaponry, protective armor, and even new technology such as guns and frog steeds. Even with this new technology, all of these Murlocs still retain their primal tendencies as seen in the fact they they all are fighters.

Pink: The Murlocs surrounded by pink are the most intelligent Murlocs yet. Instead of being on the battlefield, these Murlocs are in the pursuit of knowledge. They are scientists. These Murlocs have even evolved enough to be able to speak intelligible language.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you like my little theory!

submitted by /u/Anarchaic0
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Tempo Storm Standard Meta Snapshot (Journey to Un'Goro, Week 2)

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:41 AM PDT

I did it reddit - 499 wins with all 9 classes!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:33 AM PDT

Proof: http://imgur.com/a/UV63F

Now i only need to win 9 more games to have all classes golden! =)

submitted by /u/Lo6ster
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Now that Hunter is somewhat prevelant again, can we take some time to talk about Scavenging Hyena?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:03 AM PDT

It looks like a Beaver sitting on its dam when you're not zoomed in on the card art and I don't see how anyone could see otherwise.

submitted by /u/fireglz
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After countless tries and salty tears, I have finally achieved the dream...

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:33 AM PDT

... of Cruel Dinomancer into itself with an Umbra on board. http://imgur.com/a/WuNUz

EDIT: omg thanks for the upvotes guys! Nice to find out I also hit the front page!

submitted by /u/Sbibsosmisn
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Because of Elise I finally know what golden legendary sounds like

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:11 AM PDT

I like to crinkle my eyes for a moment and imagine I'm opening real pack. Glad I crafted her.

submitted by /u/scrapie22
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How to spot a Pirate Warrior

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:24 AM PDT

  1. During the mulligan, look at their cards and see if the leftmost is hovered over. If so, its likely a pirate warrior.

  2. After the mulligan, if the first thing you see/hear are the words "Heh, Greetings." and feel a cold shiver down your spine; its likely a pirate warrior.

  3. Lastly, their name may be a small indicator of their play style.


submitted by /u/okinskas
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Guide - how to open packs, right

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:07 AM PDT

I got to meet the wonderful Brian Kibler at the Collegiate championships yesterday

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:49 AM PDT

Got to meet Kibler in Santa Ana yesterday in between him casting the tournament. I was extremely nervous and honestly a bit star struck but he was nothing but kind and witty and I'm really glad I got to meet him :)


Thanks for all the advice Brian, hopefully one day I'll be able to make it!

submitted by /u/KingWhoBoreTheSword
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Can we say it now : we have the most diverse meta we've ever had!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:06 AM PDT

Even if it comes with some issues but it couldn't be perfect, couldn't it? We're far from the Yogg bullshit tho. It made me quit the game for months as player here since beta (with another break before LoE).

Anyay, from Wednesday to yesterday, I climbed from R16 to R5 with this deck (for like 99% of my games) and I played against all classes except for druids and warlocks which are pretty rare. I only started to use hearthstats from R9 so my stats aren't what I actually went through (plus sometimes I play on phone) but after 106 games, still pretty diverse.

I appreciate that for warrior, it can be pirate or taunt (even if I think taunt warrior is a very uninteresting deck), rogue can be quest or miracle (I like the shape quest rogue is taking tbh... am I the only one?) and, more important, PRIEST IS STILL FUCKING VIABLE.

Priest is my only golden hero so it tells a lot about how much I like this class and every time I face one, even if it's my worst MU, I'm happy. I was scared knowing what the class would lose when Un'Goro would be released but hey... radiant elemental and Lyra are really really strong cards. (Yes I played rogue this season, I just happen to fucking love Sherazine hahaha)

Facing different classes really feel like facing different playstyle compared to last xpac with karakus everywhere, pirate package everywhere... the quests, as hard as they are to be obtained, the elemental addition really helped to give classes their own flavour.

Also : Adapt is an interesting keyword, it can be pretty strong sometimes... I can see it suffering the same critics people give to Discover : even if options are limited, it's still rng able to decide some games which can be frustrating. But overall, I think it was a good addition.

TL;DR : I've been playing since beta (with some breaks) and this is the first time since Naxxramas that I play this much at the game again thanks to a diverse meta with diverse playstyles. I like how Blizzard succeeded in keeping Priest viable.

submitted by /u/Nnekaddict
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The PlayHearthstone mods are randomly timing out people for no reason.

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 05:05 PM PDT

Noticed a bunch of people on the official PlayHearthstone twitch stream getting timed out/banned for no reason. I'd be careful even chatting in the channel right now.


submitted by /u/ianjh06
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Legend plays: Living mana

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:48 AM PDT

When I play pirates vs when I play against pirates

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:13 AM PDT

When I play pirate warrior: http://imgur.com/4BmlOrq

When I play against pirate warrior: http://imgur.com/z61yBlR

submitted by /u/tatones
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Hey Blizzard, I found where you stored all that pack filler.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:50 AM PDT

[Suggestion] Please let us rearrange decklists, Blizzard.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 08:36 AM PDT

I've searched and apparently, the only way to "rearrange" decks is to convert them into Wild and back.

Problem is, I only really play Wild, and I'd like to have my Wild decks at the top of my lists, while my standard daily quest decks below them.

Even if you're a Standard or Wild player though, I think that being able to rearrange decks as we see fit would be a welcome addition to the game.

submitted by /u/kennish
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No Un'Goro Rager

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 10:03 PM PDT

Since TGT, Un'Goro is the first expansion to not have a minion with "Rager" in its name.

Blizzard, I've never been more disappointed in you.

submitted by /u/Blizzzard_
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Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:36 PM PDT

Was there a Pavel card in Un'Goro?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:02 AM PDT

The two previous world champions got one each. FireBat got a card named after him and I'm pretty sure Ostkaka had a card where the flavour text referred to him.

Was there not one for Pavel or did I just miss it?

submitted by /u/N1CET1M
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