Civilization - First time I welcome barbarians into my civilization

First time I welcome barbarians into my civilization

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 11:42 AM PDT

What's the appeal of this game?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:03 AM PDT

Hello reddit, newcomer here!

Hear me out before downvoting or flame me, I'm not bashing the game or this post is'nt a rant, and I can't say this is a bad game because I neevr played one before, but today i'm building a brand new pc and I always heard wonders of this game, but I just don't see why people like it so much, can you guys tell me why it's awesome? and why should I play it?

submitted by /u/michifromcde
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Why I Like Civ VI: Religion

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 10:23 AM PDT

Let's get this out of the way so that I can get on with my usual gushing: Religion in Civilization VI needs some work. Religion just has too many problems with it right now to be competitively viable - which means that, in PvE, the only reason you can use it is because the AI is designed to do so as well. The opportunity cost of building Holy Sites in the early game dramatically outweighs the potential benefits to be gained from religion - but paradoxically, doing so is the only guaranteed way of getting a religion at all. To put into perspective how weak religion is, Kongo outpaces nearly all of the other AI in nine games out of ten, simply because they CAN'T invest in religion at all - in spite of Kongo otherwise being, at best, a B-Tier Civ in terms of their unique benefits.

Now that's out of the way. Those of you who came in here to hear me bash religion may leave now.

In Civilization VI, Religion is one of the (unfortunately) few (for now) ways that the player has to interact with the other AI in ways other than outright war. Sending missionaries and apostles into other parts of the world is a great way to explore the cities of other civilizations, and see what their layouts look like - they act as scouts deep in enemy territory. What's more, they represent a way for you to spread your influence in the diplomatic game. Converting another Civ to your religion - as long as they don't already have one of their own - nets you a nice little diplomatic bonus with them.

The various bonuses that can be gotten through religion are also pretty flavorful and fun. The Follower Bonus that you pick when you first found your religion, in particular, helps me to characterize my Civilization.

The Holy War Casus Belli is a delightfully villainous (in a Lawful Evil sort of way) way to start conflicts, while reducing Warmonger Penalties - and importantly, War and Religion go well together, in both real life and in Civilization. One of the most effective ways in real life that religion has spread is via conquest - whether the conqueror is Ahsoka or Charlemagne - and this remains true in Civilization VI. If you're feeling especially sadistic, you could launch an inquisition, and send inquisitors into your enemy's territory to convert cities as you conquer them, then end the war immediately, and give all your opponent's cities back - now purged of their heathen beliefs. I did this very thing to Phillip II in one of my recent games, and the result was delightful.

Faith is also one of the currencies of the game, along with actual currency, and it can be a surprisingly effective way to play the game. Faith works as a great way to earn great people in the categories in which you have comparatively few great person points, if you don't want to place the relevant districts in abundance. Religion represents a way to augment whatever strategy you're going for, or round out a strategy that is already really lopsided in one direction. And if you happen to go for Theocracy, and haven't spent too much faith on apostles and missionaries yet, your ability to spend your faith amassed so far on Military Units can represent a big mid-game power spike, that is especially attractive to folks who already get a lot of faith (Saladin or Peter), or to people who already hit a big midgame powerspike (Victoria) - or both (Phillip II).

I think my favorite thing about religion has probably got to be Relics. Relics are like the Ninjas of the Northern Wind (which is a reference you won't get unless you played Heroscape back in the day) - they are really cool, but only kinda good. Relics represent some of the most culturally important artifacts in the world - unlike the Great Works of Art, or Writing, these are objects of singular importance to the belief systems of entire people groups. They're objects that are attractive symbols of unity across social boundaries. Mechanically, the tourism bonus that they provide is large enough that if you are generating enough faith, Mont St. Michel's ability could easily grant you as much tourism with its ability as the entire rest of your cultural victory engine - and my favorite memories so far are of the games where I grabbed all sixteen of the relics.

