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Leak (via Twitter) - The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Coming To Nintendo Switch!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 04:28 PM PDT

Are these EXP bots?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 09:55 PM PDT

[MEDIA] Been stuck in my mind, since I started the Jester's Festival quests.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 07:21 AM PDT

For a day one player, the crafting bag has felt like the single greatest change that has made me enjoy the game more

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 11:10 AM PDT

I've never really subscribed as the bonuses just didn't really seem worth it to me as I buy the DLC, but I was curious as to what the crafting bag was so I subbed this month. Holy crap, the crafting bag has completely changed my enjoyment of the game. Previously, I used to get frustrated with the game and the inventory management. I also used to get irritated because I felt like the game didn't want me to be able to gather and craft whatever and whenever I wanted. This is now anything but true. I stop at every flower, rock, barrel, crate, urn, etc to stop and gather. I'm leveling all my crafting skills, making gear and progressing in a way that I just didn't feel was possible before. I don't think I can really enjoy the game now without the crafting bag anymore. My only complaint is that it is locked behind the monthly paywall because GW2 does this for free and I really miss that in other MMO's.

submitted by /u/jerseyse410
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I try to report them all but I can't keep up

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:01 AM PDT

Just failed a critical optional quest because another player healed me

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 02:52 PM PDT

I'm doing the "An Unusual Circumstance mission" and was very careful to NOT engage in any combat at all with any wood elves. I stuck up to the guardians and right before I was about to grab the eggs another player just ran in full speed and started attacking them. I did not once attack them or heal him yet he used a healing spell on me and it counted against me. I failed the option to not attack any of the elves.

How does that make any sense? This is the most infuriated I've been at a video game in a long time.

submitted by /u/NerfMePleaze
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Warden Silhouette

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 04:42 AM PDT

[Article] The Dailies Of ESO

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:18 AM PDT

This guy giving free gold and playing music on the mountain top!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 09:56 PM PDT

Gilliam does vMA with bucket and broom

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 05:37 AM PDT

Did he just trip?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:46 AM PDT

Which Class is best for solo PvP?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 09:51 PM PDT

Which Class is best for solo PvP?

Vote on which class you feel is the best for Solo PVP, Open World, Duels, 1v1 and 1vX!

Vote Button Poll Options Current Vote Count
Vote Magicka nightblade 1 Votes
Vote Stamina Nightblade 9 Votes
Vote Magicka Dragonknight 1 Votes
Vote Stamina Dragonknight 3 Votes
Vote Magicka Templar 2 Votes
Vote Stamina Templar 1 Votes
Vote Magicka Sorcerer 15 Votes
Vote Stamina Sorcerer 2 Votes


  • Click Vote to Register Your Vote.

Note: Vote Count in this post will be updated real time with new data.

Make Your Own Poll Here redditpoll.com.

See live vote count here

submitted by /u/HoneyBadger08
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Closing account, free give-away

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 02:52 PM PDT

Hi there

First of all, it's already the 2nd of April here, so that's not some kind of joke.

My PS+ expires on the 7th of April and a big change is about to happen in my life, so I decided to quit gaming as a whole. You've been a great community throughout the last couple of years and I wanted to give something back. There's not much more that I can give than my inventory. Feel free to do with it whatever you like. Sell it, destroy it, gift it to somebody who needs it more, and so on.

Send me your PSN-ID and I'll send you 10 to 50 random items and gold, depending on how much is requested.

Thank you for the great time! Farewell, my friends <3

My inventory is now completely empty. Have a nice day <3

submitted by /u/Katie_Deely
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ThunderKnight [Homestead] by FeaR Turbo [All]

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:57 AM PDT

Whats up guys! Finally got around to updating the build after many test runs in actual raid setting.

Check it out!! Build for homestead https://youtu.be/7Y98OE12wgc

Gameplay current patch: Homestead

ThunderKnight [Homestead] Zhaj'hassa the Forgotten !


Thunderknight [Homestead] Vashai & Skinrai !


Thunderknight [Homestead] Rakkhat HM !


