Guild Wars 2 - The daily hearts in Lake Doric are over-tuned compared to other LS3 maps

The daily hearts in Lake Doric are over-tuned compared to other LS3 maps

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 10:12 AM PST

Title. The other hearts in all the other zones feel like they fill up at a relatively normal pace, but in Lake Doric it feels way over-tuned. The repetitive grinding feeling really sets in hard when doing the hearts in this map, that I didn't feel so much in the other LS3 maps. The contrast becomes really apparent especially when I try to complete the other LS maps for all their dailies, and the hearts in those maps seem to fill normal but these ones just take ages.

Killing enemies feels like it does not give near as much as it should. I defended for almost an entire event in the South village and after grinding the entire thing I still did not even complete the heart, despite killing dozens and dozens of White Mantle... and for example the one where you have to run into the village, grab one piece of corn, then run it out of the village to find one starving seraph and the item is consumed, and it gives you a tiny FRACTION of completing the heart. It takes roughly 20-30 seconds to do this, so if you imagine you'd need to do this roughly 30+ times to fill your heart, you're looking at over 15 minutes for this heart alone. (I know I know, there are multiple ways to fill the hearts, but the design ethos for hearts in the original GW2 was you could complete any heart you wanted in multiple ways... but as is, some 'methods' in Lake Doric are rewarding vastly inferior amounts of heart-completion.) Again, my point here is that I don't think the hearts are tuned correctly for completing participation.

Also and equally important, I feel like ANet has departed from their original 'heart' ethos in that I feel like I'm now competing again for quests with other players, something I have never felt until now in the game (but I sure feel it in every other mmo!): I have my rations let me just give it to this.., oh no some other players beat me to the hungry Seraph.. better wait. Oh no I need to take this flower... gone. Oh let me plant this flower in this flower bed... oh man someone else got their first.

Surely I can't be the only one who notices the difference? Time yourself on Ember Bay completing hearts then come try to fill hearts in Lake Doric. There is a stark contrast.

submitted by /u/Rapturos
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My Hopes for the February 22nd Balance Patch

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 05:23 PM PST

[Discussion] Make the gem store great again!

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 04:01 AM PST

A slightly long post, so TL;DR at bottom.


The last few NcSoft's quarterly earnings reports showed signs of stagnation and a generally decreasing trend for GW2. This makes me sad.

GW2 is an amazing game. With the last few patches we've been getting amazing story (white mantle, dragons awakening, current events with their small teasers), amazing new content (new fractals, raids, new maps with each LW episode), amazing QoL changes (shared inventory slots, salvage all, consume all, and lots of small bits and pieces that improve the gameplay), even PvP received a massive improvement with Season 5. However, the earnings keep going in a downward direction. That makes me sad because I really enjoy this game, ANet seems to have a clear direction with their ideas and where things are going, and I'm sure we'll be getting lots of goodies in the next months.


I think the general concensus in the community is that the main reason for the decreasing earnings is... the gem store. In its current form, with the current set of items it offers and with its major lack of diversity, the gem store simply doesn't provide enough incentive for players to spend their money on the game.


The problem

Let's break down what we have in the gem store right now:

  • Outfits - Most are permanent, some seasonal, every now and then we get a new one. They don't allow mix-and-match with armor, so you're stuck with the generic look in various colors. But hey, it's new 'armor' and most of them look good.

  • Armor sets / random pieces of armor - New stuff is rarely added, and the interesting pieces are only on random weekly sales once or twice a year. You want to buy Aviator Sunglasses right now? Sry, nope.

  • Gliders (or should I say wings?) - They are cool, new ones added every once in a while, but some of the more interesting ones are also just on random sales and then disappear.

  • Black Lion stuff (special/services tabs) - Well... there are some useful items, the Copper-Fed is a must-have for almost everyone who plays a decent amount (however Silver-Fed isn't always available), permanent gathering tools are quite handy if you gather a lot. But then we have: Transmutation Charges for 150, Revive Orbs for 250, Black Lion Salvage Kits for 300 gems, pretty darn expensive Upgrade Extractors which are practically useless, Bank Access, Trading Post and Merchant Expresses, Repair Canisters, only 2-week convenience area passes, and so on...

  • Boosters - Need I say anything there?

  • Toys - Cool stuff: instruments, 'mounts', minis. We need more of these.

  • Account upgrades - Character, bank and bag slots, material storage upgrades, shared slots. Probably the only thing that doesn't really need a major change.

