Fallout - My new Vault-Tec tattoo!

My new Vault-Tec tattoo!

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:32 AM PST

Just finished a fallout 4 T-60 Power Helmet drawing, what do you guys think?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 10:31 AM PST

Here is a link to the drawing process:


Here is a link to the finished image:


submitted by /u/Yognau-gh-t
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In fallout 4 what do synths run off of? Wouldn't they eventually run out of nuclear power or whatever they run off of?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:00 AM PST

(Fallout 4) So I'm experiencing a weird bug...

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:22 PM PST

In the past couple days, I've been having a really weird bug with Deacon. He'll literally teleport behind me, one frame there's nothing, the next frame he's just magically there. Then, he'll start following me around, even though I don't have him set as my companion. Usually, I just ask him to follow me, then ask him to leave, and he goes back to Railroad HQ. No problems.

Well, yesterday when he showed up again, he started yelling at me about selling out the Railroad to the Brotherhood, which makes no sense since I beat the main story on this character over a year ago, and I did the Railroad ending, so the Brotherhood isn't around anymore. No matter what I do, he attacks, and I become enemies with Railroad.

I did some searching on the internet and found no mention of this bug, so do you have any ideas. Anyone else experience it, and are there any fixes?

I'm on ps4, and my best guess is it's a mod, but I have no idea which mod it'd be.

submitted by /u/Lunar-Chimp
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FOnline: Reloaded (free to play persistent world MMORPG based on Fallout 1 and 2)

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:55 AM PST

If someone has already posted about this please let me know and I will delete this post.

Thanks to the to Bluedrake for showing a preview of this. For you hardcore Fallout fans a group have made an MMORPG based upon the original Fallout games.

I won't ramble and let the website do the talking for me http://www.fonline-reloaded.net/

submitted by /u/Blackfalcon501
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I think I found a Fallout reference in Riddick

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:20 AM PST


Edit: For people who don't see it. It's a vault tech logo on the case.

submitted by /u/BishopMiles
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Most Emotional Moment (Spoilers)

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:32 PM PST

I have loved the Fallout series since the first game, and my admiration grew with every new release. Fallout 4 just blew me away when it came out, and when I could get some time away from work, the wife, and kids, I would get lost for hours building up settlements and sneaking around ruins, picking up every piece of trash and competing every side quest I could.

Determined to no longer be side tracked, I finally entered the Fort and confronted Kellog. When I walked out of the building and saw that amazing blimp in the sky, and heard the announcement that the Brotherhood was here in force, my heart was racing with excitement. The Brotherhood of Steel is my favorite part of the Fallout universe, and I try to join them as quickly as possible in each game. I became obsessed with moving forward, spending all my free time doing missions for the Brotherhood with Danse at my side, excited to have a companion that liked every single decision that I made.

The immersion in this game has been so incredible for me, I love that the BoS members change the way they talk based on your rank, and sometimes remark about your accomplishments. So I'd become a valued member of the organization I loved, with a mission I 100% supported, and a companion who I enjoyed traveling with and learning about.

Then Maxon told me Danse was a synth, and my heart sank. I kept thinking it was a trick, or misunderstanding, or a plot by the Institute. I didn't like synths, never fell for the whole "underground railroad" thing. I looked forward to ending the synth problem in the Commonwealth by destroying the Institute and if there were some stragglers left (like Nick), I'd be happy to forget about them and just move on.

I thought the game would give me a chance to let him go, and it did. But everything he said was correct: if I let him go, I'd be betraying everything we worked together for all this time, as well as the Brotherhood. I'd be betraying his mentorship. As I sat there, alone in my living room, kids in bed, a 30 something grown man, I started crying.

No, not just crying. Sobbing. Shoulders wracked, tears streaming down my face. I had to hold back any sounds, and it was all I could do to read the screen. Danse knew what I had to do; so did I. I watched him get on his knees in front of me and then stare right at me. It seemed like he was looking through the monitor. I readied my shotgun, and with one click of my mouse he was gone. I put my face in my hands and just wept for what I had done, for the friend I had lost, the sacrifice that my hard-line stance had brought me to.