Once again, Religion needs a lot of work. Competitively, it's a joke mechanic. It's the sort of thing that you would only play against other humans if you were already so much better at the game than them that you could afford to be playing with one hand behind your back. But on the other hand, it represents a fun secondary mechanic, either to round out your main strategy, or to augment it even further in an all out bid for supremacy. But it also represents, just like War, an integral part of the human experience. Everyone serves something. Everyone worships something. Call it God, call it reason, call it country, call it the cosmos. Just like humans fight each other over earthly things, they come together over heavenly things - and when we come together about heavenly things, it makes the world a better place for everyone. And even if it's mechanically kinda weak, I think it's pretty great that that's how religion works in Civilization VI too.

submitted by /u/DragonHeretic
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Spearmen vs Tank? How About Warrior vs Giant Death Robot?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:39 PM PDT

Playing cross-platform (Mac-Linux)-- EVERYTHING IS LITERALLY BANANAS (more in comments, please help)

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:53 PM PDT

What are some must have mods for Civ 6?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 09:15 AM PDT

One that I think is very good is the CQUI mod. I'd love to see what your thoughts are and maybe there are some mods which will improve your gameplay experience which you could share.

submitted by /u/tahax283
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How do I get India's bombard off my spaceport?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:06 PM PDT

If I loved Civ, would I love EU4 and all it's DLCs?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:31 PM PDT

Had to share my recent battle

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:39 PM PDT

Emperor, Pangea, standard everything else

Imagine Pangea is a tea kettle. I'm on the spout all alone with plenty of room to grow and develop. Sparta was just below me also on the spout but my early war carts captured two settlers and wiped out many of their units. I wasn't able to take a city but they were essentially crippled. I spent the next 100 turns building and developing. I went to war with her again and took the two cities on either side of her capital but didn't have enough units to take it so we declared peace. She then spread out to the top of the tea kettle but is no threat for anything at this point.

Meanwhile, on the rest of the continent is monty kickin ass, Japan, Russia, France, and Germany doing their thing warring with one another. Monty has a war going with Sparta and I notice he has a couple cavalry and an infantry trying to take the capital that he came in off the ocean with. He's not doing well. It's at this point I notice the rest of his army making its way across the sea to come in and take the capital. So I declare war on Sparta again, take the capital, just in time for Monty and his massive army to be caught half in the ocean and half on a small desert peninsula he has to cross. I roll my destroyer, battleship fleet, and tanks onto the peninsula and declare war. His entire force of multiple infantry armies, artillery corps, cavalry corps are all wiped out at sea or barely onto the beach.

Next stop the capital which is a short jaunt away. I feel like a master war monger.

submitted by /u/Dynamite_Noir
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[Civ 5] My best city to date [NQ Mod]

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:55 PM PDT

I've been playing around with 1 city challenge cultural victory using futurism (+250 tourism with all known civs whenever a cultural great person is born) and france's UA with NQ mod (whenever a guild or a world wonder with great work slots is built in the capital, gain one free cultural great person of the matching type). After doing this several times, I set a personal best victory time of winning on turn 111 after first adopting futurism on turn 105 (quick speed). In this game I had the best city I've ever seen in any game I've played with NQ mod. Just wanted to share and see if anyone has had similar cities, because this seems like a 1/1000 game.

Here's the album, showing the city, the city yields and the culture screen:

My play definitely wasn't perfect, like not improving the 2 deer, and this was only on prince difficulty, but still thought it was pretty neat ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯.

submitted by /u/thedancingpineapple
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Color Palette Mod?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:22 PM PDT

Hey guys,

So I have a love/hate relationship with Civ6, my biggest aesthetic gripe is the color palette. Is there any mod that makes the colors a bit more realistic or mute? As it's, it's kind of got an overtly vibrant "mobile game" palette to it that leaves a sour taste in mouth.

Thanks in advanced.

submitted by /u/Sejuhasz
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Dual monitor, how can I keep Civ6 Steam up and web browser up at the same time?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:16 PM PDT

Hello fellow world rulers, I've lurked here forever and desperately need some help. I'm struggling with being able to access my web browser while still having Civ6 up. When I move over to the other screen Civ minimizes. I've tried -window in Steam and a few programs without any success. I apologize if this isn't the right place, but I honestly can't find any specific suggestions related to trying this with Civ 6 and it's the only game that has this issue for me.

submitted by /u/ChemicalSociety
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Just got the game -- constant desynch (loading screen?) almost every turn with friend online?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:12 PM PDT

:edit: This is Civ 6 by the way.

