Dota 2 - Dota 2 Asia Championship Main Event Day 3 Match Discussions

Dota 2 Asia Championship Main Event Day 3 Match Discussions

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 05:35 PM PDT

Dota 2 Asia Championship 2017

Presented by Perfect World

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Day 2: April 2

ID Team 1 vs. Team 2 Result Cntdwn PST EST GMT CEST SGT AEST
- - - - - - - - - - - -
LBR-3 vs. 10:00 19:00 22:00 2:00 4:00 10:00 12:00
WBF vs. 13:30 22:30 1:30 5:30 7:30 13:30 14:30
LBR4 vs. 17:00 2:00 5:00 9:00 11:00 17:00 19:00
All Star vs 20:30 5:30 8:30 12:30 14:30 20:30 22:30

Loser Bracket Round 3: Evil Geniuses vs Newbee

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   1:2  

VODs: Game 1 | Game 2 | Game 3 Part 1 | Game 3 Part 2

Match Discussion

Winner Bracket Final: OG vs Invictus Gaming

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   2:1  

VODs: Game 1 | Game 2 | Game 3

Match Discussion

Loser Bracket Round 4: IG.Vitality vs

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   0:2  

VODs: Game 1 | Game 2 | Game 3

Match Discussions

submitted by /u/D2TournamentThreads
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Just Some Bois Enjoying DOTA

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:48 AM PDT

OG vs IG game 2, the first ever pro game to have 5 arcana in one team

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:46 AM PDT

Hero8: Everything wrong with Batrider, part 1/2

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:03 AM PDT

part 2

Hero 1: Abaddon part 1, part 2

Hero 2: Alchemist part 1, part 2

Hero 3: Ancient Apparition part 1, part 2

Hero 4: Anti-Mage part 1

Hero 5: Arc Warden part 1, part 2

Hero 6: Axe part 1, part 2

Hero 7: Bane part 1, part 2

Part 1 of 2: Bugs and tooltips


  • Total number of subjects: 32
  • Number of bugs: 15 (this post)
  • Number of minor issues: 11 (next post)
  • Number of other stuff: 6 (next post)

other stuff includes inconsistencies, inconveniences and suggestions

Bugs are sorted by order of severity.


1. Flaming Lasso break range isn't based on the distance between Bat & target

Flaming Lasso's break distance is based on how far Batrider moved in an instance. So even if you blink towards your lasso target, the lasso breaks. Vice versa, you can do short blinks away from the target without breaking it, instantly pulling it over a short distance.

Current behavior: Lasso breaks when Batrider instantly moves 425+ range into any direction.

Expected behavior: Lasso breaks when distance between Batrider and Lasso target gets greater than 425.

Video demo

2. Flaming Lasso breaks when target gets insta-moved, regardless of distance

When the target gets affected by any sort of instant movement (TPs, but also stuff like reality rift, x mark & glimpse), the lasso breaks, regardless of how far the spell moved it. So even a 0 range glimpse breaks the lasso.

Current behavior: Teleporting the target breaks the lasso, regardless of distance.

Expected behavior: Teleporting the target 425 range away from Batrider breaks the lasso. 0 range teleports or teleporting closer to Bat doesn't break the lasso.

Video demo

3. Flaming Lasso gets canceled by Dismember & Walrus Kick

Dismember fully cancels Flaming Lasso on cast. Walrus Kick also cancels it, unlike other sources of forced movement.

Current behavior: Casting Dismember or Walrus Kick on a lassoed unit breaks the lasso

Expected behavior: Neither Dismember nor Walrus Kick should break the lasso. Lasso should have priority.

Video demo

4. Flaming Lasso causes Geomagnetic Grip to stop working until the target dies

Geomagnetic Grip stops working on a unit completely when cast on it once while lassoed.

Current behavior: Geomagnetic Grip's buff gets stuck when cast on lassoed targets, preventing future grip casts from affecting the unit.

Expected behavior: The buff should instantly disappear when the target can't be moved.

Video demo

5. Flaming Lasso interaction with Chronosphere

Based on cast order, Flaming Lasso causes Chronosphere to malfunction on lassoed units. It works fine with Chronosphere affects the target first, but not when Lasso affects it first. The bug allows the target to use insta-cast spells like BKB or Refraction in between the disables.