  • Mail carriers - I haven't even noticed these in-game until I got one randomly from a Black Lion Chest. They might be a bit overpriced, but otherwise are fine.

  • Black Lion keys - I saved this for last because IMO this is the biggest issue. The Black Lion Chests are not a gamble. It's pure loss. No, having a 10-5 chance of getting a permanent contract or a weapon skin doesn't justify buying keys if I will probably end up with a seasonal item (which is usually worth <10s), a Bank Access Express and a Tome of Knowledge. Come on. Account progression? Tome of knowledge? Here's my 3.5 stacks which I got in the last year, even after spending 8 weekly for keyfarm (ironic isn't it?) and leveling 10 characters to 80 using tomes.


I see a few major problems with this.

First of all, many cool NON-SEASONAL items are only available occasionally. It's fine if the Snowflake Glider is only available during wintersday, but it's not fine if Bunny Ears, Cat Ears, Aviator Sunglasses, Wide-Rim Glasses, Black and White Wing Gliders are not available at all times.

Some stuff is just freakishly overpriced and not functional enough to justify spending so many gems. Things like the Upgrade Extractor which is useless for 99% of runes and sigils, and yet costs the same as the most expensive sigil currently in game (Sigil of Concentration at 60g+). Or Transmutation Charges, which drop in ranked PvP like Hardened Leather from centaurs (oh wait...).


Gem prices

When you buy gems, you pay €20 (and I'd assume $20 in NA) for 1600 gems. Let's look at some of the existing items and their prices:

Item Gems Price
Outfit 700 €8.75
Permanent gathering tool 1000 €12.5
Glider 400 €5
Shared slot 700 €8.75
Character slot 800 €10
Upgrade Extractor 200-250 €2.5-3.13
Black Lion Key 84-125 €1.05-1.56
Revive Orb 180-250 €2.25-3.13
Bank Access Express 25-35 €0.31-0.44

The permanent gathering tools are fine. Outfits are fine. Gliders are fine. All of those took time and effort from the designers and they look cool. The only issue is, as I mentioned before, that some aren't always available.

Account upgrades are fine. People will always want more character slots, more inventory and bank slots, bigger material storage.

Everything else is not fine. The prices are a complete mess. Why would I pay €3 for a revive orb if that can get me 3 keys and a chance to get 3 revive orbs? (/s ofc, but still proves the point)


How can this be fixed?

What's missing? An incentive for players to spend money. What's the point of having all these cool items in the game if you don't let your players buy them?

  • Convenience area passes - Make them permanently available. 2-week passes are just not worth it.

  • Permanent contracts - Yes. I said it. Put them in the store, even for 4k gems for example (€50 or ~1k gold at current prices). It's a premium item. It should be expensive. Ok, maybe not that expensive, but they would still be much more accessible than now, with the perma-bank and perma-hairstylist contracts' current prices at 4k+ gold. As I said before, buying keys to have a miniscule chance of getting this is pointless for most players. But having a fixed price would have a lot of players cash out for those because the items are worth it. This would also increase the sales of shared slots to house all those permanent contracts.

  • While we're at it, add more permanent items - Permanent Upgrade Extractor, Makeover Kit, Black Lion Salvage Kit, Revive Orb, etc.

  • Add the Black Lion skins to the gem store - While I'm not entirely sure whether this would be a good idea, it would certainly add more content into the store. Whenever I see the banner on the frontpage of the gemstore saying 'New skins available!' I get excited for a second before realizing that those skins are either in the BLC or at the ticket merchant. These should be easier to obtain. By this I mean mechanically easier, not financially. So if I want a skin, I shouldn't have to buy 20 keys, hope for 10 scraps and then buy the skin for scraps while having all the utility junk filling my inventory. I should be able to open the gem store and buy the skin for 500-1000 gems or something.

  • Balance the prices of all utility items - Let's say that the express items (bank, merchant, etc.) would be fine at 20-30 gems per item. All the other utility items like upgrade extractors, repair canisters, revive orbs, even utility and metabolic primers should have that same price. That would make them useful, and would encourage players to actually buy them. This would also allow us to...

  • ...remove the utility items (and Tomes ofc) from the Black Lion Chests - In my opinion, BLCs should be a gamble that allows you to gain one random cool item that is available in the gem store. This would mean that you would buy a key and have a chance of getting something like a permanent gathering tool, or an outfit, or an armor skin, or a black lion skin. The seasonal item makes sense now, because that's a consolation prize in addition to a common drop like a mini ticket or a wardrobe unlock (instead of a Tome of Knowledge). So to recap, a BLC would give you 1 seasonal item + 1 random item of value that can be bought in the gem store OR a wardrobe unlock / mini ticket.



