World of Warcraft - Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 02:06 AM PST

As always, all PvP comments, questions, and discussion are welcome!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Posted: 19 Feb 2017 05:13 AM PST

Troll Shammy - A Drawing of my first ever WoW Character

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 09:10 AM PST

What I think of when players complain about wanting to mog fist weapons...

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 03:52 AM PST

This gem of a phone case I just bought

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:34 AM PST

How to convice your friend that he should return to WoW

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 02:16 PM PST

The design of the new 'two trait' relics is something Legion doesn't need more RNG in.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 11:47 PM PST

So we knew the two trait relics were coming, but we didn't know exactly how they would work.

A reasonable and acceptable assumption would be that the two traits are 'fixed' so matter how many times you loot from said raid boss, you will always get the same two traits. You loot from the older raid bosses, you get the same two traits. It's linked to their item id. That seems fair right?

Except in the 7.2 PTR that's not the case - the relics go along the lines of: "Here's a minor trait! E.g. +1 to Essential ability" coupled with "+1 Rank to Random Minor Trait" (actual text in game - also FYI 'minor trait' means any trait that isn't a Golden trait or a Paragon trait - so it will roll into your best DPS traits etc. too).

EDIT: For clarification - Your Paragon traits are not minor traits. Your Golden traits are not minor traits. Your 'one-off' traits like say Fire Mage - get 20% more Flame Strike - that you only get once are not 'minor traits'. The rest of them are fair game. The best way to think of it is anything the relic traits could have before, the 2nd trait will draw from that pool now. The current system makes it so that even if you kill Kil'jaedan and get your relic to drop, you want it to not only TT up but ALSO have a second trait out of your 20 or so (including a couple really good ones for certain specs - like say Fire Mage - Pyroblast damage, FB cast time, Ignite etc. and not Cauterizing Blink and Molten Armour) traits that you want. And that relic will be different each time cause RNG.

So not only do I have to roll the relic I want, I have to hope perhaps that it warforges and titan forges AND to top it all off I want that relic to ALSO give me a minor trait that I want.

RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG. Should be the tagline for Legion at this point.

submitted by /u/octnoir
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The Druid Class Mount farts stars

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:22 AM PST

Woman plays grizzly hills bgm by violin. Amazing.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 01:44 AM PST

Wowhead recently.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 03:22 AM PST

Hey guys. I'm sure if you've browsed through the subreddit in the last month or two, you have seen the odd thread or two about the website, WoWhead. Long story short, it's a huge database and that has been developed over the course of the last 8 years or so (could be longer, I do not know.) It has countless guides, news articles, database entries, guides, tools, models viewers, etc. It's the Google of WoW. Anytime you want to check something out wow related you look at wowhead.

Recently the wowhead team has been having problems with their ad providers. Many of these providers would play loud, obtrusive ads that would make visiting the site hell. There were also ads that would cause large amounts of data to be reloaded repeatetively, effectively slowing down a mid to low range PC.

Following the backlash from the community, the wowhead team severed ties with a lot of these providers, as well as lowering the price of their "wowhead premium" service. This service was in place for someone to pay a small amount of money a year ($9) to support the website. This was put into place to convince more people to support the website, as it is a collosal database.

I do not know how much it costs to maintain wowhead, but from the scope of its website, as well as partners Alakazam websites, it is very large. Many people write guides for the website out of their love for the game. The website has been around for many, many years, and countless hours have been put into the website. To be completely honest, I do not know how it is still running.

However in the last few days wowhead has been having some server issues. I believe the website has gone done a couple times in the last three days relating to their provider. During this same times, employees, writers, directors, etc have been getting some insane behaviour thrown at them. Online harassment, threats, and even the possibility of IRL graffiti. I could source all this information directly, but there has been a lot of it. Check out the site directors Twitter if you're genuinely curious.

I understand the people who act this way are not the same readerbase of this subreddit. I understand the vast majority of people understand the position wowhead is in and remain silent. I understand people are fine with paying for wowhead, but do not want to feel blackmailed into it.

But this shit, this insane backlash against the website needs to calm the hell down. Almost everyone here has used wowhead every day for the last few years. If this database was closed down due to extreme measures the wow community would be so unbelievably lost in so many situations. This website is vital to so many people in so many ways.

