Destiny - Daily Thread - Mentor Monday

Daily Thread - Mentor Monday

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:59 AM PDT

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submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Telesto Orbs count towards AoT records

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:05 AM PDT

I hope our guardians enter into a friend's game like they did in the Destiny reveal gameplay.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 09:30 AM PDT

I always thought the guardians entrance into the friend's game through dropping out of their ship at around 2min into this video was so cool. I hope that is something they bring into Destiny 2.

Edit: gifv version of what I'm talking about, credit to u/Mblim771_Kyle for putting it in this format

submitted by /u/kangaroo497
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390 light Crota killed in one down! [Fastest challenge completion]

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:47 AM PDT - This is the first one down 390 light crota kill as well as being the fastest crota challenge completion.

submitted by /u/xTHEFIZHx
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Raid Loadouts and You: How to optimise your gear to prepare towards the weekly raid - Vault of Glass Edition.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 09:12 AM PDT


Apologies in advance for my English, I'm a native speaker but I only had four hours' sleep and I haven't had a coffee today.

I've noticed since the Weekly Raid was introduced last week that a lot of new or low-Y1-experience Guardians are going in with sub-standard loadouts, which ultimately affect their performance in small but cumulative ways. It leads to a lot of wipes, which can drag the evening out and take away the fun.

This guide is intended for those who are unfamiliar with the raid, or who haven't ever thought about how their gear choices affect their raid performance. This week it's Vault of Glass in preparation for tomorrow! If this proves popular I'll keep them going weekly :) I was gonna do Crota last week but my phone switched off in my pocket in a meeting and I lost the whole thing in draft form. . .

The following is written with the caveat that enemy placement may have changed along with mechanics:

Building the Spire

  • Primary: The main threat at the start of VoG are the yellow bar minotaurs that will rush your zones, called Praetorians. Vex suffer additional damage from Explosive Rounds, and Hand Cannons deliver the biggest ER punch of all the primary types. Thus, I'd recommend using a Hand Cannon with Explosive Rounds - your holy grail here is a Word of Crota (Adept), which pairs Explosive Rounds with Void damage, slapping a world of hurt on the Praetorians' shields. I wouldn't worry about a primary taking up your exotic slot at this stage, as there are no bosses to DPS.

Avoid: anything with a low clip, such as low-RoF pulse rifles, unless your reload speed is above par with perks and gear. You want to be stripping Praetorians of their shields, and low clip sizes are a liability in that regard.

  • Secondary As above, the main threat are those pesky yellow bars. I'd recommend a high-RoF Shotgun with Full Auto for this section (and indeed the first half of the raid). Something between The Comedian and the Proud Spire will do, bonus points if it comes with Void. Personally I use my OG Y2 Burden of Proof XI for VoG, as it has high range and a stupid good rate of fire. If you lack a decent shotty, then a fast-charging Void Fusion Rifle will assist you in laying down some close-range DPS on those big fellas.

Avoid: Sniper Rifles. There isn't any siginificant ranged threat here that your primary can't take care of, and there are no bosses to use them on.

  • Heavy: As above, you need something to take down big targets, fast. If your exotic slot isn't taken up already, you can't go wrong with Razelighter or Dark Drinker. If not, then Void Machine Guns should be your go-to. I use The Variable, a Y2 mid-high RoF MG from Future War Cult.

Avoid: Rocket Launchers. Mobs will get wayyyy too close to comfort, and you don't want to risk blowing yourself up.


  • Primary: As above, your only real threat here will be ground troop Vex. An Explosive Rounds HC will be your best friend - bonus points for Firefly or Army of One, as those perks will assist with the general cleanup. If you're defending the Left Conflux, you might want to consider using a Scout Rifle, as you'll have a long-range direct line of sight on a Vex spawn point. I'll be using my Word of Crota (Adept) for this stage, and sticking my butt on the right hand Conflux.

Avoid: as before, anything with a low clip size that doesn't make up for it elsewhere. You don't want to be stuck reloading whilst a Minotaur sacrifices itself to the Conflux. Pulse Rifles can also be a liability when facing Hobgoblins, as you won't realise the full damage potential of your first trigger pull, and in any case all three (or four) shots won't hit the teensy crit spot.

  • Secondary: As before, a good, fast, Void Shotgun will help you make the most of your green bricks, as you will be encountering a lot of enemies at close range.

Avoid: Sniper Rifles, as before, unless you're a wizard with snap-shotting Hobgoblins on the left Conflux.

  • Heavy: As before, you'll want your heavy to help you take out the tankier Vex targets. Razelighter, Darkdrinker, Void MG's, anything that will make it easer to rapidly burn down minotaurs. If you're on the middle Conflux, you might want to consider running Gjallarhorn, especially if you're a Defender Titan with orbs on heavy kills selected, or a Hunter running Skyburner's Annex. You can generate a heck of a lot of orbs for your team this way. More supers = less stupid deaths = higher chance of success.

Avoid: Nothing, really. If you're on the right Conflux I really wouldn't run a Rocket Launcher, but that's just me.


