Guild Wars 2 - Legendary Armor is Coming Soon! –

Legendary Armor is Coming Soon! –

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 09:01 AM PDT

ANet, do you need to talk?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 02:39 PM PDT

ANet, for a while now your family and I have noticed some of your interests, and they are a bit.. concerning. We've noticed that you like to dress up in trenchcoats, very frequently. Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't express yourself however you like, and by all means please do. But, you have to understand that trenchcoats all the time, even in warmer weather, is something one would not consider normal behavior. I know work can be stressful, and sometimes peer pressure can be overwhelming; but if you ever need to talk, just know the community is here.

Just please, no more trenchcoats.

submitted by /u/ixiduffixi
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To sum this reddit up since Monday

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:36 PM PDT

  • Game is now 10$ cheaper because new expansion is coming soon.
  • New LS episode confirmed as penultimate episode
  • Lazarus' true identity is maybe gonna be revealed, unless the trailer is a cliffhanger (and I bet it is). We all now it's gonna be Scarlet, or Kormir, or both
  • Kasmeer is back with a better less barbie doll look and a new gemstore outfit
  • Legendary armours revealed. Medium armor is as shittier as ever. Charr heavy armored tail new Charr meta.
  • Runes on legendary armor will be swapped with the newly applied one, so same effect should be given to legendary weapons for sigil
  • LI requirements for raiding are gonna drop off lfg. Now must have full legendary armor or gtfo
  • TFW you need Provisioner Tokens to make leg armour
  • You will either complain you can't make legendary armour because you can't raid, or you'll try to convince yourself you don't want to
  • If you buy keys you'll get absolutely nothing from your chests, and we will upvote you
  • If you're in doubt, go north!
submitted by /u/RedRam003
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Heavy Legendary Armor is way too meta for me.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:58 PM PDT

When you finally finish grinding for the legendary armor

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:48 PM PDT

What we really need with Legendary Armor

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 10:50 AM PDT

Charr Heavy Legendary Armor looks familiar

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:10 PM PDT

First time making an expensive weapon in gw2!

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:12 AM PDT

Reminder due to legendary armor coming soon: You can already use the gw2e calculator for it!

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 10:40 AM PDT

What is Your Most Prized Possession?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:03 PM PDT

Hi guys, I'm just curious to know what everyone's most prized possession is. Mine would be my main character's name. I've ran into a guy (now a friend of mine) who shared the same sentiment... His name is 'Ele' :). Mine is 'Mes'. So what is it? An item...? A memory...? Share pictures/videos if possible/applicable!

submitted by /u/mrauls
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What are some stupid nicknames you give in game events?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:58 PM PDT

Like Tequatl = tacotail and FotM = fraggle of the moist

submitted by /u/Darzin
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[Suggestion] Turn Mystic Forge Named Exotics into Ascended Weapons

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:00 AM PDT

Considering the price of mystic coins and additional resources required the least thing Anet could do is to turn them into ascended weapons once they come of the mystic forge. Maybe Even offer a vendor where already made exotics could be exchanged for ascended version.

Now, not all of them are as expensive as Mjölnir for example, so maybe offer this option for weapons that require +30 mystic coins.

It's a real downer when you're going for one of those weapons only to use it as a skin on a superior versions and never use it again. It's like you're being punished by additionally having to craft ascended.

This is a system that hasn't received attention since release and I think this would bring this system back into era of ascended gear.

submitted by /u/Sightless_Prophet
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Legendary weapons development

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:17 AM PDT

As living story season 3 comes to an end in the next few episodes, I was wondering how the xpack will tie in with the development of legendary weapons.

In the current state living story did not provide a "second generation legendary" for each weapon type and adding the remaining types in just 2 patches seems very unlikely to me.

A solution to this problem would be that legendaries now are only introduced with living story updates,even if multiple seasons are necessary to complete the sets.

But are there any official statements on the development for now? Are legendaries tied to living story or does Anet still consider adding them in xpacks?

submitted by /u/TheCheatsrichter
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[Suggestion] Reinvigorate dungeons and use them as tutorials

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:07 PM PDT

I love dungeons. I love Fractals of the Mist. I can appreciate raids and I'm hopeful one day I'll be running those weekly instead of quarterly. I want these three aspects of PvE to coexist and keep us entertained for many years to come.

But what could dungeons provide that Fractals of the Mist already isn't?

  1. The space needed for raid mechanic training outside of raids

  2. General training on game mechanics as the player levels

  3. An alternative way to deliver local story

First let's begin from my first point and move on down.

Nowadays people are adamant on asking for "easy mode raids." People feel left out of the story that raids provide and resort to watching WoodenPotatoes videos on Youtube to get their story dumps rather than experiencing such things themselves. That and they want to play the game and experience these fights in a less strict, more newbie friendly mode to learn the mechanics and ease them into their comfort zones. One can see the few benefits of "easy mode" for raids, but the problem here is much more than hard raids.