Please, for the love of Illidan, do not jump on hate bandwagons. Do not bitch at employees of the website directly. This is their job. They have so little control over ad providers, server providers, and other outside sources. It's the same as literally any other CS job, and the way they have been treated the last few days is absolutely ridiculous.

submitted by /u/Sebaision
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Be careful with Google results; 'woweden' masquerading as WoWHead

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 08:14 AM PST

Jaina by Wei Wang

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 10:53 AM PST

Minimum DPS spreadsheet

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:49 AM PST

Blizzard, thank you for updating Blood Elf and Human female weapon sizes

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 08:07 AM PST

Just want to say, as someone who has been pushing for changing the sizes of their weapons since WoD and before, thank you blizzard! it means a lot to us that this change is going through in 7.2, and it looks way better!

submitted by /u/PaladinsRus
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DLC - 572 - Originality

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 02:48 PM PST

Just wanted to share my favorite screenshot from last expansion

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 03:22 PM PST

Minimum DPS Spreadsheet (external link)

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 12:14 PM PST

A few hours ago I posted a very similar thread with two big mistake:

  1. It was just a link, and the link I posted goes directly to the spreadsheet. Google automatically and randomly changes the link to HTML view wich makes it impossible for people to copy the spreadsheet.
  2. I couldn't give info in the top post and was getting simmilar questions over and over again. So I made this new post and hid the old one.

Here's the correct link to the Minimum DPS Spreadsheet using the folder workaround:

I'll try to answer a few questions in advance:

  • The spreadsheet tells you the average damage as well as the bare minimum DPS your Damage Dealers need to do on average depending on your ratio.

  • You have to edit the group ratio by first making a copy of the spreadsheet into your own Google Drive and then modifying the two values at the top left.

  • The link is a drive folder so that you can right click it and create a copy.

  • I say "bare minimum" because it does take into account tank and healer (altough so minimal)'s damage.

  • Tank and healer damage goes according to a weigh to compare them to damage dealers. If the default weighs don't please you, you can edit them in the last tab called "var".

  • If an encounter has anything special (like adds or an abnormal enrage timer), it'll be written in a comment (black triangle) on the boss' name.

  • Why does X boss appear as #ERROR or "0k/s" ? Because I've been lazy and I haven't filled in the cells yet. (But I have school monday, and school means being bored, so I'll complete it then).

submitted by /u/Avasam
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Thank you blizzard for the first expansion to make me try something new.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 01:16 PM PST

I just wanted to make a thank you thread for this expansion. Ever since I started playing the game in WotLK, the only thing I've ever done is PVP. Everything to do with PVE was mind numbingly boring to me, and I would rather have slit my fucking wrists than go through a raid. However, the past month, I decided to try some mythics to gear a little. I liked that, so I went ahead and started healing lfr. Now I just finished HoV +7 and had a blast! The modifiers make the game so much more interactive, and interesting. Anyway, I just never thought I would enjoy PVE, so thanks for adding a new dimension to WoW for me!

submitted by /u/Lucent_
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I still honestly think that the Legion login screen is...lazy

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 04:05 AM PST

I mean, okay. Yes. It's a login screen, it doesn't need to be the most amazing thing in the world cause it's something most people will see for about 5 seconds tops whilst they're typing in their password! Regardless of this if you you look at some of the past expansions Logins like WOTLK/Cata, it was just so much more Dynamic. WOTLK really give of the feeling of how creepy and awesome Northrend was going to be and Cataclysm has the big bad right up in your fucking face on top of Stormwind!

I feel like being stuck with two trashy legion soldiers outside a legion portal is just...plain and simply lazy. With the amount of detailed content in this expansion they could have done so much more! Gul'dan atop the nightspire, Legion ships flying in and around the broken shores, SURAMMAR CITY for goodness sake; one of the most beautiful places in the game!

