True Dota 2 - Riki vs Bounty Hunter

Riki vs Bounty Hunter

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:52 AM PST

Why is the pro scene favoring Riki over Bounty Hunter?

I feel that Bounty Hunter kit brings so much more to the team and achieves more things than Riki's.

So my question is, why should I pick Riki instead of BH as a support and why Pros do it?

submitted by /u/Dudu_sousas
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Is Doom a super strong support now with the +80 gold talent?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 09:46 AM PST

Low MMR player here. Theorycrafting, is Doom super strong now with his new talent? Assuming everything is used on cooldown, maxed Devour is now worth 270 GPM. Plus a Midas, that's 384 GPM. With passive gold, that's 484 GPM. The only available farm that takes away from your cores is 2.1 creeps per minute (1.5 creeps for Devour, 0.6 of a creep for the Midas).

It seems to me that you could run a greedy 4-5 core lineup this way, with a greedy pos 4 and a Doom farming 2 creeps per minute. What am I missing here?

submitted by /u/ak1247
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After 2 years of stagnation at 2k7, i have made it to 4k in 9 month !

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:19 PM PST

You can't believe how great i feel right now, after all those years at the same crappy mmr, i'm now a 4k player !

Ama if you want

submitted by /u/Ergotisme
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Maximizing plague wards

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:23 AM PST

New player here. Venomancer is one of my favorite heroes so far, in part because he has such a different playstyle from other heroes. Most of the dotabuff guides seem to revolve around playing him as a magic DPS suicider with the ultimate+agh's, but I really like the "tower defense" aspect of the hero. I'm trying to figure out some item choices to maximize the power of the plague wards. Here's what I have so far:

1) Assault cuirass (-armor on plague ward targets) 2) Radiance (miss chance on wards) 3) Midas+XP talent to get to level 25 faster 4) Veil of discord (stronger poison sting ticks) 5) Blight/Desolator (focus fire with plague wards) 6) Octarine core (get more wards up faster)

Am I missing anything? I tested in lobby and it seems most auras don't affect plague wards, so an aura build probably isn't best. In my last game I itemized for armor and movespeed to improve Veno's survivability, and I liked it a lot. Ult+shiva's was nice, as was the AC buff. Any help appreciated.

submitted by /u/ak1247
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Vengeful Spirit itemization logic - Feedback welcome

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:48 AM PST

I play mid lane core Vengeful Spirit. I'm currently sitting at 4750~ MMR, climbing steadily with 67% win rate and a bit above 3.0 KDA(mind you some of those games include forced to support games).
I play her safe lane secondarily, but I believe mid lane is superior as Venge's natural GPM makes mid Venge + hard core a better combination than vice versa.
I would appreciate if You guys rated my itemization logic. Hoping to improve my consistency, ideally get my 70% wr back.

Starting Items:
Wraith Band + Tango's or Faerie Fire + Branch(if Tango's are shared)

Early game Items:
One of: Wind Lace, Blight Stone, Wand. Usually a one off blight stone if you have more armor reduction on team, Wand is a matchup thing, Wind Lace in any other case.
Raindrops help with mana issues and roamers in mid lane.
1-2 tp's carried all the time as you're a great counter ganker in early game skirmishes.

Core Items:
Ring of Aquila, Treads, Helm of the Dominator, Hurricane Pike. Focus on mid game auras and Pike so you can start using swap offensively and reposition yourself since you have no escape mechanism.

Typically Mjollnir, Satanic, Butterfly. Mjollnir for GPM, Satanic to make use of the massive attack speed and base damage to manfight, Butterfly is a no-brainer.
Manta+Skadi over Mjo+Satanic is a solid alternative, depending on what you need more. Skadi provides better synergy with Manta since it provides tankier illusions on top of stickyness so you and illusions both deal damage. It's secondary as it doesn't provide as much GPM(albeit is more consistent once you get there).

Situational Items:
Manta Style - if you require basic dispel. Best DPS option assuming your illusions stay alive, even with the aura and lvl 20 talent considered. Great 7th item too.
Silver Edge - at the moment I build when I require break, e.g. a fed Axe, Spectre or Timbersaw. I rarely buy early for ganking; is that a mistake?
Assault Cuirass - always solid but it rarely overtakes Butterfly; if there's some evasion already on team, baiting the enemy team to buy MKB's or evasion counters. Usually better suited on the frontline offlaner.
BKB - I actually rarely buy it, disable lock is uncommon and if I die to magic damage I believe a team's pipe or investing into raw stats is way better(Satanic/Skadi/Heart).
Heart of Tarrasque - because you <3 Techies.
Diffusal - Solid with Manta, but offering no defensive stats; would pick vs Storms and Medusa's, not so much anyone else.

