Diablo - S10 Day 1 - Primal Ancient Yang's Recurve

S10 Day 1 - Primal Ancient Yang's Recurve

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:31 AM PDT

Idea: Item is being used in the Armory icon

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:51 AM PDT

Idea: Allow paragon points to be auto assigned as you level by being able to prioritize them.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 04:30 PM PDT

I would think it wouldn't take much work, so possibly snuck through in a small patch/hotfix, whereby you're able to choose which skills your paragon points automatically fill into as you level, removing the need to constantly put in 4 points every 5 minutes. So once say, "Critical Hit damage" fills to its cap of 50 it then moves to "Critical hit chance" as an example.

I can't be the only one who gets sick of assigning them every rift or just pressing P twice to make the icon go away to remove it from the screen, and I feel like this small change would make a nice quality of life difference throughout the leveling process.

submitted by /u/Willo262
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Want to share my 1st primal!

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:58 PM PDT


This beauty dropped ! Marauder Chakram inc!

submitted by /u/SCWarkos
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Well, that was fun. See you next season!

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 06:58 PM PDT

worst first primal?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:18 PM PDT


Follower cannot die at least???????????

Got stash tab and first (terrible) primal, considering guardian or not before quitting. Fun weekend.

submitted by /u/mbreslin
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Electro hydra build?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 04:08 PM PDT

I'm really enjoying the hydra changes however I don't feel like doing another archon build. Can anyone help me with a hydra build with an electrocute primary?

submitted by /u/alien285
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You are my favorite community. Thank you All

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:35 AM PDT

I just wanted to take a second and thank this community. I know it is getting smaller and smaller but I power leveled a good number of people over the last day and a half and you all have reminded me what online gaming is supposed to be. Everyone was overly thankful, I mean I had to complete rifts for mats anyway, but i appreciate it none the less. And although I don't remember your names I want to especially thank the group of guys I leveled with when the season started. 1-70 was a treat with a solid friendly group.

I look forward to playing Necros with you all on that mysterious day in the future.

~Haerici (The.guy.with.no.space.bar.when.he.isnt.at.work)

submitted by /u/Downvote10106
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Let's discuss Travis Day's comments on sets and build diversity

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:14 AM PDT

Recently Rhykker uploaded a video were he talks about his visit to the Blizzard HQ to attend the D3 Influencer Summit. Rhykker said that Travis Day (one of the lead game designers) mentioned (or at least indirectly implied) that the devs are aware that there isn't much build diversity because builds primarily revolve around 6piece sets and that they would like to open up the game for more player driven character customization.

Here is a link to the part of the video where Rhykker mentions this:


This is a controversial issue, because in order to give the players more freedom in the way they can build their chars, sets and certain legendaries have to become less powerful and the game needs to be primarily balanced at the level of base skills and runes instead of 6piece sets and their support legendaries, which would be a complete change in the way the game (and especially items) are designed right now and that would most likely p/ss of a part of the player base because they would not be as powerful anymore as they were before.

So, would you support the devs if they would reduce the power and importance of sets to open up more player driven character customization so that we the players can come up with builds on our own OR do you prefer it the way it is, were you have massively overpowered sets but significantly less freedom in the way you build your characters?


Inb4 I want to address two arguments that always comes up when this issue is discussed.

The first argument is, that no matter what, there will always be a best build and therefore it does not matter if you keep sets as powerful as they are or nerf them, so everything can stay as it is.

To this I reply that it is correct that there will always be a best or a few best builds, but that this will only become a problem if the best builds are significantly stronger than average builds (which is the situation we currently have with D3, where the best builds are ~2000% stronger than average LoN builds, which are the vast majority of them).

If the best builds are not significantly stronger than average builds, then players will actually play the builds they personally enjoy the most and with which they came up on their own, because they will not fall behind too much in XP progression, loot and power.

The second argument I want to address is, that we already have the LoN rings and therefore we can play whatever we want already.