The way I see it, changes like these are likely to increase the gem store traffic, which would increase gold-to-gem prices, encouraging more players to buy gems for irl money, which would in turn increase gem-to-gold prices for the players who don't have time to farm in-game. It would increase earnings, allowing the game to grow, bringing more players and giving those players more amazing content... making the community, ANet and NcSoft happier.


TL;DR - Game is not as profitable as it should be considering all the new content we've been getting. Gem store is the problem. Item prices in the gem store are a mess. There is not enough good stuff in the gem store. There are lots of items that could be added in order to add incentive for players to buy gems. Black Lion Chests can be reworked. For more details on proposed changes read 'How can this be fixed?'.

submitted by /u/ChiroTheWizard
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I literally cant play, constant 3k ping

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 04:31 PM PST

Hi, I want to say first that this is something that is happening to a lot of people, atleast from my guild. We are all spanish, so therefore we are from Spain.

Since the last big patch I literally cant play the game. It randomly disconnects me, I have 4k constant ping, and this is not related to my ISP connection since I have 5-30 ping in any other game. This just happens on GW2.

I dont think it is fair that no one has looked into a solution yet to this because since your patches are really bad, the endgame content is stale and the time we can sneak into a game we paid cant be used I think there is no other solution to leave the game.

I hope an Anet employee can say something about the issue, it is really baffling and pathetic that Anet hasnt even said a word about this issue. Do you even work at your offices?

submitted by /u/kwiszat
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My attitude towards outfits

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 09:14 AM PST

I present to you my outfits:

As you can see I have exactly one outfit and this is the one many players got for free.

I hate outfits. I hate the fact that Anet says armor sets are too much work while releasing a new outfit every few weeks. This is not even about the fact that it costs gems. Its about not being able to combine outfits with anything else. I want my own look, no prefabricated outfit where I cant add any personality and where I look like anybody else.

TL;DR I would pay gems for armor sets that I can combine with my armor. Not for outfits.

EDIT just to clarify, I understand that outfits also have positive apsects! Its the fact that we get 40 outfits before we get a single armor set that bothers me.

submitted by /u/KimimotoLP
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I've made a full orchestral transcription of the "Heart of Thorns" Main Theme.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 06:43 AM PST

Here it is:

I hadn't found any full orchestral scores anywhere, so I had a go at transcribing one. I then made an audio recording using the transcription to test its accuracy.

Any comments/criticisms are always welcome!

And many thanks to Maclaine and Lena for creating such awesome music for GW2 (and do publish the official scores if you're able!).

submitted by /u/Zalladi
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Posted: 19 Feb 2017 05:37 AM PST


Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:41 PM PST

I would just like to thank the GW2 community for the warmth and patience with people who do not always know each other, I have always been treated as a friend by all the players I met during the game, even if I did not have much contact, I am going through an extremely fulfilled moment of my life, I lost friends and people who were close to me and I reached the point of suicide, but my mother never let me be weak, so I started to get into the game more often because I realized that there I can get distracted a bit and have fun. My depression is not healed and I think it will take a long time for me to get out of it, so I ask all players to remain kind to anyone they meet, in or out of the game, you never know what the other person might be going through and sometimes a smile or a gentle gesture can brighten up the day. Thank you.

submitted by /u/alrisso
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TIL: If a piece of armor comes with a "natural" color that you don't own, you can dye that channel back to that color at any time.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 09:47 AM PST

Something I just learned through random experimentation yesterday while messing around on my SO's account. She had just gotten the Council Watch Chestguard from the personal story and was very upset when she accidentally dyed over the natural black that came with the armor and applied it... 'Lo and behold, finding the black dye and re-applying it worked, but only on the channel that black came with, even though she had yet to unlock it.

This may be common knowledge but I've been playing this game since launch and had never known that. For most of us long-term players with tons of dyes this may be pointless, but for many new players, feel free to experiment without worry!

submitted by /u/Alkerio
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Just a big ol' post from a guild decorator (share your halls!)

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:06 PM PST

Hold on to your hats, this is a big one, TL;DR at the bottom

Well with all the hype over the new raid and the upcoming balance patch, I thought I might bring some love to our guild halls.

So right off the bat I'll admit I've probably spent upwards of 5,000 gold on decorating guild halls (yes multiple). I love the guild hall. It's my baby. I've always loved decorating in any game that lets me, and Guild Wars 2 has been no exception.

