True Dota 2 - When do you and when do you not get boots on weaver?

When do you and when do you not get boots on weaver?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:53 AM PST

Antimage in 7.02

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:23 AM PST

Hi guys! I really enjoy playing AM in the 2-3k bracket, because most players in this bracket don't really know how to catch a ratting AM/play against a ratting AM, and though I'm sure I don't know everything on when to go splitpush/when to fight with team, I believe I understand the reasons/timings slightly better than other players in my bracket (2-3k). However, I'm just curious about reasons and good timings for items in different item builds (vanguard first vs BF first etc) and the position of HotD in these item builds. Also, it would be greatly appreciated if anyone could give tips for when to splitpush/fight with team. Thanks!

submitted by /u/iapetusbob
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7.02 - Solar Crest + Deso Theorycrafting

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 10:18 AM PST

Was just experimenting with troll builds after 7.02, I found one build that I think has crazy potential.

You can buy Solar Crest and Blight Stone for less than 3,000g. Those two items combined give 14 armor reduction (double the amount desolator gives). Later in the game you can upgrade to a Desolator giving you 19 reduction.

Let's say Templar Assassin gets Phase/Treads, Bottle, Solar Crest, and Blight Stone. That's around 5k gold, which you should be able to get around level 12 at 10-15 minutes. With meld, solar crest, and blight stone, you will reduce their armor by (8 + 12 + 2) 22 armor! That could increase your damage by up to 80%.

A Templar Assassin with this new 4,825g build will deal more damage to a 16.5 armor hero than a Templar Assassin with the traditional 6,385g build (Phase/Treads, Bottle, Aquila, Desolator). Furthermore, this build will put you closer to an extension item (Deso for just 3,200g).

Is getting Solar Crest + Deso in the same build just too slot-expensive, or is this a viable build?

submitted by /u/andenrx
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30% XP gain or +1 Forge Spirit?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:34 PM PST

I've seen pros, like Miracle-, go both. When do you prefer the XP gain, and when do you prefer the extra forge spirit?

I usually go for the forge spirit, especially if I'm doing decently, since I get Midas and can farm very quickly and get to 25 pretty easily. Plus I find the extra forge almost always too valuable to pass up.

Is the XP gain just for catching up when behind? Or is the logic to get to 25 asap?

submitted by /u/Scotch_Logic
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Sharing my journey from 5k to 6k.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 02:30 AM PST

Hey guys, today I want to write about my experience in this bracket to help 5k players reaching their 6k dream. For me, getting 6k is pretty hard and I am sure everyone has at least felt 'lost' in this bracket. So, here it goes.


I include 4.8k here because I felt like I did not encounter any problem. I spammed games and just got better at pressing my buttons. I used various support heroes in this bracket.


In this bracket, I polished my laning mechanics by watching my own replay and focusing on the first 5-10 minutes. I spammed mid TA and just got better at not dying in the lanes. I also fought clashes better in this bracket, but still made sloppy decisions like going in to a losing fight, etc.


1 and a half month ago I was 5.5k and decided spamming games was not enough. I stumbled upon this video and slowly it changed my perspective. Now, I always try to make efficient rotations as a support and constantly ask myself what am I achieving by staying in the lane I'm currently in, am I going to do a lot if I rotate to offlane, etc. In this bracket, I play mostly mid TA and meta supports. Sometimes, I would play underlord offlane if I am forced to or veno jungle if I think the game is good for it.


I was hovering 5.7k-5.8k for like 3 weeks then and I decided my support plays are not enough to win games alone. I picked up treant protector dual offlane strat and it gave me a huge success especially when my partner is monkey king. I am constantly drawing the attention of the 2 supports while getting occasional kills on either the carry or the support, securing farm for my partner, etc. Basically, every game as treant my impact was really huge.

That is my experience and if you have any question, please just ask and I will try to answer it.


submitted by /u/abontikus
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Is silencer still good after 7.02 patches

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:07 AM PST

Title says it all. Wanna try and learn if he's still viable

submitted by /u/DemKnightTDK
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Help a longtime 2k player understand "Positioning".

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 01:14 AM PST

I've heard that Positioning is a key factor when playing heroes like Drow. But what I think is, is Positioning really an important thing to take care about? I just can stand somewhere and auto attack enemies. So please help me understand Positioning...

How does better positioning really helps?

Are these the examples of Positioning?

Sniper should make use of his range, stay back in fights and auto attack, Axe should be in front in a team fights.

If a 2k and a 5k plays Drow and both of them are engaging in a team fight, how will they both control and position the hero? (I know how a 2k does because I'm a 2k myself but I want to know from your perspective)

Also what it meant by "Out of Position"?

Support heroes should stay back and cast spells. They should not be in a middle of a team fight if then they will be easily killed because they're squishy. Right?

Do you have anything to say about this?

P.S- Even if these questions are silly, forgive me and answer the question. And add anything you wish to say about Positioning. Help 2k players improve their gameplay :)

submitted by /u/str_d2
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When to Aquila?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 02:23 AM PST

Obviously it's a very good item to get on Agi carries for stats, damage, early mana regen and armour aura, pushing ability and its very cost efficient and easy build up.

However, I've seen many pros not pick it up on heroes like Jugg that seem like they would benefit from it a lot.

submitted by /u/taby69
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How to deal with morphling in lane?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:06 AM PST

In the offlane I can win most matchups but I have lots of problems agaisnt morph, his damage escape and trading is way too good for me if im meele. What do I do?

submitted by /u/Tiencha69
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Silly idea: Is Aether Lens ever good on someone like Invoker?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:22 PM PST

Just thought about it, I dont know what exactly it could be used for. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/Splitdip
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What is the legit speed of increasing mmr when you are better?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:22 PM PST

Please help me reddit. This is a problem bothers me for a long time. I play party ranking most of the time and my current party mmr is 4500. My solo mmr is 3500 and I have climb it to 3700k for about 2 weeks. However I am feeling stucked in this brackets. Since my friends are all getting busy recently, I've been playing 70 solo ranking games with 37win-23lose, which is 52.9% winrate. At this speed, it would take me a huge amount of time to reach 4k or 4.5k above.

I like to play carry and offlane in my party ranking games and some times I think I am decent in 4.5k mmr with about 50% winrate. However, what can I do with my solo mmr? There isn't any enjoyment to play when my friends are busy and I still think I am better than my 3.7k teammates because I don't make the mistakes from the replays I analysized. Even some people will add me as friend after every 3~4 games which also proves I do not suck at 3.7k, but I still feel it is so hard to climb currently.

Is there any youtube/twitch stream where high mmr players climbing mmr from a low mmr account? Is there any kinds of guide of what should I do when I feel my teammate isn't good enough yet I still cannot win all games? It's just unrealistic for me to play a billion games with 58.1% winrate(it may be lower as my mmr increases) everyday.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/ICEunicorn
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Since the new patch, and me recently getting into Dota again after my computer broke, I'm struggling. Hard.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:52 PM PST

I have a lot of trouble making any impact without being carried, trouble catching up in farm now, and teamfighting. I'm having issues and would like someone to help me out, tell me what to improve on because I'm having some trouble.

submitted by /u/IAmAustinPowersAMA
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