Current behavior: When lasso is cast first, Chronosphere fails to apply its debuff, so that once the lasso expires the target can cast spells before Chronosphere finally freezes it.

Expected behavior: Regardless of cast order, Chronosphere should freeze the target (it still should not cancel the lasso though).

Video demo

6. Aghs' secondary lasso doesn't break when the primary lasso gets dispelled

The secondary aghs lasso is supposed to break when the primary target is freed. This currently does not work when dispelling the first lasso. It does work when the target is freed in other ways.

Current behavior: Dispelling the lasso from the primary target does not end the secondary lasso.

Expected behavior: Dispelling the lasso from the primary target should also end the secondary lasso.

Video demo

7. Flaming Lasso disarm ends when first lasso cast ends, instead of last cast

When lassoing multiple enemies, the disarm timing is off. The disarm disappears when the first lasso expires or gets dispelled, instead of lasting until all lassoes coming from Batrider end

Current behavior: Lasso self-disarm lasts until first lasso ends.

Expected behavior: Lasso self-disarm stays until all lassoes coming from Batrider end.

Video demo

8. Upgraded Flaming Lasso stops dealing damage when refreshed on targets

Flaming Lasso refreshes itself when recast on the same unit. However, the aghs damage does not get refreshed and stops based on the first cast.

Current behavior: Recasting lasso on the same target doesn't refresh the damage.

Expected behavior: The damage should refreshed on recast as well.

Video demo

9. Flamebreak is always off-set by 25 range, based on Bat's position

Flamebreak does not exactly hit the area you target. Instead, it's off set by a small amount. That small amount is big enough to fit an entire hero in between though.

Current behavior: Flamebreak is off set by 25 range forwards, hitting 25 range further but missing 25 range between bat and the target area.

Expected behavior: Flamebreak's explosion should be perfectly centered on the targeted point.

If this is difficult to understand, this image should explain it well enough.

Video demo

10. Recasting Flamebreak causes previous cast to explode at the wrong place

When recasting Flamebreak before the first cast finishes, the new cast interferes with the first cast and messes it up.

Current behavior: Recasting Flamebreak makes the previous cast explode where the new projectile is, instead of where it was targeted.

Expected behavior: Each cast should be completely independent and not mess up the locations of the previous casts.

Video demo

11. Sticky Napalm not working for Bat when first stack wasn't placed by him

Sticky Napalm only works for whoever put the first stack on a target.

Current behavior: When a Batrider Morph Hybrid places the first Sticky Napalm stack, Batrider cannot trigger Sticky Napalm, regardless of how many stacks he adds to the target.

Expected behavior: Every hero who contributed to the stack should be able to trigger it. Alternatively, the Sticky Napalm debuff should update to the latest caster.

Video demo

12. Flaming Lasso can be cast on Roshan, without affecting him

Roshan is immune to any form of forced movement, so Flaming Lasso does nothing against him.

Current behavior: Flaming Lasso can target Roshan, doing nothing, wasting mana and cooldown.

Expected behavior: Flaming Lasso cannot target Roshan.

Video demo

13. Multiple lassoes from different sources on the same target behave badly

Flaming Lasso doesn't update when second hero casts lasso on an already lassoed unit. What it does is, it disarms the new caster and refreshes the already existing lasso. The target is still bound to the first caster. Meanwhile, the disarm on the first caster expires normally and isn't refreshed. So what we have is a unit still lassoed to the first caster, the first caster no longer disarm and the second caster disarmed.

Expected behavior: Multiple options:

  • The lasso should update to the new caster so that the target is now bound to the new caster instead.
  • The new caster should not be disarmed, but the first caster should get the disarm on them refreshed. The unit stays bound to the first caster still.

In the video you can see how this scenario is possible in a regular game. It requires Anti-Mage with Scepter and Rubick.

Video demo

14. Rubick instantly loses Firefly's flying vision upon losing the spell

When Rubick has Firefly active, he gains the flying vision normally. But as soon as he loses the spell, he also loses the flying vision. All other aspects of the cast still work normally.