Behind Items:
Vladimir & Aghanim.
If your GPM is low(usually if you have an offlane hard carry, Aghs mirana or you're just behind) you may shift to a pos 3-4th position; you become an aura bot for your team. Vladimir is transitioned from Aquila after you have 166+ damage(break-even point of Vlad + Wraith Band with Aquila and itself) - Aghanim allows you to keep giving your allies auras via the illusion.

Question Marks:
Helm of Dominator - Feels great when ahead or not teamfighting too soon or if you're sieging; At the moment I'm considering skipping it due to the nerfs and those off games for more consistency. Thoughts?
Early Shadowblade - I saw some mainers grab it, I feel like Venge cannot farm it up too quickly to make it relevant and have enough damage to burst someone 100-0. Perhaps you think differently?
Phase Boots - Saw some people pick it up; makes sense especially if you grab Wind Lance & Manta or Shadowblade to be a bit of a racecar. Does the MS overtake 9 AGI multiplied by your aura though?
Bloodthorn - Never built it, but I feel like should you get any glass cannon item other than Mjollnir, it would be it. Fixes mana issues, synergizes with your swap-hey-focus-that-guy playstyle. Thoughts?
Linkens - Decent on slippery heroes, something Venge isn't, but useful vs strong sudden targetted abilities(e.g. LC Duel).

Rejected Items:
S&Y - Maim is unfortunately terrible on ranged cores.
Drums - Just crappy.
Desolator - Glass cannon item which is more effective when bought early which she cannot do; She just gets punished for the purchase most of the time.
Daedalus - Solid with Manta, but inferior to Bloodthorn in my opinion.
Ethereal Blade - Solid premise considering her stats, but awkward in execution as there's a whole second not attacking.
MKB - Not a fan, if I had issues with evasion I'd rather grab Silver edge(which break attack cannot miss) and kill the problematic enemy within the break time.

Feedback is welcome.

submitted by /u/kfijatass
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From 3K to 2K

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:37 AM PST

Hi! Recently i've been trying to calibrate my MMR, when I was in around Level 14 my hidden mmr was around 3K and that was where I got used to. Now due to calibration, my mmr became lower due to losses and me playing support (since always nobody wants to play support) from somewhere around 2.8k to below 2.4k. How can i get used to the different playing style of 2k from 3k? And what heroes should i really play when calibrating (Last 2 Calibration Matches).

submitted by /u/DemKnightTDK
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A micro problem I'm having

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:56 AM PST

I've had some minor issues while microing for a long-time. Sometimes my meepo I've sent to fountain suddenly shows back in lane, not healed one bit. Sometimes when trying to treant-block my hero suddenly stopped hitting. This has been going on for years and I've always thought it's some kind of stupid bug.

Then I've realized the cause. My big clumsy hands sometimes hit the control key (unified control) and this just happens ever so randomly and seems to have become an annoying habit. It will never happen when I'm mindful about it.

Have anyone else in this sub encountered the same problem as me? I think I might disable the option all together, I only use it when I'm too lazy to reach my control groups anyway, and maybe in rare cases with veno/rhasta wards.

submitted by /u/ketupatrendang
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Seeking advice from support players.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:12 AM PST

So, as we all know a good support can make or break a game. I'm looking for tips in general, but first let me go over my general thought process / actions when I support so you know where to start.

Begining items (lane) - I almost always buy courier , 2 wards, 2 sentries, tango, smoke when I play a lane support. I put one ward mid and use the other to scout the tree line next to my safelane to watch for rotations.

Begining items (roaming) if in a roaming support my starting item kind of varies depending on the hero, but generally if I'm anyone but pudge I get a ward, a sentry (to deward if they obviously react to me rotating on them) trusty wind lace, and some form of sustain.

During the Laning phase as a lane support I generally try to harrass the offlaner as hard as I can while they're level 1 if it's a solo. If it's a dual lane, or a hero you can't easily harrass out like a timber with his passive I generally say fuck it and wait for the 0:5x mark to stack a camp. My Laning phase will then usually consist of leaving lane frequently to take bounty runes / stack / pull, and have a to in case shit goes down some other lane.