  • Primary: This is where things change up a bit. Hobgoblins will be spawning periodically on the edges of the arena, meaning you'll serve your team admirably by equipping a Scout Rifle that can disrupt or decapitate the buggars. At the same time, you need to be considering your ability to burn down the Oracles as quickly as possible - for this purpose I would recommend a high-RoF auto-rifle such as Arminius-D, Doctrine of Passing or Atheon's Epliogue once we start grabbing them. Testing has shown that these weapons, short of using a heavy alternative, down them the fastest. An Atheon's Epilogie (Adept) will be my best friend once I get one as the Void damage really helps you with minotaurs to boot. Whether you go for long or range Primaries will depend on where you think your Secondary or Heavy priorities are.

  • Secondary: if you're going for an auto rifle in your Primary slot, I'd recommend selecting a decent sniper rifle that can reload snappily, and one-shot Hobgoblins. I have high hopes for a Y3 Praedyth's Revenge, but until then I'll be using a Void Ex Machina because I'm a PvE scrub. If you've got long range covered with your Primary, definitely consider a Full-Auto shotgun - Found Verdict will be ideal in this slot; I haven't recommended it yet because it deals Arc damage, and is sub-par against minotaur shields. Against Oracles though, it helps immensely.

Avoid: Fusion Rifles, because why would you do that to your team.

  • Heavy: some people would recommend Super Good Advice for this section, as it will pump rounds non-stop into Oracles and burn them down reasonably quickly. Personally I avoid the damn thing, because it needlessly takes up an Exotic slot which you could spend elsewhere - if I see ANYBODY with access to an Atheon's Epilogue (Adept) using SGA, I'll be so, so sad. I may cry. Your legendary Primary or Secondary will be your greatest asset for Oracles - save the exotic slot for something like an elemental Primary, or, as above, using Gjallarhorn to generate a million, million orbs of light from the Fanatics which spawn in the middle between rounds. Heck, if you're worried about Oracles still then use Sleeper Simulant, as it (currently) one-shots them provided you're fast enough.

Avoid: swords. You don't want to use these against Fanatics. . . Data has said that Hand Cannons deal sub-par damage to Oracles (although I suppose that hasn't stopped me recommending them in the next section).


  • Primary: anything that helps against Harpies and other vex at close range. I'd fall back on your Hand Cannons at this point, as they're snappy and will hopefully one-shot and / or stagger many of the Vex clustering about. You might find your auto rifles effective here, as you'll be needing to take down Oracles with some alacrity.

Avoid: Pulse Rifles. DPS'ing the boss with your Chaos Dogma like an idiot. Exotic primaries.

  • Secondary: If you don't own a Sleeper Simulant, use Black Spindle all the way. If one or both are lacking, make sure you have a decent PvE sniper rifle such as Thousand-Yard-Stare with Triple Tap and / or Casket Mag, Spray n Play etc. Your secondary's role will be to DPS the boss. A member of your team may consider rocking a shotgun to help clear the mobs around the main group.

Avoid: fusion rifles. Generally shotguns, although see the last point.

  • Heavy: Sleeper Simulant will allow you the highest DPS against the Templar, and allows you to take potshots from behind cover - something that becomes a liability with Black Spindle as an alternative, which requires uninterruped line-of-sight. It will also allow you to burn down Oracles fast. If you're lame, you can consider using Gjallarhorn, but just be aware that you're letting down your team DPS-wise (and you also run the risk of blowing yourself up when a Harpy / Containment Field gets in the way). If your exotic slot is taken up with Spindle, consider either an MG like Quillim's Terminus, or an exotic sword to take some of the pressure off your team whilst waiting for the relic to charge.

Avoid: Rocket Launchers. Seriously. If I see one more person blowing themselves up in a Containment Field, I swear to Batman. . .

Gorgons' Labyrinth

This is reasonably straightforward. If you're burning down Gorgons then use Sleepers, Swords and Gjallys, with Snipers and Shotguns to help lay the hurt when you run out of ammo. Your Primary is a triviality in this section.


  • Primary: refer to the above sections on dealing with footsoldier Vex - you'll want something punchy that won't let you down. Explosive Rounds and Army of One are great perks for this section, as you'll be loosing many a grenade and fighting many a minotaur.

Avoid: Exotic weapons; your exotic slot should be taken up with better weapons elsewhere, so don't even think about it. Pulse Rifles. Honestly. They just weren't made for this raid. . .

  • Secondary: This one is up to you. You'll find that in the final part of this encounter you'll be up close and personal with yellow bar minotaurs, so consider a fast Shotgun as above. Alternatively if you're worried that your DPS against the Gatekeepers might suffer, use a PvE-oriented Sniper Rifle as above.

Avoid: fusion rifles, exotic weapons unless you're more comfortable with Black Spindle over Gjally or Sleeper.