Current behavior: On spell loss, the active Firefly instance still works normally, except for the flying vision, which gets lost. If you re-steal the spell while the instance still runs, you regain the flying vision.

Expected behavior: The flying vision should be bound to the buff/modifier, not to the ability itself. Just like how all other aspects of the effect are bound to the modifier.

Video demo

15. Firefly does not grant flying vision to heroes other than Batrider

Firefly itself seems to not provide flying vision. It's more like an "activator" of flying vision. Batrider and Rubick are the only heroes capable of having flying vision, so the activator only works here. Any other hero does not gain flying vision with Firefly

Current behavior: Firefly's flying vision only works for Batrider and Rubick.

Expected behavior: Its flying vision should work for whoever casts the spell and stay until the buff disappears.

Video demo

submitted by /u/Bu3nyy
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The Assassin and the Hunter

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 10:01 PM PDT

Congratulations to the winner of DAC All-star game

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:46 AM PDT

Hero8: Everything wrong with Batrider, part 2/2

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:03 AM PDT

part 1

Here is part 2, covering other stuff, like minor glitches, inconsistencies, inconveniences and some suggestions.

Note that most of these are not considered bugs.

Part 2 of 2: Suggestions and other minor things.


  • Total number of subjects: 32
  • Number of bugs: 15 (previous post)
  • Number of minor issues: 11 (this post)
  • Number of other stuff: 6 (this post)

other stuff includes inconsistencies, inconveniences and suggestions


1. Allow lassoed units to be moved around by other moving spells, within the lasso's break distance

Currently, a lassoed unit is basically frozen in place. Besides spell which move upwards (all impale effects, torrent and walrus punch) and walrus kick, absolutely nothing can move the unit besides Flaming Lasso itself. So e.g. Force Staff on a lassoed unit does nothing at all.

This is kind of a sad interaction, because many spells are prevented from applying their effects on the lassoed units. Some (like said already, force staff) have no effect at all due to this.

The suggestion: Make moving spells able to move lassoed units, but only within the lasso's break range. This would be similar to Slark's Pounce, which allows you to force staff or leap but only up to its leash range.

Here is a demo of Pounce interaction with force staff and leap

It would be more difficult to implement for Lasso, since the lasso does move as well.

And here is a comparison between Warcraft 3 DotA and Dota 2. In WC3 dota, it worked like this, although a bit glitchy visually, it was more interactive and senseful.

Note: This would first require a fix to the first 2 bugs mentioned in part 1 of hero 8.

2. Make Flaming Lasso provide shared vision over the target

This is mainly to prevent a small visual glitch with the Lasso. Currently, when the Lasso target turns invisible, the lasso stops moving at the target's last known location. The target itself does get dragged normally still.

Making the Lasso provide shared vision over the target would have almost no gameplay impact. You would see the target's silhouette and the lasso would draw properly. You could select the target with the mouse, but you can't target it with single-target order still, since it's not true sight.

Video demo of current behavior and comparison to Last Word

The suggestion is to make it like Last Word.

3. Add particle effects to the damage over time of Flamebreak

Flamebreak is one of the very few damage over time effects without any particle effects. It should set the target on fire.

Video demo

I used the generic flames which are also used by Sticky Napalm for this


4. Suggestions for some unused responses of Batrider

1. Enable Batrider's Sticky Napalm cast responses

What's the reason for them being unused? The lines are fine and fitting. They could be given a low trigger chance (like 5%) and have a downtime of like 30 seconds.

2. This line could be used as a general CastOrder line

Since Flaming Lasso is his only single target spell, it would only play upon giving that cast order

3. This failure response could be used as a rare non-repeating move response

It's just too good to stay unused and fits well here.

4. This failure line could be used as a rivalry response towards female heroes in general

Legion, Brood, Drow, Luna, Medusa, Mirana, Naga, PA, Spectre, TA, Venge, CM, Death Prophet, Enchantress, Lina, QoP, WR, Winter, like a 5% or 10% chance

5. Edit/Cut the rivalry line towards Windranger to not mention the old name

The current rivalry line towards WR is this * bat_rival_04: "Aw now Windrunner, you don't have to run from me."