I know there were others ways it could have ended. I could go back and set him free, or at least try. But I feel like it would diminish the experience of everything we went through together, and make that hard choice that felt like a knife twisting in my guts to just another button push. This is the only way things could have ended for Danse and myself.

I have never been so emotionally involved in a game in my life, so immersed in the storyline that losing a character feels like losing a real friend. I want to thank Bethesda for crafting this experience, allowing me to go on this journey and never expect where it would take me.

Sorry this is so long, no one I know would understand this experience and I just needed to share it.

TL; DR: Video game makes grown man sob.

EDIT: Also, to prove I'm a huge hypocrite (or maybe that I learned something from the whole ordeal)...

... I took Shaun in as my son, despite him being a synth. I just couldn't turn my back on him.

submitted by /u/verkadeshoksnyder
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[Fallout: NV] Does anyone else think that Dog/God was an awesome character(s) in Dead Money?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:04 PM PST

I just absolutely loved that character.

The voice acting was great, and the multiple personality aspect was somewhat scary yet fascinating at the same time.

submitted by /u/Nicholas150
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If you could make two -small- changes to Fallout 4, what would they be?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:36 AM PST

I'm talking small changes and adjustments. Not things like remove the voiced protagonists or the classic 'get Obsidian to make it'. I'm talking small things that you think would improve the game. If you have time then explain why that would be an improvement. So my two would be:

  1. Make it so that Local Leader is a Lv. 1 Charisma perk or not a perk at all. They should have made the settlement building as accessible as possible and I think that locking the Supply Lines shared resources feature behind a higher level Special perk was a mistake. Once you have Supply Lines settlement building becomes far better.

  2. Not having to return to Preston to complete Minuteman radiant quests. Just give hand them in to the settlement you helped. Going back to Preston adds an unnecessary extra fast travel screen to that quest, which just takes people out of the game for longer. It would also mean he can't instantly give you another one.

Are there any small things like this you guys would like adjusted? If you know of a mod that changes it, feel free to share that too.

submitted by /u/_hardboy
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For those that mod Survival, what do you change?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:10 AM PST

I've been playing a modded Survival mode since I prefer the New Vegas hardcore mode, and I was wondering about what people changed in Survival mode via mods, if anything. So I set up a multiple-answer strawpoll below, and feel free to give your thoughts below.


submitted by /u/Red_Knightmare
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Which DLC?!

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:01 AM PST

I'm having a hard time choosing a dlc. Which one of New Vegas's DLC's is the most fun and longest?

EDIT: Going with DM, will document my quest across Madre

submitted by /u/Twitteri
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Recommended levels to start each New Vegas dlc at?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:51 PM PST

I just got the dlcs today and I'm wondering what the best levels to start at are. Thanks!

submitted by /u/ATAGChozo
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So I just finished Dead Money for the first time and.... (Spoilers)

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:06 AM PST

So after taking everyone's suggestions about which DLC I should do next for New Vegas, I sat down and completed Dead Money and...

...by God it was fantastic. I loved the characters, the setting, and most of all; the survival-horror feel to the whole thing. I'm a huge Silent Hill fan as it is, and I had no idea Dead Money would be a survival horror kind of DLC, so it caught me completely by surprise walking into it blind.

The characters were all memorable. Dog and God were so fascinating to listen to with the multiple personalities. (I eventually did "merge" them)

Wasn't too big on Dean Domino as I kind saw him double crossing me a mile away. It gave me great pleasure to shoot him in the head later. :P

and Christine... she's my favorite out of all the three. I had a lot of max traits when I did the play through, so I got to go through a lot of her dialogue and backstory. I REALLY wish she could have been a follower I could take with me back to the Mojave, but oh well :(

Also, locked the good father inside the vault. :P

Oh, and the Radio message of the Sierra Madre as I was leaving....gave me a lot of feels...