Here's mine (Vial of Salt), show me yours!

Since the release of Heart of Thorns, we've seen some really positive changes in scribing, and a few triumphs with new decorations. What I love about scribing is that as a profession, it really lets your personality shine through. With the severely reduced costs since release, it has become much more accessible even to casual players. It's still pricey enough that you have to make decisions about what you really want. It lets you tackle small projects at a time... "Do I want to decorate this room... or this one next?" "Do I want to make my garden next, or get some more trees to brighten up the hall in general?"... etc. The cost right now naturally spaces out your "progression" on decorating, and elongates your journey to that 2k decoration cap.

Now that's some of the good stuff (and Uzolan's is way up there, but I'll talk about that later), but what I really want to talk about is the future of decorating. There are some really great opportunities that ANet is missing, some of which could even go into the gem store to help bolster their earnings.

Guild Hall Miniatures

This is a topic I've seen thrown around a few times, and it is desperately needed. No matter how beautiful you make your guild hall, it feels sterile. Sometimes you have a few people running around, but we could really use more movement. Now I understand that the guild hall is very.... bumpy. There's a lot of clipping in weird places you wouldn't expect, but one way ANet could really cash in on this is by making them gem store items. Assign them a fixed (but large) patrol, maybe even have them interact with others if they happen upon eachother. Then, sell it for 250 gems or so. Make a new NPC to manage which are active at any given time, and give appropriate assignable permissions for the NPC's use. I would buy a disgusting amount of these.

Tonic Stand

So I don't think I've seen this idea yet. What I would love to see is a guild upgrade that allows someone to "consume" an infinite tonic to add it to the guild tonic stores. Then, make a decoration which when used grants a random (or chosen) tonic appearance from the unlocked ones for 5 minutes. This would be a fun reason for people to farm tonics, or even put more of them in the gem store. Also, I just love goofy things to do while you're bored and hanging out in the guild hall.

Decorations that incorporate a "Journey"

I'm talking about Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra here. For those of you not in the know, there is a journey to rival the first step of most precursor journeys just to learn the recipe. Then you need a gift of music, and a gift of magic to finish it off. This thing is amazing. It's a big decoration, and it produces music, and it is so very satisfying when you pass it just to know the work it took to get it. I want so, many, more, of these. I would even want them to be more challenging (the journey, not the materials), because as I said, scribing lets your personality shine through. It shows people what you spent time and effort on, and big projects can bring a guild together; and after all, that's the whole point of the guild hall, isn't it? Bringing guildmates together. I would even suggest they tie some of the collections into guild missions, because boy do they need some love too. Again, you could have the collection starter for these massive decorations be gem store items as well.

Jumping Puzzles and self-made rewards

I think one of the most common uses of the guild hall is to make a jumping puzzle (or 4). There is so much more we can do to make these enjoyable. Two specific items I've "suggested" in the past were an item that removes all skills when you're near it so you can't use class skills to "cheat", and a launcher of some sort, to take you from area to area for puzzles.

Of greater importance to me personally is an RNG reward box. In my head, this would be tied to a guild hall upgrade, and would open up a new bank tab. In the tab, certain rows correspond to certain chances to be looted. Then, allow the crafting of a reward chest decoration. Once per day, if looted, it rewards items from that tab. Put that at the top of your horrible salt-inducing jumping puzzle and you've just built more fun into the game for people. The guild gets to decide how valuable of items to put in there, and since it doesn't "produce" new items, it doesn't impact the economy if say, I feel like putting a precursor in there at a .5% drop rate.

Boss drop and rare crafting

When they announced that bosses were going to drop items for scribes, I was extremely excited. While the trophies look nice.... they were a huge letdown personally. In my mind we were going to get decorations for each boss for their environment. Example: Mordremoth Mandible would make models from Dragon Stand. I was hoping they'd even be interactable, like a very expensive noxious pod you could make for the guild, that was actually harvestable once a day. Perhaps even generate a "spawner" for enemies from the region, so you could make a menagerie (again, making movement in the hall). Also, the raids are beautiful, it's such a shame that the only thing we can craft from them is the trophy the boss drops.

I also just want to see rarer items. Like chak egg sac rare. I'd love to see multiple ones that could drop off each boss (or world content, or harvesting nodes, or dungeons, or WvW/PvP kills whatever feels thematic for the item). Make the item soulbound, and on use it gets put directly into your currently represented guild's decoration storage. Getting mega rare drops is always fun, let's add some more! Besides, people like to show off their guild halls, and getting one of those would surely be a "centerpiece". Plus, it gives people incentive to farm if they really really want a specific one.