  • Heavy: you'll be wanting to lay down the hurt on the Gatekeepers, so I really, really, highly reccomend Sleeper Simulant. Back in the Lvl 32 version of the raid at 400 Light, it would take two Sleeper shots to down the Gatekeeper. Obviously we're not expecting that this time around, but be aware that it really is the most bang for your buck exotic-wise. If you don't have it or if you're an ignorant shit, use Gjallarhorn. If you don't have either, revert to a good Void MG for the last section with a Sniper Rifle on hand for DPS.

Avoid: Rocket Launchers. Things that aren't Sleeper Simulant.


  • Primary: as above, high-RoF auto rifles will assist you with taking out the Oracles in good time, and they happen to be very handy when fighting Supplicants close-range.

Avoid: Hand Cannons, for aforementioned reasons. No Land Beyond (and other exotic primaries in general).

  • Secondary: you'll be wanting a very good Sniper Rifle to back you up for when your Heavy expires. Black Spindle is a great option if you don't have good exotic heavies. Otherwise, a good Sniper with Triple Tap etc.

Avoid: Shotguns, Fusion Rifles - they just aren't useful for DPS.

  • Heavy: Sleeper Simulant is, of course, the Holy Grail. It was the only thing that could extremely consistently one-phase Atheon back in Year 2 other than an entire team of Celestial Nighthawks. I'd avoid Gjallarhorn as you will just blow yourself up like an idiot on the relic shield, unless your relic holder is smart enough to face away from Atheon (hot tip: they aren't), meaning that you'll be jump shotting and your rockets-per-second will be too low to take advantage of Gjally's primary strengths. See above musings on Super Good Advice - sure, use it for the Oracles but be aware that you are letting your team down to the max by not equipping something that can DPS Atheon. Your Sleeper Sim or Primary should be enough to get you past the Oracles, and if they're not then you need to have a serious word with the rest of your team as to why they aren't also shooting the Oracles.

Avoid: Super Good Advice, swords, rocket launchers in general.

That's all folks! Hopefully this is of some use to somebody. Constructive criticism is welcome, and do leave your own loadout tips below if you disagree with any of mine :)


submitted by /u/juliet_lima
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/r/Place is done. Great work everyone who helped build /r/DTG's little portion and defended it from the darkness!

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:10 AM PDT

Also, I think I won:

See you in the Tower, Guardians!


Edit: thanks /y/GFunkYo for a beautiful complete image

submitted by /u/TessEveris
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All I want in D2 is for you to never, ever, pull me out of my menu.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 05:24 PM PDT



submitted by /u/Killtrend
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Massive Breakdown of Vault of Glass Raid Weapons

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:02 AM PDT

Several things to note:

  • Classes are broken down into Impact sub-classes.

  • All Times-to-Kill are assuming Guardian has 200hp (max armor not including the effects of Max Armor Titans or Warlocks with The Ram).

  • All Pros and Cons are determined by comparing weapons within the same class, not by all weapons in general, and not by only the weapons within the archetype. If you would like a different or more specific comparison than what I have listed, feel free to ask and I can provide one in the comments.

Pulse Rifle

Very Low-Impact

Praedyth's Timepiece - Arc Adept

Pros - Very high aim assist. High mag size.

Neutral - Average stability.

Cons - Very low range, reload speed, and recoil direction.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.87s (3 bursts, 8 crit 1 body), 1.47s (4.33 bursts, 13 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 77
  • Impact: 4 (23 damage per crit shot, 16 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 25
  • Stability: 64
  • Reload Speed: 54
  • Mag Size: 30
  • Aim Assist: 84
  • Recoil Direction: 55

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Red Dot-OAS
  • Column 2 - Headseeker
  • Column 3 - Perfect Balance
  • Column 4 - Secret Round (don't upgrade this node!)

The second member of the very low impact class of pulse rifles brought back with Age of Triumph, Praedyth's Timepiece shares many of the same faults and benefits as the Oversoul Edict. Low recoil direction, reload speed, and range are offset by high mag size and very high aim assist, and in this case decent stability. Once again escaping the mag size nerf to the popular weapons in this archetype, it still was hit with the burst delay and flinch nerfs, which pushed it out of competition for the best PvP weapon class. Although for VoG the raid weapons did not lose a perk slot for a raid centric option, in PT case it might as well have. It's very nearly a god-roll, with Red Dot-OAS, Headseeker, and Perfect Balance in the first three columns, but then in the last column we have one of the worst PvP perks in existence: Secret Round. Basically what this perk does is, if you miss any bullet in the burst, it fires a fourth one at the end. What this means in normal gameplay is that you miss your burst or part of it, and then have to wait an extra two frames before you can fire again, since the gun is basically wasting an extra round for you. The only times this has ever helped me in PvP were when I somehow missed the first shot of a burst but then hit the next three, and realistically most of the time it just threw off my timing and accuracy. When I get this weapon I will not be upgrading the final node, and I recommend you do the same, because other than that it's a very good weapon.

