Heroes of the Storm - Saturday Streaming Thread - Post your stream here! | April 01 - April 07

Saturday Streaming Thread - Post your stream here! | April 01 - April 07

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 10:00 AM PDT

Are you a new streamer looking to get your name out there? Maybe you just need someone to watch after a long tiring week? Ask for recommendations on what streams to watch or promote your own stream in the comments.

Please be as detailed as possible on your streaming schedule, what kind of stream you have (teaching/pro play/fun/climbing ladder etc.) and any specific style or hero you might have.

Previous Streaming Threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Ryoma's No Nonsense Solo Laning Guide (including all matchups).

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:10 PM PDT

Hello Ladies and Gentleman.


Some of you may know me but I don't think i've ever made a post like this. Today I have another another contribution towards my "No Nonsense Guide" video series.

I am a high master/grandmaster player who regularly produces Youtube content and streams. These guides are designed to literally cut out all the "Nonsense" and provide as much relevant information to you in the shortest time possible whilst providing some humour too. Today's guide is a topic that many people to this day struggle to understand and I would like to shed some light on it with a video guide as well as some charts.

This is the video guide:


No Nonsense Solo Lane Guide


It should be noted again as the video has mentioned, the charts are based on players of equal skill. It does not take into account specific maps either. This can be part of a future update that I can release. Community feedback is essential as I may have goteen a couple of things wrong and ofcourse i'm sure there's always room for improvement.

Here are the charts:


All 3 charts


In the event that there is an unfavourable matchup, it does not mean you will die. It means that you cannot commit to the lane as you would "normally". The opposing player simply has an advantage based on the hero they are playing. Often this also might mean that you will lose the objective (if there is one) without any outside help.

I've spent quite a bit of time on the video and charts themselves as I always do when i'm producing content, so I hope atleast some people get some use out of it :).

The End of the video will have more No Nonsense guides guaranteed to entertain and enlighten you :D.

Till next time guys!

Edit: Future changes to the chart will be updated and posted on Heroeshearth. Big updates will be on Reddit too :)

submitted by /u/Ryoma123
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Petition to fix Mecha Tassadar's transformation from "human" to plane

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 10:14 AM PDT

As a Mecha Tass owner, I don't see why they made his mount-up animation be in two stages.

When you press Z to mount, Tass will first move his hands in circles as if casting a spell (his old mount-up animation). Then half a second before having mounted, he has a really cool transformation from his "human" form to plane, but it's so fast that you barely see it.

I suggest Blizzard just delete the first animation with the hands and make the transformation from "human" form to plane last the entirety of the mount-up sequence. It will be a slow animation, but it will be epic!

Best part: Blizz doesn't need to do any extra animation (like with Arthas), they just need to slow down the already existing animation.

Mecha Tassadars - ASSEMBLE!

submitted by /u/Cerevor
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Hero Mastery Taunts do not belong to this game

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:57 PM PDT

Anyone else feel like the game would feel a lot more polished without that feature? For instance, I have played 4000+ games and I have never used a taunt before nor I will after this patch.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who felt that Hero Mastery Taunts were an April Fools joke before actually realizing they were not.

Pls Blizz, revert this change. 2.0 is going to amazing enough without this feature.

submitted by /u/Kuulio
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A simple solution for the Master issue in 2.0: "Master" portrait frames during the draft screen

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:41 PM PDT

The ability to denote master status on characters at the draft screen is the primary value of the Master skin today. Players can still choose whatever skin they want for their characters, but being able to denote that you have reached Master for a particular character that you wish to play during draft is information that is important. When I show players I have Master ETC, Johanna, and Muradin, no one contests with me to be the main tank. If a player wishes to use TLV or Nova and the whole team cringes, there is hope when you see that they are Master at it. The aesthetics of the skin itself don't matter as much as the point that players want to be able to show "Master" level for a character they wish to select.

The easy solution to this is to add a Master portrait frame (a la Diablo 3) at the draft screen. This allows players to still use whatever skin they want for a character, but still demonstrate to their team that they are Master level on that character. It could be something simple as just a gold border around the character at the draft screen like in a player's hero collection. This allows for the ability to retain the primary value of denoting Master status in 2.0 while allowing players to still use other skins. (Master taunts have very little value unless those icons can be present during the draft screen.)

submitted by /u/espion4ge
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Normal pings (just Alt+clicking) should really really show some indicator on the terrain.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:29 PM PDT

I'm not sure why this isn't a thing, but it's really annoying to try to ping a specific ground location and have your ping only show up on the minimap. You're able to smart-ping terrain (Danger, Assist Me, etc.) but it's frustrating when you're trying to quickly ping, say, a cloaked enemy and you have to take an extra half-second to select the type of ping every single time.