Now, with all of my gushing out of the way, I have to say....this DLC was HARD. Really difficult. Died so many times due to the damn collar, and other times due to the ghosts. Also, I HATED the run to get out of the vault before my collar exploded. Died so many times there due to getting lost.

It was an insane challenge, but I still found the compelling story and characters more than made up for the frustrating moments of the gameplay.

Overall, I gotta give it a 8/10....I really enjoyed this DLC. The other two I still have to play are Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road. I hope they'll be as enjoyable as Old World Blues and Dead Money were.

Anyways, what did you guys think of Dead Money? I'm genuinely curious.

submitted by /u/Jamey4
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Found a interesting thing involving vault 81

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:56 AM PST

If you go the the bridge near bunker hill (accessible with a construction site full of super mutants) you can find a vault 81 steamer trunk in the back of a truck. Don't know if it's luck, but it had 3 fusion cores.

submitted by /u/WhiteFenix207
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That empty feeling

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 09:41 AM PST

I've just finished Fallout 1 & 2 and although I found 2 difficult to begin with I ended up loving it. Now I'm left with a vault shaped hole in my soul. What next? I've played FO3, NV and FO4 to death and I've heard Fallout tactics isn't as good as the others.

I feel like I want to play another fallout in the style of the first two. I don't know why but even though I started with the 3D games, I think I like the older ones more.

Anyone have any recommendations for similar type games?

submitted by /u/slobcat1337
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Best possible ending to Fallout 4 with best end game content?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 10:12 AM PST

I'm finally going to finish the story to Fallout 4 soon (have been close but got tired of my characters before) and wanted to know what factions can be sided with (I've heard of people only killing off one or two factions and siding with the rest, no idea how to do that or even if its still possible now) and what are the best radiant quests after finishing the game?

submitted by /u/dragonlandman
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[FNV] Helios One, Archimedes I and the Brotherhood

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 02:50 AM PST

Anyone know what happens (if anything) with your relationship with the Brotherhood after killing all NCR guys at Helios One? I know that Caesar's Legion takes over after a bit but I dont know if killing the NCR improves or damages your relationship with the Brotherhood after activating Archimedes I

submitted by /u/Yaneffb
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What are the some of the glitches you guys came across in FO4?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:25 PM PST

I was in a room looking for supplies then this happened: https://youtu.be/KJEzj1MTF2o

submitted by /u/GAZAYOUTH93X
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Fallout music at work

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:18 AM PST

The radio station at work today is "Swing Kings" and its all that jazzy, swingy, tin pan alley-ish music synonymous with Fallout and I'm loving it. Here's the most recent played if you wanna get in on this

I Never Knew, by Tommy Dorsey

40 Cups of Coffee, by Ella Mae Morse

Hocus Pocus, by Coleman Hawkins

Liebestraum, by Bunny Berigan

Mary's Idea, by Andy Kirk

Marie, by Bunny Berigan

Impromptu, by Jimmie Lunceford

Summit Ridge Drive, by Artie Shaw

Blowin' Up a Breeze, by Hot Lips Page

I Oughta Know More About You, by Tommy Dorsey

If Dreams Come True, by Chick Webb And His Orchestra

submitted by /u/mmikes2012
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Liberty Prime isn't moving.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:02 PM PST

For Fallout 4, in the mission Ad Victoriam, once Liberty Prime breaks out of the area he was built in, he just stops moving. I've tried fast traveling to the CIT Ruins, but he isn't there with me.

I need help

submitted by /u/TeleBaroonKing
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A Nuclear Sunset

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:42 AM PST

An oldie, but goodie. This is why I love our community

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:02 PM PST

If coins have been made obsolete by bottlecaps, why dont they use coins as ammunition?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 02:47 PM PST

Yes there are no pre war guns that would be able to use them but we have pipe guns, so we know there are enough materials to fashion an entire gun and people who know how to make them, so why not?

submitted by /u/Eddyoshi
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Found this post in /r/gaming from 4 years ago.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 02:38 PM PST

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