Hand Cannon


Fatebringer - Arc Adept

Pros - High recoil direction and range. Very high mag size.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Low stability and reload speed. Below average aim assist. Very low equip speed.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.87s (1 crit and 2 body shot), 1.30s (4 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 22
  • Impact: 81 (86 damage per crit shot, 57 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 40
  • Stability: 32
  • Reload Speed: 33
  • Mag Size: 12
  • Aim Assist: 61
  • Equip Speed: 36
  • Recoil Direction: 95

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - SureShot IS
  • Column 2 - Firefly
  • Column 3 - Single Point Sling or Explosive Rounds
  • Column 4 - Outlaw

Perhaps one of the most famous weapons in Destiny's history, the Fatebringer has long been considered the premiere hand cannon for PvE players, even if it's subpar for PvP due to the lack of range perks. High mag size and one of the best perk combinations in the game help this weapon excel at minion clean-up, which is where Fatebringer has earned its reputation. With SureShot IS as the best sight option, and Firefly and Outlaw working in tandem to provide explosions and fast reloads, most players will find red-bar enemies melting away in no time. In the middle column we do have a choice, however. Single Point Sling is very nice for the boost to the low equip speed, but some people like Explosive Rounds to double up on the fiery capabilities and for the bonus damage. There is a problem with choosing Explosive Rounds, though. If an enemy is killed by the blast from ER, then neither Firefly nor Outlaw will activate, which makes it a little annoying to run both at once. As such, if you don't mind the interference and just want to bonus effects of ER go ahead and use it, but some players who want their headshot explosions, faster equip speed, and reload speed may want to choose SPS.

Scout Rifle


Vision of Confluence - Solar Adept

Pros - Very high stability. High mag size and aim assist. Above average reload speed.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Low range.

  • Time-to-Kill: 1.00s (2 crit shots and 2 body shots), 1.33s (5 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 37
  • Impact: 48 (61 damage per crit shot, 41 per body shot)
  • Range: 59
  • Stability: 57
  • Reload Speed: 64
  • Mag Size: 19
  • Aim Assist: 69

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - SureShot IS
  • Column 2 - Full Auto
  • Column 3 - Perfect Balance
  • Column 4 - Zen Moment

Although the archetype itself isn't powerful in high level PvP due to the slow time-to-kill, this is probably one of the best feeling guns in the game. For both PvE and casual PvP, I don't know if there are many weapons that are as enjoyable to play with as the VoC, and I feel like it's one of the best guns to showcase the smooth gameplay feel that Destiny is famous for. Although the range is low for a scout, everything else about the weapon is a positive. Fast reload speed, large mag size, and great stability and aim assistance make this gun arguably the best in its archetype. The roll is exceptional as well, with SureShot IS boosting the aim assist and providing an open sight picture for engagements at most ranges, Full Auto making sure you're going to be hitting shots as quickly as possible, and Perfect Balance and Zen Moment promising you laser like accuracy with almost no recoil. I really can't recommend this gun enough for casual 6v6 matches on large maps and almost all PvE activities.

Auto Rifle


Atheon's Epilogue - Void Adept

Pros - High reload speed. Very high mag size and aim assist.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Very low range and stability. Low recoil direction.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.87s (13 crit shots 1 body), 1.07s (17 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 100
  • Impact: 2 (15 damage per crit shot, 12 per body shot)
  • Range: 15
  • Stability: 34
  • Reload Speed: 70
  • Mag Size: 60
  • Aim Assist: 82
  • Recoil Direction: 56

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Your choice of sight
  • Column 2 - Persistence
  • Column 3 - Perfect Balance
  • Column 4 - Glass Half Full

One of the few Vault of Glass weapons that really doesn't live up to its potential, Atheon's Epilogue's claim to fame was simply making it possible for the common Destiny player to attempt the Thorn Bounty in Year 1. Unfortunately, it's a relic of a bygone era when 100/2 ARs almost never had two stability perks (Counterbalance and Braced Frame or Perfect Balance) and as such the recoil pattern is quite difficult to control. Persistence helps a small bit with accuracy, and the jump in damage from Glass Half Full is small but noticeable, but overall the gun just doesn't have what it needs to compete with the new crop of DoP, Arminius, and Soulstealers Claw. As far as sights go, normally I'd suggest TrueSight for the boost to aim assist, but AE already has high aim assist and you really need more zoom than it provides you, so just feel out which of the other two you like best.

Sniper Rifle


Praedyth's Revenge

Pros - Fast body shot Time-to-Kill. Can Revive Snipe. Very high stability. High reload speed and inventory.

Neutral - Average mag size.

Cons - Can't kill most Supered Enemies with 1 crit shot. Low range. Very low aim assist. Below average equip speed.

