Civilization - [Civ V] The most satisfying thing about being at war

[Civ V] The most satisfying thing about being at war

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:31 PM PST

When you are buying a candy bar for $5 but you only got $4.99

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 10:25 PM PST

UPDATED: Civ VI's Cities & Wonders, Mapped (now includes Poland, see comments for Civ V and Civ IV versions)

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 11:18 AM PST

Why is Civ VIs Steam rating at "mixed"?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 07:15 AM PST

What's wrong with the game? Should I just keep playing V until VI is better?

submitted by /u/klomzi
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Civ II Leonardo's Workshop, most OP wonder ever?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:45 PM PST

For those that never played, it provided free automatic upgrades to every unit, and didn't become obsolete until I think electricity? Maybe refrigeration?

So all your warriors, phalanx, archers etc. would automatically turn into musketmen and riflemen as you researched the appropriate tech, no matter how many you had, with zero cost after building the wonder.

I can't think of a single other one that is quite so ridiculous (and a lot of the civ2 ones are pretty powerful). Anyone else have nominations for wonders more overpowered than Leonardo's Workshop?

submitted by /u/abiteveryday
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Civ 5 Morocco

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 12:32 PM PST

I am playing as Morocco. Have a desert start, with lots of gold by moving for 2 turns, at the coast, I was able to get The Great Barrier reef wonder, both tiles of it. Now I am to select a pantheon. How would you go? Desert Folklore, or One with Nature? Desert Folklore will provide me much more in the long run, but for the short term, One With Nature will give me more bang for my buck. And one more odd thing about this... one of my tile for the GBR has fish on it. Never had that happen before. Will I be able to get a fishing boat there? here's a pic

submitted by /u/StrategicZombies
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Is there any talk of a new patch with AI fixes etc? Just wondering, haven't really heard anything since the 'Winter Update?'

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:36 PM PST

Civ 6 - Spain pt 3

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:35 PM PST

Newish civ 5 player, how do I keep the game manageable later on?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:58 AM PST

I know my title doesn't make much sense, but let me try to explain.

I've been playing civ 5 for a little bit now, and I at least understand the game mechanics behind growth, production, win conditions, etc. I generally have a good idea of what i'm TRYING to do in the game.

As I started playing, I was very focused on the first 100 turns or so, figuring out what to build in what order, how to get cities up and going, making sure my citizens were doing what I wanted, etc.

The struggle now though, is, once the game starts to really pick up, it just seems like so much is happening every turn, that I am unable to maintain the control I had earlier in the game.

For instance, when researching techs in the mid game, it just seems like I'm clicking to fill in all the things I didn't rush for early game. I don't have a coherent plan for WHY I am getting a certain tech or building a certain building/wonder. It just showed up, and it seems like it would be very helpful, so why not.

Part of this is I think I struggle as something of a "completionist". I feel like my capital should have every building, I need to research every tech, etc. But I'm wondering to what extent I need to start giving up some things and focus only on the win condition I'm interested in.

I'm not even sure how to ask what I'm really asking about, but the game just seems super overwhelming once I have multiple cities/units up, and I am looking to improve how I handle that part of the game!

submitted by /u/SvenTheTon78
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Late-Game Production

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 12:30 PM PST

So. Just picked up this game. I've played a lot of Civ V, but still figuring out 6. Trying to win a science victory, yet I'm finding that I'm already researching Future Tech while still building up the first step of the victory. I think my production isn't where it's supposed to be, so I'll ask. When going for Science, where is the production of the city with your Spaceport? Do you have multiple Spaceports running simultaneously? Guys, how do I space?

I'm pretty sure I'm still gonna win this, it's on Prince and people are still pretty far behind, but 100+ turns of future tech while I'm slowly, slowly building something in my 58.9 production city tells me I'm doing something very wrong.

submitted by /u/ObsidianOrange
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Does the AI+ mod (or the other patches since the launch) fix the AI?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:34 PM PST

Hello everyone,

I tried playing CIV 6 a few months ago but it was like wading through a swamp of stupidity. I know the AI in CIV 5 isn't a genius but at least they could put 2 and 2 together.

