Halo - We claimed a spot in /r/place and we must defend it! We are packing a lot of meme ammunition in this one area. Help protect our sacred art!

We claimed a spot in /r/place and we must defend it! We are packing a lot of meme ammunition in this one area. Help protect our sacred art!

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:11 PM PDT


Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:46 PM PDT

Let's see your collections!

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 05:18 PM PDT

Spawned a plasma pistol to deal with a pesky wasp

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:24 AM PDT

Jun-A266 (fan art)

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:15 AM PDT

Halo's /place end goal idea!

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 05:01 PM PDT

I don't have a problem, You have a problem!

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:53 AM PDT

Updated Halo's /place end goal idea!

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:35 PM PDT

Installation 01 Official Soundtrack - Peril

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:04 PM PDT

Banned for quitting without actually quitting in MCC

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 02:08 PM PDT

I've been playing MCC matchmaking for the past few days, despite its overwhelming bugs/glitches. The other day I had just finished playing a match and was back at the 'find game' screen (where you select a playlist) when I get a warning message telling me: "You're quitting out of games too often in matchmaking. Further negative behavior will result in a temporary ban."

I didn't remember quitting prematurely out of any games, but okay I'll make sure not to do it. A few more matches go by, everything's good. Then I'm hit with: "You have been temporarily banned from playing matchmaking for quitting". I didn't leave any games between the warning and the ban. This one is for 30 minutes.

The next day I play a few matches and without even a warning I get banned for an hour. Same thing, didn't quit out of any matches. So I try to contact Xbox support - maybe something's wrong with Xbox Live. They tell me to send a screenshot of my detailed network statistics. I do and they tell me everything is fine.

I've been banned 2 more times since then. One for 90 minutes and now one today for 2 hours and I've only played one round of H:CE. This has happened 4 times for a total of 5 hours.

We all know that 343/Microsoft are trying to sweep MCC under the rug and pretend like it never happened. But this game is (and remains to be) the sole reason I and many other people bought an Xbox One. I'm a PC gamer so I don't pay for Xbox Live but I was getting an itch for some Halo so I bit the bullet and got a 3 month subsciption. Now, because of the problems plaguing the game almost 3 years after launch, it is literally wasting my time and money.

MCC is the only game I own for Xbone that wasn't bundled with the console. So, I ask 343, how far will this go until you decide to fix The Master Chief Collection? We were promised an update nearly 2 years ago - one that remains to be seen - and you are still selling this broken product on the marketplace with $6 DLC. I've never been burned so badly by purchasing a game since DayZ Standalone.

People paid real Earth dollars for a product that you knew from day one was broken. By refusing to speak about it you are only making things worse for yourselves. There's a reason people no longer trust you with the reigns of the Halo franchise, and it's shit like this. Half of the games you've 'made' have been re-releases of Bungie's games and the other half is either broken or lacking content so badly that the player base falls off in the first couple months.

In conclusion; please fix MCC, or at least give us a sign you're listening.

submitted by /u/MisterFatSack
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Does anyone else miss that lonely feeling of being 'the last of the Spartans'?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 04:20 PM PDT

And not in the 'videogame main character is the sole badass' sense.

I remember playing Halo 1-3 and how weirdly lonely that feeling was. It was definitely there in CE, and even when you get back to Earth in H2-3 there just aren't any other Spartans.

While the Nylund books introduced more Spartans, and even put Linda on the Pillar of Autumn, the fact that they were all either MIA, KIA, or in a coma only made you feel even more isolated.

But it was a nice, melancholy feeling in some way. Like, even getting to Earth was a bittersweet moment because you're still alone, with the sole exception of Cortana and, in a way, Johnson.

So many stories have been/are being made about Master Chief and Blue Team/other Spartans, and Reach introduced a whole load of other Spartans.