It uses her old name. The name part can be cut out, and the line would still keep its relevance towards WR, like this:

Tooltip stuff

His tooltip have several issues and are lacking in the ALT notes.

Sticky Napalm:

  • Does not mention its damage type in the header
  • Description says it drenches an area with oil, rather than enemies within the area
  • Description doesn't mention that the slow scales with stacks
  • First ALT note is outdated, doesn't mention Urn of Shadows and Blade Mail
  • Damage and slow traits could be reworded to make clear they are per stack (currently just says "EXTRA DAMAGE and MOVEMENT SLOW")
  • Add ALT note: The turn rate slow is always the same, regardless of amount of stacks
  • Add ALT note: Adding a new stack refreshes the entire stack on an enemy
  • Add ALT note: Its damage is dealt in a separate instance

Flamebreak: * Doesn't mention the knockback distance anywhere (it is not same as the explosion radius) and knockback duration * Debuff on enemies says it deals 50 DPS, which is not the case on any level * Add ALT note: Projectile speed (900) * Add ALT note: The knockback distance is dynamic, based on the proximity to the center * Add ALT note: Enemies are not disabled during the knockback * Add ALT note: Does not affect Roshan

Firefly: * Add ALT note: The entire path disappears at once upon the spell expiring * Add ALT note: Multiple instances of Firefly fully stack * Add ALT note: Does not affect Roshan

Flaming Lasso:

  • Does not mention its damage type in the header (needed for aghs)
  • Description says it cant drag over impassable terrain. This is simply wrong.
  • Description doesn't mention self-disarm. It's instead hidden in the ALT notes. This should be in the description.
  • Aghs description is unnecessarily long and contains direct values. It shouldn't contain values because they usually (almost always) get forgotten when they get changed.
  • The value in the second ALT note about the Lasso break distance is wrong. It's 425, not 400
  • Remove unnecessary ALT note about it disabling through spell immunity. The info is already in the header
  • Add ALT note: The target is dragged 300 range behind Batrider, and the aghs target 300 range behind primary target
  • Add ALT note: Deals damage in 0.5 second intervals

image comparing current to suggested

link to the dota_english.txt and npc_abilities.txt changes

Too keep this short, I'll sum the rest up quickly under visual glitches, audio glitches and cosmetics.

Visual glitches

  1. Flamebreak's explosion effect does not appear when cast too close to Batrider. The effect added by the talent does appear though, only the base explosion does not. Video demo
  2. Firefly's fire on the ground appears after a set time. It does not last as long as the spell does, which it should. The fire segments disappear 18 seconds after they got created. So when choosing the +8s duration talent, about 1/3 of the duration there is basically invisible fire. Video demo
  3. Sticky Napalm's overhead counter jumps to 0 when losing and regaining vision over the target while having 10 stacks on them. It works fine with 1-9 stacks, but the 10th stack bugs out upon vision loss. This is luckily just a visual glitch. Video demo
  4. Flaming Lasso's self-disarm modifier is shown as a debuff instead of a buff. The coloring is supposed to tell the source of the effect, and not whether it's a positive or negative effect. So the self-disarm should be green. Image showing current display

Audio glitches

  1. Firefly's loop sound ends when the first instance of the spell finishes, instead of last instance. So if you re-cast it before the first cast ends, the sound ends when the first cast ends so that the second cast is silent. Video demo
  2. Flaming Lasso's loop sound doesn't last as long as the debuff does. If you refresh the lasso, the loop sound still ends when the lass would have ended when not refreshed. Video demo
  3. Flaming Lasso's loop sound plays even when the target dies to the first damage tick (when upgraded). It plays for 3-4 seconds. It shouldn't play at all when the target dies instantly. (