  • Body Shot Time-to-Kill: 0.53s (2 hits)
  • Rate of Fire: 37
  • Impact: 16 (267 damage per crit shot, 107 per body shot)
  • Range: 66
  • Stability: 79
  • Reload Speed: 71
  • Mag Size: 4
  • Aim Assist: 20
  • Inventory: 52
  • Equip Speed: 49

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Ambush SLH25
  • Column 2 - Firefly
  • Column 3 - Field Scout or Quickdraw
  • Column 4 - Feeding Frenzy

Part of the Glass Promontory archetype, this weapon can be a fantastic tool in any playlist where revives are enabled. It offers the fastest two-tap body shot of all snipers that can still revive snipe, and comes with the excellent Ambush scope and Quickdraw perk. These things combine to make it a wonderful tool for the sniper looking for to get in and get out as opposed to hard-scoping. Firefly and Feeding Frenzy aren't the most useful of the perks, but they're good enough for PvP. In terms of stats, the gun struggles a lot with aim assist, but its stability and inventory are both fantastic.



Found Verdict

Pros - High range, max range, and reload speed. Very high mag size. Above average inventory.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Very low stability and equip speed. Low aim assist.

  • Time Between Shots: 1.03s (Full Auto decreases this)
  • Rate of Fire: 14
  • Impact: 61 (20 per pellet, 240 total)
  • Range: 18
  • Max Range: 32
  • Stability: 13
  • Reload Speed: 40
  • Mag Size: 6
  • Aim Assist: 36
  • Equip Speed: 31
  • Inventory: 40

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Aggressive Ballistics
  • Column 2 - Full Auto
  • Column 3 - Send It
  • Column 4 - Final Round

What used to be one of the most powerful shotguns in the game has been mostly relegated to a slightly more niche status, thanks in part to a surplus of easy to acquire max range and impact weapons. However, there's still something to be said for the combination of Aggressive Ballistics, Send It, and Full Auto, which lends itself to a very enjoyable playstyle in both PvE and PvP. The weapon won't deal quite as much damage as a perfectly rolled Matador or Party Crasher, nor will it have as tight of a spread, but thanks to Full Auto it will shoot much faster, with only a minimal penalty to accuracy. A high mag size helps out too, and fast reload speed makes using Final Round a bit less of a gamble, but the gun's poor equip speed and aim assist hurt it a bit.

Fusion Rifle

High-Impact (90-100)

Praetorian Foil

Pros - Very high Impact. High Range.

Neutral - Average mag size.

Cons - Low Aim Assist, Reload Speed, and Stability. Very low Charge Rate.

  • Charge Rate: 12
  • Impact: 97 (50 damage per bolt, 4 bolts to kill)
  • Range: 47
  • Stability: 33
  • Reload Speed: 55
  • Mag Size: 5
  • Aim Assist: 36

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - TrueSight IS or Red Dot-ORES
  • Column 2 - Glass Half Full
  • Column 3 - Perfect Balance or Send It
  • Column 4 - Reactive Reload

That face when I realize this gun is basically a carbon copy clone of the Darkblade's Spite in terms of stats. Fortunately that means it's a heavy hitting 4 bolt killer, unfortunately that means the aim assist, charge rate, and stability are atrocious. In terms of perks it actually has a very nice set, with two sights that I like in TrueSight and ORES, as well as the choice between Perfect Balance or Send It. Send It is generally recommended for those users who are comfortable manually controlling the bolt spread of fusions, while Perfect Balance is better for less experienced players. In the second column we get Glass Half Full, which is an interesting, but mostly useless perk on a fusion, and then Reactive Reload in the last slot which is pretty helpful. Long considered one of the rarest guns in the game, I'm definitely looking forward to giving it a spin.

Rocket Launcher


Hezen Vengeance

Pros - Very high blast radius. High inventory. Above average velocity.

Neutral - Average reload speed.

Cons - Very slow RoF.

  • Rate of Fire: 11
  • Blast Radius: 68
  • Velocity: 72
  • Reload Speed: 71
  • Mag Size: 2
  • Inventory: 20

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Hard Launch
  • Column 2 - Tripod
  • Column 3 - Javelin
  • Column 4 - MIRV Mini

One of the rocket launcher's I'll be trying very hard to get the Hezen Vengeance has a near perfect roll on a near perfect PvP platform. Very high blast radius and the ability to massively boost velocity almost to match, combined with guaranteed Tripod makes this launcher exactly one slot away from being perfect. Unfortunately it doesn't come with Grenades and Horseshoes, but it has probably the next best option with MIRV Mini, a one off variant of Cluster Bombs. Moral of the story is, if you've been looking for a launcher to replace Truth, and you don't mind treating them like Halo's launcher and aiming at walls, the ground, or direct hits, then this may be the weapon for you.

Machine Gun

Low-Impact - Barrel Perks which increase Impact have no effect on TtK, but Soft Ballistics can increase the body TtK to 0.70s (8 body shots).

Corrective Measure

Pros - Above average reload speed. High mag size.

Neutral - Average aim assist and recoil direction.