I'd suggest using something similar to Dota's ping system, which shows an exclamation point on the ground (http://team-dignitas.net/uploads/tinymce/images/aaa.ping.jpg). Since the ability is already there to specify a "smart-ping" on the terrain, I'd imagine that this wouldn't be too tough to implement.

submitted by /u/Togedude
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'Master' reward: How about changing the heartstone effect?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:35 AM PDT

Imagine if the heartstone effect glow was more epic if you had more hero level? And perhaps the ability to pick different effects.

submitted by /u/vexorian2
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Waiting a month before HotS 2.0 feels too long... no motivation to play right now.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:04 AM PDT

I feel no motivation to play on the PBE, since I'm going to lose whatever progress I make there anyway.

I also feel no motivation to play the actual game right now, as I might just miss on the rewards. Plus, I'd just keep thinking how nice it would be if I were playing 2.0 instead of 1.0.

Is a whole month of testing REALLY necessary?

submitted by /u/lunseisleidee
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DIG University | Snitch's Medivh Guide

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:34 AM PDT

Anub'arak skin idea

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 04:16 PM PDT

Can we get a Anub'arak skin with the look of Kraith the Prime zerg from Starcraft?


submitted by /u/KnucklesxD
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HotS Genji image leaked, Confirm!!

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:28 PM PDT


It was leaked from youtube of Russian streamer participating in the HotS 2.0 Summit in Paris


Original youtube video

submitted by /u/rost473
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Anyone else really irritated that when you make a loadout for a hero (on 2.0 beta) you have to change from "all" to "owned" for every aspect?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:07 AM PDT

When you make a loadout for a hero and want to choose the skin, mount, banner, spray etc. you have to change from "all skins" to "owned skins" in order to only search those. Then the same with mounts. Then with banners. Then sprays. Then announcers. I wish there was an option to show only owned items when making a loadout. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/ScythonSoul
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A proposed solution to veteran rewards in loot 2.0: Banked chests

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 10:26 PM PDT

The proposal is simple: on converting, 0 chests are awarded. However, every chest (or gem reward) the veteran player player would have earned if getting to that level under the new system is placed into a bank. Think of this like "rested experience".

Every time a veteran player levels up in 2.0, they get 2 chests. One from normal progression and another from their bank. This continues until their banked chests are depleted.

There's no sudden shock from veteran players unlocking all of the content instantly and there's even an incentive to get a stimpack to cash in that bank faster. This starts off slightly slower than the start from 0 method proposed earlier, but surpasses it quickly and this way veteran players can enjoy all of the rewards of 2.0. Eventually.

submitted by /u/Mylon
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The football fans above on /r/place have decided to try and overrun our logo

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 05:37 PM PDT

First poor Zelda, and now they think they can come for us!

Here's the template: https://i.imgur.com/haBaVTd.png

And the coordinates: https://www.reddit.com/place?webview=true/#x=168&y=102

Time to rally and push them back. We have enough shit to deal with from random vandals and angry fans of other games.

For Auir/Ner'zhul/The Alliance/The Horde/The Swarm! (delete as appropriate)

submitted by /u/Omnikron13
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/r/Place Logo being invaded by NFL Clock. Need help pushing back.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:03 PM PDT

Intentional Dying/AFK Needs Better Handling

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 02:42 PM PDT

The in-game reporting system currently allows for players to be reported for a variety of things including intentionally dying and becoming inactive during the game. Both of these are very useful for the small subset of players who decide mid-game that messing up everyone else's game matters more to them than winning.

However, at the moment I get the impression that these reports are tracked and penalties applied past a certain limit. This is all very well as far as it goes, but means that it's possible to lose a match to a teammate doing this and then get immediately rematched with the same player, who then does it again.

Reporting someone for abusive chat is fine, because it also blocks them. For other reports, could the matchmaker please be changed to make sure no further matches are made with that player? At least not for the next 24 hours.

(You might say "What are the chances?" but it's happened to me twice now, so apparently not low enough.)

submitted by /u/domcamus
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Collection of Small Infos about Heroes 2.0 and upcoming things you might have missed

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 06:20 AM PDT

With the upcoming release of Heroes 2.0 I feel like there is a lot of small information flowing around, that you don't know, if you haven't been on reddit at the right time. I tried to compile a small collection of those infos. All the links are either the sources, where the information comes from or more details and explanations. I kept it more or less spoilerfree, for those who do not like to read about leaked material.