Cosmetic item issues

  1. Batrider's facial expressions in the loadout make his chin clip through his cosmetic items. His chin pierces through the "Mask of the Marauding Pyro", the "Firestarter Gas Mask" and the "Big Bad Bandana". Video demo
  2. The "Big Bad Bandana" cosmetic head piece is not properly attached. When talking, it floats in front of Batrider's mouth. Video demo
  3. The "Firestarter Gas Mask" is stretching when Batrider talks. It's a gas mask, they are not stretchy. The item should disable his mouth movements, in-game and in the loadout. Video demo
  4. The "Fiery Tyl" cosmetic bat of Batrider has a mismatching icon. On the icon, its head is pointy, looking like a flying dinosaur, but in-game, the model has a head resembling a dragon-demon mix. Image showing the icon, the artwork and in-game

submitted by /u/Bu3nyy
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SCCC shares his thoughts on Envy

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:38 AM PDT

Sccc give GH a nickname.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:11 AM PDT

Dongers have done it! Skadoosh boys! r/place

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:02 AM PDT

Sccc's apology to EE

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:14 AM PDT

Upset Father of 4

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:49 PM PDT

Dota 2 Asia Championship 2017 - All Star's Match - Team China vs Team World

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:37 AM PDT

Dota 2 Asia Championship 2017

Presented by Perfect World

Need info on the event? Check out the Survival Guide

Check out the Day 3 Match Discussions

You can either Sort by new or use the Comment Stream.


All Star's Match - Team vs Team

Format - Reserve Captain's Mode

Team China's roster - BurNing, Sccc, rOTK, fy, Faith_bian

Team World's roster - Miracle-, SumaiL, iceiceice, Agent 3154, Jerax

Game 1

Team World Victory!!

submitted by /u/D2TournamentThreads
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Sccc's princess hug is booming in Chinese community

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 06:31 PM PDT

The all-star match heroes are all hard carries, which in reality is just a typical ranked game in SEA.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:02 AM PDT

let the sea dota shitfest begin

submitted by /u/orangejuice1234
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It's been 5 months since 7.00 and we still don't have timers for when you take an item out of your backpack

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:13 AM PDT

Title says it all

submitted by /u/quarxel
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Charlie's new title

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:15 PM PDT

Hey Charlie, Pakistan is NOT in the Middle East

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:47 AM PDT

Common westerner mistake

submitted by /u/rufi24
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Sccc knocking water over

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 10:26 PM PDT

That's what Iceiceice feels about All Star match

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:49 AM PDT

OG vs. iG post match discussion

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:29 AM PDT

What the Chinese call Slacks...

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 06:19 PM PDT

A simple, yet strong and necesary buff for Pugna: Night vision (explanation inside)

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:26 AM PDT

This suggestion is mostly based on the precedent we have on the Sniper changes (6.68/6.88) that increased his night vision range. Just like Sniper's and his basic attack, Pugna's fighting range, namely his ultimate (R) extend over the default night vision range (800) even at the first level of the skill (900 cast range). This means that Pugna is, by default, handicapped at nightime, since his ultimate is interrupted upon losing vision, and his night vision range is lower than cast range of his ultimate, which is possibly one of his strongest combat tools (specially with aghs).

Let's analyze this with an extra layer of depth: If we look at the other single-target channeled spells present in the game, we find that they operate in an effective range of a maximum of 850 (Lion E, Oracle Q) which means that those spells, can still be used at 95% of their effective cast range at night. However, in Pugna's case, we have that Life Drain's operative range goes up 900/1050/1200, and it's also pretty normal to have Lens or cast range talent on him, which means that the effective range ability can be significantly restricted at night (up to 35-40% reduction, even more if any cast range bonus is present).

Because of this reason, I suggest to buff Pugna's night vision range to 1200 at least, or even higher considering he can talent and itemize for a range increase, much like the 6.88b change did to Sniper (night vision from 1000 to 1100). That change indicates that this kind of buff was done expecting some degree of range buff via talent or item (dragon lance) since the base range plus passive range of sniper was already very close to his night vision range (950/1000). It would be really beneficial for Pugna too.

This kind of buff might be a very good one to Pugna, since it will cover 2 of his weaknesses: fragility (due to increased map awareness through extra vision) and combat limitation at night.

What do you think reddit?

submitted by /u/Drygin7_JCoto
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The Strongest Treant this World's Ever Seen

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 06:47 PM PDT

Arcana team (iG)

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 12:40 AM PDT

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