The question is: Is the game playable yet with mods/patches and all that? Is it still bad compared to the CIV 5 AI? If it is, how bad are we talking about? I don't mind the occasional irrationality but there has to be some kind of a framework to hang my hat on.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Weddingmania
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Civ 6 What is your build order for the first 50 turns in your capitol city?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:16 AM PST

What are your favorite soundtracks/themes from the Civilization series?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 12:46 PM PST

For me it's the Polynesia war theme from Civ 5.

submitted by /u/chemistry_jokes47
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Mod to weaken embarked units (Civ 6)

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:18 PM PST

I seem to remember seeing a mod which makes embarked units vulnerable, as in civ 5. However I can't find it for the life in me. Anyone know of a mod which does this? Or alternatively a way to change it myself, as playing the naval game simply sucks right now.

submitted by /u/Ze_Ubermeister
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Tips for a new CIV V player?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:42 PM PST

Civ VI was the first game that i played in the series, but my friend insisted we play V. I'm about to jump straight into multiplayer with him without a game in Civ V, although with a lot of experience in VI. What are some tips or crucial differences from VI that I should be wary of?

submitted by /u/Trumpislife
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Accidental Culture Victory?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 07:20 PM PST

So I decided to play a Germany game in Civilization V on Emperor difficulty, and was absolutely crushing the AI. Although I hadn't planned out a victory from the beginning, I had decided late game that I was so ahead on tech that it only made sense to go for a domination victory. Long before this moment, however, Pacal the wonder god was heading for a cultural victory and a knew I had to stop him. I began building up my own culture and by the time I had decided it was time to go for a domination victory I had a culture that could rival his. My first target was Denmark, which was a tough war just based on the sheer size of his army, although I was far ahead on tech. I won, and in my brief period of weakness Pacal declared war. Once again, I was very ahead on tech, but I knew I had to do something drastic because my now diminished army was much smaller than his. I nuked Palenque at least 4 times and took the city, and peaced out shortly after. Having taken out the 2 largest powers in the game, I went to make my move on the last 5 capitals. I was 2 capitals from a domination victory and all of a sudden, a culture victory!

While I may have made that story longer than it needed to be, the point is I was a little annoyed I didn't get the victory I wanted. How can I prevent something like this from happening in the future, especially on the higher difficulties? (I'm going to move up to immortal soon)

submitted by /u/MarkoTheRussian
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Ideas for a potential World Congress expansion

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 11:47 AM PST

World Congress:

  • Civs vote on Acts (active diplomatic projects) and Regulations (passive modifiers) to put into effect every session.

  • Acts last until the next session, and provide extra Influence towards Envoys when completed.

  • Envoys can now be used to cast votes during sessions, or to invest in City-State alliances.

  • City-state allies provide extra votes based on Envoys invested (not necessarily if you're allied).

  • Allied city-states provide extra votes.

  • You can pay other civs to vote for certain things.

  • Acts can only be voted on when their conditions are met:

    • Humanitarian Funding allows you to turn Gold into Influence, but requires there be a civ or city-state with lots of damaged infrastructure (pillaged districts and improvements are auto-repaired at the end if enough gold is invested).
    • International Mission requires at least 5 foreign cities follow your state religion; religious pressure is increased from your civ, and converting more cities in those civs gives extra influence.
    • Peacekeeping requires an ongoing global conflict, and causes all civs to be invovled in the war (defeating units on one or both sides increases influence).
    • Combating Terrorism doesn't have requirements; during the Act, killing barbarians increases influence.
    • Global Research requires everyone to not have a specific technology; civs who research the technology get a large influence boost, and the Eureka is boosted for all civs at the end.
    • World Fair also doesn't have requirements; a City project opens up and production can be invested for extra influence, culture, and tourism.
    • Space Station doesn't have requirements; a City project opens up and production can be invested for extra influence, science, and production towards later Space Race projects.
    • Olympic Games doesn't have requirements; a City project opens up and production can be invested for extra influence and amenities; the most production gets a huge tourism boost.
    • World Capitol requires someone to have (arbitrary number) of Envoys at one session; that person gets to start a project that when completed causes a Diplomatic Victory; cities on their cultural borders have a chance of being auto-annexed while the project is underway (unless it is a capital), but no new military units may be produced by that civ.
    • Etc.
  • Regulations can be voted on anytime, or overturned.