Additionally I think it is interesting, that there have been some price changes to heroes in 2.0. However it should be noted, that the shown prices are not set in stone and might change upon release of Heroes 2.0 according to Blizzard. However if they keep the current gem-prices and 1 gem = 0.01€, then all the prices of heroes have been reduced, while the gold prices stayed the same. Here is an Overview:

Item Euro-Price in Heroes 1.0 Current Gem-Price in Heroes 2.0
2000 Gold Hero 3.99 300
4000 Gold Hero 6.49 500
7000 Gold Hero 8.49 625
10000 Gold Hero 9.99 750
7 day stimpack 3.99 400
30 day stimpack 9.99 1000
360 day stimpack - 9000
1 chest - 100
5 chests - 500
12 chests - 1000
25 chests - 2000
52 chests - 4000

And Kael'Thas is doing KT things, while his gold-price is still 7000, he costs 750 gems, as the only exception. But I guess that is an error.

If you have anything else to contribute, feel free to do so :)


submitted by /u/DavesenDave
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Our logo on r/place is looking great but still needs help keeping maintained!

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:50 AM PDT

Hopefully this ends soon but right now we're still under constant attack from random noise and people deliberately trying to sabotage our logo.

If you haven't already seen it you should, we got one of the best logos on the canvas by far. It's on r/place up in the top left, can't miss it.

And if you want to help maintain the image please use this reference template: http://i.imgur.com/O5E3kKj.png

edit: be sure to refresh the page before placing a pixel. It helps because keeping the page live will have it lag behind by a significant amount.

submitted by /u/Peanlocket
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I agree with Blizzards argument on Master Skins, but-

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:20 PM PDT

The argument Blizzard put forward against master skins is a good one. It's not something you always have the ability to purchase, so you don't always have that reward in the first place, even if you do buy the skin you don't necessarily use it all the time, so your master status on that hero can go largely unnoticed.

But what Blizzard hasn't reasonably addressed is the fact that this same argument also applies to Taunts. I've been playing since the closed beta days, and in all my games I have never used a taunt once, and I think I MAY have seen another player use theirs literally ONCE.

You could make the argument that adding the mastery system to taunts will make them be used a LOT more (which isn't necessarily a good thing for gameplay in general) but even if they are, I doubt everyone will be spamming their taunts over and over at the start of every game forever.

Blizzard is right in that they need a better, more visible way of indicating mastery of a hero. Taunts are not it. I don't know what a good solution would be, but clearly Blizz needs to go back to the drawing board on this one.

submitted by /u/whitewingdevil
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Medivh doesn't go over ALL terrain in raven form

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 04:50 PM PDT

So on medivhs trait tool tip it states that medivh can go over ALL terrain in raven form. but for some reason he can't in the mines. He can't fly over the mine walls. Usually i would say that this makes sense, but ETC can go over the walls with the crowd surfer talent at 4.

Is it a bug or intended by blizzard, either way i think that it's unfair and inconsistent.

submitted by /u/DragonicMonkey
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Bring back Death Knight Arthas skin, please (finally)

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:04 AM PDT

Currently, Crown Prince resembles Arthas at the moment when he picked up Frostmourne, and his normal skin is the Lich King. There was one more choice, however, Death Knight Arthas! It was removed in 2014, but it was the closest thing we had to that Arthas who killed his own father and defeated Illidan under the Frozen Throne! Could we have it back, please?

Face it, that's the closest to Arthas 2.0 we're gonna get. And the loot chests make such a small iteration of a skin completely feasible.

It looked like this.

P.S. I remember a lot of such posts back in 2015. I've just copied mine.

submitted by /u/Adunaiii
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Cassia Teaser Trailer (not really)

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:41 AM PDT

Eng Gold League Cast to be done by Kendric and Tetcher

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 06:25 AM PDT

Not my best Mosh but probably the most entertaining

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 11:31 PM PDT


Auto moderator deserves to burn in hell, deleted my post twice because it "is lacking in content" while infact the post has 15 seconds of the greatest fucking content its cybernetic brain has ever seen.

also 2.0 is coming out lets talk about that so we can have some more content to make it happy no? is everyone excited for new ways to appease dumb bots on reddit?

submitted by /u/squiremarcus
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Pro player ''Tricked''AlexTheProG Toughts about armor

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:03 AM PDT

How do i play till 2.0 without loosing more stuff in future?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:01 AM PDT

Ive been a two-year player and i already have all the heroes at least level 5.. A bunch of heroes is level 9, three heroes are lvl 20, 19, and 18.. So the thing is, should i stick to high lvl heroes only until the patch arrives? So i would be missing progress reward? I mean i still want to do at least my dailies.. Geez, im so confused, help appreciated! Edit: sorry for my spelling, english is not my native language.

submitted by /u/Lauredenia
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