Roaming during the Laning phase it's usually either I bully the jungler if the enemy has one , or rotate to whatever lane has the highest kill potential at the time , warding on my way in between lanes and what not.

Later in the game my ward decisions are based on if we're winning or losing fights (this is where my motivation to ask for advice came from) . If we're winning fights , obviously I'm dewarding , getting wards up to see TPS / rotations to enemy towers so we can access whether or not we can push it. If not, I go for the "defensive perimeter" I was spots I think will be unlikely to be dewarded while giving us as much access to our map as I can within tp coverage (example being if our t2s are dead I don't ward the area of the jungle near t1s, because if my carry goes out that far to farm we can't rotate to help him with nothing to TP to).

So the issue I'm having is when I'm doing the defensive warding people lately have been getting pissed off saying I'm not supporting well enough, claiming we don't have enough vision. While I agree the majority of the map is dark, the reason is I'm putting coverage on the areas we can actually react to danger in if we see an enemy , or if they smoke on us , etc. So from their perspective we don't have wards out far enough and they die because of it, from my perspective they're being stupid and not understanding we shouldn't be out in areas where the team can't easily rotate if we're struggling because that just makes the engagements even harder.

What would you recommend I do differently / in addition to these things ?

Also I didn't go into specific item builds because of the fact that different heroes go different items, but generally as a support I'd pick up things like force staff, euls, glimmer, hotd (some heroes like wisp, I use the dominated creep as a tether escape when I go to ward / the aura is nice for the team / my tether on heroes ) that general kind of stuff.

submitted by /u/HailCthulhu
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Best lategame build for a dagger sniper?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:42 PM PST

I just had this match and i was confused about what items to get lategame because the dagger + boots only leaves me with 4 slots so i wanted to be efficient

submitted by /u/the_PC_account
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Did everything start to "click" when you were gaining MMR?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:56 PM PST

Sorry for title wording. I'm bad at words.

Anyway, I've been stuck at sub-1k basically my entire DotA career, which, to be fair, is only about a year. I met some guys from the east coast in game, and have been playing party ranked with them almost everyday. At first I was constantly feeding and losing them the game, because they're all around 2.5-3k MMR (the guy who introduced them to me was around my solo MMR but always played party with them).

But now things are beginning to go differently. I usually pick farming cores, like Jug, or late game nightmares like Dusa and LD(yes, I'm a dirty LD player). But instead of constantly feeding, my KDA is rarely negative anymore. I'm paying EXTREMELY careful attention to my CS, trying to get ~50 at 10 min, playing things safer, and communicating well. And we're winning a LOT as a party. One of the guys says his goal is to get me to 1k, and I'm getting close.

My Solo MMR is improving too. I used to find it really hard to do solo queue because I'd lose WAY more than I'd win, and its not motivating at all. But my solo MMR is catching up to my party MMR and I think I'm going to break 1k in both in a month or two.

I'm not sure what it was, but playing with these guys and watching pro games seems to have made something cluck for me, and my winrate has improved tremendously.

I'm even ducking around in unranked because I'm actually confident now. Thinking," I should play Brewmaster for shits and giggles," and having no idea how his ultimate works, and no micro skills, I played a decent game and won. Things are good now, and I hope I keep climbing.

submitted by /u/Xitulis
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Follow-up post about recent 5k+ pub trends

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:27 PM PST

Recently I did a little post about the comparative popularity of various heroes in 5k+ games, and compared them to dotamastery's number of high-level games in the past week. There's an assigning of a numerical value based on the relative popularity vs the 5k+ pick rate: merely designed to show how 'in-favour' some heroes are at the moment.

Now, I'm going to reference the pick rates and numerical values from the last post to show where certain heroes are at. The most popular 3 heroes in 5k+ pubs at the moment are:

  • Pudge - pick rate 44.86%, 706 high-level matches - value ~1573 [previous value 1,465]
  • Rubick - pick rate 30.26%, 952 high-level matches - value ~3,146 [previous value 2,141]
  • Luna - pick rate 29.56%, 437 high-level matches - value ~1,478 [prev. 1,696]

It can probably be inferred from these values that the popularity of Rubick in high-level pub matches has increased substantially, and the popularity of Pudge is stronger than it was previously. I'd imagine that the changes to Luna in 7.02 and the Shadow Demon illusions going up to 300% damage taken probably contributed to her mild decline in popularity in high-level pubs.