Still practicing myself and I do think 48-49k single is achievable on some of these bosses!!! Moar shardzzz hehe xD

Any questions please ask!!! Working on updating Infernal Moon Magicka sorc pvp adding a new HA dk build adding a tank build and a easy first clear/farming vMA builds (3 set ups) Stay tuned!!

submitted by /u/FeaRTurbo
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Question regarding DLC

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:42 AM PDT

I am planning on buying the Gold Edition of the game. If I'm correct it includes all DLC. Will it also include Morrowind DLC coming out in June?

submitted by /u/mastawitcha
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Crosshair "drifting"

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:39 AM PDT

Whenever i stand still, not even moving my mouse, my crosshair will drift in a random direction, it also often drifts away from people i fight, which makes it pretty hard. any solutions for this? Its making the game pretty much unplayable for me

submitted by /u/BtchImWillis
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[Discussion] What do you think are the three most effective classes/builds in the game right now? (Looking for YOUR opinions + why)

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 05:48 PM PDT

Not asking because I want to make a character like this. No personal stake here. I'm curious about people's opinions and personal experiences and that's why I'm asking, before the Warden drops and the balance changes.

submitted by /u/jmaria94
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[PC][Advice]Playing cp 190 Breton Magicka Sorcerer with Desto+Resto Staves and Light Armor. Can you recommend me some sets?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:03 AM PDT

I want to have 4 sets in 2 groups:

2 armor sets for Destruction Staff skill bar(skills not set in stone but mainly using staff and 2 class abilties for now) and

2 armor sets for Restoration Staff skill bar(skills not set in stone but mainly using staff and 2 class abilities for now)

I also summon Volatile Familiar with Desto and Twilight Matriarch for resto.

Right now I'm wearing Willpower rings and necklace with 5 pieces of Spider Cultist armor set and the rest is Burning Spellweave with respective staves but I'm not using any flame class abilties, since duh. If you want I can post all my skills later when I'm at home and can check.

What I want advice on is 2 sets for when I want to DD and 2 other sets for when I want to heal. Can you recommend me the best Light Armor Sorcerer sets THAT DROP FROM NORMAL DUNGEONS for DD and Heal please? :)

submitted by /u/Slovier
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New Player rolling a DK

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 02:54 AM PDT

Hello everyone I just started playing ESO, I'm leveling a Breton DK with aspirations to tank in end game. So far I've put all my points into health and I've been testing to fill my abilities up so that all of controller buttons have an attack. I'm attempting to lvl Black Smith but I'm only lvl 2 with about 20 Iron Ignots and nothing to craft for some reason (probably just a l2p thing). Does it seem like I'm headed in the right direction, any one have any pointers or resources to point me toward so that I can help my self?

submitted by /u/cypruschill
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Need some advice as a sorcerer in pvp

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 02:43 AM PDT

So I got the game less than a week ago and I'm trying to be a sorcerer healer but in PvP I get my ass kicked by everyone who looks at me and I need a bit of help

submitted by /u/Koty3
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Need some slight help with build

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 07:44 PM PDT

I have a new concept for build and I don't want to spoil it too much yet since it's still in the works but I need help trying to figure out the best ways to generate ultimate/lowering the cost. So I know some armor sets and weapon sets decrease ultimate cost and also help generate ultimate. Are there any abilities that do this as well? Or any food/enchantments? Any help would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/Lilnaz603
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[PS4] Is this game supposed to be really difficult (Level 9)?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 02:04 PM PDT

I'm a level 9 nightblade, and I have a lot of trouble staying alive. Every enemy just drains my health. I don't really know what to do either, so I'm just going through the 'main questline' I think it is? Any tips? I like it so far but wow is it difficult.

If anybody would like to help a new guy out, my PSN is Vaqanci

submitted by /u/327Years
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[PC] Getting game not sure what edition to purchase

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:56 AM PDT

Hello, Ive been wanting to get the game, seems amazing so far. Just wondering what edition of the game should I get? Gold, Tamriel etc? I want the most out of the game! If my friends get just Tamriel, should I get the Tamriel version or is gold worth the extra?

submitted by /u/zptwin3
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Pvp stam Sorc gear question.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:51 AM PDT

Soo i am already running 5xViper 5xHundings 1xSelistrix all medium. Is it a good idea to switch hundings for spriggans for maximize damage? Post yours suggestion. (I dont want use heavy armor)

submitted by /u/Skidero
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