Cons - Below average range and inventory size. Low stability.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.50s (4 crit 2 body shots), 0.60s (7 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 88
  • Impact: 29 (37 damage per crit shot, 29 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 18
  • Stability: 38
  • Reload Speed: 39
  • Mag Size: 58
  • Aim Assist: 59
  • Inventory: 20
  • Recoil Direction: 71

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Accurized Ballistics
  • Column 2 - Persistence
  • Column 3 - Field Scout or Perfect Balance
  • Column 4 - Surplus

While stat-wise this gun isn't the king of the court, it does offer the perk perfect combination for the ammo-savvy consumer: Field Scout and Surplus. I'm not sure I would recommend this gun in PvP, simply because there are so many other options with better stats and more useful perks, but in PvE I'm not sure it can be beat. The mag size is large enough to put a steady stream of lead downrange, and the reload speed is fast enough to mean you won't be out of the fight for long when you do need to reload. Average aim assist and recoil direction don't stand out, but they won't hinder you at least. Truthfully, the only part of this gun that will be fighting you is the stability, and if you choose to run heavy or MG ammo armor perks you can bypass Field Scout and use Perfect Balance instead.

submitted by /u/Mercules904
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Transversive Steps work in the Abyss for faster movement speed while crouching, negating the Weight of Darkness multiplier.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 09:51 AM PDT

Please for the love of the Traveller don't let there be a random Sprint Cooldown/Lockout in Destiny 2.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 10:22 AM PDT

At least in most others games you have an idea when you are gonna run out of Sprinting abilities. In Destiny 1 it seems random as fuck and I haven't come across a single player in 30+ months that thinks this a beneficial or worthwhile feature -_-

submitted by /u/GenericDreadHead
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Assuming Xur survives in Destiny 2, there's one thing he must do

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:07 PM PDT

There needs to be an Omolon exotic gun called the Perseii-8.



submitted by /u/daftvalkyrie
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Coming in the top 3 players in Rumble counts as a match win for the AoT record book

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:35 AM PDT

Last night I was playing Rumble for the 10k points part on the record books crucible page. I came 2nd, 2nd and 3rd in the matches I played, but noticed the section for getting 30 wins was still going up.

I've put this as SGA because if you're a decent PVPer, you can get the 30 wins done without having to rely on randoms if you're solo queuing. Also, there's less pressure to come first in Rumble. I was able to easily complete the 30 wins by just doing alright.

submitted by /u/Zero_Emerald
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A quick and Easy way to tell if Knuckles of Eao have worked.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:08 AM PDT

Hey Guys.

I noticed with my raid group over the weekend we weren't sure if we were receiving extra loot. We soon found out that if the double rewards have been granted. In the rewards feed it will say:

Playername has their wish granted

I dont have any recordings but if anyone out there has a clip of this feel free to share it.

EDIT: Big Thanks to u/Jxckus for an ingame screenshot of this

submitted by /u/ATypicalFruit
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Pictorial guide to the new Oracle spawn order in Templar's Well

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:03 AM PDT

Hey everyone - after stumbling around the updated VoG in preparation for the raid goodness on Tuesday, I ended up putting a quick series of guides together for my clan-mates.

I thought I'd post them here in case anyone else might find them useful! The spawn order info comes from this great post by u/3nippledman.

Here you you - and hopefully someone finds it useful!

Oracle spawn order guide

submitted by /u/CapnAverage
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Bungie: Friendly reminder that you forgot to disable "Join-in-progress" for Rumble matches.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:02 AM PDT

As a dedicated Rumble player, in update 2.6.0 I was ecstatic when I saw this:

Disabled Join-in-Progress for Rumble playlists if any player has at least 100 points

You can imagine my frustration when one of my first rumble matches was - you guessed - joined in progress and the leader already had 2,000 points. After this, probably 1 in 5 games was a JIP where I had absolutely no hope.

Is there any chance there will be another hot fix coming soon to address this? I understand the dwindling PvP community isn't Bungie's primary focus at the moment, but it would be nice to have a feature that was promised to us with the update.

PS. Remove Rumble heavy! It's not a fair mechanic as there will never be more than 33% of a given lobby that can reap the yuge benefit that is heavy ammo. Sad!

submitted by /u/SgtHondo
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Want Destiny 2 on Xbox Play Anywhere? Let Microsoft know! (Xbox Survey Link inside)

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 11:11 AM PDT

Microsoft has Monthly surveys for rewards members and this months theme is Play Anywhere.

At the end of the survey, if you'd like to see D2 join the program (be it a long shot or otherwise) now is one of our first chances to have this heard officially.

submitted by /u/TR_Ollington
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Found the perfect use for my "gaming PC"

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:13 AM PDT

Just built this PC and got a monitor stand that allows it to swing out when not in use, makes transitioning from gaming chair to "couch" a lot simpler. ME:A was a little bit of a let down for me, so I find myself playing the PS4 more(Nioh and Destiny).

submitted by /u/phxtravis
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All I want in Destiny 2 is a Poncho for my hunter...

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 10:24 PM PDT

...For the inner gunslinger in me.


submitted by /u/CryptikDragon
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We took down a Hive God who's been conquering worlds for countless eons less than 3 years ago. You mean to tell me we got invaded by a bunch of space turtles?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:48 PM PDT

Let me start off by saying I'm extremely hyped for Destiny 2, as I'm sure we all are. Still, I kinda got this feeling before and during Rise of Iron, but it really solidified when I watched the trailer.