Other heroes that have a "popularity" score that are quite high lately are:

  • 111 Abaddon games - 2,237
  • 265 Axe games - 2,156
  • 120 Batrider games - 2,434 [prev. 1,384]
  • 41 Beastmaster games - 1,838
  • 161 Bounty Hunter games - 1,705
  • 39 Brewmaster games - 2,484 [prev. 719]
  • 195 Centaur Warrunner games - 2,271 [prev. 1,378]
  • 52 Chen games - 2,587 [prev. 2,514]
  • 189 Clockwerk games - 2,266 [prev. 1,675]
  • 246 Crystal Maiden games - 2,091
  • 176 Dark Seer games - 1,917 [prev. 2,647]
  • 201 Dazzle games - 2,883 [prev. 1,299]
  • 301 Disruptor games - 2,091 [prev 1,931]
  • 139 Doom games - 3,850
  • 471 Earth Spirit games - 3,581
  • 185 Earthshaker games - 2,377 [prev. 1877]
  • 553 Ember Spirit games - 2,097
  • 154 Enigma games - 2,464
  • 37 Gyrocopter games - 1,554 [prev. 500]
  • 433 Invoker games - 2,178
  • 131 Io games - 3,393
  • 144 Jakiro games - 1,764 [prev 1,316]
  • 442 Juggernaut - 1,972
  • 145 Keeper of the Light - 2,690
  • 241 Legion Commander games - 1,814
  • 150 Leshrac games - 3,260
  • 276 Lifestealer games - 2,294
  • 524 Lone Druid games - 3,228
  • 73 Lycan games - 2,896
  • 252 Magnus games - 2,532
  • 148 Meepo games - 2,024
  • 39 Naga Siren games - 2,154
  • 271 Nyx Assassin games - 2,356
  • 247 Outworld Devourer games - 2,916
  • 37 Phantom Lancer games - 1,878
  • 209 Queen of Pain games - 1,704
  • 248 Sand King games - 2,137
  • 413 Shadow Demon games - 1,860
  • 622 Shadow Fiend games - 2,446
  • 222 Silencer games - 1,918
  • 765 Slardar games - 2,834
  • 483 Slark games - 1,800
  • 226 Templar Assassin games - 2,716
  • 164 Terrorblade games - 3,203
  • 251 Timbersaw games - 2,548
  • 192 Tinker games - 1,520
  • 89 Tiny games - 2,004
  • 80 Troll Warlord games - 1,909
  • 149 Tusk games - 4,162
  • 140 Ursa games - 1,830
  • 243 Vengeful Spirit games - 2,217
  • 533 Weaver games - 1,956
  • 129 Windranger games - 2,681

Surprisingly Riki has remained very low in popularity by comparison to Bounty Hunter who has been quite frequently picked lately.

I've noticed a lot of support Windranger in high-level games lately, maxing Shackleshot, Powershot and Windrun in that priority. Windranger has been off the map for a while, and it's been a really big turnaround [and a pleasant one at that] to see this hero getting a lot of traction as a support. I suspect it has a bit to do with her talent tree rework: the removal of the +15 damage and the inclusion of the +25% Windrun slow kind of pushes Windranger more towards a roaming support role in my view, but hey, I'm just a pleb-tier DotA player, so grain of salt.

Tusk has exploded in popularity lately, with 149 games, a few picks in pro games lately. It's really good to see this hero functioning as a roamer/initiator.

Abaddon, Axe, Beastmaster, Batrider, Invoker, Jakiro, Juggernaut, Legion Commander, Phantom Lancer, Queen of Pain, Silencer, Slark and Ursa have all been picked at fairly strong rates relative to the typical 5k+ picks, without being out of control in terms of popularity.

Slardar at the moment is in everything: I haven't seen this many games with Slardar in them for quite some time. He's frequently being run with both Blink and Shadow Blade, pairs very well with Lifestealer who's moderately popular still lately, and is a boon to teams looking to polish off Roshan quickly.

Relative to his recent pick rate, Brewmaster seems to be very popular at the moment. I've seen a lot more Brewmaster being played, in a variety of roles: mid, off-lane, sometimes even a roamer.

Similar to Tusk, there's been a massive swing in popularity for Doom: he was nowhere to be seen a few weeks ago, and suddenly he's in a lot of games.

Strong as ever, Earth Spirit has been really popular, Centaur Warrunner, Clockwerk, there's been a lot of Dazzle [probably as part of armor strat games alongside Slardar or Sven], lots of Chen still [he was very popular relative to his 5k+ pick rate in top-level DotA pubs lately], Earthshaker and Enigma are quite popular, Leshrac also.

