DayZ - Dean Hall on twitter posing with the "Dayz money u sent us"

Dean Hall on twitter posing with the "Dayz money u sent us"

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 02:52 PM PDT

This subreddit..

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:10 PM PDT

DayZ was the reason I wanted to get my PC in the first place and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time playing it with over 400 hours now, but what has this subreddit become? I defended the game in a thread and got downvoted for stating the fact that dayz is in early access and you shouldn't expect it to be completely bug-free even on a stable update. -10 karma. I replied that to this guy who got 32 upvotes for saying that the game is a buggy pile of shit..

What happened to this being the DAYZ subreddit. Instead it has turned into a circlejerk for people that shit on the game. The game shouldn't be free from criticism no, but this subreddit is for discussion and downvoting someone who defends the game and that you disagree with, shouldn't be a popular theme here. Maybe this will be downvoted to hell too but I like this subreddit, I like dayz but I don't like what this subreddit is becoming.

submitted by /u/mabo516
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Could have been friends in another life.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 09:57 PM PDT

    I had eyes on you. Watched as you stumbled across my camp. Not going to lie - I was a bit upset. Not that you we're going to rummage through my belongings, but because I had to move after you left. This world is a pain in the ass now more than ever to pack up and move. I saw that the madness has taken you. I tend to not interact with people much anymore. Or at all for that matter. Watching you all run around without pants wearing bike helmets and the brightest clothing you can find - I'm sure we wouldn't have much in common to begin with.

    You were wearing pants, thankfully. As I sat and watched you shop for supplies from my camp I was going over what I had left there in my head. Nothing of too much value besides a few animal skins I planed on tanning to stitch into some more resilient clothing. I noticed you sling my old hunting rifle over your back. Glad someone could find a use for it. Over time I've grown to prefer the Bow. At least I can keep a steady supply of munitions stocked for it.

    About 5 minutes passed before you left. I kept an eye on you through my binoculars until you disappeared down the hill off towards the nearest town. Once I felt it was safe to return I went to do inventory on what I lost. All my canned goods and my old Hunting Rifle was all you took. Hope that food keeps you going and that Rifle saves your ass. Anyone who is up around these parts seems to be in it for the long haul - so I hope my supplies helped.

    Not that you're worried about me, but I've been surviving around here for years off the Streams and the Animals. Now I leave this open letter to you as I pack up my skins and trek across the country. I'm not in the habit of collecting supplies for strangers. Nothing personal - I'm sure we could have been friends in another life.


submitted by /u/Bheda
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new dayz 1pp vid :)

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:33 AM PDT

My most WTF moment in 500 hours.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:22 AM PDT

Anyone playing Escape From Tarkov? How does the atmosphere & immersion compare to DayZ

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:47 AM PDT

Interested in how anyone who also plays DayZ finds the game? I have been watching a few videos and the sounds and looks of the game have me hyped, but as I have not got into the alpha phase, I wonder how the game play feels compared to the knife edge you can get in DayZ.

I understand both titles are not like for like, but they carry a lot of similarities as in post apoc Russian region setting, looting, and lots of gun variations, but of course a lack of Zombies in EFT.

For anyone who has played both games, how does the feel / immersion of the game play out and how are you finding optimisation?

submitted by /u/posdeam
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SKS or Mosin?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:17 AM PDT

Hi, I currently have about 100 hours so don't know much about gun superiority and such.

At the moment I have an:

-SKS with 30 rounds

-Mosin with 20 rounds

-Makarov with about 10 rounds

I'm not really sure about double carrying so was wondering what you guys would do. Ditch one of them? Double carry? I have never really used the mosin before so I'm leaning towards either ditching the SKS or double carrying.


submitted by /u/beefwoof
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Some questions

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 10:44 PM PDT

Buenos Dias lads,

It's been a long while since I've played, started out on the mod, played the standalone when it was very new and very glitchy, then got too heavy for my comp.

In the process of getting a new rig and just wondered what are some some things that have changed since the early days?

Can you drive? Fly? More guns? Duping still a thing? Anything else anyone can think of.

submitted by /u/ThaDankchief
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Very frustrated, please help.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 05:58 AM PDT

So I've been checking the NWAF south barracks everyday recently on different servers, and every time there is literally no loot there. I was kinda hoping for an M4. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/RagingPrepper
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My sedan won't start.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:31 PM PDT

I found a sedan with all exteror (Doors and wheels) and fuel but not engine components. However I managed to got all components installed into the vehicle but it won't start. When i found it it looks as if it's been "crashed" into road fence.

submitted by /u/grrys001
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Had a crazy 1 v 3 firefight at Stary tents today, came out on top somehow

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 02:14 PM PDT

Checking amt of players in server?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:55 AM PDT

I'm sorry if this is redundant but I searched and people said:

1) To find who is in your server, open the steam overlay and click view players

2) Click shift + P

3) there is no way to check who is in your game, the feature was taken out in some patch back in June 2016

When playing earlier (first time in a little less than a year) I could not figure out how to check the # of players or who was in my server for the life of me. Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/Stupeetdoonoo
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Base building just quietly got added if no one noticed.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 09:39 AM PDT

April fools

submitted by /u/-Y2K
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Is there any way to get this truck down?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 03:43 PM PDT

Sick Lady Lucy

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 01:59 PM PDT

I Tried... (DAYZ SA) - YouTube

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:14 PM PDT

Stuck Truck..

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 12:22 PM PDT

Anyone have any tips or tricks on how to get a V3S unstuck from a railroad crossing.. because, goddamnit.

submitted by /u/warname
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Do you need a lug wrench now?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 11:26 AM PDT

I was playing yesterday and I found a car that ran but it had a couple missing tires. I was at the Gorka gas station and I looked around all the surrounding towns and finally found the tires but when I tried to put them on nothing happened. In the recent update did they make it so you need it now or is the car just glitched?

submitted by /u/Codquag
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To the person in Новая Петровка

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 05:46 PM PDT

I saw you fully geared up running NW past the apple orchard and couldn't resist myself so I'm the one who killed you with the shotgun and took your gear. Thanks for the AK101,45 and a lot of ammo.

submitted by /u/1x33397
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