    • Nuclear proliferation prevents nuclear warhead projects (but they can be built by domestic spy missions).
    • World Ideology grants an extra Wildcard slot and extra influence per turn to the goverment type deemed the "World Ideology."
    • Standing Army Tax increases the maintenance of units by 1.
    • Art Funding increases Great Person Points of the cultural type. Decreases other Great Person generation.
    • Sciences Funding increases Great Person Points of the scientific type (Scientists, Engineers, and Merchants). Decreases other Great Person generation.
    • World Heritage Committee increases the theming bonuses of cultural buildings, but also increases the maintenance of cultural buildings by 1.
    • Etc.


  • Embassies are now actual buildings that are automatically built in a city when established. They give extra yields based on the foreign civ's capital's highest yield, but also provide diplomatic visibility for the other civ.

  • Embassies can be established in the city of choice of the other civ.

  • Embassies increase foreign spies' effectiveness, but also increase domestic counterspying effectiveness.


  • Spies in domestic territory can build nuclear bombs.

  • Spies can perform "Infiltrate Military Complex" in Encampment districts, providing visibility on adjacent tiles.

  • Spies can perform "Assassinate Target" in foreign cities, resetting Great Person generation of a specific type.

EDIT: Fixed some formatting oopsies

submitted by /u/JusTuna
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Is it possible to mod Francia/Al-Andalus/Byzantium from the Vikings Scenario into playable civs?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:44 AM PST

I really like the non-playable civs in the Viking Scenario which I am a big fan of. And I've been wondering if it's possible to mod some of them into playable civs. Namely Francia.

So Francia has a unique unit in the scenario, a Caballari (hope i spelled that right) that is basically a cavalry unit that doesn't suffer penalties for being wounded. If they were like a real playable civ, they would most likely have that as a unique unit, and a unique tile improvement, the monastery, which gives faith.

They'd be really interesting to play, since their unique unit is basically a mounted Samurai and is really damn strong, and they have a tile improvement that gives heaps of faith. They'd be one of those 'make a religion and crap of civs of other religions' civs.

P.S. Why aren't Huscarls in the normal game?! They'd make the perfect basic infantry unit for the Medieval era! Instead of it being 'Swordsman (Infantry) --> Pikeman (Non Infantry) --> Musketman (Infantry)' it would be like 'Swordsman (Infantry) --> Huscarl (Infantry) --> Musketman (Infantry)

submitted by /u/Blazing-Glory
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The original soundtrack from Civilization 1

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:50 PM PST

Civ VI crash on startup problem

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:35 PM PST

Having a weird problem where Civ VI crashes on startup. It happens right when the game launches, before any opening credits/cutscenes begin. I have disabled windows defender and it still crashes, and each time I get a window that pops up and says "A crash has been detected and a report has been generated. This report contains information from the time of the crash and will help developers fix the issue. Would you like to submit this report?"

Anyone else had this problem and know a possible fix?

EDIT: I have also tried verifying integrity of game cache, as well as uninstalling and reinstalling the game.

submitted by /u/iralos
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Just bought Civ 5 Complete Edition and loving it. Just have a few questions.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:36 AM PST

How do you win? How do you take down cities? What does razing and annexing an city mean? What does accepting an embassy mean? What difficulty should I be playing on? (Currently playing on settler lol) What is production? What is happiness? What is faith? And finally... Why do I get a chill down my spine every time I see Gandhi?

submitted by /u/Swaycuisway
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Civ 5 Turn times

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:18 PM PST

I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but all of a sudden my turn times in Civ 5 have gone from fine to too damn slow. Not playing with any new mods, but have traced it to by the time I get to building factories and meeting the remainder civs (playing an earth map). Seems to drag on once I meet the other half of the world. India for instance, is down to one city and his turn takes almost 2 minutes. Wondering if anyone has suggestions or have fixed this. PC is an intel i5 2.8ghz with 16 gb of ram. I've tried removing and reinstalling the game, but that didn't help. Thanks all.

submitted by /u/derpjutsu
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