True Dota 2 - centaur return aura?

centaur return aura?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:29 AM PST

one of centaur's lvl 25 talents is gaining return aura, however, from lvl 1 return already says it's an aura, am I missing something?

submitted by /u/dafreshprints
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How to play brewmaster in 7.0X?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:06 AM PST

Hey all, I have been eying up brewmaster for a while and I love the change to his W so I figured I would start learning him. What lanes/builds should I try? What bind setups do you use and what is your frame of mind for ulting and during ult?

submitted by /u/Hobo124
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Anti Mage Quest

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:52 AM PST

Hey all,

I am a pretty mediocre player who is trying to complete the Anti Mage battle pass quest. Most games completing the quest with AM is easy, the hard part is winning the game. I have a long history with AM, many patches ago I picked him up and tried to learn him, but I found that in my pub bracket players didn't play cooperatively enough to give me sufficient space to farm in a lot of games. Therefore, despite my efforts, I am 5-15 with Anti Mage. I know he is a good hero, especially against certain lineups, but I've been having a hard time.

I know that I could always play better myself, and not just blame my losses on the fact that I have no support in lane so I keep getting harassed. So, what can I do to switch things up and win this one game? I usually go safe lane of course and rush battlefury. One I have that, I can farm really quickly and maintain a good gpm, but I find that my team has already lost most towers by 15-20 minutes and they ping me as if I am farmed enough to even help in the fights. I've tried this quest 4 times now, only two of which I was even able to get more items than treads+ battlefury. I think pub lineups just have a really hard time playing 4v5 for the first 30 minutes.

Usually I after battlefury I go to manta and start split pushing, then make bkb. If the enemy team doesn't have mkb I build butterfly and then abyssal. I have only gotten this farmed one time and we lost to a 6 slotted PL and a pudge.

What can I do differently to win just one game? Please help

submitted by /u/Fliibo-97
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Why isn't safelane core Kunnka a thing?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:01 PM PST

The Admiral has good starting values (+600 hp, 4 armor), an amazing skillset, is naturally tanky due to high str growth (3) and Rum (and, sometimes, armlet), he can farm decently fast with tidebringer at no manacost, has both midgame and lategame item choices (armlet, shadow blade, blink, drums for the former and bkb, rapiers, your choice of crit, maybe even slap a heart or abyssal), and is arguably strong at all stages of the game.

I feel like he'd have an edge versus agressive dual lanes where less tanky carries would suffer. Sure, he does have a high skill floor and medium-high skill ceiling, but that has never stopped both pubber and pro when Meepo, Invoker, Lone Sruid, Storm and other nightmares were strong in different patches.

So, why the reluctance? Why isn't he put, some times, in the safelane? Is there something I am missing, something I've gotten wrong or have simply people not gotten around to try it?

submitted by /u/detrebio
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How do I play Underlord and does anyone have any reliable sources for in depth guides?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:25 AM PST

I have recently had huge success in my solo games (2.8k) with Underlord. I have been following the standard mek build into utility and team fight items (pipe, ac, crimson guard, etc.) What are the advantages and such of this build? Obviously he can't go late but I find that I just need to stand around in fights and use my abilites, use my items and we win. It seems so simple but are there other small things that can help me play him better?

submitted by /u/-DrEaMz
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A question about the gameplay between a 2k and a 6k player.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 05:50 AM PST

when a 6k player plays a ranked 6k avg MMR game, does he enjoy it? Because he needs to focus and concentrate a lot ( remembering spells' cd, needs to have right itemization, have to stun/silence/euls the right target etc..).

As a 2k player, even when I play ranked I enjoy the game because I don't put much effort into winning the game. Sometimes I mark the Roshan timing and do item making decision without thinking much. Of course I'd like to win but I don't try hard because I don't believe I can go to 4k+ MMR, so I decided to have fun with the game.

I just want to know higher MMR players enjoy the game or they play the game like they have a job to do which is climbing MMR.

submitted by /u/str_d2
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When is Centaur a good pick?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 10:33 PM PST

I've had some super high impact and super low impact games with him. The changes to double edge make midgame farming better, and his magic resist talent makes Hood not always necessary (more situational than previously). I played him vs a Drow strat and I absolutely demolished them just by standing around with blade mail and using ulti to run over them (not even bothering with blink), but as equally stompy as that game was, I had a flaccid impact game where I couldn't farm as well and was getting trashed by the likes of Lifestealer and shadow fiend. Because I didn't get that blink either in that game I couldn't do much to help initiate fights, just hoping that I could bait/tank and we could counter initiate but we still lost.

That said, he has the inklings of a low-key busted hero with the right lineups and I want to spam him since I main offlane heroes. What lineups should I pick him into?

submitted by /u/polovstiandances
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How Dominator fit the current meta and in which heroes does it shine?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:29 PM PST

Hi, im just curious which heroes benefits heavily with the current dominator?

i personally think its situasionally very good on AM since it doesnt really hold his BF and gave him early presence. I too find it working on Void, is there any other heroes who benefits from this?

Also, give me your honest opinion on Dominator build for AM and Void. Thanks.

submitted by /u/Adrenyx
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Can we talk about Monkey King?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 08:50 AM PST

I just want to start a discussion about the hero, what's the best build right now, where do you lane him and is he OP as the /r/dota2 playerbase seems to think?

I usually go Safelane in the few games I've tried and gone Aquila, Phase, Echo -> Deso and then situational items but I feel that build is lackluster. I've seen him played as a roamer well and is that build better?

submitted by /u/DarthyTMC
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Item builds for QoP?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:48 PM PST

I'm new to qop, the hero seems really complex and that's fun to me. Im very confused is about the item build since it seems you can take so many roads, and even a little the talent build.

QoP players or people familiar with the builds on the hero, tell me what builds you like for what situations.

*My goal is to be useful in the lategame because that's how i've been winning pubs. *

Here's what i have learned so far, tell me if im wrong:

Whenever i try to go for Octarine it feels like a waste of gold, i've only made blademail once with the 25 talent which was fun, going for euls AND orchid slows the other items too much, going for Shivas means i have no right click power, so far i've liked the most Treads > Magic Stick > Orchid > maelstrom, and then i can get bkb if needed or something else and help carry

edit: after playing this match i realize that qop is not in the same level as shadowfiend or templar assassin to scale into the lategame, so im afraid it's not so much the build as it is the hero (and yes i know, last pick was supposed to be a carry but he switched to timber, but im sure that with SF or TA i could have carried, also the empty slot had a cuirass which i sold for a rapier)

submitted by /u/the_PC_account
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How to play with unresponsive teammates?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:34 PM PST

I feel more and more like to play ember and slark recently, mainly because of the unpredictability of my teammates. In 50% of the game, my team just super quiet, no tp rotation, or split push, need wards, back or any communication at all. It's just heartbreaking to play a support, or a carry who needs some supports.

How should I do with those games? Usually I have really low winrate with quite teammates. I don't need them to talk all the time, but at least sometime. Sometimes I don't even know if I am playing with a real human or bot.

submitted by /u/ICEunicorn
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Naga Siren

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:44 PM PST

Hey guys, haven't seen naga being talked much after 7.00. What are your opnions on it?

submitted by /u/guicoelho
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