DayZ - Why don't the devs fix the current bugs in DayZ?

Why don't the devs fix the current bugs in DayZ?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:16 PM PDT

Here's why. All current bugs are issues with the legacy (old) engine. Their goal is to get to beta ASAP.

Any time spent on legacy stuff is a monumental waste of time. For every hour spent working on legacy that's not only an hour lost not working on beta but since legacy is being removed that hour will be completely lost and it could possibly create more problems and therefore more time needed on beta.

In the end you're looking at a potential 3+ hour loss of time to hit beta for every hour spent on legacy. If they spent a whole week on legacy that could potentially delay beta by a month.

This is why we're not seeing a lot of updates and fixes at the moment. The current changes going in are very big engine changes that can't really be implemented in small updates. We're at the home stretch, just gotta sit tight.

20 years ago myself and many others played Ultima Online, a sandbox mmo on a huge map where you could be killed and looted dry, and even get your house looted. We felt exhilarated, our hearts raced and our hands shook. Many people complained that it was too hardcore and that they didn't think they should be able to lose all of their stuff. So the game was forever changed, you can play the game in complete safety and security. Of course it was not exhilarating anymore.

I think all of us took it for granted, we all thought Everquest or Darkfall or Ashernon's Call would be the big UO killer that brought back those feelings of exhilaration. Some people found other games they liked but many are still waiting. I never found that feeling again until I played DayZ.

The truth is, developers see games like DayZ as extremely risky games that appeal to only a niche, hardcore community. They could guarantee more money if they went with an FPS or other safer path that appeals to a wider audience. This is why we should be very grateful.

My point is, games like DayZ don't come around very often which is why I really think that those of us who believe in the game or have been moved by the game in a way that other games don't move us should stand by the development team because they are absolutely committed to this game. We may not see anything like it for 20 years.

As an interesting side note, rumor is that Brian Hicks was a huge UO fan.

submitted by /u/wolfgeist
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It must be my tenth screenshot here. As always, I love this game's art! Can't wait for 0.62's forests!

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 10:21 AM PDT

"I dare you to jump it.." (exp. branch fun - 40 sec. video)

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:48 PM PDT

Can someone catch me up to speed on some things?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:05 AM PDT

Hey guys. Just want to say that I have always thought this game to be awesome and I'm still really confused as to why this game gets so much hate. I played it a while back and had to stop because of University, but I loved it then and am now coming back to see all of the negative stuff about the game all over the steam store page.

I just want to know if this game really deserves that. I'd also like to know where the game stands in terms of its progression. Is there going to be updates with more content or is it just all bug fixes from here on out. I still like the game how it is I just wish I knew why people give it such crap.

submitted by /u/root_z
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The apple bug is symbolic of a larger problem than just the bug itself (piss-poor percentage chances of finding something)

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:17 PM PDT

The apple tree bug is caused by some error with the player controller, which is the technical reason the bug happens. The reason the bug is considered a problem by some, is because people use it a whole lot. Yet, people wouldn't be compelled to use this bug if you didn't have to do a 5+ second animation for an incredibly narrow chance of actually finding an apple. It can take upwards of thirty seconds to find a single apple on a tree, which is a small amount of time when it's viewed objectively but when you look at it in context, no-one wants to spend thirty seconds looking for a single apple in a game. They want to do the animation, get an apple, and eat it. The same issue applies to finding sticks and stones on the ground, you have to go through a really long animation for such a (relatively) small chance of finding the item you want, despite the fact there should be hundreds of them around you.

When using the apple tree bug, I see about 80% "You failed to find something messages" and only 20% of the time do you actually find an apple, despite the fact you can literally see them on the fucking branches. If the devs made the system more logical, the bug wouldn't be such a widespread problem, sure, it'd still need fixing, but it wouldn't be one so actively exploited.

submitted by /u/MissZoey123
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Hunter/sniper gear on oldschooldayz (1PP the only way)

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:21 PM PDT

Penetration guide?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 08:46 PM PDT

I'm doing a ruse around the wasteland, and I would like to know if an SKS, and a magnum could penetrate through military tents and deer stands, could those penetrate the two of the buildings I've mentioned?

submitted by /u/WitheredWriter
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Flock of cows

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:48 PM PDT

Just saw my first flock of cows - there were at least 10.

Made me want to become a cattle rancher.

submitted by /u/CHWK
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Peek a boo...

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:34 PM PDT

Baseball Bats, Double KO's and GURL GAYMERS.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:33 AM PDT

What is happening with the zombies?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 09:27 AM PDT

Not sure if it's the servers, but the zombies are running with no animation, and are broken? Any idea what this is?

submitted by /u/Yamakuze
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server population?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:46 PM PDT

How can I check how many people are on the same server as me

submitted by /u/A_Random_Bulb
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The 2 dudes running north Severograd

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 03:54 PM PDT

I want to thank you for clearing out the zombies for me, I saw you running north and guessing you just left the fire station. I could have shot you but I need a fire axe.

submitted by /u/shenaniganfluff
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When you get hit by 3 bugs at the same time

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:23 PM PDT

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