Again this is only my opinion and some of you will probably just think i'm nitpicking, but regardless I'd love to hear what some of you have to say on this subject! What would you have liked to see??

submitted by /u/SilverEyepatch
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Skyrim, is that you?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 08:40 AM PST

Standing in Nifflevar taking pictures of the Fjord. This one was my favorite.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 12:24 PM PST

the funky fresh slap bass line you might hear when you die in WoW (Another stupid addon/mod)

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:49 AM PST

Which removed spell always has a special place in your heart?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 05:04 AM PST

Detailed Quick Guide: HotS Mount Promo

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 06:34 AM PST

Hey WoW-Community,
you want to do the mount cross-promo on Heroes of the Storm as quick as possible? I read a lot of advice like "just always push down mid and do nothing else", which is just wrong and takes you way more time than needed. With this advice, you can finish most maps at around 4min easily! (in beginners AI mode) So here is my guide:


The Basics:

  • Ignore map objectives (temples, coin chests, tributes..) and push down the weakest lane with all 5 heroes. Take fort and keep. The weakest lane isnt always mid lane, but usually the boss lane if the map has a boss.

  • Don't siege core, it takes way too long.. and brawling the AI at their core when respawn timers are low is like fighting windmills.

  • When lane is pushed down, take boss (or map objective) on that lane and finish core with it. Boss camps spawn at exactly 3min game time and bosses will fight for you, when you beat them.


Detailled Map Advice:

Maps with Boss

  • Blackhearts Bay: Boss lane is top. Push fort, push keep, take boss at 3min, finish!

  • Cursed Hollow: Boss lane is top and bot! Chose the one, where the boss is closer to oponent core. Push fort, push keep, take boss at 3min, finish!

  • Sky Temple: Boss lane is bot. Push fort, push keep, take boss at 3min, finish! You may take siege camps for help.

  • Tomb of the Spiderqueen: Boss lane is top. Push fort, push keep, take boss at 3min, finish!

  • Warhead Junction: Boss lane is top and bot. Usually bot is slightly better, cause you can take small camps for help. Push fort, push keep, take boss at 3min, finish!

Maps without Boss:

  • Braxis Holdout: Spread all players on both lanes until first map objective is announced and you know on which lane your zerg rush will take place. Then take both beacons and immediately start pushing that lane until your zergs arrive for help and finish. AI usually wont take beacons if you are quick. You might take small camp for help.

  • Battlefield of Eternity: Push down one lane completly (fort and keep), then take map objective in the middle and push other lane down completly with that immortal and finish. This is faster than taking camps on first lane.

  • Garden of Terror: push mid lane, take seeds, use garden terror to deactivate core and finish. Be aware that AI loves stealing seeds. (garden terror is that strong, that its often enough to just take keep-wall before you take garden terror.. he will then take keep and core)

  • Haunted Mines: like Braxis Holdout.. split to both lanes until you know which lane your golem will take and push that lane only from that moment on.. then take skulls and push with golem.. you may take sapper camps for help.

  • Infernal Shrines: Just push top lane down, take both shaman camps and finish (if you get top shrine, its even easier) .. another way is just to switch to the lane where first shrine is announced (pray that itll be the one you chosed first), but dont capture shrine until keep is pushed down. then finish with punisher.

  • Dragon Shire: push down one lane (best is bot cause you have 3 camps for help, but mid is alright too cause shortest path), then take dragon knight and finish. dont take dragon knight before keep is down, cause he will be too weak for keep and core.

  • Towers of Doom: This map is special, cause you dont have direct access to oponent core. You have to capture and hold all 6 towers for permanent damaging their core. Best way is take bot first (longest path for oponent for defend), leave one player there to defend, then go mid and top. Now hold until core is down. Dont forget to always capture the altairs in between (the AI is very quick in stealing them).



  • "Sylvanas" is a very strong hero for fast push, cause she can deactivate buildings. When you are sylvanas, lead the team and just focus towers/fort/keep while your allies take them down and you will be very fast. (Sylvanas is very strong for pushing down the lane, but does nothing against core, so dont stay there when keep is down)

  • An exception to the rule is "Sgt Hammer". When you got this hero and ideally an additional support, you may just siege down core. siege up outside core dmg range, focus core all the time and let your team mates defend you.

Hope i could help! See you in the Nexus! :)

submitted by /u/nakno3
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4 Manned Glory of the Legion Hero - Big achievement for our tiny guild

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:23 PM PST

Make crafting more viable please, right now LW, BS and tailoring is pointless.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 08:38 AM PST

What if they did something like raid bosses drop crafting items that could make the items they drop. With the crafting items having a 5-10% drop rate so the market isn't flooded.

submitted by /u/Virtarak
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