This game, Guild Wars 2, has starter tutorial instances. But what do you do in them? You can't even die in them, the mobs all hit hilariously low damage, and if you're super clueless and run straight to the Earth Elemental boss as a human then yeah, that's it! Wow what a nice tutorial that teaches people to dodge, how to use combo fields, and break Break Bars!!! Nah. This game doesn't teach you enough. I mean you're met with cows that want you to dance for them right after that easy Earth Elemental boss fight. You could play all the way to your mid levels without pressing your space bar and figure out how to jump. Without a solid tutorial to teach people, you got the playerbase you have now that doesn't feel comfortable with raids. You have people who QUIT after unpleasant Ascalonian Catacomb runs as a level 35 or people who've never been to a dungeon that don't see themselves ever trying raids.

Does anyone recall playing the MMORPG Blade & Soul? There, you're called into tutorial instances every few levels that take part in dungeons. We have something like that in Guild Wars 2 but they're Story Mode paths dealing with the unification of Destiny's Edge.

Story Modes should all get the Arah treatment of difficulty decrease and teach the leveling player how to play the game. Explorable Modes should all be level 80 to utilize the same stats one would have in a raiding scenario.

  • Cleansing, transferring, and converting conditions
  • Dodging
  • Combo field blasting, projectiles, swirls
  • CC and breaking Break Bars
  • Blocks, reflects
  • Boon usage, corruption, and stacking

All of these things could be taught with the right skill using the Special Skill slot.

The differences between Story Mode and Explorable Mode should be stark and clear. There is no difference between an Honor of the Waves explorable mode path and the story mode path. AC story mode could've taught players how to cleanse conditions from the Kasha Blackblood fight or how to reflect projectiles during the Master Nente fight all at soloable difficulty like what Arah story mode has.

The same could be done for explorable mode dungeon paths using mechanic concepts used in raids. That way it would appease the veteran players with more elaborate boss fights and build new players from the ground up with experience. You could argue that Fractals of the Mists can do this too, but as more fractal islands get added Agony Resistance will start to interfere. The gear requirement for dungeons is as simple as raids-- in fact some raids have been completed in masterwork gear. You can't do that in Fractals of the Mists, FotM is something else entirely in this case and should be treated as a separate part of endgame. Fractals of the Mist shouldn't be developed to teach people how the endgame is straight out of level 80.

The story of raids is another topic.

The developers for Bastion of the Penitent voiced their struggle to lobby for the story that the raid got; closure on what happened to Saul D'Alessio. That if it weren't for that struggle it wouldn't have been about Saul and would've been left to rot deeper into irrelevancy for years to come.

Dungeons don't HAVE to be about the core/expansion story, like raids. FotM story is interdimensional and mysterious with twists and changed factors-- altered realities of "what could have been" or historical events from the past. With a dungeon we could've have story with Ibli and his friend Tizlak and how fierce the Zintl tribe was to their peoples. A hylek dungeon, guys. Maybe not big enough for a raid, not wild enough for FotM, but it could've been great as a HoT dungeon.

submitted by /u/PurifyingRibbon
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New player looking for help with mordremoth fight

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:13 PM PDT

Like the title says im fairly new, last night i got thru the Eir clone and the Canach clone but kept dying to mordremoth just looking for some help to make it go a bit quicker and easier. thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Luewn
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So I'm interrupting my holidays of backpacking through Norway just to post a speculation with a twist about Lazarus and the new teaser

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 01:36 AM PDT

It's all a red herring. Lazarus is still a good guy and actually helping us. He ends or reveals a major threat by dispelling a charade / burning a Mesmer illusion. And it's going to be shocking and will blow everyone's mind.

All these big evil guy shots in the trailer? You fell for it.

Fuck dammit I can't play.

Greetings from the middle of nowhere!

submitted by /u/Quick_FYI
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High Ping and DPS benchmarks

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:43 AM PDT


I wanted to start a bit of community discussion about DPS benchmarks and how achievable they are on high ping, what people do to reach or get close to those benchmarks, optimisations in rotation for high ping and so on.

So a few disclaimers before I start:

  • When talking about high ping, personally I will be talking about in the 230-280 range, which as an Australian player is what I get.

  • I will mostly be talking about elementalist as it is the class I am most familiar with.

  • This isn't just a plee to anet about getting OCE servers as personally I think that the game is perfectly playable even in more challenging content at high ping.

  • This is not some dig at QT and their benchmarks, personally I think they are a great asset to the community and have done some great work.

Moving on to the meat of my discussion. Ever since the last balance patch (The one with the massive meteor shower nerf) I have been unhappy with my DPS on my elementalist. I have spent the past 2-3 week with my good friend the dps golem practicing rotations (for staff elementalist, sc/wh is going to take more practice), videoing and then reviewing footage of myself, optimising skill usage and conjure placement and so on. In the beginning there were leaps and bounds in my DPS numbers I was pulling on the golem. Eventually I plateaued out in my numbers around the 31.8-32k number. Looking over my rotations and consulting QT's benchmark (I have linked the video done by Contam as it is the highest dps for staff ele I can find) but I could not push past that point. I began to believe that it must be due to having high ping causing skill latency and so on. Even coming to this realisation I continued to push that number, trying to find points which were more painful to pull off and replace them with things that may be easier but in the end pull bigger numbers dues to my ping.