To put it bluntly, Oryx felt so massively powerful that he dwarfs the vast majority of potential enemies. I'm inclined to agree with arguments that say Bungie should've saved him for a Y5 or a Y7 villain and actually did a disservice to him and to any future main enemies by writing him in so early in our Guardian career. Narratively, anything less than slaying a Godlike being would feel like a step back. How can we take an enemy like Gary seriously when the guy we murdered back in 2015 (before we got even more SIVA-enhanced weaponry) could flick him across the universe.

It's Supernatural syndrome. If you watch the show, you'll know that the two demon-hunting brothers would slay some extremely powerful mythological/theological/abstract entities in a season finale, but six months later during the next season's premiere they'd get embarrassed by a common vampire.

I've read about how the Cabal somehow cut us off from the Traveler's light, which is a cool way to get around how powerful we currently are and frankly, how little most of the Cabal have scared us so far. Personally, I can't wait to see how Bungie deals with all these moving parts, especially with how they'll make Gary as threatening as Oryx.

submitted by /u/Kallen00
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A Guardian’s Field Guide on Ahamkara

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:19 AM PDT

The Ahamkara

The Ahamkara (or Wish Dragons as they were also known) were great beasts, that granted wishes for a price. A Notable Ahamkara would be Eao, who is an Ahamkara prominent for Guardians, whether they know it or not. Hunters fashioned boots from his bones that allow them to manipulate their gravity, and it is said that with his knuckles, you can have your wishes granted if your wish is for more loot that is.

The Consensus decided the Ahamkara were to be made extinct, despite the power the city had obtained thanks to them. It was decided their bargains were far too dangerous, and Guardians would seek them out nonetheless, and thus the Great Ahamkara Hunt began. And so, the Ahamkara became extinct, their solipsistic presence deleted, and their grand design broken. But some believe they still live to this day, oh reader mine.

The Hallucinogenic and Parasitic effect of Ahamkara Bones

It is said that Ahamkara bones may produce auditory hallucinations, and may even take control of a host's will at a time. It is said that a Warlock once challenged a Hunter to kill an Ahamkara, but not by her own will. The warlock doesn't know why she challenged the hunter, only said that she felt pride at that moment and that the challenge felt right. Although, the Hunter did succeed, and brought back an Ahamkara Scale to show for it. Some Guardians claim that the knuckles of an Ahamkara whisper of Boons to be granted, but that they must pay in time, perhaps a threat from the Ahamkara?

Some warlock that has been influenced say the claws make them see life, and want it to burn, others say they want to devour reality itself. They claim these thoughts come to them, with a whisper of "Oh bearer mine". Some Hunters hold the philosophy that coating the bones in silver helps quiet the auditory hallucinations, others don't believe so, oh reader mine. One warlock even noted that all he could dream of when he donned a robe infused with ahamkara bones was teeth, just, teeth. A Hunter also claimed once that his gauntlets told him to fill the world with teeth. Who knew wish dragons would have such an obsession with teeth?

The so-called "Extinction" of Ahamkara

The hunters who fashioned the boots claimed the bones told them to Defy Extinction, that with the power of the Ahamkara such a thing was possible, and then told me that those who doubt the existence of dragons are always the first devoured. Makes you wonder, was the Great Ahamkara Hunt genuinely successful? One Hunter even told me he knew a fellow that said he saw a wish dragon on Jupiter some ways back. A Titan once told me how found some scales, and all he could hear for a day was a shouted whisper, saying "WE STAND UPON OUR OWN UNENDING DEATHS". So Perhaps the Ahamkara are not extinct? Perhaps they will return to take vengeance? Or Perhaps they will continue to help us? Nobody knows but I assure you that we will soon find out, Oh Reader Mine…

Man, I should really take this pen back, this Ahamkara scaled handle is really cool but I keep getting these weird thoughts, and hearing voices… I'm sure it's nothing…

submitted by /u/Uberwolf_
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Crazy ricochet headshot snipe, off the ground.... while falling.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:07 AM PDT

Happened while playing ToO today, I don't even know....



Weapon: Ice Breaker

submitted by /u/drocm
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For those who want a quick way to get melee kills for the AoT book, go run "the Sword of Crota" mission.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 11:09 AM PDT

I've found that the Hive sword kills count as melee kills in the book, and that specific mission really racks them up.

Just a heads up, I did a search prior to posting this just to make sure it wasn't already posted.

submitted by /u/Dezmodromic
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Random Raid. A guide to lfg

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:38 AM PDT

Hello fellow guardians,

A guide like this might have been posted before. But there are a lot of people raiding again, so here are a few experiences I had as I navigate trough the rough seas of LFG. (This is for the lfg sites, not fireteams or destinysherpa which offer a better experience)

Part one: The murky waters of lfg posts.