Is this normal? Both of us have very good computers, he lives a city over from me, and in our first and only game that he hosted, I got thrown to the loading screen on almost every turn until, finally, the game glitched out and neither of us could get a turn anymore. The timer ran out, nothing happened for minutes, and after saving/reloading the game, our games just kept crashing trying to load the saved file.

In multiplayer just... completely broken?

submitted by /u/bluEyedillusion
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Future DLC

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:50 PM PDT

Do we know if there will be DLC released beyond the four that are part of the deluxe edition?

P.S. I'm not talking about the inevitable expansions.

submitted by /u/Arch_Panda
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In the Civ series, do cities have unique designs?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 02:54 PM PDT

For example, would Athens have Acropolis?

submitted by /u/JyoungPNG
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(Civ VI): Regarding Culture, and Music

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:27 PM PDT

I think that the ambient soundtrack should reflect which nations are ahead in Culture. A Civ producing more Culture per turn would be more heard throughout the game. Think about it: why should I be hearing China's theme as I advance into the Atomic Era, if China was destroyed back in the Medieval Era? When a Civilization is wiped out, I think their songs should end too.

submitted by /u/woahtheresailor
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Persia And Macedonia Spanish DLC?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:19 PM PDT


I have recently bought the new dlc's and every interaction with either cyrus or alex is spanish as well the new wonders that come along with them (spanish description)

I bought it normally off of steam...any idea why that is happening?

submitted by /u/sticklip
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What should I know before starting Civ VI?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:16 PM PDT

Hello. A couple of days ago I upgraded my PC and now it's able to run the latest Civ. I am quite experienced with Civilization series, I probably have thousands of hours in Civ II and hundreds in Civ IV and V.

I watched a couple of YouTube videos to get myself familiar with the new game, but some things still elude my understanding, like, for example, what is the best way to balance district creation/tile improvements. So I decided to come here and ask experienced people. Could you please tell me what is the most essential info to start this game well? What are some hidden tricks or hard to spot mechanics? Any info is very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/GooFraN
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Will there ever be an Ingame editor mod?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:38 PM PDT

I meant for Civ VI

submitted by /u/Dragula1998
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Anyone else notice it, or am I just super immature?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:29 PM PDT

Why are there so many balances and "scale with eras" in civ design?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:43 PM PDT

I mean isn't the world unbalanced by nature? I think that too much balance kills the enjoyment or playing and exploring the world. Why techs from era behind gets less expensive when you enter new era?Why districts costs scale with eras? Why techs gets more expensive the more cities you get? Why less advantaged civs gets boost to science just to not fall behind? I mean there are still tribes in Africa or on some islands that live almost in stone age. I think that this gamey balances ruins all the fun tbh.

submitted by /u/civfanatic123
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Game constantly lagging and freezing

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 08:59 AM PDT

I've been trying to power through this but it's just too much. When I play Civ, every other action I take past the classical age will cause a several second long lag spike. And I mean everything I do. Moving units, assigning building orders to cities, creating improvements, changing governments, changing policies. Everything.

I've tried almost everything I can think of. Strategic view doesn't help. Turning off barbarians doesn't help. Turning off city states doesn't help. Turning off mods doesn't help. Turning settings down to reduce graphic/memory load doesn't help. It happens even on small maps with only 2 civs, but obviously gets worse with more. 6 civs or more is basically unplayable for me.

My PC is more than capable of running civ. Neither CPU or memory load ever gets over 50% when I'm playing. For the life of me, I don't understand why I'm getting these ridiculous performance issues.

In Civ 5, the only lag issue I had was that AI turns would take ages in the late game when there were a lot of AI players in the game. In Civ 6, I get this. I really really love this game but jesus christ it's been unplayable lately.

submitted by /u/Ixirar
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