But in H1-3, it was just you, a lone monolith to humanity's ultimate warriors, rising above all others and leading the way to an uncertain victory. You couldn't turn to any other Spartans for small-talk and high-fives, all around you were simply frightened marines and hardened ODSTs all trying to survive the height of the brutal war. The fact that you end CE and H3 completely alone, with the sole exception of Cortana, only adds to this, imo.

It wasn't the story of Master Chief, Spartan-117, one Spartan amongst dozens of others that just happened to be off-screen; it was about one man who had nothing but Cortana at his side, everything else being transitory and unable to reach his heady heights.

submitted by /u/HazelRahRahRah
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Pixel Spartans are nice, but can we create our favorite gal in blue?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:49 PM PDT

IDEA: In Custom Games there should be an option to prevent zoom or smart-link.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:46 PM PDT

This would make it possible for "no-scope only" games to work in customs. That would be pretty cool! Also if people want to make a game without smart-link they'd be free to experiment with that too.

What are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/The_Achte_Man
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(x/r/gaming) Meowster Chief: My in game nickname is "kittens", one of my Halo buddies made this for me. I think it is AMAZING!

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:25 AM PDT

Which Halo FPS had the best campaign (Strawpoll)?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:03 AM PDT

We gotta band together, and keep the Chief on r/place maintained.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 05:31 AM PDT

He's taken a hammering, and we need to keep him up to scratch until they decide to pull the plug on r/place. We want him looking nice for the end product.

EDIT: Trying to put a '117' back up, but having no luck.

submitted by /u/GadenKerensky
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Poor guy, never saw it coming...

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:20 AM PDT

Anybody know what these ships are that are in the campaign scoring background art on Reach?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 04:14 PM PDT

Halo: Online modders have manege to Port maps from Halo 3: Odst to PC! soon we can have Halo 3/Halo 3: Odst campaign on PC (the windows 10 part is a joke)

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 04:07 AM PDT

Got a taste of the good ol' Halo experience on Reach just now

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:12 PM PDT

Decided to try playing Reach before bed after finishing MCC Halo 3 on Legendary. Got into Rumble Pit and did pretty well. One guy got super pissed and called me a Mexican...Told him I wasn't and then he said I was a redneck (I live in a city and don't even have an accent) and kept telling me to 1v1 him. I figured eh why not and accepted the invite.

He put it on some MLG settings on an MLG Sanctuary map. Never played MLG in Reach so thought about leaving but figured I'd just give him the satisfaction of winning and give myself the satisfaction of wasting his time while browsing the internet. I just jumped around shooting him every now and then and dodging sniper shots, teabagging the ground and spinning in circles. He got to 13 kills and I decided I didn't want him to have a perfection so I killed him.

Then I let him finish off the last two kills and he proceeded to call me trash "even on your host" (though he hosted the lobby so not sure how it was my host) and kicked me from the lobby.

Wipes away single nostalgic tear


I played a Halo game where someone wasn't in party chat and actually TALKED to me!

submitted by /u/Oddballforlife
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Halo 5 Tips - Rotating with Sniper Rifle

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:57 PM PDT

Concept for the Halo-symbol on /r/Place I made, I'm starting construction with the mid-point at (343, 343)

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 11:16 PM PDT

Arena Question

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 02:53 PM PDT

Hey, I just started playing Halo 5 yesterday, and got placed in Plat 1. I was wondering what the end of season rewards are for different ranks. I already read about an emblem, but i saw in youtube videos that people had arena req packs.

Also, what is the best way to get Halo Reach Armor,Skins,Emblem :-) ? I've opened alot of Bronze and Silver Req packs, because i read thats what youre supposed to do, but i dont really care about Warzone. Should i just open Gold Packs if i want specific Cosmetics ?

Thanks in advance :)

submitted by /u/KristaIlnacht
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Who else misses waiting to get boxes in H2?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 10:22 PM PDT

Trying to get boxes so you have a higher chance of pulling host. Miss those days, except when you'd get locked in and you're f'd. Halo was never the same after H2, IMO.

submitted by /u/drey0022
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