Lycan has seen a lot of high-level play lately, 73 games is up quite a lot on last time. Fair bit of Naga Siren being played considering how generally unpopular she is, Magnus and Nyx Assassin are strongly popular at the moment, and Outworld Devourer seems to be gathering more momentum recently too. I suspect we might see a bit more Sniper in the next couple of weeks as a result of that.

Similarly, Templar Assassin is really prominent at the moment also, Meld's armor reduction and the Slardar/Dazzle picks probably contribute to that also. The Shadow Demon train keeps rolling despite the 300% damage taken for illusions, Shadow Fiend is as strong in popularity as it has been since 7.00 began imo.

Terrorblade is popping up all over the place right now, and we're seeing a fairly strong showing of Tinker as a result also. Tiny hasn't been very popular lately, but in the last week or so he's picked up a bit of game time, and Timbersaw is more popular than he was last time I glanced at the pick rates.

You can't turn around twice without seeing Weaver these days, which I like since he's not been popular prior to 7.00, and I did post a little while ago about how the stats changes generally to most heroes would probably make Weaver stronger by comparison. The Swarm is awesome too: the earlier in the game that it's maxed, the better it is imo. Minus armor again I guess is the flavour of the month.

That's all I really had in terms of observations about the meta. I've been thinking about doing general write-ups on the kinds of skill builds and itemisations of heroes that become more popular in recent times.

So hopefully there'll be some little posts coming up about what certain heroes are doing, and perhaps some discussion on theories as to why they pick certain skill builds items vs particular lineups. Idk, maybe it's a means of learning more about the game [which I clearly need to do].

submitted by /u/AndyKlymacks
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Why does it take 5 thousand hours to get good at this game?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 12:22 PM PST

Is it because I suck at getting good? It it because the game is really hard? Is it because my team mates suck? Is it because everyone I'm playing with and against is actually pretty good already?

It kinda frustrates me how hard this game is. I'm 4.9k and have 2000 hours but I feel like I suck compared to everyone. I want to play for fun AND to win but I don't know how to do both let alone either of those things.

I just wanna improve but I don't know how.

Has anyone ever felt like their in this situation?

submitted by /u/CrimzonGryphon
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How to tell teammates to disengage from a fight?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 10:16 PM PST

The easiest why is definately using chatwheel "back" &"careful" but in reality this is just so hard because nobody is listening. I have a few recent game experience where both side has little difference in towers, exp, and gold. However, the turning points happens when bad fights happenes, for example one teammate get caught in our jungle and we just tp chain feed them; such as we should not chase an low hp enemy too far but my team is too greedy to stop ; or we fight near enemy the shrine without vision; or our carries just tped and our blink tide/axe jumped in etc. That single fight in min20~30 would have a 3k~5k gold difference. I would say most of the game are lost in one or two teamfights where I can disengage by myself but I cannot defend the highground without team, and therefore we lose more objectives, visions and therefore the game.

Should I say something about that? Should I nicely tell my team not to do it again(but they may not understand why we lose that fight)? Should I explain to them in detail why that fight is bad? Should I buy wards when those fight starts and ward them no matter I am a carry or support? Or should I disengaged myself without hesitation even if I could possibly cover my teammates?

I am super confused we could lose like that even if I had perfect farm as a carry, perfect blink time as an offlane or other roles.

submitted by /u/ICEunicorn
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Tinker question

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:53 AM PST

I've been trying to learn tinker for a while, watching pro replays and ybicanoooobov twitch stream, mostly failing because of lack of mechanical skills (getting to old for this)

The question is can how can ybicanoooobov in , at 1:43:00 when he chases Mirana he finishes her with laser of although she is outside of view. Is that a script, shift-queue, black magic or what?

I am mostly happy when i pull a rocket-laser-dagon combo :)

submitted by /u/vzmaj
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Help with offlane

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:30 AM PST

Hi, I used to play dark deer a lot. Now that valve made ion shell 100 mana I felt that it is not the same anymore. I would like some help with offlane in general(not saying hat I'm good) and help with playing centur warunner, clockwork or timber. Thanks

submitted by /u/Coologuyt
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Does playing a few solo unranked AP in between caliberation games, affect the final solo MMR you get?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:40 PM PST

If anyone knows, please answer. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/PM_ME_YR_PUFFYNIPS
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