Miscellaneous Decoration Ideas

I know there's a lot that could be added, but as far as generic craftables we really should have, they're kind of the top of my list.

  • More foliage, less pots. We need more colors, and I want them to look natural, even better would be to have a variant for both potted and natural.
  • Represent more of the racial homes. We have little to nothing in the way of Norn, Charr, Sylvari, or Asuran architecture.
  • Interactable decorations. The snow maker lets you throw snowballs, and knock people down who are also holding them. I built an entire event out of this for our guild the first time they came out, give us more!
  • More rugs and paintings. While I don't like the way you obtain the caudecus decorations, I'm super happy with the way they look.
  • Decorations that can be purchased for dungeon tokens. Give us a reason to run with our friends that need them for legendaries!

Quality of Life Changes

We're a lot better off than when scribing first launched, but there are still some things that are missing that feel pretty basic when compared to other games. I'll freely admit I don't understand the technical aspect of what goes into these changes, but I know they've been done elsewhere.

  • Let us rotate on a third axis. Who cares if it clips into the ground or looks funny, that should sort of be our prerogative shouldn't it?
  • Allow resizing, nothing drastic, the biggest decorations should remain the most impressive, but it would be nice to resize a bit to have things look a little different from each other.
  • Allow us to move things with the arrow keys before placement. The floor is very uneven in the guild halls, and often things will clip through the ground because of it.
  • Remove or drastically raise the "local" decoration limit. It's infuriating trying to space things out perfectly to get your display to look its best. I'd love to hear the rationale behind even having this.
  • Increase the guild hall decoration cap. Again, I'd buy this for gems in a heartbeat. A guild hall upgrade would be good too. I'm constantly at cap, and have so many things I still want to build!
  • Limit the ceramic planter nesting. It feels a bit out of place with all the new changes to recipes that came out to reduce costs.
  • Remove the 30 sec wait on crafting. I don't understand the point of this now that it isn't tied to currency at all. Making a gold trophy is currently a 30 minute endeavor if you have all the materials.
  • Decoration preview. Some of these are expensive, it'd be real nice to right click and see what we're getting out of the deal. I'm sure there are many things I'm forgetting, feel free to comment with them below.

One final note undeserving of it's own section, please don't do the caudecus decorations again. Just straight up purchasing feels really bland and unimaginative. Make them tied to achievements for the recipe, then craft them next time. At least it was cute that the butler stole them all... maybe he could have even sent you on journeys to "recover" these pieces.

And that's it!

My fervent hope is that they're already implementing some of these things for the next expansion, which they've been so tight-lipped about it's hard to even know if I should be excited! I really do love the guild halls, and everything that comes with it. I wish I could volunteer at ANet just to make it even more incredible than it already is. Also any of you silent devs out there who read this, let me know if any of these things are already being talked about <_<. I want to feel the hype. Hope you enjoyed my post!

TL;DR: Scribing is much better than it used to be, but ANet is missing a lot of solid opportunities to make money and/or give players more to do. Show me your guild halls!

submitted by /u/sporgen
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sylvari hair doodle

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 03:04 PM PST

Started out with a grass type hair since fancier leaves will be much harder. ~shrug~ I'll get better at them as I go. I'm ok with it for a first try on sylvari, though I wish I'd done the gold highlighting a bit stronger. I may retouch that later.

If you'd like to see more hair doodles I toss them all here:

submitted by /u/Moxxie_Kaboom
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Announcing the launch of Padl 2.0 (with new and improved website!)

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:30 AM PST

Hey guys I'm back again. If you missed me the first time, a couple of weeks ago I launched Padl, the Parser for Arc Dps Logs. As you might know, at the time DPS meters were a question mark hanging over the head of the playerbase, raiders in particular. Even with that I went ahead with sharing Padl with the community in an attempt to show how DPS meters and logging tools can be used to extrapolate amazing amounts of data to help players, squads and guilds improve themselves in a raid environment.

The feedback I received was mostly positive and supportive and I thank you all hugely for that! In the short time Padl 1.0 existed (approx. 2 weeks), I received over 5000 log uploads from players interested in seeing how they performed in raids. To make things even better, ArenaNet has allowed us to use DPS meters without fear of repercussion and opened the door to a wonderful world of data gathering and stat tracking, so a huge thank you to the devs as well!