Well, the issue with LoN is that there are only some very few LoN builds that top the leaderboards, while the vast majority of LoN builds is drastically underpreforming (they are around 2000% less powerful than the best builds), which is a result of the game being balanced around 6piece sets, because some skills get buffed by only one legendary (or even non at all), while other skills get supported by several legendaries. Also, some legendaries buff a skill by up to 800%, while other legendaries only buff a skill by only 100-150%, so it is no wonder that some LoN builds are so much weaker than others.

submitted by /u/clueso87
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reroll to get primal, worth?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:47 PM PDT

currently i can reroll 60 times, is it worth to reroll and try my luck to get primal? what are the odds?

submitted by /u/justiceknight
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Finally Got First Primal - How is YOUR Season 10 Going?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 06:33 PM PDT

Held my breath every time i identified a Blackthorns....this is what I get... http://imgur.com/lAD5bMN

submitted by /u/Nethrom
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My First Primal.... Broken Crown

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:33 AM PDT

RIP, Whats your first primal in seasonal?

submitted by /u/yetikillu524
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Blizzard, patch bug report

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:36 AM PDT

Here's a short list, please up vote for visibility and add what ongoing bugs you're noticing:

Names and paragon of people requesting to join clan doesn't show

Can't invite people from communities to clan

Item loot notifications are always turned on with every log on

Character order is messed up on every log on

It lets me know season has launched and rewards every log in

You have to rejoin each community, every time

Can't link names for people trying to join one clan to other clans or communities

submitted by /u/himthatspeaks
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[S10] EU First Level 70 - 1 hour 28 minutes

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 04:32 AM PDT

Bad console lag.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:34 PM PDT

Is everyone getting bad console lag? I even get it playing solo. It can become super bad and annoying when I join a group.

Servers just being terrible or a bug from update?

submitted by /u/TheGhostGG
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top best solo build for barbs this season?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:33 PM PDT

ive heard leap and charge, which is the better?

submitted by /u/Weebfever
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~Primal Ancients Questions~

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 06:14 AM PDT

Got a few questions concerning Primal Ancients (I just completed a 70 G-rift):

  • Do you get the chance to find Primal Ancients after completing a 70 Greater Rift or Completing ABOVE a 70 Greater Rift (i.e. 71+)?
  • Can you get these Primal Ancients from Kadala? Also are there any limitations as to where you cannot get a Primal Ancient from a particular source?
  • If I completed a 70 Greater Rift on, say a wizard, and I made a Demon Hunter on seasonal... Is that Demon Hunter now eligible to get Primal Ancients as well? If so, Does that mean as soon as the Demon Hunter can start getting ancients or is there something the Demon Hunter has to complete before this is possible?

Sorry for the noob questions, just trying to save time considering how rare they are. Thanks in advance~

submitted by /u/Kazezoku
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need help doing lightning wizard build(armory link inside)

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:28 PM PDT

https://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Lutrin-11956/hero/71840136 is my profile, not sure what im doing wrong/ would like just an explanation of how the build entirely works. i was getting shit on in gr 64 feeling very very squishy. just wondering if im screwing anything up? from what i understand teleport/ ice beam / then set down serpents and enter archon, then u get 4 talrasha stacks entering archon, then i used timezone and held right click and things just werent dying and they were killing me. wondering where im effing up in the build .

submitted by /u/magem8
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Primal ancient question

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:06 PM PDT

Do I need to do GR 70 solo in order to unlock primal ancients or can I do it in a group?

submitted by /u/Dobeyplus
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Season 10 is going well

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:26 AM PDT

http://i.imgur.com/XgNqHib.png My jaw dropped when this happened. So happy!

submitted by /u/Tornadoeight
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Need with help with getting the Akkhan set

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:20 PM PDT

So, I can't finish the season journey due to the solo a grift 20. The four piece set without the legends is all I have and I can't clear grift 20. Any tips on how to finish the season journey?

submitted by /u/AgentHarbinger
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r/place | Is there a Diablo presence in r/place?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:16 PM PDT

HOTS is there. Overwatch too with Lucio and Pharah Sprites.

Path of Exile too.

Anyone willing to make it?


Here's what I'm thinking about: http://imgur.com/a/87svl

submitted by /u/vikoy
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TIL if you equip your follower with oculus ring and the all-skills relic, twice the yellow rings will spawn

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 06:42 AM PDT

Also if you equip the 50% cdr relic, he will spawn them twice as fast.

submitted by /u/Shadowfury22
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