You just left the harbor, and the first thing you see is a brown soup, only giving a glimpse of what is underneath. The following list of posts can help you hire a crew or set up a post:

  • 1."fast run, ridiculous requirement" : This guy knows what he is doing, lets invite! WRONG! A shallow reef is underneath, avoid at al costs. This is a person who gets annoyed quickly, undermining the speed and succesfullness of the operation.

  • 2."First run / never raided before" These guys are basically anchors you have to drag along (No disrespect, I've been an anchor too, it's just a suitable figure of speech). If you are an experienced captain, you can take 1 or 2 along, if you are a mighty sherpa, you can take 5 and I applaud you sir, I applaud. If you are a shipmate, than you have nothing to say and you should be scrubbing the floor. SCRUB I said! The speed at which the anchor is lifted, depends on the anchor AND the captain. These posts are better suited for the destinysherpa subreddit.

  • 3."Acronyms, short post" Generally knows what he is doing, doesn't complain, HIRE.

  • 4."epxreciend, cna ldoh ish wno. " The drunk, might be fun fun at first, but wo days in and all the rum is gone, is frequently sleeping on the job. Don't expect him to do anything usefull.

  • 5."Chill" Well... chill. Hire depending on the rest of the post.

  • 6."Can sherpa" Chill dude can be at the helm, at the sail, at the canons or in the gally. HIRE immediately, try to abduct if necessary.

  • 7."Know mechanics" Can go either way, hire at your own discretion.

  • 8."bla, bla, bla, good joke, bla, bla" HIRE. Even if he sucks balls, you'll have a good time.

  • 9.Contradictory post like "chill, fast run." A seagull in parrots' feathers. Avoid

Part two: Meeting the crew

Your crew is waiting on an island a few miles from the coast. Upon arriving, you notice nothing is as it seems and that all the above is absolute bullcrap and OP must be an idiot at sea. Based upon the conversation, you should decide to stay or go away:

  • 1.Several of the crew are asking questions about the mechanics. Be prepared the lay death in the water for long periods of time. Some of the crew might try to blow in the sails or use their head as peddles. If you have time and patience (Yes, yes... Let the OCD flow through you.) go ahead, if not politely state that you're gonna walk the plank and leave.

  • 2.One of the crew is asking questions about the mechanics. If the rest seem to know what to do, you can give it a try. Later on, depending on the skill, raid (King's fall is harder to five man then Crota) and learnig curve, decide if you want to stay or politely state that you'll leave and than leave.

  • 3.One of the group is complaining about a previous raid group. Sets a negative stage. Avoid.

  • 4.One high pitch voice (non-female of course). Doesn't pose that much of a problem if you are prepared to intervene if annoying behaviour is displayed. A small tip to our small guardians, try to not talk too much, don't try to lead and don't brag. In my opinion many of the older players don't like that kind of behaviour.

  • 5.Two high pitch voices or more. High risk of mutiny due too interfighting. The higher the count the more likely lord of the flies is not just a tale. Only a strong captain can steer claer of selfdestruction.

  • 6.The crew is joking and not talking about the raid at all. For me this is golden. Regardless of the succes, you are going to have a good time. Usually if most of them are joking and relaxed, the majority know what they are doing and you'll sail through (Ha, pun).

Part three: On high seas

After several unsuccesful relaunches, you finally depart. The wind picks up and you asses what your team is worth depending on their actions:

  • 1.People dropping dead left and right for no apparant reason, one of the crew is fighting a plank with a spoon, no one is at the helm. Yeah, your group is probably not going to finish the raid, unless a sherpa stands up and takes the wheel. This scenario although difficult and patiencetesting can be the most satisfactory if you can get everybody in line and finish the raid.

  • 2.The first few miles are a breeze, but at the first sight of a big wave you CAPSIZE. Yeah, your group is probably not going to finish the raid.

  • 3.After a few tries you conquer that big wave. Your raid group has a chance to finish the raid but it's going to take time.

  • 4.Small mistakes are made, people die occasionally. Your group is going to finish the raid even if a raidmember has to be replaced.

  • 5.Everybody in your team thinks big waves are there to ride and seamonsters are dinner, crewmembers tend to stay alive, if you die you get teabaggged. Relax and enjoy the ride while it lasts, because the raid will be over before you can say:"Barratry". Friends are made.

All the above is of course with 'a fat wink' (a dutch expression don't know if it translates) and you should take it with a grain of salt.

submitted by /u/boechtps4
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How To Solo The New Oracles at Atheon Using Only the Relic

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:08 PM PDT


Bungie reduced the number of oracles at Atheon from 7 to 6. They also changed the position of the oracles. You can still kill the oracles using only the relic, but you need to slam new positions to kill the oracles. I found that using the relic's super to kill "Mars" oracle #2 and "Venus" oracle #3 worked the best. I was running tier 5 Intellect to make this possible. I was able to use the relic slam (RT on Xbox, R2 on PS) to kill the others.

submitted by /u/3nippledman
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Posted: 02 Apr 2017 10:02 PM PDT


submitted by /u/TheLucidDreamYT
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Crucible tip - radiance can reliably pop Bubble

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 01:27 PM PDT

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