Anyway now that I have the introduction out of the way, here is Padl 2.0! Since ArenaNet gave us the go-ahead to use DPS meters I've been hard at work completely rewriting it for new features such as graphs and improved readability. Here's what a parsed log looks like. Unfortunately a couple of features from Padl 1.0 aren't quite ready yet (boons being the big one) but should be done sometime this week. I also have plans to add more functionality such as mechanic tracking and squad group setup.

Once again it's late and I'm tired so my GM /u/Tsplodey will be around to answer any questions he can. Thank you to my guild members for their help with beta testing, especially Bob for his valued contributions. Happy parsing!

submitted by /u/Loseyre
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Skill Balance Coming 2

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 05:42 AM PST

Sup. [1] [2]

Last post till Wednesday. Put a remind me to this and check it after the balance patch. Also check [2].

Tempest will get a DPS nerf (probably still top DPS on large hitboxes but might compete with thief on small ones). Engi gets something similar to Ranger's Spotter giving 180 condi damage to 5 people. Warrior's banners, Druid's Grace of the Land will affect 10 people now. Thief's Vault (Staff 5) will be affected by quickness (the DPS boost I talked about in the post above).

I won't say more for now but if you have some time try cook a Breakfast Pizza. The taste is somehow wierd at the beginning but it's quite an experience.

submitted by /u/ThrowyawaRaid
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Stuck in pvp queue, need help

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 08:19 AM PST


I'm stuck in a pvp queue where some members haven't accepted it seems. If I dismiss it remains it still stays in the pvp window and says "match is about to begin there". Whenever I relog, change maps, use a WP or watch a vista the window pops back up and the only available button is "dismiss". This has been going on for over an hour now.

Anyone experienced this before or got any suggestions on fixing it?

ig name: Magari Azdaja

P.S: my problem is NOT this:

edit: 3 hours later, nothing changed, unable to play pvp and for pve I keep getting the pop-up from above, submitted a bugreport

edit2: 4h later, either a relog on another pc fixed it or it was reset by itself

submitted by /u/nenne86
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So.. Whats about the Frozen exotic Weapon fragment?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 03:11 AM PST

This boys were ONLY avaiable as a "Guaranteed" reward on the seasonal BLC, and some random achievments. They are need in 3 to exchange for a piece of weapon.

I have 1 leftover on my bank, that I can in no way acquire more to exchange.

Are these just lost in the time, and doomed to be sold for 50s? If so, seens really bad designed, since they made a npc vendor exclusively for it.

submitted by /u/-Zackh
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Mistward achievement bugged

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 06:26 PM PST

To get the leg guards I need the scale legs skin unlocked. done! but... it didn't register. I have it in my wardrobe but its not registering. I've even bought it on TP twice, switched characters and logged off, then back on again. I've already sent a bug report but I wanted to know if anyone else has ever experienced this? and if so did you find a way to fix it yourself?

submitted by /u/Dragovape
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Is it me or login servers are outraging?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 01:27 PM PST

Can't login at all, stuck at circular progress bar.


submitted by /u/kirkerafael
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Will Anet ever address the fight against Mordremoth?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:33 PM PST

Flying to avoid Mordremoth's AoE attacks is bugged to oblivion. Sometimes it doesn't work, sometimes I fly off the fucking map and I'm removed from the instance. The fight is nice in concept, but when it's bugged to the gutter, it's just frustrating and makes the boss fight a battle against RNG to see if the bugs will fuck you up or not.

submitted by /u/lysmm203
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Now that DPS Meters are legal, is there a repository or list of all actively developed or functional meters that I can browse?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 06:06 PM PST

Quick Guide to Lake Doric - Jade and Leather Farm

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 01:23 AM PST

Starting GW2

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:48 AM PST

I don't know which race of class is best for me. I like mages, so there's a start I guess. Any beginner advice?

submitted by /u/SpaceUndies01
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Down in Southsun Cove

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 01:01 PM PST

I stumbled across some Charrs in the Black Citadel Local Council guild this morning. I could not resist sneakily joining in on their beach dance! Not sure what you cats were up to, but it made a fun little moment for me XD

submitted by /u/Thelostbiscuit
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Abaddon-Statue missing from Scribe recipes

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 05:19 AM PST

Anet should add it, they could use they same model that is already in the Priory.

submitted by /u/Gahro
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Do you salvage exotics that aren't sell-able or do you throw it in the Mystic Forge?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:22 PM PST

For example: Fractal 40 farm nets you some exotics that aren't sellable

submitted by /u/Rebellion-
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