In the end I came through with this rotation, this was the best pull using this rotation for a 1 hour stint. I also have a video of the best run after an hour of pulls using qt's rotation just to have a control for my experiment. Both of these hour long runs were done with realistic buffs defined by QT, full ascended with infusions and seaweed salad with toxic sharpening stones. Qt Rotation: 32,773 Own Rotation: 33,539

So I pass my questions on to the community (these mostly go for any class not just elementalist, I am keen to see stuff people have figured out for other classes too):

Am I just a scrub, who just needs to get good and that I am just making excuses?

What optimisations do other people use?

What has been your experience with rotations on a golem?

If you think I have made mistakes in my rotation, if it can be done better some other way, how far can these numbers be pushed?

edit: formatting

submitted by /u/Rika211
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What do you want to see ANet do before we move on to a new expansion?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:24 PM PDT

Legendary Weapons need to finishing shipping. I think that's the biggest one.

Personally, I am surprised that none of Living Story has yet to expand Tarir or Tangled Depths. There is a splotch of unexplored area in the upper left hand part of the map that I heard a lot of people speculation about in game, thinking it was for future content. Tarir also has a lot of closed doors and I remember wandering through wondering when we'd see more. Maybe that was never the plan for Tarir, but the map design somehow felt like it was meant to open up more.

What do you think? What do you think ANet needs to do before an announcement? What would you really, really like to see them do before one?

submitted by /u/wrongkanji
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Is heart of thorns required?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:25 PM PDT

I am a new player, will buying the expansion at its new price help me in any way under lvl 80? If I do buy it, what class would be the most fun pve\solo at instant 80? I feel like I would waste not learning\leveling the class, but could do end game content with friends.

submitted by /u/abelinkon1864
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(idea) New posibility for who the Lazarus is -now with answering all question about him.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 01:12 PM PDT

Ok lets get strait for it - Lazarus is player character we (not some random noble family from DR).

Wait, What? How?

Lets see what lazarus did and more interestingly, what he knew - he has magic of great magic power -whatever you can say about him, he stop the bloostone fen explosion. So what other being we know have problem with too much magic? We have. we even did events to stop getting crazy over it.

Next -Lazarus help at Aurene - how he knew? How he knew not only that aurene is under attack, or that she is even alive, or when and where to come? He just get revived (if it is somehow true lazarus) or if he is any other imposter - except Tanrir people and our group, noone know about aurene existence, not mention she is being actually attacked.

But how we can be lazarus? Its Flashpoint -we geeks know what this is about - we failed, in future we failed and tyria getting no so nice and habitable remodeling. So we do only think we could -return back in time, to help ourself actually winning this time around. By doing it as Lazarus we split White mantle, which lead to they defeat at Lake Doric. By saving Aurene we actuall create future when she can help us.

Even our dear mesmer "No, this cant be" from trailer (or what was her precise phrasing) come with it -yes it cant be - we, the commander, cant be lazarus as such big time travel dont exist on tyria yet.

Crazy? mayby but its all sum up.

Even if this is bullshit (which may be of course) I would love to see this story somewhere like writing :) Like Lazarus never come... Aurene die in Tanrir. Pact/Vigil leader dead at Bloodstone explosion with quite a bit of Tyria, united white mantle taking over DR after battle of lake doric. Shocked, damage and now unfriendly races of tyria go all "everyone-for-himslef". while pact commander, surviver of all horors that are and soon to be, sturgle to get hold of something..only to see failure and destruction of races of tyria. And with last hope and last resort He/She travel back to save it all.... to time when its all go to hell... to change the past so future can exist :)

submitted by /u/Servel85
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Looking for a comprehensive up to date guide for Fractals of the Mist

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:33 AM PDT

I am playing GW2 pretty much since launch but never played fractals that often or serious. After all the recent improvements I wanted to dive into Fractals but feel a little outdated on many systems nowadays. All the guides I found so far are very old, does anyone of you have some basic tips for where to look or how to tackle Fractals in a smart way?

submitted by /u/sephism
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Since it's Guild Wars 1 Nostalgia on the Gemstore, what weapons/armors would you like to see ported over?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:34 AM PDT

For people who have never played Guild Wars, take a peek and see if there's anything you like.


Common Armor

My picks:

submitted by /u/CensorshipOfReddit
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What are some cool non-legendary weapon skins?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 08:01 AM PDT

Reading this post got me thinking. What are some cool non-legendary skins? (No gem store weapons)

submitted by /u/gnoxy84
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Calling All Asura! Ears or no Ears for Legendary Armour?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 01:44 PM PDT

Do you like to see your Asura character with their ears covered or do you prefer to have their greatest asset displayed loud and proud?

Show us your ears if you are in favour of having your ears visible rather than pinned down inside your choice of head gear.

submitted by /u/LadyElyssa
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